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General Q&A

Lesson 13 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

General Q&A

Lesson 13 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

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13. General Q&A

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General Q&A

quick question, actually, just for me. What are your thoughts? I know we're covering Twitter right now, but your thoughts on hashtags for Facebook the new. That's a very astute question. And hashtags are starting to happen on Facebook, and I would say that it actually makes it easier to cross post. No, because hashtags are true on both. They still look a little funny to some people on Facebook because they're not used to hashtags there. And they think that you've copied them over from Twitter or your cross posting, but they're starting to. They're starting to get some more traction there particularly. I see them used for that sort of influence. Emphasis idea as well, Aziz. The sort of searching for cool things. I will show some other tools at the end of the day tomorrow, some of which that segment is all about sort of Twitter, not Twitter, but social media tools and some of those air really good for searching out different topics, different experts, different fields of interest across ...

different social sites. There's ah whole industry. Now that's about supporting businesses and individuals who are trying to use social media to gauge where the opinion leaders are where the people who really use their products are what people are saying about their products. So if you're Coca Cola or Toyota or Honda, one of these big brands out there, you're probably spending now. Fair amount of money for software tools and human resource is just to follow what's being said about you on social media and part of that's because it's the most powerful way we've ever had to gauge public opinion. And part of that's because it's one of most powerful way we've ever had to change public opinion quickly. And a lot of big companies are realizing that if something blows up on social media quickly, they need to know about it, and they need to address it quickly. Or it can get out of hand and all that to come back to. The more you use Hashtags, the more you start to kind of call attention to particular keywords. The more likely you are to start showing up in some of those tools. It just helps further identify those things. Cool. Thank you. And I think this is a great subject. I'm time, Capsule says. How do you use tweets to catch the attention of other businesses. Toe, take a look at your products. So the first thing I would say is you have to be a little careful about being really direct about. So can you. Is there any way to reply and see? Can you tell me a little more about your product? Maybe I could give you a more specific well time capsule, have been in the chat rooms all day, so maybe we'll get a response. I'll take a look. Yeah, so time capsule. If you want to tell me a little more, I mean, if you just So let's say I want to pitch a class to creative life. If the first thing I did was at Creativelive, I have a great idea for a class for you. I might get their attention. This is a friendly company. They're open. They're always looking for new teachers, but it's probably not the best way to impress them or get their attention. It's a little too direct, a little too sales e. What I probably would be better off doing is really paying attention to what Creativelive is teaching what they're doing. Commenting on social media about how great the classes are things I learned form it, how those things make me think of other things that I do and teach. So I might mention creative live in the context of that amazing class they had this week on photographing babies. And I would look for all the places that Creativelive is dealing with photographing mothers and babies because I saw a baby blankets and, you know, props for photographing babies. But instead of directly saying Hey, creativelive, you should put my baby products on your show. I bring attention to how creative Live is doing things that are related to what I dio and make it easy and hopefully pique their curiosity to come find out why I keep doing that in such a thoughtful and Ford way makes them want to find out. And then when they discover that I make a product that's interesting or they see another tweets that are related, this overlap. Then they start to have a connection. They start to have a reason to want to return to that. Doesn't feel like you're spamming them are being sales. That kind of makes sense. The difference between that, The nuance I'd say this is another good question for my friend Khari Anderson tomorrow that she is so good at having a pretty specific area of expertise and finding other people who are related to it and really shining a light on them in a way that makes them want to get to know where better and being thoughtful about how she does that in a way that shows that she's also informed on that topic. And it has built her great relationships and brought her great clients because she's not ever being. She's the one who got worried when I updated her header and it showed up on Facebook as if she was promoting herself, that that's how far she goes not to do that. And she's probably one of the more successful people have ever seen at promoting herself on social media. But she does it mostly by helping other people promote themselves in a very thoughtful way and helping other people connect with each other in a very powerful way. And it helps that that's what she teaches is how to communicate to connect. But yeah, that's a pretty powerful thing to do. So we have our answer. Awesome. Um, we have decorative baby and wedding time and wedding time capsules. That's funny. I'm just thinking, since I picked baby out of thin air, all right, I know. So it's meant to be displayed. His gifts, Um, you preserve your memories in them, collecting nostalgic items house that, IHS Well, that description just makes me want to go see them. So I would say one of the things to look for is, who else is reaching your target audience that you could support in a way that might make them want to reciprocate? And that might be people selling completely different products to that same audience. I'm assuming mothers of small Children and people who want to buy gifts for people who just had babies would be the right kinds of categories. You want to spend some time searching for hashtags on those words and seeing what other people are saying. You want to spend some time looking for events where people are comparing information about that that kind of thing so that you can make a more informed connection than just Oh, you sell baby products use until art. Oh, you had a baby. You should have this right? Not that you would do that. Obviously, from your question, you're already thinking about being more thoughtful than that. But how can you first really go out and listen to what other people are saying and see what other people are doing in relation to this, and then use that to build relationships before you start to market your own products? Once I once you've retweeted me in a way that brings me an audience once you've favorited and complimented and commented on things in a way that makes me, I think you're interesting and interested in me. I'm going to be much more receptive to you trying to sell me something or offer me. So if you start from the other side, then even the more direct sales approach can work better later.

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Social Media Design Templates
Creating Animated GIFs with Adobe® Photoshop®
Social Media Design Template Guide
Facebook® Template Guidelines

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I picked up some great tips about the different social media platforms. I found some of the social media templates a bit confusing to use, but the course was useful overall.


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