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CC: How to Add Photography Into Your Marketing Mix

Lesson 1 from: Social Media Bootcamp

CC Chapman, Kim Garst, Ariel Hyatt, Amber Naslund

CC: How to Add Photography Into Your Marketing Mix

Lesson 1 from: Social Media Bootcamp

CC Chapman, Kim Garst, Ariel Hyatt, Amber Naslund

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1. CC: How to Add Photography Into Your Marketing Mix

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CC: How to Add Photography Into Your Marketing Mix

hello to everybody here in the studio and everybody out there really jazz cause three hours is not enough time to cover all this. But we're gonna jam pack it full of content we're talk about specifically today. Me? I'm talking about how to add photography to your marketing mix. It was kinda interesting here. How many photographers air here? I'm sure there's a lot of photographers out there. Creativelive brings photographers in by the boat load. So not surprised by this. Um And then, by the way, you guys, if you're here for the next three days, the other speakers are amazing that I know two of them very personally. They're good friends. The content they're gonna cover is gonna be top notch. So you've signed up for a really, really cool program here. No wonder things like she talked about was that I've been a creative life fan forever. And I had to go find this photo because I knew it was out there. I didn't know where it waas. This was my very first creativelive classroom. Creativelive.

If you're out there, take pictures of where you're watching this class where you're taking it and hashtag games that we can all see it. They love to see what your classroom is. And what's great is the old days. Classrooms were, you know, it was a building in a school, and now you're classrooms wherever you want to be. And this was Scott born. I'm a huge fan of amazing nature photographer. Unbelievable teacher. And this was a class. He was doing an aperture three back in May of 2010 and a member was going live and I'm in Boston. So it was later. I was like, Oh, I gotta cook dinner. What am I gonna do? And I brought out the IPad. You know, it just looks like an IPad one. It had two event and I was grilling, but watching the class And it was one of those moments where I'm a geek. I love technology, but this made me really happy. I was like, This is the future. This is awesome that I could be grilling on my back deck with a beer in Boston and watching a class that was happening out of Seattle at the time. So created lives a really neat program. I'm a huge, huge fan, and it's a huge honor to be on this stage today. So one of things to would questions we don't want to wait till the end. We want questions as you get if you get something, you here in the audience, raise your hand. If you're out there, the hosts air here to answer to get those questions. Um, if I don't see really wave it really yell at them that they will take care of it and will answer the questions. I don't wait till the end. We want this to be interactive. You guys come from varying backgrounds. You came away from Alabama, by the way. Did you come for this? I guess. Amazing. Okay, we came here for a 10 year anniversary. Actually happened Beings? Yeah, that we're got to come to the class to so well, both you for celebrating with creative live. That's awesome. All right. I better like, better deliver now, man. Taking time of your anniversary for this? Yeah. You just said let's get people taking pictures of their creativelive classroom right now. We used to do this a lot, and I would love to see more that it's a perfect thing for social media boot camp. So Like you said, take a picture of yourself watching this workshop and posted on Twitter with the Hashtags social boot camp. And we would love to see your creative life classroom. So thank you for that. Awesome. So a little bit about me, really quick who I am and why I'm on this stage. So I've been on the internet as long as I can remember. As early as I can remember, I was playing online. I love taking pictures. It's in my blood. My grandfather have memories being in the dark room with him in the basement. I've always enjoyed taking pictures. I ran a marketing agency for a while, so I helped businesses figure this stuff out. You know, we brought big brands online in the early days in 2006 figuring out Oh, how are we gonna go to Facebook? Page? What are we going to do? So I have that side of the house then on the other side. I've been blogging since 2002. Have been podcasting since 2004. I've had, you know, I've taken pictures and posted online as fast as I could remember. So I've come from both sides and we're gonna talk about this from a marketing perspective, both for your business but also for yourself. So if you're just looking to build your personal brand, which is always a weird phrase to say, at least for me, it's like, Just be yourself. Don't be a brand, But you do have to think about it so we could talk about all those different things. We're gonna cover it. And I know some things may feel a little business focused on my feel to personal focused, but the advice is all for anybody looking to add photography to their mix. We're not going to dive deep into things, but we can if you need to. I know there's other Ariel and Amber and have other things that where they're gonna deep dive into Twitter versus Instagram versus Vine versus Pinterest versus whatever else is coming up. Because as we're sitting here and you're watching, there's some new Social media network happening or some new tool that we don't know about yet, and we'll find out during this. So that's me in a nutshell. I also wrote a couple of books, so first it was content rules that focus on content marketing came out in 2010. I take it you've read it. Or maybe you were nodding. I was way have a fan in the room that's awesome, focused on business all about this. How did how to add content to your mix? New book just came out last year called Amazing Things Will Happen, Much more focused on. I believe everybody should do what they want to do in their lives and are entitled to, but sometimes they need a permission to. So the best review ever got a bit with someone said. It's a hug and a kick in the butt whenever I need it so that that's me in a nut show. All right, now we got the groundwork. You're ready out there. Hope you have your coffee on the west of here on the East Coast like I am. I'm on East Coast time, so it's like a lunchtime for me. I'm all wide awake now, all right, So content marketing, right? The big crazy thing everybody's raving about in today's world makes me giggle, and I get to pick on it cause I wrote a book about it. Content marketing is not new print, radio, television. All of that was content marketing. The fact matter is, though, the tools have become much, much easier. Every one of you probably has a full blown production company in your pocket. Our phones, they do everything these days, the devices, the tools, it makes it so easy for any of us to do. Content, marketing and the way I defined content people was go KCC. What's content content to me is anything you create and share to tell your story. It's really that simple every photo you take, which we're focusing on. But so does every tweet every Facebook status update, every ad video, anything you do all of that is telling your story. You know, when those of you in the studio here when you walked in this morning, everything you saw was starting to build the creative live story for you. The people out there on the web watching same thing the website is there figuring out Oh, this is what creative lives all about. Everything you create is content people. So get lost, like I'm gonna create new content. Will you do? We're gonna talk about that and pictures or such an amazing piece of content because we're humans. We like visuals. I'm an author. I love to read. I love to write, but I like to look at pictures even more. I mean, let's face it, Picture books or great, we all it's easier, right? But everybody, I just put this up in this big big star because I think it's kind of funny because everybody's talking about content marketing in the top 10 secrets of content marketing. And it's not new. It's just the tools are easier. The consumers can consume and click away faster than ever. And yes, there's more content being created. Every single second and standing out is extremely, extremely hard. The only way to stand out is either be really good at what you do or pay a lot of money. It's that simple. It really, really is, and for most of us, and I bet most of people watching this class, we don't have unlimited budgets. We have to be creative. We have to be smart about what we do every minute. Every dollar is not something that we can just throw away. I mean, you small business owners. I know that's the case, right? You don't have unlimited budgets if you did the great thing about going to small business anymore. So that's content market. I want to lay that foundation as we start going down this path today. Talking about photos. Now some of you were talking about Pinterest and this is a screenshot from Pinterest. But it was pincher sip for some reason that I hate that it was took pictures to do this, open everybody's eyes to the fact that the Internet loves pictures. We love images, and I'm sorry, but every single piece of content you create, I don't care if it's a block post a video, anything on audio post. It must have an image associated with it. You can't. Even a couple years ago, you'd say all it should know it has to have an image. And the reason why all of you everybody watching this class has shared a link on Facebook or Twitter doesn't matter. The social network face okay, Twitter doesn't count in this case because it doesn't pull a picture. But every other social network pulls a photo to go with that post when you post it, and most of them are smart enough. Whatever blogging software you're using. It pulls the image that you have in the post. If it doesn't find one there, it goes looking for it. It'll pull. That's why you see the weird images associated with Post that have nothing to do with it, because that person didn't put an image in it. So no matter what you create, you have to have a photo associate ID videos. People are always equal. Isn't a thumbnail enough? It might be, but all the sights now for a long time, YouTube didn't allow this, but now YouTube allows you to pick a specific still, or you can upload a photo. And you should really think about that because you can upload a photo that says little description of what the video is. Your whole goal in a video, someone just passing by. You want them to click on that and watch it. You know, here's an example of a video right here that I think has a bad image. It's a beautiful video if you haven't seen this. By the way. That is a frank talking about the time you have in your life in jelly beans, beautifully done video, but I would have loved to see in an image there that said that that's what that was because you were just saying, Oh, let me click on that and keep in mind to would videos. The play button is going to go over whatever you have. You have to think about putting the words at the top of the bottom, and it's gonna crop and all these little things. And sometimes it is trialling air because the way video crops versus the way YouTube crops is not always the same. So you're gonna have to play with this a lot of his trial and error. The nice thing is, it doesn't cost a lot of money. It costs you time. So the sooner you get smart about it, the better. But you have to have images. There is absolutely no exceptions, even a block post where you're just ranting about your morning coffee, Take a picture, put it with it because you have to have it and the tools are easy, and that's we're gonna talk about so we're on that. But does everybody buy into that? Yeah. So what research have you done to notice the difference between having a photo and not having a photo? Absolutely none. I'm not gonna lie. I haven't done any research on it. But I know for a fact that it's true, because if I share a post on Facebook and it goes through and it pulls my pulled my RSS feed or my logo or something and it talks about, you know, I mean, I'm in Ghana on this humanitarian trip, and I didn't put a picture on that and it pulls my RSS feed. No one's gonna click on that. It's not gonna get any attention. When you scroll through Facebook or you scroll through Pinterest, you're looking at images, and your instinct is to click on it. I'm not a scientist, so I have done zero research. I'd be lying if I said otherwise. Are you assuming that people get more likes when they have a photo? They do. They most certainly do. They get more, likes to get more click throughs. I have seen other studies of this that it most certainly happen because we're humans. We, by instinct like see pretty pictures. We want to seem, or anybody, especially now because you think about it. If you scroll through especially now, because Facebook that's perfect. Sample. Facebook's feed is so cluttered now you're scrolling through that pictures automatically just jump out a little bit. They get your attention. Granted, that's not the discount, because I know there's other classes on copyrighting solid headline. Having good writing, having a good excerpt to call attention. All those air equally is important. But I think if you have the wrong photo, it can really cause problems. So make sure, but it doesn't take anything to add a photo to a block post today. Absolutely nothing it takes. You're pulling out your phone, taking a picture if it makes sense and we'll talk about how to find photos and how to do that on a regular basis that we you're not at the last 2nd 0 my God, I need a block post. I need a photo what we do with this. So for a second, let's talk about the difference in photographs and pictures. Now I know a lot of people watching this class, especially in the creative live space, are photographers. Now, this is a fine line that I have to walk because let's face it, anybody can take a picture today. We've all got cameras. All of you, right now, Probably cameras in your pockets and right watching has at least one camera around them, cause our phones could take beautiful photos. And anybody who says that the IPhone doesn't take really good photos hasn't really doesn't know what they're doing because I have canvas prints, blood up on my wall that I've taken with my IPhone or Android. I'm not gonna play favorites. Sorry, I'm a Mac, guys, just the way it is. Uh, but sometimes a lot of that is just pictures were taking snapshots were taking pictures around us. Instagram created this whole new world of taking notes the pullets, the digital Polaroid. We just take pictures and share them. There's nothing wrong with that. But photographs taking a photograph is a skill. Photographers have a skill, and in today's world, it's killing me. My little p s a announcement when things like the Chicago paper fires all their photojournalists because they think in reporter with an IPhone can do the same thing. It crushes me. It makes me sad, But anybody can become a photographer. I'm not saying that I'm just saying eso she's a business you need to think about the fact that sometimes there's nothing wrong with a casual snapshot, and those could be beautiful. But there is a time. Sometimes you need a photograph. Product shots are perfect example. You need the glamour shot of your of your product or service, whatever you're doing, but sometimes step. So there's that balancing act I want to talk about. I want you to just think about as you're going forward. I don't want any small business to be scared of using photographs because they don't have their latest equipment. We don't have the budget to buy a big camera. You don't need that. But at the same time, there are times when you need to hire a photographer when you need. When you do need those skills and it's not, we're gonna talk about this more. It's not about the camera right. It's about the person what they're doing with it. I can give those top of the line camera to anybody and they won't be able to take. They'll take snapshots. On the flip side. I could give a little point and shoot camera to one of the best photographers in the world and they'll take gorgeous photographer because it's the eye of the photographer and you can develop that over time. But I just want to make sure because I always I always get worried. I always get worried about my friends who are photographers and they're out of work. And I'm like and I sit down with anybody, take pictures, and then I feel bad that they're gonna hunt me down and yell at me because yeah, but see, See, we need work and they do need work. So there's a balancing act, So think about that. Think about that. Sometimes having someone with a better I than you is great Events are a perfect example. If you're doing events. Event photography is a very I'm not good at event photography. I hire people to do that so she your business and your running the business. You don't want to think about taking people. Let me stop and take pictures of the event. Perfect example. Where you need a photographer or a wedding. There's going to be eight million snapshots at every single wedding, but we still higher wedding photographers because they know what to get and they know how to get it. So there is a difference there, and I want to put that it because it is true because we've had pictures since the beginning of time. That's why I always laughed about content marketing. I'm like those guys and girls sitting around the campfire drawn on the walls that was content marketing for their time. They didn't call it that, but they were telling stories. And that's what marketing is all about. Yeah, I just want to make a comment that you are already answering people's questions in the chat rooms E ceo So Lisa and had asked about addressing what you could do without phones versus high tech equipment. So there you go. Just want to acknowledge Lisa's question and that you're already answering and Lisa and everybody else I'm not discounting. I mean, I spend a lot of money on photography gear. I do, and it does make a difference if you can have get me wrong once you know what you're doing. Having that higher and camera is a beautiful thing, but it's not required. Um, you know I have a top line camera, but it's not on this trip because it's a big camera and I want to go light. And I knew my smaller camera on my IPhone would cover me. So it is one of those things and get me wrong. By the way, if you start getting into photography, it's one of the most expensive and beautiful hobbies ever, because you can never not have enough gear. So warning my wife would attest to that. She, uh when she finally found out how much a lens cost, I was in trouble. She had no idea how much all my lenses cost until she bought me one. And then I do informer. That was much cheaper than some of my other lenses. So it's a beautiful hobby, the beautiful thing. But don't think you have to have by top of the line. I've seen too many businesses go. I got this great camera, this great video camera, and then the results aren't good, and that's that's don't don't lead with money. That's a dangerous way to do it. All right. Here's why photography is important because, let's face it, Google defines you or being I know there's other search engines, but Google wins for now. For now, who knows used to be Yahoo when I first got on the Internet, and they're still around, too. But let's face it, Google or search engines, define who you are and who your business is When someone goes out to Google and says, I need a wedding photographer in Alabama or I need I'm looking for healthy recipes in San Francisco that what they come up with is where they're gonna go first. They're probably gonna ask their friends to They're gonna ask for references, but we all got to search engines and throw in. That's where we start, and that's gonna frame who you are. So if other people are posting photos, if other people are posting comments about you, that's what that people are going to see. So you This is why content marketing so important? Because you have to feed the beast that is the Internet. You have to define who you are and you can frame. That picture will come to photography of who you are and what you're all about. If Molly, who's promoting a healthy lifestyle but people are, I don't know, you would also just humor me for a second. If people are posting pictures of Mali all over the Internet eat nothing but cheeseburgers and drinking milkshakes. That's a bad image for her, but it is. But if she's posting photos on a regular basis, you're just showing what she's eating or she's doing for clients or events and stuff that starts framing the image of Mali. But that's true for anybody. I mean, every photo I post I instagram like there's no tomorrow. I have a habit. It's okay, I admit it. But I know that every image I post is part of who people see, see, see as it's a weird lot, you have to realize that that's what social media does. You're defining yourself cause people confined you things like Facebook's graph. Now their search graft changes everything. Because you can say, you know, show me friends who like this band and eat this food, and it will show me it's all that's all coming together. And photography is such a beautiful way to frame your business because you can show more than just what your products and services are. Your website's gonna do that you can share, you know, things you like, or show the human side of you. You don't have to just be your website. You could be every, you know, this small I I posted pictures of coffee because I like coffee and random things like that or my breakfast or whatever. You know, whatever it is and that shows who I am. But if you are not posting those photos, if you're not creating that somebody else is going to define who you are, the search engines will or your website copy and all that stuff is super important. I know the other instructors are going to talk more about that, but so are the images. Could people like pictures? We like to see that. And nothing's better than also just showing where you are, what you're doing. I do a lot of travelling. You know what I earlier today I posted picture of all you guys Sorry, saying Hey, we're getting ready to go live because I wanted people to experience, because for the past week, I've been talking about the fact that I was going to go do this thing in San Francisco, this creative live social media boot camp, but people don't necessarily know what that is. But now I'm showing pictures of the stage. The cameras the audience, they get a better picture of Wow, this is actually something cool. This isn't just another conference or event I said I was teaching, so I didn't know what that meant. Is it a school? What is it? But this helps frame it for them, and I'm gonna go back. And every one of those photos that I was posting now, on Instagram and on Facebook and flicker. I'm gonna use those later when I get home to read a block post about my experience here. So you're kind of building that content that you can build on later. And I do that a lot is because I do a lot of travel in humanitarian work where I may be out the middle of the jungle. I can't exactly stop and write a block post, but I can definitely take photos and share them and start building. And then later, when I get home and get an Internet connection, I can create that content. So, speaking of trips, I took this. This was me in the mountains of Ah, Spain, and God bless my wife. Because I could say sunny, stop. Take this cool picture of me and your sunglasses and she didn't yell at me too much because she's used to me. But you need to start thinking visually. You need to start thinking about what photos are right for you. What fits what you're trying to dio. Obviously, the products are easy. Those are easy thinking in pictures of what you sell in what you dio pictures of happy clients. Always a good thing, but also what else? What else defines you? Is it? You know, if you're healthy living, is it out walking? You know, the beaches, it walking the sidewalk. If you're what you're doing stationery, you know it's taking pictures of books that inspire you are a beautiful library. It's all sorts of things, but you need just think visually, because if you don't, taking pictures is really, really difficult and you get better over time. You really, really do you? The more pictures you take, the more comfortable you get. The more all of a sudden it's amazing, because my co author and Hanley for content rules she was funny. She was scared to death of photography, scared to death of it. And I said, Just start shooting, start taking pictures. I introduced you to Instagram, which he probably regrets because she's a complete addict now. But she talks about it that she now realizes that the more she takes pictures, the more she thinks. Will that be a cool shot or oh, I could use that. And at least for me, one of the advice I give businesses all the time is if you start thinking visually, you will see those images and you will take them. So I take a lot of pictures that maybe not have a purpose right away. But I think you know what I could use that it's a metaphor. That's an image I could use down the road. And I do that. Ally did that this morning, walking the the street down here. There was ah, no u turn sign. I took a picture of it with that could be cool to use somewhere. I may never use it, but because I'm thinking visually and I'm looking for opportunities, I've got the shot now because trust me. In the old days, the old when I was a boy way had film. It costs money to take pictures. It doesn't cost money anymore, and it's in storage is unlimited, like here. The techies out there going. No, I know, but it is for intensive purposes. It is unlimited. Today you could take thousands and thousands of photos with your phone in your camera. It doesn't cost anything, so it's stupid not to take them and you'll throw away most of them. But it trust me. You'll shoot thousands and thousands of photos and use hundreds of them. But when you start thinking on you start shooting more often, it becomes second nature to you. Just whip the phone out. You'll take a picture and keep going on your way. Just ask my wife. I follow along. She's learned Aware CC. He's probably taking pictures. It's OK, but you have to start thinking that way and finding those things that are perfect for you and your brand. And it doesn't have to be just you and gesture product. It could be the things that inspire you things that you think might inspire your customers, things that you think might inspire others to go. Oh, that's kind of cool. Let me click through and see, and you trust me. You never know. Talking about Facebook likes and everything you sometimes never know what is actually gonna go. I hate the word viral, but what's gonna get people's attention? It's sometimes your warning of all the content, you creating social media. It's gonna be the block post or the photo that you didn't put much thought into. That's going the one that gets the people's attention. And then the one that you spent days racking your brain over writing it, getting it just right nobody's ever pay attention to it is the evil truth of the Internet. Some of the most random hosts that I've ever written get the most likes the most comments, the most traction. And it will be frustrating because the one but that's the nature of the Web. It happens, Um, and on that note to don't ever think that what you think is commonplace in boring nobody else will, because it's your life. People are gonna be attracted to that cause they don't know it. Yeah, I love that we have this interaction creativelive. That's the way it should be. Um, sometimes I think about the timing that I put a post up and I feel like that's pretty important. What are your thoughts on that. So timing of posts and timing, what you do is important. Do you think? Said so? My argument for that s what I always say is, well, what time zone or your customers in? And most people can't answer that unless they're very specific. Local, local, only company. The Internet makes it so time zones are more important than ever. And also less important because, like this morning, you know, I posted I push something last night before I was going to bed and realized nobody's gonna read that on the East Coast cause it was like midnight. But it was nine o'clock here. Should I repost it? I don't know. There's there's there's questions and I think you should. I think report. There's nothing wrong with re posting. I know I see a friend everything for the evening crowd, but it is important cause, like I do most of my right like, all right, my blood post. Usually, like I read a lot post this morning, and it's interesting, some on the West Coast, so it worked perfectly cause I never been on the East Coast will read it, but I also know, especially blog's blog's air not real time. Very few people are reading them when you write in there reading on their schedule, so it's not as important. But if you have something really important that you really want to see, posting it at 5 a.m. Your time probably isn't the best idea, but you have to figure out where your customers are and with the global audience. It's weird because, like I get up every morning and my traditions, I would say some form of good morning on Twitter. And it's always hysteria because I'll get some, you know, smart Alec from Germany or Austria, labeling a good night. See, See it? Sorry, you know, but I know that that's the audience, but it's morning for me. I think he would have to figure out what's right for you. If it's if it's an email newsletter Friday at 5 p.m. Probably not a good for any time zone block post. Not as important, I usually try toe. I usually try to show if I read it in the morning, I usually try to share midday because midday East Coast is a great time where I am because that's it's morning West Coast its end today over in Europe, so it's a pretty good time from the middle of the day. We have to figure out what's right for you, and your customers will tell you. But the interesting thing is that there's nothing wrong with bumping it up. Facebook is weird, like Facebook used to let you bump easier. Now if you had a comment to it, that helps give it a little traction. Sometimes if your friend start interacting on it. That gives attraction tweets disappear almost immediately, unfortunately, But then, at the same time, I get responses from people days after tweets, which always cracks me up something. And do they? How did they find that tweet? Um, it depends. There is no magic formula, and you'll read reports. I know I've seen one report talked about You could actually go out. I can think of the URL. There's a place that you put in your Twitter handle, and I'll tell you, based on your followers, your optimal time to tweet, which just it labels that it's science, which really bothers me a lot because so much of this is not science. It's science is a big term toe label except for my optimal time was like 4 p.m. On a Sunday, which I looked at my kids that I know that's not right. But whatever their algorithm is, so just figure out what works for you. There is no right or wrong. But remember, there's no time zones now would board with its borderless world we live in. Yeah, so I use a program called Sprout Social, and it lets me know where my customers air living and what countries they come from, And that really helps me figure out time zones that they're in. So and then it will tell me what days of the week. Usually my posts are most scene, so that's been a really helpful tool to kind of figure out what days and and what times I can post my content and sprouts throughout. Social is a great tool. There's other ones like it all depends on what your budget is, whether or not you want toe to buy it or not. But there are. There are tools out there for sure, and look at your nothing else of your Web analytics to Google. I hope you have a website and you don't have Google analytics at a minimum on it. And I'm only saying Good because it's free. There's other ones out there. If you're not least looking at, you know that'll give you basics When people are visiting the site, it's a good first line of defense to figure this stuff out. Yeah, specific question about blogging seriously. So I'm getting ready to start a personal blogged that I kind of want to turn into a brand. It's kind of everything's brand thes days, but when I first started blogging, it was just the blawg. Now it feels like the Blawg needs to be on your Twitter feed. It needs to be in your Facebook like it's It's very overwhelming to think I'm not just writing and posting its writing and posting and cross posting. And you know, what do you think about that? Yeah, yeah, So I think when people ask me, usually like, where do I start? You know, and I do tell them a blogger blogger is the first place. You forget everything else out there. You need to start with a blawg. And the main reason is because usually it's on your website. You own it. You control it. All these other social networks are rented land. The rules change. Anybody's been on Facebook. Twitter. Any of these. The rules change. You never know what's gonna happen, So if you have a website that's yours and you can control, that's good. Plus you're building on the traffic to your website, which is critical for Seo and every other reason. What people coming to your website rather going to Facebook or Twitter? Also a blocking control and hold every type of content. You ever create the videos, and it's not just words people think. Blog's are only words. Blog's air just a method to post content to the Web. So starting there for sure you have the blawg. And yes, it can take a lot of time. Right and cross postings one of those things where there are tools that can automate it for you. But I'm a big, big proponent of not automating it, because Twitter you have 140 characters. Facebook. You have a lot more. I forget the exact It's like 6 84 I think the number is, but Twitter's a tease, right? The whole goal when you're tweeting on a block. Posters you want people to click through and come to your website. You don't want to give him us. You have toe. You think about the way you word it and you're trying to generate that link. Questions were great, you know. What do you think about this? Put the link. What? I don't click. I want to answer that. But then the Facebook you can put some more richer information. You have the whole field above it of the field for the excerpt. You have the photo. You have much more data. Um, and one of things I do. When you talk about time zones, what I usually do, I don't usually do the cross posting at the same time. It's like this morning I blogged actually broke. My rule is usually I blawg and it goes live. Then I will tweet it out right away. Oh, but I do not automate it. But I tweeted out. Then I might put it on Facebook or I put it on Facebook later to kind of bring in that audience on what's interesting too is really weird. You know, they're used. It used to be really horrible with all the crossbows and people will complain. I'm seeing the same content everywhere, like from friends like I follow you and I see I read You blogged already. I don't need to see in the face, but I wanted to see it on Twitter. But the truth is, I'm probably not going to see it on every network at once. And I see, at least for me, you know, I have really close friends. Who will I see a picture on Instagram, but they'll never see it on Facebook, even though I cross posted or a post in my blog's different people see things from different places. So that's why you have to put in different places and one place it always gets left out because it looks a red headed step child of content. Marketing is email. Email is still the I mean, every one of you in this room may not have checked your social networks this morning, but I bet you check your email because it's with one thing. We check on a regular basis, so email newsletters are great. I try very bad at it. Try to send out one a month, a newsletter and always highlight some of my my favorite posts, not don't you know? But it's always It never fails that someone goes, Oh my God, I miss that. You know, they didn't because they don't. We're all busy. We all start following too many people, too many channels. It's hard to stay on top of everything out there. You know, right now that people out there watching this class probably have a Twitter window open and they're looking at other things because we can multi task. We do that all the time. I'm a big fan. That photos do not need words over them. Too many people that that's the trend on the Internet right now. That's one of my pet peeves. They're great. You can put, you know, the quotes. You could put cool things you but called the actions. But a really good photograph does not need words on it. That's one of the things to the difference between when I talk about pictures and photographers. Photographer gets a picture that just, you know, tells a story. You know, this this picture, it almost a picture. Most of pictures and presentation. I took most of not all of them, but you know this picture There's a 1,000,000 stories in there. I don't know what you know. I just took. It could be an 18 tea at its not, but you know, it doesn't need words on it And think about that as you go forward, cause I think too often there's this trend to pry about a year ago, where everybody was putting words over their photos and drove me nuts. You know, because a picture tells 1000 stories and it's true, a really good photograph doesn't need the words on it. So just think before you put some stuff over it. And no offense. If you want to put words, there's great programs like Over is really popular app for that. Little allows you put a picture and you picked a lousy pick. Fonts does all kinds of cool stuff. It allows you to do some really cool things with your photography, but I just It's a pet peeves I wanted and I got a stage. I'm gonna tell you, stop putting words over your photos and you don't have to do it. But sometimes it's a good thing, and it's funny, cause I realize because later on, I actually have a picture in here with words right over a photo like I just can't addicted myself. But it's a good example of how to do it. So here's what you're trying to do with all your content. My cute little girl, Right? Uh, you need to create an emotional response. This goes for all sorts of everything online. You want to get a response to the person looking at your content. I always say you want to educate, entertain or inspire them. If you can do more than one of those, you're golden. But it's hard. Think about the video viral videos. Usually they're funny more than anything, usually that make you giggle. But if you can entertain your audience, if you can educate him and inspire something, Oh, I want to do that. Those are the three things you're really going for. And it doesn't matter if you're writing for trying toe post a picture. You're trying to do a video. You want to get that response because if the person looks at your content and just goes, they're gonna click away were such were hyper crazy people. Now we click away like that, and your whole goal is to grab those people in everything you do in social. Sometimes you're just gonna tweet, you know what a great day. You don't care. I'm talking about the stuff you do for your business. You want to get their their attention. You want in the comeback, you want them to go? I want to know more about this man or woman of what they do. And sometimes a simple picture could do that. You know, I'm sure. Today part of my you know what? I took a picture of this stage. People. Where are you? What is that? You know, in his perfect go to creativelive It was marketing for them. But it's a great thing. It was building that you want to get people curious. You were naturally curious human beings. So think about that as you're adding content or taking pictures, how can get people like to go? You tell me more. Always think that because you want to drive them someplace. If they're just seeing an instagram photo, hopefully they're gonna go look at your photo. Go to your profile. And there, there you better. If you don't, you better have a link to your website because they that's your whole goal. People saying Why would I instrument? Why would I Twitter like, Because your whole goal is to get them to your website and buy your product or service. If that's not the point, then you're just playing and there's nothing wrong with that. Social is great for playing. I'm not saying everything. Happy business, focus. But we're talking about business, so that's the whole goal. Everything you post is to drive traffic to your website and eventually end up in the sale. You want to make that sales. I'm not a sales guy. You want to make that as simple as possible.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

CreativeLive 7 Steps Handout.pdf
Social Media Pyramid Paragraphs.jpg
Social Media Pyramid.jpg
All Star LinkedIn Profile In 7 Easy Steps.pdf
Facebook Content Tracking.pdf
Graphic Content Ideas.pdf
Image Cheat Sheet.pdf
Pinterest Book For Bizzy Babes.pdf
Post Analysis Worksheet.pdf
Social Media Goals Worksheet1.pdf
Twitter Dictionary.pdf
Twitter Speak.pdf
Amber PDF Keynote.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Starts With Me

Well, looks like i'm 2 years late but this is a great and helpful course. ps. there are a few spelling mistakes on the slides that the presenters are showing. Seems funny!

Victor Osaka

How very timely for me. Kim Garst is totally awesome. The PDFs are soooo good. Yeah CreativeLive!!!!

Angela Hardy

So, I don't want to give this a thumbs up, but I don't want to give a thumbs down. It has a lot of good content for people that are just dipping their foot in the pool of social media for marketing and branding, BUT it is 4 years old, and I had to go online and find the relevant numbers and content to some of the things stated her. Also, I felt as though some of the content was redundant and even contradictory. I would say that the most value in this course are the parts on Thought Leadership and all of the pdfs to use. All of the presenters were great, but I think that this course needs to be refilmed.

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