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Making it Work for You

Lesson 11 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social Media

Tiffany Han

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11. Making it Work for You

Lesson Info

Making it Work for You

Welcome back, everybody. So now I hope that you're excited to let some things go. I hope that you're excited to communicate the story of your brand. I hope you're excited to use some of the tools we talked about earlier that are gonna make your life easier. And I hope that you're excited to start fill in some blanks. It right? Is this feeling good to Eugenia? She's like, Oh, my God. That's like what? So we're gonna talk about first how to make social, social media work for you because how it works for me is gonna be different than how it works for you, from how it works for you, for how it works from you at home. And so remember that what? We're setting up our best practices. I'm not going to give you guys any hard and fast rules because my rules may not be your rules and may not be your rules. And that's really important to remember. So it's really about making it work for you. So what you guys already know. You know why boundaries are important? You know what story you're trying to t...

ell? You know you're guiding brand words. You know what your two platforms are. And you know how to deal with procrastination so that social media is no longer your go to, right? Yeah. So now you're gonna learn how to craft content that will work for your business, what to say? Examples of how brands use social media effectively. We're gonna get an instagram rock star of here to share her secrets about how she blew up her own INSTAGRAM account with a little before and after, and you're gonna learn how to pull it all together and evaluate what's working. So it's gonna be really fun because we're gonna walk through this. So I want to know for you guys what's missing in your business because this is about more than social media. So what's missing that you can get from getting deliberate about crafting a place? Yes, but the being intentional with what I put out and just talking more about the work that I dio because I feel like well, here it is, But there are so many people are like I didn't even know you were doing that. Like, why didn't you post more? And I'm like, I didn't want to be to sail Z or, you know, buy this. Everyone in doing that. And so yeah, putting more stuff out, doing more work. So we'll have more stuff to put out, too. Lily, is there anything in the chat people say is missing? But they're excited. Teoh, bring up. I'm still, um We haven't gone the mess. There's a lag. Okay, so let me go grab some of that. All right? Get back to you. Great. So, Christine, did you have just going to add to that? But even just having a plan in place so that it's not so overwhelming it and you don't have to overthink it so much. And you could just say I'm gonna refer to the plan, you know? And if all goes well, you're gonna see that it's actually easier than you think to make that plan. So the big question is what would happen if you spent one month getting delivered about social media? That's all we're asking here for us one month. I'm not asking to make a year plan. I'm not asking you to come up with your strategy for next quarter. Even not saying what's 2016 gonna look like for you and social media. It's about starting with a month. Because that way, remember, it's this No system is gonna be perfect, right? We're aiming for 60% success. So what we're gonna do is Corp to get really deliberate about crafting a plan, make those choices, set those goals. And then after a month, you're going to be able to evaluate it, which I'm going to teach you how to do that to and then you're gonna be able to look at what worked. What didn't What did I like? What didn't I like? And your goals are measurable. So you're gonna know how to answer that question. I want 500 instagram followers, but I got 10, sweet, but maybe you only got four. So what's happening? So we're gonna learn we're gonna look at now. We're gonna be putting it all together using a calendar, right? We have our like, I need a bag in a great tool there. These things help calendars. They're gritted out by every day, and second could use this calendar. This is what we're gonna be working off of as we plan out, plan out and use this for the rest of the day. So I want you guys as I'm walking through this to use this calendar, jot down any ideas, it can get messy. You can always print out another one. It's totally fine. But really use this today as a working tool, I'm gonna be showing you how I use it for my business. We're going to We're gonna be doing an example with my business and stream. And then we're also going to do a hot seat where I bring someone up when we actually plot out their social media too. So you'll be able to see in action twice and think about a couple of different ways to use it. Um, so up here, you can see there's a spot for goals. There are six goals. I want to narrow that down, even just three to start. So what are your top three priorities? I want you to think about that. And since I'm gonna be working us through my business, I'm gonna be sharing my top three priorities for the month of September. It is too. See, what are my top three priorities? Let's say, um, talk up creativelive. I want to I'm gonna have a Webinar later this month that I want to promote so promote Webinar. And I'm gonna be releasing my 100 rejection letters program in the beginning of October. So I wanna build anticipation for that. Go. Great. So let's talk about goals. These air not actually specific ALS, right? These air, very general goals. So if I wanted to get specific here, if I'm gonna be filling these in talk up creativelive, I want to mention creativelive twice a week and in two classes so one glass each week for the month and remind people that they can still get that content that I created that. So I want to promote my webinar. I want 500 people to sign up for my webinar, okay, and build up 100 rejection letters. I want to talk about my 100 rejection letters twice a week. I want to get 150 new people on that preview list. How did those girls feel? Much clearer, Right. Here's what we're gonna get by putting together a plan. Gonna have a guide for your content and your time. You're gonna know what to dio when you sit down to do it you're going tohave Something to automate streamlining batch because that's all just a grand idea. If you don't have anything to plug in, you're going to know how social media can reflect your business and you're gonna have a structure for evaluation. So if I have 450 people signed up for the webinar, I didn't hit my goal. Am I gonna cancel it? No, I'm just gonna say, what could I have done differently? I might decide that 450 people is pretty darn good. And I'm gonna be happy with those 150 people, and that's fun. But you need to have a place in the starting place for evaluation. So one thing to think about is what do you already know that could be included in your plan? Well, I know that I want to talk about my easy yes, and social media sanity classes once a week. So I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna be doing this for my instagram, which I try to post twice a day on Instagram. One of those times a day Esma posted. So I'm not gonna worry about those cause I do those kind of on the fly. So this is going to be for the other content. So I know that on Monday and Thursday I want those to be my creativelive days. So on Monday, I'm gonna say creativelive easy as on Thursday Is creativelive social media sanity done, and we're gonna be talking about different ways of creating content later. And I want you guys to start just brainstorming ideas that can work. And as we talk about the best practices in some of the this really stellar content, try to think about how that could apply to your business. So it's not necessarily about copying someone, but it's about looking at with these examples. How could I do that differently for my business? So, Andre, maybe you have talked about you a couple times with your Facebook stuff and maybe you see that I'm doing something in a Facebook group where I'm really bringing a community other, and you're like, How could I do that for my project? It's gonna be the same type of thing, but you're gonna you're gonna execute it completely differently than me, right? So, in terms of how I'm going to do this, I've got people who have posted photographs from the class. I've got people who were sharing their notes. There might be some people who have hashtagged easy, yes, and social media sanity. When they shared their big thing, that's all content that if people are putting up, I can then share on my account, right, because they air getting extra eyeballs on their stuff. I'm showing I have stuff worth talking about. Creativelive decides to do, replay my class, I can build that. So this is good. So all of a sudden we have eight pieces of content done. Great. What's next? Promote my webinar. I need to talk this up, but I need to talk it up, not just take me webinar, right, Because like, is that that interesting for people? That's a little bit PS. I'm doing this thing, but that's not gonna be the basis of my content. So what I'm gonna think about is maybe on maybe I do it twice a week, but I change up the days. So maybe on Tuesday I'm going to do an inside scoop host. People love it when I show them pictures in my messy desk. Okay, Inside scoop. I am in doing on Saturday when I abbreviate inside scoop when I come back here, I'm gonna do when say, maybe this week. I only do it once, and then here I come back here going to do here and then by them, the webinars actually over. So maybe I'm gonna do it a couple other times here. I'm gonna be creating content every time. It's not gonna be the same graphic that I'm pushing every time. So it's up to me to figure out how my gonna communicate the story of my business and why I'm changing what I'm doing. Maybe I'm going to show a picture my kids to be like. This is my endgame. And I know that if I'm having to work so hard that I can't eat dinner with my family, that something's not working. Want to know what I'm changing? Sign up here. Enjoyed me on the 16th right? You're like, Well, I'm kind of curious. It's a picture of my life. I'm letting you him, and I'm asking you to do that call to action, right? And then 150 people in the rejection letters list. You know, it's easy because I am going to be working on my rejection letters program. As I plan all this, I'm gonna be doing the concepts. I'm gonna be designing stuff I'm gonna be playing with Gold Star stickers. So that's all content that I can take photos of my process. I don't have to share them in real time. I can plug them in as I need them. So it kind of becomes like, Let's fill in some blanks that this one, it's a game. So 100 rejection letters. Well, put it here. Put it here. Do you see how you start feeling the sun? I also know that once a week I need to promote my podcast. Okay, so all of a sudden we're plugging this stuff in, and now I have 123456 spots to fill. I'm OK with that because probably throughout the month is going to be something that comes up. Maybe my friend Rachel does a really cool picture that I want to share. Rachel and I are actually gonna be I'm gonna be guest posting on her blog's starting next month, so I probably want to share that sweet, have a spot. So? So all of a sudden we took that whole month based on our goals, and we filled it at. So that's where I want you to start. Or what are the buckets of content based on your goals based on your specific goals that you can think about?

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with RSVP

Social Media Calendar

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Goal Assessment Worksheet
Making Friends Online 101
Monthly Evaluation Worksheet

Ratings and Reviews

Esther Beaton

I bought this course at exactly the right time. Everything Tiffany said is still 100% relevant today. It's not about posting more or using more platforms. Instead she helps you develop a strategy that's super easy. I did mine during the course and it's by far the best marketing plan I've ever created for my business. I learned a big lesson on this course: if you don't like doing it, then drop it; and that includes social media, anything in your business, etc. I have such a sense of relief and calmness now about my business. One of the best business courses ever.

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