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Day 2 Wrap-Up

Lesson 24 from: Small Business Finance Basics: QuickBooks & Beyond

Ken Boyd

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24. Day 2 Wrap-Up

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Day 2 Wrap-Up

we actually had a question come in. And we were normally handle this at the end of the day. But I think that everybody out there is anticipating tomorrow as well. And we actually had a question Come in, asking what we're gonna go over for each segment tomorrow. Could we talk about that? Most of it. Segment nine is income expenses and generating a profit where I go into some detail on several questions that are on the bonus material. In fact, several formulas I should say break even formula, Andi, including your income goal in a formula to figure out how you can reach your income level. So that Segment nine Segment 10 is my cash flow. Where I go into more detail on what I just did on the board optimizing cash flow a Segment 10. The report you can get out of QuickBooks. I'm gonna cover some of that in segment 11 transactions using reports and finally, Segment 12. If you look at the a title of any accounting book, it usually has the word decision or decision making in it because the goal ...

of a white you why am I here? That's very existentialism. Why am I here? Because this is all designed to help you guys make better decisions. That's all this is here for. And this was about decision making. I'm going to give you four decision tools in the final segment tomorrow to make better business decisions, and I'm gonna be able to throw in some other stuff that I didn't plan on ratio tool. So that's tomorrow here in the studio. Looks like everybody solid. I think it is about that time for us to wrap up for the day and thank you for going over what we have coming up tomorrow. We also wanted to share with you some of the comments that we had coming in. This was a little bit earlier in the segment, but we didn't want to leave you hanging. Somebody actually did go into the chat room and answer a question that you had about the cartoon Twister. Daughter four said it was fractured fairy tales with Peabody and Sherman, and it was the way back episodes where Peabody's improbable history. So there you got your sweet, Dee said. Please tell Ken that I am not weary of the journal entries. I'm loving them and my accountant is going to love me this year when I give him a, um, QuickBooks file instead of my usual shoebox full of papers. Thank you can. And creative life. We'll be back here at the same time. 9 a.m. Pacific tomorrow morning. Hope to see everyone there.

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Ken Boyd Keynote.pdf