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Lesson 1 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

Course Overview

Lesson 1 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

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1. Course Overview

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Course Overview

one of my favorite folks. I mean, she's a breath of fresh air here, Creativelive. And she is kind of this Yang Yang person because he's this wonderful, light hearted person, but inside But inside she is the web design guru. I mean, she writes her own coach. He modifies WordPress. She does just so many things. You're traveling, instructor, you teach all over the world. You have so many wonderful social causes that that you're really behind. And how many languages may I speak? Three English, Spanish and tech. I dio I do speak a little what we call port annual, which is Spanish, English or Spanish, Portuguese, the way we do Spanglish in Spanish, English. But I teach in Spanish and English. And that's part of why I travel so much that blows me away. All right, Jeanne, Thank you again, and I'm gonna pass it over to you. Well, and I usually save chocolate until later in the day. But since you called me the Chocolate Queen and I am notorious for throwing chocolate people, I don't know if they...

caught that on camera. There's a little unpredictable. So thank you for that lovely introduction. Yeah, I actually just got back from Bolivia. I've never been to Bolivia before. I don't know if you've been there. I went there to work with them. I do a lot of work with journalists and other countries, teaching them to use technology to better cover the news to better find sources to get around censorship, all kinds of challenges that journalists face around the world. And as a journalist turned ik myself many, many years ago, I started my career as a journalist. That's an area that I really like to get back to work with. So the U. S State Department brought me to Bolivia toe work with students and journalists there and wonderful people. Fantastic class, if you haven't been the biggest challenge of La Paz, Bolivia, is that it is at about 14,000 feet altitude, and I have spent most of my life at sea level, so just breathing there was a challenge, but not as bad as I thought. It actually went really well and they were fantastic to work with. So I'm already lining up another trip to go there next year, so that's my most recent adventure. But we're here to talk about social media design. Sometimes I came to journalists how to use social media, but what I really love and what I have really had a lot of fun with this class. And the book that I did is thinking about how we present ourselves, how we introduce ourselves online and how we can make that look good. So I've got a screen up here if they'll switch over to my power point so that I can share with you that has some of my social media links. I welcome your connections on Facebook and Twitter and Google Plus, and you'll find me just about everywhere. I don't necessarily think all of you have to be on all social media sites. We'll talk about that, but a lot of people get intimidated right away. Do I have to be everywhere? How am I gonna do it? How am I gonna have enough time? So one of the things I'll talk about in this class is how important it is for you to identify where's your best audience? Which of the social sites best fits your goals, your mission, your business objectives or your personal objectives, and really be more strategic about it than I kind of go on all the sites because I have to and I want to test them and experiment with, um I often joke when I'm talking about social media design, you should never judge a book by its cover. Except we all do. Right? Everybody recognizes this book. Siri's by its cover. As soon as they see that yellow and black, they're like, Oh, yeah, they don't miniseries. I know those and I've written so many of those. Now I've heard just about every joke there is about writing dummies on. I've really come to appreciate how people find them reassuring. And one of the things I try to do when I teach is very much what I try to do when I write us a dummies book. It's assumed that you are not stupid, but you may not have all the background I have as I talk about things. So I will throw out vocabulary and I will explore a lots of different sites. And if I skip over something and don't get clear enough, please audience keep me honest, let me know. Raise your hand. Jump in there. I do not mind being interrupted and I definitely want to make sure you understand what I'm talking about. So I'd like to call my felt that Tuckey translator. Sometimes I translate from English to tax, sometimes from Spanish attack, but it's really another language that we speak when we get into technology. So I have a book Social Media designed for dummies coming out in this class and that book really come from the last couple of years of testing and studying different designs and looking at different ways that people present themselves and social media. It's a lot of what I'll do today is hopefully give you some inspiring designs to look at, you know, really beautiful things. People have created creative ideas because a lot of coming up with your own design is just seeing what other people have done and having that trigger your ideas. So I hope over the next couple of days, part of the time you're studying and you're learning and I'm trying to throw in tips that are really useful. But some of the time just sit back and kind of look at the different designs I show and oh wow, you know, they did that. Maybe I could create something like that and the way she put her profile photo or the way he added, Text in just that way makes me think about this. Let this be an inspiring class as well as a how to class I'll talk, and this has already come up in sort of our pre discussion this morning, and we'll talk about this some more in this first session. What's the best social site for you? And there are many different sites to choose from and why you choose one over another. I'll talk a little bit about selfies and photo ops and some tips around that. Somebody was joking recently that you can learn a lot about a person by how many photos you have to take of them before they find when they like Right. So if I take one picture of you are gonna like it, JD, I didn't mean to make you choke on a za photographer. I'm sure you understand this challenge, right, so So sometimes you take one shot and the guys like good, done, Let's go. Other times you take pictures and the person is still you know, I feel like it's just not quite right. So somewhere between one and 500 is the right number. Would you confirm that I'll talk a little bit? Probably tomorrow. About one of the hardest things you'll ever write in your life is your own biography and part of presenting yourself online. And part of presenting yourself in social media is figure out. How do I tell my story? I mean, just figure out a tell your title, and then you get so many characters on one site and more characters on another, and then on the about page, you can have a whole biography and how deep should I go? And health serious should it be? And really writing about yourself is one of the hardest things. Even if you love writing, it's one of the hardest things you'll ever dio. So I'll give you some tips about writing biographies that I think will help. And I actually have kind of, ah, a questionnaire that I give to my clients that I'm gonna include with this class and share with you to help you think about how you tell your best story and get out of your own way, way just a lot of what you have to do. I also touch a little bit on privacy versus publicity. It's another thing that comes up every time we talk about social media is, well, I want to promote myself, but I don't really want people to know everything about being Where do you find that balance? So as we talked about the different sites, I'll touch on some of the privacy settings and we'll talk a little bit about just balancing those two. Because most people come to social media to make connection. They want to be out there. But that doesn't mean we want everything. It depends. My line for privacy may be very different from yours, depending on our goals. I make no judgments about that, just like people, to be thoughtful and consistent about how they do it. So that some of the basic things am I missing something, Jim. I mean, the main focus is gonna be designed looking at design challenges. And throughout that, we're gonna talk about the different sites in different ways. You use them. Anything else? You're hoping to get out of this. I havent mentioned, um, you know, I think you know, you talked about frequency and that's and duplication. That's that's a big thing for me. And then also how often I I should I change my design and come up with a really great design because when I get out, come up a walk out of this class invariably and I'll go and I'll do something totally cool and then it will be up for a year or I'll leave it up and I just how often should I change something? And should I send myself a note note in the person of the future and maybe a month or six months to say time for something fresh? I do think that a regular updates, seasonal updates, special occasion updates are great practice and kind of thinking ahead through the year could be a good way to set that up. I am gonna show one profile later today that I don't think the guy has changed in at least two or three years. I asked him two or three years ago if I could use it, because it was such a perfect. This really says who you are profile. I don't think he should ever change it, but he's the one. The only one, so I'll just I'll just tease you with looking for to see There's one crate. While I've seen that, I just It's so spot on for who he is. I don't think he ever needs to change it. And he's pretty popular, so he must be doing something right. Okay, great. Thanks. Have an audience poll just to kind of get us going, which is what's your favorite social site. And when I do polls, if you watch my classes before, this means if you're in the chat rooms, you can just type in there. Is that Facebook? Is it? Twitter is an instagram. It's not a scientific poll. The wonderful people who are managing the chat rooms here it creativelive are not gonna be able to tabulate this perfectly. But it's for me to kind of gauge and get a sense. What are the social sites that you're all using out there and which are the ones that maybe I should pay more attention, Teoh or you're more likely to want? And this doesn't have to be the one you use the most. This is what's your favorite, but you could put that both like favorite is Instagram. Facebook is the one I use the most, or vice versa would be perfectly fine. So just kind of a snapshot. And I'll come back to gym in a little while and see what he says. We're gonna go around with you in the audience, but let me just do that real quick. Um, Bree, what would you say is your favorite social site today? Definitely. Instagram and sta gram rock Right on. Cool On what you Shantel? I see you grab the microphone. Um, Facebook. I think Facebook's your favorite because because it's easy. Very good answer. JT. I think my favorite is definitely Instagram. I feel like Facebook, something I have to use all the time. Interesting and kind of like just need to be aware of what's happening. I guess this really speaks to an evolution in social media that we're starting to see. Facebook is undoubtedly the biggest one out there, but Instagram is really getting some traction. We'll talk more about that. I want to hear from us. You're already getting like there's 100. Really? Okay, so, Lord, he's up d d z w Facebook curio. So Google, plus Google places with Google plus when we hadn't heard yet. YouTube. Email. Um, time capsule says Pinterest and Facebook. Mad panda says Facebook girl named Michael says Favorite is Pinterest Instagram. Yvonne says, I use Facebook most. That's where most my people are. But I love Instagram as a as a passive user. Love the photos some of my friends have and share. Wait, wait. Is that my friend of all Berkowitz out there? I love you. Okay. All right. But they're still going back to you for some more and see if we get any surprises. Or if you can start to say it looks like most people are saying one over another, like, not across the board. It's across the board, like Florida, about 50 or 60 and across the board. Well, and that's what we're going to do is go across the board and look at a bunch of these over the next couple days. So I'm gonna start with kind of an overview, sort of looking at several different ones today. And then over the course of today and tomorrow, each of the segments will focus on a particular one

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Social Media Design Templates
Creating Animated GIFs with Adobe® Photoshop®
Social Media Design Template Guide
Facebook® Template Guidelines

Ratings and Reviews


I picked up some great tips about the different social media platforms. I found some of the social media templates a bit confusing to use, but the course was useful overall.


amazing course

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