Choose Your Best Platform
Tiffany Han
Lesson Info
6. Choose Your Best Platform
Introduction to Workshop
06:29 2Why Manage Your Time on Social Media
21:40 3What Do You Want from Social Media?
28:31 4What is Your Story to Tell?
13:43 5Benefits of Boundaries
18:38 6Choose Your Best Platform
25:21 7Select a Method: Automate, Batch, & Streamline
09:35 8Social Media Management Tools
20:08Lesson Info
Choose Your Best Platform
Welcome back, everybody. So when we left off, I asked you guys to tweet out your big thing. What would you dio if you were given the gift of two hours a day, Right. What would you be able to accomplish in that time? And I want to keep this this idea of the two hours a day in the forefront of your minds as we move through the rest of this And as you take this material back into your businesses and in your lives, cause that to our day thing is what is really important, right? That's the thing that we're gonna hold on to. So we have some stuff to share, which is awesome. You guys come up with really great ideas. So Danielle Celeste says my big thing is a design concept book that is a beautiful resource, and my goal is to get endorsement from industry giants all some. There's so much that we could pick apart in that to figure out how social media can be a tool for that. But do you see how that's bigger than the number of followers she has and how you can see that it's like it's a beautiful...
recent. You can see it. It's like probably thick and the papers really nice. Uh, this is my favorite, By the way, eso Mayor Bell Rivera says, My next big thing show video and show and tell of video and blawg about South America's amazing gastronomy, starting with Peru. Okay, this is bid. This is a big deal, you guys, right? This is again. This is about more than just I need more clients would be nice to make $1000. This is like you're celebrating South America's amazing gastronomy. You're telling a story, your inspiring people. You probably changing lives. Tell me what's amazing about Peruvian food. I need to know cause I need some sizzle back in my life, right? Ellen Whitehead says. My next big thing is to launch a new design website that I could really build a community around Kuo Pam says My next big thing post three times a week on Instagram, featuring my original art design creations. You got to make that well right? You're creating the content. The next big thing. I'm creating a Jamaican heritage project with some amazing friends. Hey, Andre, that's all right. And it's also big if some of you are feeling a little like, I don't know, maybe really nervous to tweet that, you know, right? We're going to talk about that later on about the procrastination that comes up with the fear with the bigness of the big thing. So let's get a few more. So Shelley says, my next big thing is actually finish something that I start. Amen. And Hallelujah, Shelley. Because I am right there with you and Jen, who we have here in our audience, says my next big thing. I'm launching a podcast about personal stories of change. Yeah, yeah, again. You guys, I just want to point out this is like a life changing stuff, right? This is not just about administrative tasks to get off your to do list. That's not what we're doing with our two hours a day. This is about like, what's gonna change the world? What is your mark toe leave behind? What impact are you here to make? Because that is so much bigger than the things you do in terms of making things and putting right your necklaces, you make them. That's something you do. But how you change the world is how people feel when they step out of that party where the ex boyfriend's gonna be in the thing and look at me. Don't you wish that you had held on to this right? And I don't know anyone who does any more of that in their lives. Yeah, that feeling. So that's what you guys are doing here. That's what you're creating. That's what this plan I want you guys to like, be on board with the plan. We've got a couple more these air from both people in our audience, Christine says, Probably work on that damn travel journal that's been in the way, right? I who has that forever project. I want you guys to start it today. Get going. If I can start a podcast when I have a four month old twins at home and keep that going every week for a year, I haven't missed a week. I've done some short episodes. I have not missed a week. Then you can do anything. I mean, serious. No more excuses. And Casey said I would finally create my adult coloring book. Yeah, Okay. Guess what. You guys just said it out loud. So you've made the public declaration, and now it's time to get Okay, So now we're gonna talk about we've got these things and we're not just gonna in the class here because it's about now we're getting into some strategies. We're getting into some nuts and bolts we're getting into some actual resource is that exist for you and ways to think about social media and how you're spending your time so that you can create that two hours day so that you have that extra time to focus on these projects. So you're not spending your time stroll scrolling. We're gonna start by really choosing your best platform notice. It doesn't say, Choose what you're going to do on all the platforms, because again, I want you guys to set some boundaries and get deliberate with your time. And I want you to figure out what platform is gonna be best able to communicate your brand story to the people who need to hear it the most. Okay, that's what it's about. We're gonna start with the base layer about building the foundation. We know why it's important. We're gonna build a foundation that we can build a house upon it. I was like, What do I say? What do I say? What do I say? The content is the curtains. If you spend all your time searching for fabric for your curtains, which is the fun part, you're not paying attention. When they pour the concrete, the house is gonna fall down and it doesn't matter what the curtains look like because they're gonna be in a pile of rubble. So let's start down here and build up. We'll get to the curtains. I promise you guys, we're gonna talk about the current state. So one thing I want you guys all to think about in terms of this is before we even talk about social media, what's the foundation of your business? And I hope it's a website. I hope that it's something some businesses exist only on social. There, people success stories of I do all my sales through social media on Instagram. That's not the best strategy because we all know a couple years ago Facebook change their algorithm. They didn't ask permission. They didn't really give much warning, and all of a sudden, people who had spent a lot of energy building up these huge followings on Facebook had to pay to play. And I need to give him some money for people to see my stuff. So remember that that you are not running the show on the social media outlets and their business, and they're gonna make decisions that are in the best interests of their business because we all want profitable businesses. So make sure that you have some kind of a base where people can give you money or higher. You are contact you or see your work, right, So that's really important. And then social media is a tool, right? So we're gonna go through when we're talking about the social media platforms and picking your best one. We've got the big guns out there. Got the Twitter, the Facebook pen dress, instagram, LinkedIn. We're going to talk about those. We're gonna talk about pros and cons and how to really assess There is some smaller guns that we're not gonna talk as much about because this is not a class about really intensive social media strategy. Creativelive has those classes where you can get into the nitty gritty of Facebook ads, or you can get into the nitty gritty of the Pinterest strategy. This is about what else you do. This is about that two hours a day. So this is about crafting a strategy that maybe it's not as in depth as you need because I'm not teaching the Facebook at class. I'm teaching the class insanity, right? And if you decide deliberately the Facebook ads or the best and most effective tool for building your business, great, then you can take that class. You don't need that class yet because we haven't made that decision right. But a lot of people think that they need that class to start because what, if so, we're not going to talk that much through the smaller gods. But let's just say what they are. They're Snapchat, which has in Syrian, becomes bigger. A lot of people are like Snapchat is the new old Instagram is what people are saying because you're getting more delivered on Instagram. And so people post on Snapchat the silly stuff because it poof disappears. And 24 I'm not on Snapchat. I don't I just can't this periscope, which is a new one you're hearing a lot about, and there's Google. Plus, there is a lot of people come to Maybe, like, do I need to be on periscope? I'm like, I don't know, Do you? Why? Why don't I mean, it's a thing. Now there are a lot of things, and if you're trying to be on everything that was out there, you it's been all your time chasing things. So if you're just doing it because everyone else is doing it, the answer is probably not right. It's gonna go through quickly. Some pros and cons of the big guns. You start with Twitter pros. Quick, easy conversation. Happy con. The content moves quickly. There's a lot of stuff scrolling. It's hard to keep up, but there is a pro. It's an opportunity to post multiple times a day. You can just throw content out there, right? Khan is challenging to stand out and have your content seem gets lost in the shuffle, which is why you gotta post multiple times a day. That's okay, though, right? If that's how you want to connect with people, you can make that work for you. These are just considerations, and as I'm working through these, I want you guys to start thinking about what you're most drawn to cause we're gonna walk away with making decision about what platform is best for you. You have up to two if you only have one about it. Eso Facebook pro. Everyone's hanging out there. Everybody's on Facebook all day. Your people, your customers sit at desk jobs all day. They probably have it open, my friends, who are career coaches who are trying to work with the people who hate their day job. They make Facebook groups because the people who ate their day job or on Facebook, right? So, yeah, so everyone's hanging out there and it's about, really also. The other consideration is to figure out if one of your goals is to get more customers or meet more of the right people where they spending their time. What platform are they? Are con for Facebook? Is it for usually business page content needs some paid boosting these days with their algorithms. So if you really want toe, reach your audience, it doesn't a lot of times you don't have to pay that much right. Even I've heard people say a dollar a day can be great, but it's something to consider, and it's a deliberate investment you're gonna make. So if it's part of your strategy, great a pro Facebook is sometimes offers a better opportunity for facilitated, thoughtful discussion. You're not limited to 140 characters. You can tag people in comments. You can ask questions and start a dialogue. It is great. So that's kind of the community that you want to build. If it's something around your product that you can really start a conversation, there are a lot of conversations that happen for around my podcast episodes that it's It's a great way for people to really be thoughtful. A con is all the noise of the careful, facilitated, thoughtful discussion right? There's just post after post after post, and you're like I don't know where I fit right. So again, we're getting deliberate, but it's a great tool if that's something that helps you Pinterest. Pinterest is good for all the things. So if you have a cooking business, great if you have a photography business. Great. If you have a jewelry business, great. If you have a design business grade all the things on Pinterest Kanis. Sometimes it's hard to stand out among all the things there's a lot happening there, Pro. You can optimize your website graphics to drive traffic back to your site to get people back on your foundation, and we're gonna be talking about a couple ways to do that. There are some really, really great ways to do that. But if you have visual things, if you're a blogger, especially, pay attention to that is coming up later. Khan is. Are the people gonna hang out on your site after they land there? So if you drive him to Pinterest that come to your site, are they going to stick around? Are you giving them a reason to stay? And that's about making sure that you're giving them content. You know, sometimes I'll have people would be like, well, in a business blogger. But I wrote this one post on my blog's four years ago about how to pack for a week long trip and carry on, and I drive all the site to my blawg from Ventre's. Well, that's great, But are those people ever gonna hire a business coach? Maybe, Maybe not so gannets about getting deliver it right. LinkedIn LinkedIn is a great resource for career change or career development. Great. LinkedIn is where people are getting jobs. People are getting hired. You got all of your information there. Hiring managers confined You If you are going on a job interview, even if you're a freelancer, make sure your linked in profile is on point because people are gonna look at it. Are those your people? If your goal is to get college students to buy your products, are they Arlington? They're not shopping there, so maybe you don't need to be on, like, done right. It's about making the decision, figuring out where your people are pro. It can help you stand out the editors or hiring managers if you're creative, especially if you're doing freelance work. We talked about this on the break like you're doing freelance work and editors. People who work at companies are gonna hire you for jobs. Have your Lincoln looking good because that they find people to hire on linked in, and we all think Clinton is really boring. So barring I mean it is a little let's tell the truth right? I don't need to like scroll through people's resumes, but if you have a good resume as a creative it's going to catch people's attention. You can still have it. Tell the story of your brand, right? I'm not gonna be on linked in wearing a navy blazer, the white button down, You know, Syria. No, no, I'm still gonna be me. You don't have to be corporate, but am I gonna like drops the F bomb on my LinkedIn profile? Like, probably not because I'm delivering a more buttoned up version of myself because if somebody hires me to come work of their company, they're gonna hire me to come deliver an address on a corporate retreat to really get people inspired. They don't necessarily need to see all the mess in the kitchen. They just want to know that I'm going to deliver a beautiful meal, right? But it's still is going to be going to keep coming back. Those to those brand words through all of these calm. Lincoln's not that exciting. It's not really that great replacing out. You know, it's a solitary, but that's okay. Because of your and an owl's, you're gonna get back to your two hour day big thing, right? Your insight, that podcast You make that coloring book, you're gonna change the world talking about Peruvian food, so we don't need to say and we don't need it to be exciting. And one of the things we're gonna talk about later is how to make social media as boring for you as possible. So you get on with your life. So some things to think about in terms of picking or platform. Where your customers hanging out, what platform or platforms you enjoy using the most. What do you dislike? What's your preferred communication style? Do you Are you will I tend to talk a lot. High caste is great for me. Twitter is hard. Um, maybe you like to keep his urine sweet. Good to have a high five done. Maybe you love emoji and Seagram would be great for you. Is your work visual? And if not gonna be translated to a visual medium, can you make it visual? My work is not visual. I'm a coach. I write and I speak in my words are my work. But I write in. I write these post its on instagram everyday, and I use the caption to tell a story and that works for me and my brand. So can your work. If it's not visual, can it translate to a visual medium? And then a couple of honorable mentions thes air, not social media platforms. But it's where else you can consider spending your time in terms of content creation on your blog's. Yes, we're gonna talk a little bit, too. Later on when you talk about the methods of managing your social media, how you can leverage a blawg post to really help you develop content for your social media accounts. Because, remember, we probably want to get people back to your site. YouTube. YouTube's great. There's a whole creativelive class about how toe become a YouTube star. I don't know how to do that, so I'm going to take you back. But that's a great if, If you like engaging with people and you like doing the camera and you're showing showing that visual side is important, YouTube can be great. If it's 45 2nd videos of you in your hands, then have some upset. You look great and podcasts. I'm a huge fan of podcasting because I talk a lot so it works for me, someone who doesn't understand what they have to say probably not gonna be a good podcaster. Someone who's like I just Well, they're tight. Okay, then don't start broadcast. It's about getting deliver it with how you want to be spending your time. When I started podcasting, my rate of blawg posting went way down because I can't do it all, and you don't need to do it all. But by really actively investing in one or two things, they're gonna grow and you'll find your people. Right. So just a little plug. Listen to my podcast, please. Um, it's called Raise your hands. Say yes and you can find it at Tiffany han dot com slash podcasts is the best way to get it. You can also search for me and the podcast app would be sure to hit Subscribe while you're there and I havent app. I have my own razor hand Say yes app which will deliver the content straight to your I phone or IPad and you can find that in the IOS store there's not an android version yet, but we're working on it. Um and we have a great Facebook community that I mentioned earlier that I created. If you want to join us over there in the Facebook community and get started really raising your hand and saying yes. Then you can sign up for that at Tiffany home dot com. Ah, there's a sign up box in the column on the left hand side, or you can text. The easiest way is text. Say yes to 66866 Now prompt you to put in your email and then I'll get you. You'll get the invitation right there in your inbox. Love to see you guys there. There's already been a lot of fun stuff happening. Is it possible to have no social media presence and be OK? Yes, it's gonna take longer and you're gonna have to work some different connections. But you can do it. Alexander France. Um, she is a writer. She's been self employed for the last five years. She's been published on time. Forbes, Huffington, Post, Newsweek and Lifehacker. And she is not on social media, but she waas and then she decided a couple years ago to get off it on. Her business has not suffered, so if you're really feeling like you just need a break, take a step back, it's OK it's OK. Bare minimum Have a newsletter, their classes out there about how to have a great newsletter. If you are engaging with the public and trying to build a brand that's telling that kind of a story, have a newsletter because that is a content you control control. Who sees it? People give you their email addresses, they go into their inbox, and people read their email all the time. Newsletter, newsletter, newsletter, newsletter, please. Okay, So what platform can best help you tell your story? You're gonna pick no more than two. We're gonna use this throughout the rest of the day. And when you guys remember, this is about getting deliberate. We're gonna be putting together a plan later for a month. So if at the end of the month, you hate Instagram and you never want to see it again Okay, you're gonna learn that, and then you're gonna pick another one to try. This is about getting delivered. So I want to hear. Does anyone have one or two like chosen platforms? Yeah, um, definitely being more visual. Brand Instagram writes fun. Yeah. And also I think facebook, I don't know, feel about Facebook, but I did start it. So I think I'm gonna just try it out. Do you want to beat alert? You put your attention to both Or do you want to Just really try to bump up your instagram for a month? Yeah, I really rather just focus e. I just have because of tackle wasn't right. So Okay, you're just don't worry about it for right now. You got to delete your account. You have to tell people you can tell people like, Hey, I'm gonna be doing more on instagram following me there. But you don't to be like Facebook's, right? You don't do that any it. I'm on Facebook, but I haven't thought about using Facebook for my business. I've only used Instagram for my business. So after taking this course, it's really got me thinking about being deliberate with Facebook. Professionally, what do you want to do? Facebook and Instagram or just Facebook? For right now. Let's keep doing both, okay, because I'm actually passionate about both. Really? What's happening on the chatter? There are people making some choices. Yeah, they're starting to come in. Katherine. Sophia says her to our Instagram and Pinterest. Great to see how many checks? I don't know where it's voting. So no says Twitter. I use Twitter. You should are also ordered a Facebook your mind to. Okay, that's really a place. Are we looking at a two places besides that To promote podcast? I would call that, like your content that you're creating, like, the same as a blawg. And then you're gonna be looking at Maybe your goal okay is to use. And we're gonna be putting all these pieces together. Maybe the goal that you're gonna work on is using social media to promote your podcast. So I just love instagram and Twitter like, OK, I just is what I do. Like, I'm just OK. It's always give me an excuse to use them. Some catholic. Yeah, Yeah, for me. I'm pretty much just instagram right now. Yeah, I pushed my instagram to Twitter. And then if people are more on Twitter and they want to see me there, that's fine. But I can't keep up. I look at twitter, you know, every other day, and I will try to, like, say, thanks to people. But people know like Instagram's where they need to go instagrams on my email signature, so I only have one. So if you only have one that's okay
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Ratings and Reviews
Esther Beaton
I bought this course at exactly the right time. Everything Tiffany said is still 100% relevant today. It's not about posting more or using more platforms. Instead she helps you develop a strategy that's super easy. I did mine during the course and it's by far the best marketing plan I've ever created for my business. I learned a big lesson on this course: if you don't like doing it, then drop it; and that includes social media, anything in your business, etc. I have such a sense of relief and calmness now about my business. One of the best business courses ever.
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