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Select a Method: Automate, Batch, & Streamline

Lesson 7 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social Media

Tiffany Han

Select a Method: Automate, Batch, & Streamline

Lesson 7 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social Media

Tiffany Han

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7. Select a Method: Automate, Batch, & Streamline

Lesson Info

Select a Method: Automate, Batch, & Streamline

So now we're gonna think about selecting methods, toe help you and the way that I like to think about this is automate batch in streamline. How are you going to use social media? How can you make How can you make your life easier when you use social media? Right. How can you make sure that you're maximizing your time and your output so that you're getting the most done with his little time as possible efficiently with social media, it's all about automating, matching and streamlining. So you guys always to be asking, How could this be easier? How could my life be easier? You can ask yourself that every day. How could this be easier? Maybe if I took my clothes out of the washing machine before they got all gross and stinky and the night of wash him again. That would make my life. I've learned that life listening to that hateful monitory, right? Maybe if I put the dishes If I rents Tom and put him straight in the dishwasher and it took seconds, so I didn't have to do it at the end of th...

e day and this that or whatever, how can this be easier talking about systems. This is all about introducing systems and structure into your work building boundaries to help you be deliberate. Okay, so, automate this the 1st 1 Can your social media run itself? For the most part? Yes. Yes. This is not about doing something and never checking in. Because for a lot of us, we have a goal of engagement of engaging with our community. But it's about looking at How can I pre schedule things? What can I do in advance so that I don't have to get up in the morning that my blawg post is published and go on to Facebook and do it cause in your in and you see the feet and then an hour later, you're still in it, and we all remember that we want actually get up in the morning and do our big creative work, right? See, I brought that back. We want that two hours a day work to be able to be our priority, not social media. So one tool that I love is called co schedule co schedule dot com. It's a WordPress plug in that allows you it's not free. I think it's $19 a month to me totally worth it, because that $19 a month that I spend probably saves me two hours a week in time that I lose to the scrolling right? So if we take my hourly rate divided by two hours a week, times four weeks a month, that $19 of saving me a lot of money, you guys have to decide what's worth it, right? That could be a lot to you guys. You might want to spend the $19 a month on a product or on materials or something else. So again, it's about getting deliberate. The Waco schedule works. This is a little example of an upcoming blawg posted. I'm posting where this is from Word. This is just a screenshot from WordPress. This is my editor. So here's my block posts. And then at the bottom underneath where I put my blawg, there's this code schedule thing social que and I composed. I can update my unlike post the social media content from here, and I can tell it the post is scheduled for same day as post five hours after it publishes. This is gonna go onto Twitter you see how that works? And I can do it to Facebook or Twitter, and I could do multiple post. So maybe once I write, I do my blawg and I put it up there and I'm feeling really engaged with it. I go ahead and I pull quote. I like to quote, you know, I pull, I pull the most compelling headlines and I write 10 tweets that are gonna go out over the next three months pointing people back to this because, remember, Twitter moves fast. So as long as I'm doing changing and slightly Aiken still keep promoting this post. But I'm automating it one and done. I can still go on to respond to people. But this is going to do it for me. Streamlining stream. Have a streamline in your business all the time. How can it be easier? How can it be simpler? Do you need to be on every platform? Do you? Now everyone's shaking their head. No. Can you reuse contact You've already created? Yes. If you had a really good news letter and you're like, man, these three lines were amazing. Post him up. That could be a tweet. It could be a call to action could be something that you ask a question about in your Facebook group. To encourage discussion. We create content all the time. It doesn't all have to be the same. And what happens when you start reusing content and weaving it in its telling a cohesive story? Do you see how that works? And all of a sudden, your customers and your clients know what to expect from you, and they see in It's comforting. I don't tweet about baseball. That would be weird. People would be like Wait, what? So instead, they understand what they're getting. One block post can equal 10 tweets. One Facebook post one instagram post one Pinterest post. It could also be multiple, right? It could be two on my blog's. Now I dio to graphics on each post. That's two separate Instagram offered for Pinterest opportunities. It's something I can reuse on Facebook later on To ask a question. Eso point people back to that content. If you're doing this, which I recommend, just make sure that you're not that you're putting other content into right. You don't want to have tweets every two hours pushing people to the same post your your followers will notice that. So you but you want to intersperse it. And there's no reason that you can't still today be promoting something you wrote six months ago cause for a lot of Zach haunting to so relevant to the right people. Yeah, one of my favorite things to do is to go on Twitter and see what's trending and see what blood post Aiken repurpose depending on what's trending. Hey, that's interesting, right? That's really interesting. And that's kind of the opposite off. What we're talking about here with automating right, that's a more reactive thing, but also really strategic cause you're getting in there and saying, like, What is going to catch people's attention right now? What are people talking about? What are people talking about? So what I already written that they're talking about, and maybe, and maybe you don't do that every hour, but maybe you do it twice a week. Yeah, and it takes you 15 minutes and at 30 minutes bumps up some of these old things. Maybe if you have an Evergreen products that you sell, like an e book or an EQ wars for some kind of work at your own pace shop. You look on the Twitter twice a week and see if anything's trending that you could talk about when push people to buy your product and three people buy it every time. And that's or $600 in your pocket every week. Times 52 That could change your game. You see how that works, But it's about getting deliberate. It's about knowing what you want. I want to sell more e books. Great. So what are you gonna dio matching? Can you dio your work in one sitting so that co schedule app I showed you It's a great tool for helping me batch his co schedule. Automate said I do all the work at once if you have a new E. If you have a new product coming out a new e book, some stamps, your holiday release as you're working on it, go ahead and write your tweets, cause again the story being told is gonna be the same. You want that you want that cohesiveness? Sometimes we're like I need to start from scratch. People have heard that you know, people here for me, all the time. Raise your hands. Say yes. Great. Are they tired of it? Are you guys tired of it? No. You're still here? Yeah, I want to do that. I'm saying other things in between. So it's OK and it brings back. It brings it back to This is my thing. So when you're writing the sales page when you're writing the newsletter, right, the social media there batch that work because it's a lot harder to come back to it and reconnect with it. When you're editing photos from weddings. What's going on with you? Right? A town use that cause then it's done. And then later you're gonna forget you. Did it be like, Hi did that? It's like you're handed a gift of time, right?

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Social Media Calendar

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Goal Assessment Worksheet
Making Friends Online 101
Monthly Evaluation Worksheet

Ratings and Reviews

Esther Beaton

I bought this course at exactly the right time. Everything Tiffany said is still 100% relevant today. It's not about posting more or using more platforms. Instead she helps you develop a strategy that's super easy. I did mine during the course and it's by far the best marketing plan I've ever created for my business. I learned a big lesson on this course: if you don't like doing it, then drop it; and that includes social media, anything in your business, etc. I have such a sense of relief and calmness now about my business. One of the best business courses ever.

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