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Day 1 Wrap Up

Lesson 11 from: Small Business Finance Basics: QuickBooks & Beyond

Ken Boyd

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11. Day 1 Wrap Up

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Day 1 Wrap Up

looking like we're at that time of the day. We're sadly we do have to take a little rest. But the good news is we will be back tomorrow and we're gonna talk a little bit about what will be getting into tomorrow. But we do want to thank everybody out there online, everybody joining us from all over the world. We love your interaction and participation with us and just that you're signing in for the course. So thank you all for being there, being here with us throughout the day. And we hope to see you back tomorrow. And thank you for our studio audience as well. All of your interaction and contributions are very appreciated here. A creative life. We also want to give a big thank you to our instructor can. Thank you so much. Now, we definitely ran the gamut in terms of financial information. If we're just starting out today and we have more to get get into tomorrow, do you want to talk a little bit about what we're gonna be doing tomorrow? I know we'll be forming your business and going i...

nto that kind of stuff. You bet. So we're gonna do a segment on forming your business and sort of our thought there are take away to think about today would be How would you structure your business if you brought on a partner? That's the who got what? Who gets what conversation. So we're gonna have a conversation about sole proprietors and partnerships and corporations and how they differ. Separating your personal and business transactions will cover that and one more just quickly. Mawr on transactions and QuickBooks again is kind of recovering that ground to get Everybody come. All right. Sounds good. We do have some quotes from the chat room that I do want to share before you wrap up today. Full moon says it has been a very timely class for me. Our business has grown quickly, and now we have to formalize our accounting. The guava project. We heard it from throughout the day said Oh, my gosh, this is making me appreciate accountants Mawr and Mawr. I definitely will be hiring one now. With that, we will see everybody back here tomorrow morning. Same time, same place. Thank you for joining us today and we'll see you tomorrow.

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