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Tools to Manage Social Media

Lesson 23 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

Tools to Manage Social Media

Lesson 23 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

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23. Tools to Manage Social Media

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Tools to Manage Social Media

so I thought I'd start with a cartoon that I actually used for years. It's from one of my dummies books and and real Shout Out to the Cartoonist, which Tenet, who has done all of the cartoons for all the dummies books until recently. They recently stopped putting his cartoons in the books, and I may have to stop writing them. Actually, I'm half serious about that. He's always been one of my favorite things about them. But this cartoon which says, you know, how much should my website reflect my actual business and then shows a guy this kind of cluttered Messi office? And I think that applies very well. The social media as well, you know, way we sort of take inventory of our lives and think, Do I really want to share this with the world? Is this really the message I want to put out there? And there is this very delicate balance of putting your best face forward and also being honest about some of the flaws once in a while, and I I'm not sure I would suggest you design a website or social...

media profile. It's as cluttered and Methodius this office But I think many of us are guilty of trying to be perfectionists in a way that not only makes it harder for people to connect to us authentically makes it harder for us to maybe share as often and as well as we could. So I just wanted to set that tone and say that I think most of us struggle with that. Sometimes my posting the right thing is this too much of my posting the right day? Is this too personal? It was to professional. There's not a perfect answer to any of these things and ultimately put your best foot forward and trust that the people who are your best allies are gonna respond well to that social media tools. But first I promised that we would unveil this amazing dish of chocolate that has taunted the room for two days. So J. D. But you do the honors off lifting that lid and Bree, I think you get the first choice. The first choice of chocolate from this pile goes to you. Oh, she's been I and that Look at how quick she was. She knew exactly which one she wanted. No, no, J. D I think Shantel you lifted the lid. Shan't elegance to choose next. It's only fair, you know. Oh yeah, yeah, she had her eye on one. It's a bit of a Russian roulette. I understand there's no we don't know which chamber any of those. Maybe that's the wrong metaphor of it. We have no idea what's in any of those chocolates. According to the producer of this show, you're seriously contemplating, it's a big decision. That's a lot of variety. Yeah, I'm a little worried about Jimmy's too far away to reach it. I'm not quite sure what to do for him. You'll get one after all, right? He'll sneak over when the camera is not on. It may be all right. I just don't want you feeling left out because you've been great. You can put the glass back or you can leave it off and nibble on it for the rest of the last session. You have earned this. Really? None of us would be up here teaching if it weren't for smart, engaged, interested students. And I am often a student as often or much more often than a teacher. So I appreciate being on both sides of that. And I appreciate your attention and thoughtfulness and participation really makes it possible social media tools. So I want to play name that icon, See if you paid any attention over the last couple days. It's not really a hard game, but, you know, showed him out. Let's see. What is that? Whoa. Good job. Okay. Facebook and this one. Yeah. Okay, let's see about this one interest. You guys are good. All right. How about that one? Oh, and you're quick to look a bit like I feel like we're playing jeopardy or something. You want to hit that button is fastest positive. I hit the button and was still talking. And you, You win that around, You definitely win that robe. Okay, How about Yeah? Yeah. The hot new contender for the young views. Nice. That one was a little bit chick here, But you got it. And we just learned that one well played. Very well played. You have been paying attention. Well, I think you know, on the one hand it's a little silly to show. Show you the icons. And on the other hand, the fact that those air so recognizable without the words around them really speaks to how they show up on most of the websites on the Internet today. And one of the things I want to leave you with is if you haven't done this already, make it easy to share your website and blogged. And wherever you have a presence online, you want to make sure you have those sharing icons and a great tool for that is called add this a d d t h I s. And this It's a free tool. You go there, you sign up for an account for free. You choose the layout of the icons you want. So notice here that I can have them horizontal or vertical. I can use a little tiny icons. I can use bigger icons. I can choose which of these I want. I can have a whole bunch more on this list. This site has a lot of tools to choose from in terms of sharing icons and then to put TEM alive longer Website. I just take this little snippet of code copy and paste it into the code view on my site. So in order to use this, I have toe be ableto edit a page of my blawg and go in and paste that in if you use WordPress. This works really well in one of the widgets. You just do a text widget, paste this in and put it in the sidebar and had this has plug ins for WordPress to integrate it that way, if you're doing a site with Dreamweaver or one of the other tools where your coating yourself, just make sure you paste this in the code view. And wherever you paste this code, your little row of icons will show up. So any software tool, any online solution where you're creating a website or blawg and you can access the code, you can use this tool simple copy and paste technique. And here's how it works. This is my own site. Digital family. You'll see share with your friends and then this list of icons. When you click on one of these, it just gives you kind of a head start to doing a post about what's on that page, and all of this is controlled by share this so you don't have to do a lot of programming on your site. Just copy that piece of code over, and it helps you make it easy for people to post something that confuses a lot of my clients when we talk about putting social media icons on their site is that they're two different kinds of icons that you can put on your site. One would be a collection of icons that just linked to your pages. So on my biography page on the front of my Janine Warner, not Com site, you'll find links to my Twitter page, my Facebook page. My Lincoln. If you want to connect with me, that's an easy place to find those links. By the way, if you want to remember where all your profiles are when you update your photos having a list of the longer site conserve dual purpose that way. But that's a different kind of link than sharing links. So add this is giving me sharing links, and I can use this to actually share information and the reason I recommend both and that you use them in different ways. Ah, lot of people just put up the links to my Facebook page, my linked in page and they're done and they're finished, and that's great. Except I'm only gonna like your page once. I'm only gonna follow you on Twitter ones. So I'm coming back to your site many times. And I've already followed you those links air kind of done for me. Whereas these sharing links allow me now to tell other people who follow me, other people who I know to go look at your content and they could be page specific. So that code goes on each page on my site, and each article on my site can be shared separately using those links. So I highly recommend that you do both of these strategies linking to your own pages once in a place like your bio or the front page of your site and then offering sharing links wherever you actually have content articles, tips, tutorials, blawg posts those you want sharing links on because you want people to spread the word about that. One other tip about this when you have these sharing links and you may have noticed this on other people sites, it gives you this kind of headline link and then a description. That text, that information is taken from the same places that Google takes information when it does search results. So if you're doing search engine optimization on your website or blawg and you're putting in the title tag the description meta tag, that is exactly what gets picked up by. Add this when it's a site shares, or if somebody just copies the link off the top of this page. And pacing on Facebook and Facebook will automatically put a little image and a description that sharing that text is taken from the title tag and the meta description tag in your Web pages. If you're not familiar with those, they're not that hard to dio any plug in for WordPress that does search engine optimization Any tutorials that walk you through the basics of S E O for Dreamweaver, you'll find one of my digital family site will help you figure out how to put in a title in a description on each of your pages, and not only does not help you with S e o search engine optimization, because that's the information that shows up in those Google search results. But it's very important for social sharing. And if you don't have that information in the right place, then if somebody paste that you are, Ellen, they I often get kind of random content off the page. It's not the actual title that you might have thoughtfully put on there. It might just be the first words at the top of the page, and they may not even have anything to do with the article. The person sharing If you've ever shared a paint and been like, How come that the description? It means the person who created that page wasn't very thoughtful about putting a title in a description. Similarly, images show up on Lee if they're inserted into the page. If you're using purely background images in your design, I know this is a little bit technical in Web design, but again, there's such a overlap. If you're Onley using background images in CSS, which some people consider a good practice in CSS, then when people share that page in social media, there aren't gonna be any little icons to share with your page because the social media sites can't find that background image in your CSS. They have to see images inserted into the page itself. So another good practice to think about as you do Web design on pages that you want to be shared on the Web. Make sure there's at least one good image inserted into the page itself using the I. M. G S R C image. Source. Html time and make sure there's a good title in a description, and it will make your content much more terrible and much more richly. Cheryl. So I know that was a little technical if that was too fast for any of you. I do have some tutorials on my site around some of those things because I never like to mention one product without an alternative. There's another site called Share This that works very similarly to add this. So add this and share. This are both tools for adding social media sharing icons, and both of them also have analytics, which is a nice secondary element. So when you use the sharing buttons, not only are you making it easy for visitors to your website or blawg to share your photos, share your blood post, share your content, but over time you're getting a new kind of analytics. So in addition to maybe the traffic analytics you have on your website, the Google analytics you have on your website. You'll get the social sharing analytics, and you can start to see which of my pages air people sharing. Where are they sharing them? And you can learn a lot in terms of thinking about building an audience by starting to understand who's sharing content and how on your website. So you may find that a particular block post Brie just blows up on social media and using share this or add this, you'll be able to see when it was getting posted and how it was getting posted there. Very powerful tools. So make it easy to share. Another tool that I highly recommend if you're not using it, is bit Lee. I know a lot of people know about Bentley, but if you don't it's especially important in Twitter. So Bentley, which has a very strange or let's be I t dot l y not Betley dot com b I t dot l. Y. Actually, they may have finally acquired the domain name Bentley dot com That may also work, but the official u R l B I t dot L. Y. It's designed to shorten you RL's and it also comes with analytics, which is kind of cool. So if I put in a girl like this one that you see up here, this is the long you, Earl to my creative live class via my affiliate link from my digital family site. That's a crazy Orel, even if one in Facebook, you try and put that into Twitter. You don't have any characters left a tweet. In fact, that's probably too long to be a tweet. But I run that through bit Lee. And this is the girl that I get so this shorter you are all down here will be redirected to this long, complicated URL. And it allows me when I'm posting to Twitter to reduce the number of characters in the URL when I want to share them. So just a simple tool, but a very powerful one, especially when you start to look at the metrics behind it. So if you share links using bit Lee and you take the time to set up an account on Bentley, you can use Billy without being logged in. If you take a couple extra minutes and just set up a free account epically, then all the links that you share will be preserved, and Billy will show you owe on this shortened u R L You had this many people share it, and here's all the other people who shared it, which is kind of interesting. It's showing the clicks of people who clicked on mine and then all of the clicks on that shortened URL. So you get to start to see, um, over time how you may be contributing to the bigger conversation or whether you were the only person who shared that link. The analytics have evolved over time, but basically they'll give you some statistics and even some visual representation about how and where things were shared. What kind of engagement you got when you use those shortened links Kind of cool. Here's another example. Tinyurl dot com again, Just trying to share the love with my recommendations works very similar to Betley. Not quite a sophisticated or advanced but certainly perfectly functional. You can put in a very long you are, well toe a long news story specifically on the BBC website and end up with a nice a short little girl. You can also create a custom alias, so if you are a company like BBC, and you want all of your URLs that are shortened to include part of your name branding or you are Ellen them. You can set that up there as well. And again, this is just another example of using those links. So using a bit Lee link, even if the URL isn't that long, this is, Ah, Adobe Camp Bogota. I spoke Adobe Camp in Colombia a year and 1/2 ago, and posting that Bentley Link was just a little bit shorter. And if you're trying to get trying to say as much as you can in Twitter, with this few characters as possible, even just reducing it, a few characters can free up some characters. Teoh, add a little more to your post. We can go through kind of quickly just a series of social research tools. Twiddle. Isar lets you analyzed Twitter. Thank you. Know Twitter. Try to analyzer. If you are really seeking out information, really seeking out experts really trying to track how people are talking about your brand, how people are talking about products that you care about. This list of tools that I'm gonna go through now could be very powerful for doing research. So Twiddle Izer is one obviously specific to Twitter. Some of the others search across multiple social sites. Twiddle Izer is just specifically for Twitter. Advanced Search is actually part of Twitter and also specific to Twitter. It's just twitter dot com slash search dash advanced, but notice all the different fields. You can search for all of a phrase and exact phrase any of the words and a phrase you can exclude words as you search. You can use Hashtags or not, which is nice, because not everybody uses hashtags on all the key words you might want to search on Twitter. You can search for things specific to people's accounts. You can really hone in and say So. I want to see all the things Curry Anderson is ever posted with this hash tag or this set of keywords. And that could be a very powerful way to do an advanced search at Twitter. And that's just twitter dot com. Advanced slash search dash search Social mentioned. I'm actually gonna show for a second. This is kind of an amazing tool if you've never used it. So social mentioned dot com. If you're trying to understand if people are talking about you again talking about a product from the use myself, because I have permission. If I put a brand name in here and somebody said something bad about it, we could all get in trouble. We don't want that to happen, so I owe a lot of times I use myself as an example more because I have permission than for any other reason. Um, I think I'm trying not to look too overly self promotional after talking to car. But what you see here and thank you for the love, it's some of the mentions that have happened for me based on the conversations and the tweets that have happened around this class. So, not surprisingly, we've gotten a little bit of social engagement about our social media class. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Keep the love. Come in. I'll send it back. I promise. We'll like that. Top one. I know. Isn't that awesome? Yeah. Um, I thank you. I really that wasn't there a minute ago. But you just put that up there. I swear, that was so weird. Because literally, just Well, it's funny, cause I did a search on the top thing with something was not that so that when you brought it up, like, Oh, okay. I'm kind of trying to read and talk. I know, Jim. Um, yeah, but this is a great way to gauge if people talking about you, but also you can put book titles in here. You can put company names in here. You can put names of your competitors in here. Social mentioned could be a very powerful way at looking at just what is the general sentiment and feeling about people? Are people talking about this in a positive way? You might find out that one of your competitors has lots of social engagement, but it's primarily negative. That could be very informative as you think about how you want to proceed in your own business development. So I think social media or social mentioned is a particularly powerful tool for that. Topsy is another one, um, and again, search and analyze. The Web has many different features, many different ways to search within their If I have a lot of time left over, maybe we'll do a little bit of this from a little hand. Hesitant to do live searches online on camera because you never know exactly what might show up on on screen. Um, pure index pierre index dot com is particularly useful if you're looking for people with specialties. So if you're looking for all of the bakers in Southern California, that might be of use to you, you can start toe do searches more specific to professions and topics and specialties, which is kind of interesting. It's designed to help you find piers. Other people that do what you do and could be influencers are are interesting. Teoh Ed drink is about analytics, one of the really big growth areas in, uh, in social Media. Is this whole idea of analytics? Um, there's I thought there was another one there, too, but, um, it may have gotten moved down. So really trying to track if we post things, What kind of engagement do we get? Where are the influencers again? Big companies are spending big dollars on some pretty big tools. Now, to measure this kind of stuff, I'm gonna ask in a second, but just to give the heads up seat and get started. If there are other tools I'm gonna mention a few here there are dozens more. I could have included lots of other ones, but if there's some people in the in the Internet out there in any of the chat rooms going, what about this tool? I love this tool. Please chat them in there. And let's at least call their names out. You may know one that I've heard of it, didn't think to mention or one that's just come out or just appreciate one in a way that I haven't to make it worth mentioning. But this is really by far the most popular tool among social media managers, and I do use it some, and I definitely recommend it. Hoot Suite and Hoot Suite, as I've mentioned before, is really good for aggregating. Don't always use it for posting, but I use it a lot for monitoring and responding to people. So one of the things that Hoot Suite does really effectively. It lets me track Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and even responses to my pages. You can follow groups. You could have a lot of feeds from different social media sites in one dashboard where you can check it all at once, and it just makes it quick and easy to say. Oh, these are all the people who have mentioned me. Let me make sure I go and favorite or retweet or follow those people. Let me show you how that works are quick tiffin updates with, uh, the mention from it might be a little bit slower than the other one. So if I get a comment like this Wow, Thanks. That's fantastic. Somebody promoting my class, I want to make sure that I give this person some love. I'm gonna notice how one my roll my cursor over and this is a little small. Blow that up a little bit. Yeah, when you first look at this, there's too many things going on on the screen. There we go. When you first look at this, there's nothing in this top right hand area. But when you roll your cursor over a mention or a tweet, you'll see you can reply to the person you can retweet them. You can send a direct message to them, and there's some other things you could do. Favorite, even assigned to it just makes it very efficient to go through and do sort of what some of us call social grooming. Talk about that more in a moment. Actually think my husband came up with that term and I haven't heard that anywhere else. But most people get it right away. Social grooming is it sort of comes from the, you know, the monkeys used to pick the bugs out of each other's hair. You know, it's it's taking the time to go and be thoughtful and responsive. So Twitter will feed all this stuff to me. And if I'm watching it, I can pay attention. And if I've got notifications that come into my inbox, there are lots of ways to be informed. But hoot suite puts this all in one place, and I could just quickly go through and favorite a bunch of tweets. So if I want to say wow content design, thanks so much, I'm just gonna hit favorite. They get an indication if they have the notification up that I've favorited this tweet clout gets an indication that there tweet got favorited right a little about sharing the love. So the main way that I use hoot suite on a regular basis is to monitor activity around me and things that I think are important and to try and respond a reply to people in an efficient way so that I don't miss a comment or a mention from somebody who might become a good ally or just deserves an Atta boy for giving me some social media love. One of the other things that's nice about Hoot Suite is disability toe. Add not just a social media site. You can add any of these sites to this tool, but you can also add search terms and keywords. So if I wanted to follow all of the mentions of pound creativelive, I could put this in here at a stream and hoot suite will now automatically add a list here of all the times that Creativelive has gotten mentioned so I can follow things that I'm interested in and just constantly see them getting updated. So if you're managing a lot of things on social media or you're following a lot of information on social media, this could be a very efficient way to do that. In one dashboard across multiple sites, keywords, specific people, specific, mentioned, specific, it's just handy toe to be able to do that. No shows today Yeah, you're gonna get a favorite for that. Thanks, Vic. See, photography. I hope you are inspired to do great things, Not feeling bad for what you should have done. That is definitely my goal here. So here I'm adding a stream. And just remember hoot suite. You can use it to monitor social. You can use it to monitor key words and phrases. You can also use it to pre program tweets. Facebook updates, etcetera. And that can be especially powerful if you are going away for a period of time or not gonna be available. And you want to keep things updated. Actually did this a couple years ago when I was, um it was a year ago when I was doing a presentation and I thought it would be kind of funny toe. Have me on stage saying this is what I'm talking about. And by the way, while I'm talking about this tool, it's posting this thing that I just said it could have said that to do it again today. But the power of that, if you think about it, think about that, Jim. I found a way to be in two places at once. right. I could be on stage and updating Twitter and you don't even see my fingers, luv. Uh huh. That's kind of a coal techniques, but it also can be a very powerful tool if you are managing tweets for an organization or a company, a lot of times I'll have people come to me and say, You know, we all think we should be updating this site and we forget And we've got 10 employees and we've got employees. And who's responsible? One of the suggestions I have is why don't you all meet on Monday at lunch and just brainstorm things that would be valuable and useful to share with your audience and then go pre program some of those in the hoot suite? That doesn't mean you can't also update things manually to Twitter and Facebook when something happens, or add timely things when they're celebrity gossip, you have to share with your friends, and you guys were way on top of that yesterday, so that kind of stuff, you're gonna have to tweet in real time when it happens. But you might have 12 great quotes that you post once a month for the next 12 months. Or you might have 52 tips that you pre programmed to update every Thursday at two o'clock. So Thursday, tip day or Tuesday. Tip day. I think it's Tuesday. Took day, right? So every Tuesday at two o'clock, I'm getting some a liberation Tuesday, two o'clock tip time tips. T say that three times. You really laughed at that. He's trying to say it three times. So are you playing? Never mind. I don't want todo I You can pre program 52 tips to go out every Tuesday and know that you've got that set up. No, your social media is never gonna be more than a week outdated. No, you've got valuable content already set up there and take advantage. Maybe of the whole group brainstorming that list, get it set up, taken our to just post them all there and then kind of relax about Okay, I know. I've got my bases covered. I'm gonna have some action there now. I can spend my time being more thoughtful about researching people, listening to people posting unusual interesting things because I've got a couple of posts a week pre program that set in there and I don't have to worry about it, and that's what I've seen work very well for a lot of big organisations. Sometimes when I'm traveling, I'm working with US embassies, and I think that can work well for embassies. One of the embassies was gonna post 52 quotes from US presidents. You know, that's that fits their mission. That's an easy way to make sure that they've got something going out every week and keeping people engaged. Another tool I really like for managing lots of social media is called nimble, and I am ble dot com, Nimble and nimble is actually integrated with Food Street, which is cool, but it's quite different. The idea of Nimble is about more personalized communications. So Hoot Suite lets me look at all the mentions and all the things going on and follow feeds and nimble. Let's be look at all of my email and all of my contacts and the social media interactions we have across those, and it's particularly valuable for salespeople, and it's definitely designed to improve customer relationship management. That's its founder was a is a very well respected and person in the world of CRM, and he built this tool designed. So think about if you're if you work in sales or you work in business development and you have relationships with a lot of people and maybe you call some of those people once a week. Maybe you call some of those people once a year and you're getting ready to call this personally kind of. No, But you only talk to every six months or a year. Sometimes you might communicate with the month Facebook. Sometimes you might communicate with them on Twitter. Sometimes you might have a direct email. This puts all of that in one place. So when you look up that contact you see oh, here's the last few emails we had. Here's what they just posted on Facebook in the last week. Here's what they posted on Twitter. Oh, look, they're on vacation this week. Maybe I'll wait and call them next week to talk to them in six months. Why call them when they're on vacation or Wow, they just posted that they got a new gig. Let me go find out what that's about. Second congratulated them for that when I talked to them. So nibbles really designed to deal with the fact that most of us now are communicating in multiple ways with the same people. So before this class, I had some social media interaction with some of you. Now that we've met and we're gonna trade business cards of the party after this, we're probably going to end up with email addresses. It's nice to be able to go back and see all of that communication over time. I think photographers and creative professionals who tend to have very personal relationships with our customers. This could be a very powerful tool, like most of these tools that has a paid level of service when you get to a certain number of contacts. But there was a free level of service you can start with and again, it's integrated in the hoot suite. So if you're already using Hoot suite, you may find that there's it's a nice compliment. Toe that tool again just to make sure that I'm covering multiple tools. Bundle post is another tool in this area, and it's really high powered, automatically Hash tag scheduled social media posts in just one second. I don't really need that level of help in social media. But but clearly some people dio So if you are managing social media for a major brand and you need to be able to do a lot of volume, a lot of work in a short period of time, be aware that there are some very professional tools out there, most of which do cost money to use. Um, but there are There is a growing list of tools designed to help professional social media managers. And by the way, if you're thinking that maybe your career should shift in the direction of social media management, it is absolutely a growing field of expertise in a growing area of hires. When I was talking to college students recently about internships, and I had just been at this event where they were looking for social media interns and they actually pay for those internships, and when I told that to, the students were like Wait paid internships sign us up because too many people want to explain. It turns out there you should all pay your interns. It's the little public service announcement tips if you manage someone else's account. If you find yourself in the job of being a social media manager. Just a couple of suggestions. Uh, you can log in using an incognito or private window. I was showing that yesterday. If you're in something like Google, this is Google chrome. You can do a new incognita window. The other browsers all have ways to do private surfing as well, and that will allow you to open a new window where you're not already logged in. So if you're logged in as yourself in one window, you can open a second window and logging is somebody else without having to log out and log back in. It's kind of a pain, so new incognito window is a good trick for doing that. Hoat Sweet. Absolutely. If you work on, if you work in this world who sweets pretty much a no brainer, Um, heaven, this is actually born out of a story about our wonderful president. Whether you love and admire him or not, He is a really great case study and using social media effectively. But he also had it a somewhat embarrassing moment, not long after he became president, or maybe he was still campaigning at the time. Somebody asked him about Twitter and he said. Oh yeah, I don't really use it Except he had a Twitter account for some time that something else was updating on his behalf. He's since gotten more savvy. This was many years ago. I don't think he make that mistake today. But if you are ever in the position of tweeting or updating social media, Arab lives on behalf of a CEO or a VP or a politician, make sure you find a way it way to keep them in the loop at least enough that they don't deny what you're doing. It kind of makes you both look so there is a delicacy to being the social media person for a celebrity for an executive on, and they were growing list of people who had that job. But it's It should be a high trust relationship. And if you're thinking about hiring somebody to do this for you, there lots of virtual assistants out there that offer social media consulting is part of what they dio. That could be very helpful for a busy entrepreneur, but you are offering really your voice and your messaging to the world to someone else. You want that to be a high trust relationship. So, bribery. I think I would trust you enough. You seem interested. I saw her. Like you should think about this. You know, I suspect you'd be great at this. But it does. There is a high level of trust that you need. When when you do that with something. All right, audience any tools that we've got tools? Oh, goody. With Mr Defrost who's been charming in all day. I've been missing some of his PM So defrost the defrost. Thank you for participating in so many my classes and for being so active in the chat rooms. I know you already have Always help people I employs to type in the URL of whatever you say. So I I f t t t dot com Okay. Is super helpful to automate your social posting. For example, if I get a Twitter follower, I can automatically send them a personalized thank you response. Or if I post on Twitter with the hashtag and hashtag it with hashtag f b, it will post the same thing to Facebook for me. So many possibilities. Awesome. So I have t t t I am three teens dot com Yep. I f t t t dot com Yes. Up on the screen here if you want to cut to that, Uh, the only thing I'll say is and the love the Frost has great advice. But the automatic reply when somebody follows you on Twitter is a little bit controversial. Okay, so just be aware if you're just automatic replying, Thanks for following me. Here's a link to my website. We can learn more. A lot of people think that's a little bit Stamey. I've seen some rather clever auto replies that are, you know, well, thanks for following me. I look forward to getting to know you unless you're getting lots and lots of Twitter followers. That's one area where I would say it probably pays to take the time to go. Look at them personally. Use a tool like the one I showed yesterday just on follow, which counterintuitively is not just for people who and follow you, but also a good way toe measure people to keep track of people who follow. You can bring that one up on the screen. See? See it. So I have t t t I. That's great. And there's sometimes when automated responses could be really useful. But they also can look a little a little spammy to people if you're not careful. So just make sure you're not sending back a promotional tweet. If you're sending back a loving, thoughtful one, as I suspect, defrost would it's probably fine. Yeah. And we've got from Lou a handful from Louis Logic. Okay, who uses paper dot L I? Yep. Paper Lee. Um, like analyzer like analyzer. It's like he a oh. Why? ZR Okay, let me get all these up here text, and then I'll you can cut over to my computer and I'll put him all up at once. All right? We've got shared account. Shared account, shared count. C o U N t like Count Basie. Oh, are like, count the numbers. Think it's tracking like Carol shares. Likes tweets and more cool. We've got t w e r I o d Syrian. I was I just felt it. Who comes with these names? Get to know when your twitter followers are online. Start tweeting when others listen. Well, that's a question a lot of people have had. When should I tweet? Okay. Apparently this is trying to help you identify when the followers that you and this is really clever. Because the answer to when should I tweet depends on who follows you. So if they actually deliver on this promise, and some of these tools do better than others, I don't know this one very well here. So But if they can actually look at and somehow track when the majority of your Twitter followers are online and active based on when they're tweeting and give you that information, that's pretty impressive. Um, why not? And then two more must be present dot com. Okay. The growth, relevance and reputation of today's organizations are being shaped by social conversations. Customer care of communication have changed forever. You must be present. Okay. Looks like another one of these tools that's trying to help you build your brand measure. Engagement sprout social. I'm familiar with, um Okay, cool. And one more from D social, bro dot Com social, bro. All right, I like the name are any It just kind of sounds hip in a retro kind of way, enabling twitter for business. All right, so there we go. You ask, and I am so that I really appreciate that. So anybody who's kind of taken these down, I encourage you to find the tools that serve you. And what I found is that changes over time and spending 10 15 minutes on each of one of these to just kind of assess what it does. You can pretty quickly analyze whether this is something that's gonna help you or not shared count. I'm kind of intrigued by here, like analyzer. That's interesting. So analyzing. Monitor your Facebook pages paper. Lee is more of an aggregation site, and I've seen people using this. It's a little bit like Rebel Mouth and, um, about me in that you can create your own site and then aggregate content from other places. And I've seen people use paper leverage effectively, And I know I get mentioned in people's paper leads when they publish them. So you can kind of publish a newsletter and include other people's social media posts in that newsletter as you create it, and then people will tweet out. Hey, I just published a paper lee on this topic, and it includes action in Warner and at gym Coach E Tim Hitachi. Perfect. Thank you. Um, yeah. So paper lace. Kind of an interesting tool as well. For some reason, just unfollowed and want to come up for me today and put the Internets work for you. Join I f t T T. Thanks again. Defrost for your suggestions. Awesome. Really great stuff, guys. Any others? That's a good list. It's pretty good list. Right again. Beyond that. Look out their new ones all the time. But those air definitely some of the ones I found most helpful. Yeah, he got to do that right? The obligatory kitten food. I've decided that in addition to chocolate, all of my presentations must at some point have an adorable kitten moment because I like to say the Internet is made of cats.

Class Materials

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Social Media Design Templates
Creating Animated GIFs with Adobe® Photoshop®
Social Media Design Template Guide
Facebook® Template Guidelines

Ratings and Reviews


I picked up some great tips about the different social media platforms. I found some of the social media templates a bit confusing to use, but the course was useful overall.


amazing course

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