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Overcome Your Procrastination

Lesson 10 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social Media

Tiffany Han

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10. Overcome Your Procrastination

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Overcome Your Procrastination

I want to talk about procrastination because I don't think that we can talk about social media and not talk about procrastination. Think this is really important? And I think it's Lily. I love that what you brought up to bring us into this because you talked about. I'm a writer and it's procrastination. I'm clicking around because sometimes these big things your big two hour a day work, the things we're talking about in the beginning, those tweets, it scared. It's scary and it's big, and it's usually easier, easier in the momentary. I want to avoid the discomfort of committing to this project easier to numb out on social media and to run away. But I want to talk about why. I mean, you guys know why you should enter at this point, but I want to talk now about how to really think about procrastination so that you know what to do when that comes up right, and we're gonna talk about ways to think about it and also some tools for helping you do that. The self control app is one of my favori...

tes for that. So to me, I think there are three root causes of procrastination. There's burnout. I'm tired. I don't want to do it because I'm tired. So instead I'm gonna fake work on social media. So at least I feel like at the end of the day, I have accomplished something. Um, but you've done probably has burned yourself out more, right? There's lack of residents. I don't want to do it because I hate it. There is something you hate in your business. Stop doing it. Because if you are forcing yourself to do something in your business that you hate, it is not connecting with an audience. People come to me all the time and say, Well, and I know I should be on Twitter, but I hate what are we'll? Get off Twitter. Twitter is not serving you if you hate it. So anything you hate in your whole business either change it, move on and then the big fear inducing work scary. It's easier not to. So we're gonna talk through how toe have really handle these and what to do with all three. So starting with burnout, the first step is to acknowledge that you're tired, right? So if you find if you're I started Dio and you're, like dry. You know, at the end of the day, still out, she and you barely focus. Can you get up and walk away? Right? Isn't that part of what we all start? Our own businesses is so we don't have to wait until five o'clock to come around to leave. Like if I'm done at noon. Can I be done? Check with my boss. She says hi. Five. Yeah. Cosi magic. Mike, Have some fun. Which I did one day was the best, right? So you get to make those choices. So learning how to ask, What do I need right now in this moment? A lot of times. So you need is to get out. You may need a glass of water. Anyone ever forget to eat lunch where you're just just kind of too tired to deal with this? It's three o'clock and then you're all cranky pants does me? I don't know. Um so asking what I need right now, it's probably not to go back on Facebook. This is a good one to get into. If you find yourself going from the email to the Facebook to the twitter to the instruments drive new email doing that loop walk away from the scream, right? Because that's not where we're finding our voices. Walk away, take a break. A 10 minute walk around the block can be huge. We aren't in offices most of the time. We aren't interacting with other people. Our computer is our office. So it's not like I could just go get a cup of coffee and stop my my friend's desk or whatever. So build and breaks for yourself. If that's reading a book for 10 minutes listening to your favorite podcast, if it's laying on your couch with your eyes closed, it's taking a walk, meeting someone for coffee. Whatever it is, build that in because that's why we started our own thing. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. When do you want to stop working a night? I try to stop work at 4 cause I'm tired. Does that mean I'm a slacker? No, man. It means I get my stuff done so I can walk away of 4 30 because honestly, by 67 o'clock, I'm toast. Got two babies at home. I'm tired. I'm creating time doing the stuff. I'm tired. It takes a lot out of me. If I try to power through, I'm gonna I'm gonna get sick, is what happens. And then I'm not gonna be able to do anything. I'm not gonna be able to serve anything. I'm gonna be terrible to be around at home. It's just it's not a one and develop a habit of checking in with yourself. So I really like to recommend that people come up with, like, a Touchstone. That's throughout the day. So for some people, it would be whenever they wash their hands, say how my feeling for some people do it. I always ask my clients like, What's your thing? When they touch a door knob, they'll do it. For some people, it's if you have a piece of jewelry that you wear, it's you see your wedding ring, you look down. What do I need right now, right? Some people will actually get a special piece of jewelry to wear. It's a watch or something. But when you find yourself getting into these things, some people, it's a meal. If you do, you feed yourself on a regular basis, you know, as you sit down for a meal, breathe. Take a breath, get back into your body and say what we need right now The answer is probably hardly a very social media right. And what you're gonna be doing is by giving yourself the rest. By giving yourself what your need, you're gonna be able to approach your work and really energized way so that you're excited about your big work because you you've already figured out Jen's already figured out how they really just spent two hours on Monday during our whole social media for the week. You could just check and every now and then throughout the week. But then you also want to be able to focus on your other stuff. So so giving We all try to do too much. I make my to do list for Monday and usually like by the end of the next week, I'm done with it. So take it easy on yourself and then exercise is the last one. Get back into your body. Move your about. Our bodies were meant to move, and it's only recently that we all stopped moving. Israel set of computers. So move your body, get get out of your head into your body. Maybe that's going to have really relaxing yoga class, right? It doesn't have to be hard, but I don't know anyone who feels worse after they moved their bodies. Right. If it's just a walk, get moving. So let's talk about how to battle that lack of residence that we feel sometimes. I just hate doing it and higher you can delegate, you can barter. So Jen said, I might bring someone on to help me with social media. Great. If you have those, resource is great, Do it. That is a deliberate choice, and that will make your life easier. I have a graphic designer names Aaron Cassidy. You can seize all over my sight. Hey, our social dot com And I hired her a while ago because I found I wasn't writing Blawg posts because I didn't want to make the graphic to go along with them. I'm a writer. I'm not a graphic designer, so I hired her. I said, Can I high? Is this something can do those? Can I hire you to make my blocos graphics? Yeah, I didn't make a big difference in my business. I really up a little bit cause I made that investment. I don't have someone who does my email because that's not my priority, right? I can handle my own email, and it's important to me to maintain my voice. You can delegate. You could do trades with people you can barter. I'm gonna give you some bags. Can you help me take product photography, things like that. But if there's something you're dragging your feet on and it's holding you back in your business, figure out a way to get some help. With that, we can get help. Setting a timer is one of my favorite way. Sometimes you got to clean the toilet, right? Like sometimes you've got to get through the emails. Sometimes there is just stuff you need to dio set a timer. There's this great method called the Pomodoro Technique, and what it says is that human brains work best in 25 minute burst. I've also read 42 minutes. It just depends on what works for you. So set a timer for 25 minutes and get toe work. When it's done, you get a five minute break, and if you want to look at your nephews bar mitzvah on Facebook, if you want to get up and take a walk. Even better, So Pomodoro technique. Lilia, you said a lot for writing. Yeah, yeah, it's good, uh, reward yourself. If you write for an hour a day for five days, what are you going to get? I'm a big fan of gold stars on a calendar, so I try to get up and exercise in the morning. I have an app on my phone called Seven Minute Workout. It's a seven minute workout. I'm not winning running marathons here, but every time I do it, I get a Gold Star sticker on my calendar in the kitchen and people say, What are those stickers for? I talk about it is the thing for me. That's all the reward I need. Maybe the reward is that I feel better in my body. I'm healthier, but maybe the reward is like I can buy that pair of pants I want. I have a little bite of chocolate, right? You get to decide what that reward is. Maybe it's if I get this done in 45 minutes, I take the rest of the day off, have a good boss, right? So give yourself that change your perspective. Maybe you can take something that isn't resonate resonating and figure out a way to make it. Resident. I used to hate writing my newsletter so boring. I don't know what to say. Nobody wants to read it anyway. Right there. That's another class. But then I thought, You know what? These are people who are telling me they want to hear from May. They're coming into my on my website and they're giving me their email address and letting me show up in their in box and people love my block posts. And I love writing those. So I started treating my newsletter as an extra special version of my blawg. Like a love letter that I'm writing to you and you and you and you. Hey, it just got resident sweet so you can shift your perspective. You can let it go. You don't feel like it. Maybe just don't do it. It's a sky Gonna fall. Probably not right. What can you let go of what doesn't make you feel good? Huge, That this is a big one battling the fear. Oh, my God. What if it actually What if that screenplay that you write actually gets picked up, and Steven Spielberg actually directs it. Oh, my God. Lily the huge. And it's like I'm I know, right? We become this, like, very like. I just want so I want to look at Facebook on my phone down here. No. So how do you How do you deal with that? First you recognize it? First you say, like, hold on, right, cause you're in this habit of checking in with yourself. You say what's really going on. Oh, okay. Cool. First we're gonna embrace the baby steps. So instead of thinking, how am I going? Teoh, get Steven Spielberg to read the screenplay. Maybe you outline that, right? Maybe you write one scene. Maybe you figure out the characters names start with right here. Take one. This is baby steps aren't scary. Do I know how to write a really bad first draft of a blawg post? Yes, I'm going to do that. And then do I know how to edit for grammar? Yes. Then I'm going to do that. Then it's not as scary, right? So take those baby steps and focus on them instead of the big, big thing, right? Break it down your reality check. Is it really scary, or is it a blawg post? Is that screenplay really scary, or is it words on a screen, right? Probably not really scary play. What if What if you got it? Honestly, for most of us, the things repent All of our hopes on If we got it the day today, circumstances of our lives would not change that much. So if Elena generous decides toe, have me on her show to be our in house coach, Yes. I would still have my husband. I'd solve my kids. I would still care about the same things. I'd still want to have dinner at the kitchen table every night. It's still not like green peppers, right? So then it's a lot less scary. What if I don't get it? What if she never calls? I'm still up here. She hasn't called yet. I'm doing fine. Right. So we're not gonna bet? Bet? Hang on the winds or the losses as much to take some of the power away and then set a timer and power through again The Pomodoro technique. Just commit for 25 minutes. You're not committing for your whole life you're not committing for five months. You're not committing to writing 700,000 words. You're saying I am gonna type for 25 minutes and see what comes up it. And I promise you will surprise yourself. I promise. I promise. You guys trust me. Creativelive has let me come in here and share this. You have to try it and let yourself be surprised. So when you guys to think about this during the break is we bring it back. What are you willing to let go of for the sake of your big thing? Right? What are you willing to let go up? And it might be some kind of work that you just don't want to do anymore is something that's not resident. It might be that habit of having to watch an entire episode of Gossip Girl at lunch instead of taking a walk. It might be that belief that you're not a morning person. What are you willing to let go off? What is a less important than that created priority that you've set for yourself that you guys shared with us earlier? Yeah. How are you feeling here? And you look like yeah, just this whole concept of letting go is just so freeing because I feel like there is that general pressure of, like, you have to have Facebook on your phone. You have to, you know, And then, like, just the things you're saying, I'm kind of like, Oh, my God, you don't. And I don't have to play that game on my phone like when I'm It's my procrastination when I get nervous. And I was gonna and then, like, 30 minutes goes by and you're like, Oh, my God, Don't terrible. So that's definitely the top of the past. Like that right? There could be huge. Right? So you guys really think about this? And if you need permission, you have permission. You have permission. You have permission. You, you, everybody, you maybe think I don't can, but I can't. Yeah, yeah, you can. I am here to prove to you that you can, because I have. And I'm OK. I showed you Alexandra France. And earlier she let it all go. She's doing great, right? So it can be done. You have to trust yourself, and you have to trust your creative work.

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Social Media Calendar

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Goal Assessment Worksheet
Making Friends Online 101
Monthly Evaluation Worksheet

Ratings and Reviews

Esther Beaton

I bought this course at exactly the right time. Everything Tiffany said is still 100% relevant today. It's not about posting more or using more platforms. Instead she helps you develop a strategy that's super easy. I did mine during the course and it's by far the best marketing plan I've ever created for my business. I learned a big lesson on this course: if you don't like doing it, then drop it; and that includes social media, anything in your business, etc. I have such a sense of relief and calmness now about my business. One of the best business courses ever.

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