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What is the Best Social Media for you? Part 2

Lesson 3 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

What is the Best Social Media for you? Part 2

Lesson 3 from: Social Media Design Toolkit

Janine Warner

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3. What is the Best Social Media for you? Part 2

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What is the Best Social Media for you? Part 2

anybody on Cora. Ever heard of Cora? J. D. You are my social media guru. What is Cora? I don't need to put you on the spot. It's a question based website. You've heard of it obviously again. Very professional tool. So if you're using social media in a highly professional way, if you're somebody who find yourself asking questions that are hard to answer because they're so timely, so contemporary or so specific, Cora can be a really powerful place to go. Anybody can post a question. Anybody can post an answer. The community votes those answers up and down, and you can follow people. Or you can follow questions. Or you can follow topics Very interesting place to get powerful engagement with people in a very high level. I've asked questions on Cora and had CEOs answer them. You really can get a pretty high level of engagement, a lot of tech people on it, but increasingly, you're flying just about any topic you can imagine. So again, not a lot of design options, but notice that I'm using ag...

ain that same profile photo. Now when I change profile photos, which I do periodically, that means I have to go to all these different sites and I have to remember to go to all these sites and change them. But especially on a site like Cora, where all you have is a little profile photo, it can be especially important to change that so that it matches the others. I get too Koran it like Is that the same Jessica Drake That, or is not a different Jessica Drake? You want to be recognizable to people so that they can find you if I'm unlinked and go to Koran is Well, that's that woman that has that really interesting career. I wonder what she's saying about the questions I'm asking. I want to know what's you when I find you, You dio don't If you have you two channels, JD, you can just come up here and help me teach the rest of the class because you keep nodding your head so wonderfully. That's awesome. What do you use youtube for? Um, I have some promo videos like I really don't use it well at all. Um, have one or two things up there. Really? Right now, it's just one of those kind of like Kwara something I have in the background that I knew at some point somebody recommended. And so it just kind of, like, sit there with a profile, doing nothing. Sadly, um, but I am really starting to get some new video promo was done and wanting to put some do tour, um, portfolio videos together as well to start using that much more in my media platform. Great. Yeah. I actually used YouTube in a similar way. Chased our Miss, one of the founders of Creative live. I'm sure you know that name has a fantastic YouTube channel. He puts a lot of content up there. A lot of fun has a nice, beautiful photograph at the top. A great example of what you gonna do with YouTube. We'll look at a lot more examples of YouTube tomorrow and talk more in depth about that. But I think you've really encapsulated their two primary ways that people use you to. One of them is to put our promo videos and to promote ourselves, and it becomes a place where you can see examples of me speaking or examples of me teaching. The other is more what you're doing with your blog's BRI, which is to create a channel on YouTube with a personality, a message like a TV show. Even, uh, and some of the people who are doing regular shows on YouTube are doing extremely well, like seven figures. Well, in terms of monetizing their channels, if you can get to millions of views, you can get to millions of dollars in revenue using you tip. So it's a very powerful way to build a business ceases. Then I'll talk some about how people do that. Some of the strategies around creating channels, some of the kinds of content that seemed to work there, that will be tomorrow, Another site that's gotten a lot of attention. Pinterest and I know JD is gonna be like, Yes, yes, I use Pinterest. What about you, Chantal? Or you want to trust You're a photographer, right? So why do you like them? Trust that you can just keep that over there if you want. I should, um, I haven't used it a whole lot for my photographer yet. I'm that kind of love crafting, so I am addicted to it for that sense. But, um, I have found a lot of other photographers that I that I follow anyways on there that I really like. So that's fantastic. Ah, lot of photographers use it to show stuff off, but crafting is huge there. So if you're in the crafting the one Do you like Pinterest? What kind of crafting anything. Anything and everything. But, um, And then Plus, I find a lot of stuff that I can use for props that I could just make myself, um, and that I can use repeatedly. You're just change up. So you're a maker? Yes. Wonderful interest is very popular among makers. You know, you think because it's so popular with designers because it's so popular with photographers, you think interest would give us some design options? Not really. You pretty much get a profile photo, and you have some choice about which is the cover photo in each of your boards. So the way Pinterest works, you create boards and you pin images to those boards. And then within my California wildlife ward, I can choose which photograph is the main one that shows up when you display this page. But there is not a lot you can do in terms of design on Pinterest. That said there is a lot. You can do it. Pinterest. And there is a fantastic Pinterest instructor here. Creativelive. I just have to give her a shoutout. Melanie Duncan, if you're interested in Pinterest and you want to push the limits of what's possible I think she is the best teacher out there when it comes to how to use Pinterest and use it effectively. And if you go to the catalogue, you'll find Unlock the power of Pinterest by Melody Duncan. So I won't be talking about Pinterest cause there's not like you can do in terms of design. But if you're interested in that, you can find lots of help with Pinterest on on creative life. Go, Melanie. All right, Any other social sites that came up any any social site trending in our poll? I think the only one Behan's came up. That was just one that, you know, people chimed in on. Yeah, I know that's new. If you're a part of the adobe creative cloud, you get it for free. But you comfort you cover them all. So Fanta Oh, video. Yeah, sure. So video is similar to YouTube. Uh, video. I actually tend to use more privately than publicly, but it does have a public side. YouTube is so big and so dominates. I'll talk about this more. But if you don't know, YouTube is not only the second largest social media site, if not, you know, neck and neck with Facebook. In terms of popularity and users, it's the second most popular search site in the world. So most people started Google when they want to search. The second most popular place to start searching the Web is YouTube. People go there and they type in whatever they want to learn, whatever they want to see whatever music they want to hear. Whatever clip from a comedian they wanna watch. It's a very powerful search to Eliza Eliza Social Tool video. The I M. E. O. Is a competitor to YouTube. It's not as big and popular, but it has a lot of the same kinds of features, and both video and YouTube are places you can post videos and then embed that video from their sites onto your blawg or website, and I definitely recommend that you really don't want to be hosting your own video in this day and age. You if you have your own blogger website, you want your video on video or YouTube and then embed it from there. And both of them are really good at not only managing the speed that video gets delivered and all the hosting challenges a video. It takes up a lot of bandwidth. That's a lot harder to manage than most Web hosting services can do effectively. But venue and YouTube both will actually deliver different versions of your video. Two different devices optimized for that device. The aspect ratio. The benefit changes the aspect ratio. But the resolution certainly based on advice. So the meals a pretty interesting site out there, not as popular as YouTube. So YouTube one of my last and we got people Tell me in on 500 pixels, tumbler and flicker. OK, yeah, Tumbler, I would put almost in the block category now, because you can do so much with Tumblr that I would say Tumblr starts to get to be like learning WordPress These days. You can completely customize that so that when I decided just kind of goes be on the scope of this class in terms of, you really have to learn HTML and CSS and things like that to do tumbler at the at the full level. Three other one that you talked about the hands I just want to acknowledge, because I know there's somebody creative professionals out there. If you are using the Adobe creative suite and I love it and you are a photographer or a designer who wants to showcase their work, that's what the hands is. B H A N C. E is a social design site. I'm not sure how I would describe it. It's not a traditional social media site in that, you know, it's not just for connecting with friends. It's really a place to build a portfolio and to connect with other designers. And I've seen lots of people use it to get work. Lots of people to showcase their work, to find collaborators on projects. So B e H a N C. E. Begins, and it was started by a company and then acquired by Adobe. So it's built into the creative suite if you want to use it. But it's a great one, all right. Thank you for that. And it's always fun to just kind of see what people are into. So, uh, I just want to take a second and acknowledge that the people in the room here already have some social sites and just give you a little bit of love as we start here. Shan tell. Thank you for letting me bring up your personal profile here on Facebook. Tell me a little bit about this design. Who are these people and why did you choose these two images? Um, Well, the my cover photo is me and my three sisters and the my profile picture is me and my niece. Ah, so cute. Very cute. So I'm guessing you use Facebook a lot with their family. Definitely a lot with my family. We'll talk about this more this afternoon in the Facebook section. How you're using a personal Facebook page and, uh, personal Facebook profile and a business facebook page. Do you have much overlap in that audience or they end always is a little bit. Well, I get maybe a lot. You mean a lot. So that's something to think about that we'll talk about if you have a lot of overlap. Having two of the may or may not be the best way to reach people, cause you end up with this duplication problem Jim was already talking about. If you really have different audiences, absolutely makes sense to do that. Um, nothing wrong. Just just the kind of thing to consider. If somebody out there is thinking I have a profile. Should I launch a page or not? The big question is do you have enough of a reason? Business case? Reason tow. Launch that or not. We'll talk about that more this afternoon, but thanks. Thanks for playing. I just wanted to get you up there, Bri by the throat. Tell me about your blawg and the Facebook page you have created to go with it. It ended up being kind of Ah, mess. I went through, like a whole bunch of different incarnations of what I was even trying to do. Like this cover photo is from when I was just making jewelry on Etsy. That's what it says regalia. The bottom. I just never even changed it. Okay, so again, this class is not about making you feel bad about what's there now. I suspect there are many people out there in the Internet world going. Yeah, don't look at mine either. I'm really glad she's up with this class is about inspiring you and helping you make a more informed decision about where you put that energy. So you are a perfect case study. Thank you so much for bringing this into the class. What would you change today before we even get into all the things I'm gonna teach it over the next two days. What would you change today about this? Um, I would definitely change my both of my images here to reflect. I just I guess I don't really like that. It's like a screenshot of my old blawg. The profile photo I'm having a little trouble with. Yeah. Quite sure what it says. It certainly doesn't tell me it's you remember, One of the things I think that's really helpful is having something recognizable. So when I get that, I'm like, Oh, yeah, that's three who I met in Creative Live. And, you know, I love a red hair. That's how I know that this is her profile, right? So something that helps represent you better, I think would probably be a great change. Yeah, this page And then you said the regalia represented you used to do jewelry on its here. You're not doing that in our not really just kind of fell off, all right, Money of us pursue an idea for a while, and it works or it doesn't. Part of why a lot of us have to reinvent ourselves and update our profiles on a regular basis is because we're doing that in our careers. Jim was asking, How often should you change these things? Well, you know, most of us don't reinvent our careers every week. Sometimes I do. But, you know, I'm gonna very fast changing environment. The internet changes all the time. You may not have to do that has often, but certainly if you've moved from doing something like creating jewelry from etc. To being more focused on your block, that's a really keen time are really important. Time to think about updating this page to reflect that more. So I'll put you on the spot some more later. When we get into l let you think about what you might put there, and we'll come back to that in the Facebook section, and that brings me to Jessica J. D. Talk to me. So you have this profile, and I know it's a profile, cause that has your photo. And that banner image is stunning. I'm sure we would all agree. And then here, this is your page. So see, banner image. But I'm a little confused by this profile image. Tell me a little you're thinking about, um it's just another photograph that I've taken. I kind of stay away from putting, like, personal stuff on my page at all. Um, I don't know why. I just want to show the images more. I guess I think you're right on track showcasing your work. I mean, first of all, your creative beautiful. I want to learn more about this images. Maybe just give us a couple minutes. Do you stage these things? Yeah. I worked with a lot of local creative people in Seattle. Um, my profile image. I created the headdress. No, sorry. The one on this page? Yeah. I created the headdress myself. There had, um uh, Ava, actually, who is on creativelive a bunch, too. She helped style it a little bit, but, um, a lot of it work with a company called idolatry, and they do the crazy horns and headpieces. And, um uh, fathom Hair studios is another person who does a lot of the hair work. And, um, I just find a lot of creative people to work with, and it has worked out very, very well. Well, very cool. You You definitely represent something that I'll say later that photographers have a huge advantage in social media because you have such great images to put into your profiles. You know, dentists don't really have that. Not that they can't come up with great images if their creative about it. But you have a rare and wonderful opportunity just picking on you a little bit. Here, here, right away. I get Europe creative, talented person. And if I met you at a party, I recognize you from that photo here. I'm a little concerned that although I love that you're showing off another image from your work, you may be confusing people about who you are. And when I go to hire you or me to at a party, they learn more about your work. I'm gonna be looking for the girl with blond hair and maybe miss you because it's so unusual to use a photo. Somebody else in your profile, unless you're being a little bit mischievous online. I would maybe caution using your logo there, possibly because it's your page or using a more professional photo of yourself. Or maybe a photo of yourself with your camera. Something like that. Possibly, Um, I give you kudos right away that you're recognizable. I can tell because you're using the same banner image that this is the same person. Or I can assume that as I move from one of these to the other is the same person. But I might be a little confused by this profile. I know We just ask you to think about that a little more. You want to make sure that people know who you are as well, and never feel confused about that when they meet you. But I love that image. You know, you could put that into the banner you integrated into the banner. You could create more banners that showcase more images and cycle them through. Right. I have a couple that are up there, but I'll bet you dio you Thank you. Well, thanks for letting me pick on you guys a little bit. I don't mean toe could take you so much is just It's really, I think, helpful for other students to have real students in the room until it kind of see what feedback you get as we go through this.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Social Media Design Templates
Creating Animated GIFs with Adobe® Photoshop®
Social Media Design Template Guide
Facebook® Template Guidelines

Ratings and Reviews


I picked up some great tips about the different social media platforms. I found some of the social media templates a bit confusing to use, but the course was useful overall.


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