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Lesson 1 from: Small Business Finance Basics: QuickBooks & Beyond

Ken Boyd

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1. Day 1 Pre-Show

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Day 1 Pre-Show

Good morning Internet and welcome to small business finance basics, QuickBooks and Beyond with Ken Boyd right here on creative life. This is Chris Jenning, and this is Evelyn Danford, also known as E V. That's right. And we'll be your hosts for the next three days. We have, Ah, quite a bit toe learn here. I've gotta admit, I mean, I know that this course in particular is extremely useful for both business owners and freelancers. I need myself. I'm a freelancer, and I know what it's like to not have your finances in order. So I have a lot to learn from you can over the next few days. Yeah, that's an important course for everyone. We all want to be in charge of our finances and be well organized. No matter what you're doing in your creative life, no matter what kind of small business you have. So I think everyone's gonna learn a lot from they are. They are and myself. I'd consider myself a novice. You know, I think that as freelancers, you have to, like, learn about this stuff. We all ki...

nd of have a general idea. I have used QuickBooks a bit, but by no means am I an expert. There's a lot of room for improvement for me and probably for a lot of you out there as well. Well, it's great that we're here, and that's why we're all here when we love getting to know you guys online. But we especially love getting to know you right here. Live. So we'd love to have you here. Now we do have some students right here in our studio audience today, and we love to introduce them. But before we dio, we just wanted to talk about a couple things going on right here at CREATIVELIVE recently. We have a lot of exciting things happening and some changes you might have noticed in the studio was looking really nice day. Some beautiful changes and has been coming along. A lot of work has been going into this. There has been a lot of work going into the studio and somebody who's been doing a particular amount of work on the studio is our set designer, Melissa, and we actually are gonna bring her on tomorrow morning, so don't forget to sign in a little early. And don't miss the interview. We have with Melissa. She's gonna talk about all of the work she did in this studio. You might have noticed some changes, and we also have a video to share with everybody. That's pretty exciting. So don't forget to join us tomorrow morning as well. Additionally, another exciting thing that we have going on as we were nominated as best educational Start up for the crunchies. Yes, If you are not familiar with the crunchies, this is a tremendous honor. This is awards that are sponsored by TechCrunch, the very influential tech blogger. If you're not familiar with them, you should be a lot of fantastic stories that have on there about the start up world in the tech industry. So it's a tremendous honor for us to be nominated as the best start up there. And if you are a fan of creative live, if you are tuning in and if you've been a fan, the best thing you can do to help us out to log on and vote so we'll put the girl up there for you guys, go show your love for creative live and help us win this award. If you'd like to show us that support. We'd love to take it. You can vote with the girl that's on your screen right now on TechCrunch like he said it. This is a great, great honor. And it's an annual award that they do the crunchies, so we're happy to be a part of. It is very excited about that. Go check that out. If you are a fan of creative life, please dio No. I think that would be about time for us to introduce the students that we have with us today. Um, so why don't we go ahead and get started? Yeah, we'll start right here. Go ahead. Tell everybody who you are where you're from a little bit about what you've been doing with your small business or your experiences with QuickBooks. And what you want to get out of the scores. Well, hi, I'm Candice. Steady. I'm from Huntington Beach, and I own a organic skin care company there. I use QuickBooks to track inventory, a swell of my finances and personal finances, and I have a couple of challenges that I'd like to talk to. Kind of out with thinking and as well as inventory assemblies. Um um, looking forward to the course. Terrific. Thank you. Thank you. Hi. My name is Josh from born and raised in San Francisco. And I've been using QuickBooks to do my personal finances and hope to see how it might help, uh, doing rental property management and that that's what you dio? Yes, Yes. Have you had any struggles with that and combining the two? I haven't. I haven't tried toe incorporated into the to the main business. Perfect. We're glad to hear Hi. I am Jackie O. I run to online businesses as well as doing consulting. Um, and I don't have that much experience with QuickBooks. Surprisingly, I do a lot with excel, and I do a lot of likes and the other people toe handle like my finances and like photographing my receipts and just sending them off. And, like, magically, they get input it into various quickbooks documents. But as I grow and mature as a business owner, I realized that that's a quick way to go broke because you need to really understand your finances in your numbers. And so that's one here. Oh, thank you for being here. Hi, I'm Christine. She grew and I'm a freelance film and video producer. And like Jackie, I don't have a lot of experience with QuickBooks but wanted to get into using it and agree that it's quite useful. And, uh, I'm also looking to start a small production company with a group, so I would probably be handling the finances for that as well. Definitely, definitely. And especially when you're starting any kind of ideas of starting up a new business, that's when least for myself. That's when you really want to get everything in order and really know the basics so that you can move forward in a smart way. Yeah, and I think if I have the basics and a good process, I'll stick with it. Hi, I'm Renee. I'm from Sacramento. My husband and I are starting up photography business, paparazzi photography, and I'm going to be the one monitoring all the finances. And I have questions about equipment we have. Is that something that can be inputted into QuickBooks For all the bookkeeping? Um, requirements were taxes. And what have you? Great. Great. Well, I'm excited to hear from this morning and then at the end of day three, where each of you get and really the growth that you'll have just in the next three days, I I'm pretty confident that it will be expansive growth. All right, In a couple of minutes, here we are gonna get started. But before we do, Jackie, why don't you come up and join us and we'll get a little bit more in depth into your business. So, Jackie, you mentioned that you own on on a couple online businesses. Can you tell us a little more about what exactly they are and what you dio Okay, So the one I really want to talk about is my online batik and textile business, which works and fabric and all different kinds of fabric from all over the world and actually the traditional tradition. So is in people actually using wax and hand doin patterns and design on fabric. Great. And so is that what batik is? But it's combining fabric and wax and yes, and dies down. And what is your current set up right now? Are you using QuickBooks to keep track of your finances? Cardinal music. So Okay, so I put a lot of things in Excel, and I also have, like, an account that I work with who helps me like each month reconcile things. But that's more like I have somebody else do that. And I do want to get more control and understanding of what actually is happening. Sure, sure, And these two businesses are they? Are they their own entities or they kind of under the same umbrella, know their their own entities. And I am very good about keeping all those different assets separate and keeping my personal finances separate. But I need to understand each individually and collectively. Sure, sure. Have you experienced any challenges thus far that have really tripped you up that you're hoping can might be able to help you with Here in this course, I think the challenge is just managing and all. Like I do run a couple businesses do do consulting. I do want to manage my own personal finances. I do want to see how they all fit into, some long for a long term strategy, and right now I don't necessarily have an overall picture about where all that's going. Is there things any develop where my strengths, where my weaknesses and without that I'm not really empowered to make the type of decisions we need to make. Absolutely, absolutely well, I mean, a lot of that also is time management. Yes, when you master something, especially the finances, your business, it takes a lot less energy that you can put towards the other parts of the business. Absolutely great. Well, thank you for coming up here and sharing with us. It's really great. Teoh, get to know when we'd like to get to know all of our students like this and really know what you're doing. So that so that can our instructor can really help you with the challenges you have looking for. Appreciate that. You're now we're just about ready to get started and I'm gonna introduce our instructor. Ken Boyd is a former C P. A. With over 29 years experience in accounting, education and financial services. He is the owner of ST Louis Test prep and author of Cost Accounting for Dummies, as well as co author of Accounting All in One for Dummies, both of which are available on Amazon Right now. He's also a small business owner himself who professionally consults other small business owners, providing them feedback and guidance so that they can reach their goals. Addition to that, he is just a wealth of knowledge when it comes to this field in this topic. And we're very, very excited to have him on the show. So I'm gonna go ahead and introduce Can one up here? Have you? Have you? I know you have a lot to cover someone to let you take it away. Okay, Great.

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