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Social Media Management Tools

Lesson 8 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social Media

Tiffany Han

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8. Social Media Management Tools

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Social Media Management Tools

So now I want to talk about some tools that you can use to help you streamline batch and automate. And I'm also gonna be giving you guys a demo of my favorite tool, which is free called Hoot Suite that I used to really manage social media. So hoot suite is great and some of these air paid some of them are free out let you know who suite is really great. And tweet deck is another version. I used food. Sweet. They have a lot of the same functionality, and it sometimes it's just kind of a personal preference for people. Um and it helps you get all of your streams in one place so you can have your Twitter feed. You can have lists. I'm gonna show you guys how it all works. You can have your Facebook feed in there if you want. You can have a stream for Hashtags, and it's all on one dashboard, which is great. So you don't have to be clicking around and you can see right there here people who are mentioning me. I need to go in and reply, then right? Tweet deck is another one. It's very similar...

functionality, and people usually use one or the other. Buffer is another one, and there is a free for all of these air for whose Sweet three deck and buffer their free versions and paid versions. But for most of us, a free versions are fine. But 1st 1 that has this great little plug in that you put on your on the top of your website that if you're reading an article that you want to share with your audience, you click it. It lets you craft the tweet and schedule it without having to then go to Twitter or go into some other management. So buffers a great tool for that. If you find yourself really wanting to share content that's useful for your audience, that's a great little time saver. Co schedule. I showed you that one. That one is not free, but it's great if you do a lot of blogging. If you work with in WordPress, that's a really, really great tool, and then Edgar is another one. This one is a little bit more expensive. I think it's $49 a month, but it allows you to create content that is constantly reused so you can say, Hey, Edgar, I want to post a book recommendation to my audience every Tuesday at 10 a.m. And then you can create a whole bucket of post. And when it gets to the bottom, it starts fresh. It will start with a new one because it's Twitter. If you have enough, let's say you have 30 that you dio That's half a year. And then if you re recommend the same book he recommended six months ago, your audience may be different. It may be new. How many of those people before didn't see that book recommendation? Probably a lot. So that's kind of nice, because then you're not just doing a one and done scheduling, you can kind of create mawr content. There's a little bit more of a set up investment in the beginning because you've got to sit down and really figure out what are my 30 books. I'd recommend and craft the tweets and all of that, but it's it's a great tool if you're willing to do that. And again, it automates that it runs itself, and it's patching. So I also want to talk, though, about some productivity tools because that those air tools to manage your social media, I want to talk about some tools to keep you off social media, too. These This is how I get my stuff done. So the 1st 1 that's my favorite. It's not a very graceful thing to say. It's called the It's a plug in for the chrome browser Actually switched to Chrome just for this plug in, and it's called the news feed Eradicate ER, and what it does is it takes the news feed off Facebook. So when you open Facebook instead of seeing everybody's updates, you see an inspirational quote. That's it. That's usually, like, get back to work. That's great for me because I run a lot of Facebook groups. I have my raise your hand, say yes, group for my podcast. I have groups for my paid coaching programs. I have groups of colleagues where we mastermind with each other, and a lot of times I would go on because I need to check in with my group's I need toe. I need to answer questions so I would get on Facebook to do my work, but then I get sucked into the feet so now I don't see that. I don't know what my neighbor had for breakfast. Yes, sometimes I miss things like, Oh my God, you got engaged, Kuo. But if if I really need to know, that person will tell me, Right? So that's a great one. So they're Tuapse. There's one called Concentrate on one called self control. These air APS that you can self control is free, I think concentrators $10. Um, that you can download on your hard drive and you can tell it to block websites. I like self control because concentrate, I figured how to pause it so I could look at social media. So I use self control and I tell it to not let me go on Facebook Instagram Pinterest hoot suite Because I use those to procrastinate. So when I go to them, it doesn't it just blocks it and you tell it how long and then you get to work. So if I have a lot to dio When I was preparing for this class, I said 14 hours. I don't need to see social media today, and I would actually set it to even block it the next morning because I knew that I needed to get to my desk and get the real work done. So that night I would say I have 15 hours. I'd say I could look at it at noon. I can take a break. This is about getting deliberate, so those are great tools in order. If you want to turn it off before the time ends, you have to restart your computer. I can't do that. I have too many times open. So changing your password could be a great little trick. If you log out, you have to log out every time and making your password be like Andre. Get back to work. 2015 exclamation point hash tag. Right? And if you have to type that in every time, Yeah, is it really worth it? I also know people who will have somebody else in their life change their password and not tell them That's another one Bonus points. If you take it off your phone, C can look out When you're in a grocery store, you're just alone with your thoughts. You can't look at it when your phone alarm clock goes off in the morning. Not having Facebook on your phone game changer. Huge. Now, for some people, that's how they needed on their phone, cause they're really, really engaged with their audience. That's okay. Have it on your phone if that's gonna work for you. But just because everyone has it on their phone doesn't mean you have to have it on your phone. You're going to train people how to respond. You. I don't really respond to Facebook messages. It's just too much keep up with. So I've really trained people. If you want to reach me, you email me. So you train people. If you're responding to Facebook messages all the time on your phone because that's what you're doing. But you hate it. Figure out a better way. Make sure it's gonna work for you. Make sure you're not doing something that makes you feel bad, right? So I'm not sure you guys hoot suite. Thank you. Um, so this is my hootsuite account and give you guys a little peek into my world, and this is just showing you how who three works and how you can set it up again. I really like it sweet, because it's a free platform. So it's great and everyone can use it. So I have here this my dashboard and you're going to see if it's like a little bit like let me in my underwear drawer. But I have I've set these up. So I have. This is my podcast stalker list. So these air people on this list, or people who I wanna have on my podcast and part of one of the things I talk about in that how to make friends online 101 resource that's a bonus is to start following people on social media and figure out how you can engage with them. So I have this list and this is these are people that I want to have on my podcast, and I you can see I can scroll and see what people are up. Teoh. So smart girls, Amy Poehler's smart girls at the party. You guys know that I would love to talk with someone from there to be on my podcast so I could connect here. I could leave a comment. I know exactly who to connect with. I don't have to go through my entire feed to figure that out. So this next column Tweeps I know this is a little bit of a misnomer, because this used to be people I knew. And then it just became the list where I put people that I really want to pay attention to because I follow a lot of people, and it just got to be too much noise. So this is where if I start following you carry on Twitter after this class, which I will your great, um, I'm gonna add you to this A list. This is really where I put the people who I want to make sure I see what they're doing, right? So the next column is a mentions, and you can see people are talking about the class. Thank you, everyone. I hope you're enjoying it. There's KC's tweet right there. So the mentions again, I want to make sure that I'm letting people know that I see those. Right. So this is next. Then we get into the home feet. I don't even look at this. I really don't. So we can scroll through and see there. We've got favorites. I was cut. We'll fight. I got in with Delta about a flight. Um, see, I don't do much Twitter direct messaging because I it's just too much. It's too much keep up with. So we've got favorites things. I favor it. We've got my tweets that I send. We've got Retweets, Um, and then we've got the razor hand say yes, hash tag, which hasn't been used in a while, which is fine. So that's the That's how we set up the hoot suite with streams, and you can do that really easily. They actually make it really easy. You can just go over here and where's his? At a stream? You can see this is my Twitter account. I also have my Facebook and INSTAGRAM account linked to this can do a home stream you could do at mentions. You could. If there's somebody in your industry who's really blowing up and you want to see what else is being mentioned that you want to follow their hash tag, you can follow a hash tag, right? So there's this little search thing here. You could do a hash tag, Um, so it's great you can decide what's important to you. What's important to see the other great thing about sweet is that we can use it to schedule a tweet. So I'm gonna show you that right now you can use to schedule all your social media, and you can use it to really batch your stuff. So that's something. Maybe I want to put it on Facebook and Twitter, and then you can use it for that. So let's see. I heart that creativelive so freaking much. Okay, True. So there's my twitter right there. You see it? I could add a link, which I will. I'm gonna add a link to my class, which I know the short code for that, but you could just pace it in. So it's such media sanity you should get. So who'd street actually has a lot Who treat is a pretty robust program, has a lot of built in analytics, so you can also go back and look at it. Links were clicked if they were retweeted. I don't really use that because I don't have time to use that. But that functionalities there I heard creative lives so freaking much. I want this to go up. I can attacks an image if I want on a schedule. This to go up. Today's the 27 and I am going to say Let's say L 12 o'clock PM schedule So I just scheduled that Now that's a one tweet. But let's say I'm planning on equal ours, and I have a batch on my work and I'm my 10 tweets, and I know that every day at a different time, I want my tweets to go out because that's what my calendar says that we're gonna make later go in and just pump him in, cut him up and they're gonna be automated. They're gonna be going out automatically, which is really great. Who'd Street also has this great new application where it will send stuff to your instagram. So sometimes people are like, I have the photo on my computer and then you have to email it to your phone, its three dozen on Instagram and what it does is you can type the caption which is really raising or not like typing. I have really long in Syrian captions, and I would always type them and text them to myself, which took forever, um, Hootsuite, you can type it in there. You can upload the picture through your computer. You have to have the hoot hoot suite app on your phone and then it will like you schedule it. You say Give me a reminder because I want this to go out at four o'clock this afternoon. But I'm at my computer now and then you're trying to remember And is it four and you're having coffee with a friend and it's a thing. And then who three will give you an alert on your phone and say it's time to schedule the state instagram and you just push a button and it pops it up and it pushes that So that is like a huge resource. Huge. If you're active on Instagram, who suite is like, really exciting for that you guys have any questions about this is just kind of a quick demo. Yeah, So I have a question about tagging people because, like, I want to be able to connect with other people on if I'm, you know, automating my post like on Facebook and Twitter. Yeah, but it seems like if I they have different ways, they tag. So by attacks one of Facebook and then it automates the Twitter doesn't right. Tag the person on Twitter, right? How do I handle that. So if you really want to tag somebody, that's a great question. If you really want to tag somebody on both platforms or on all three platforms, you're going to need to go into Facebook and to do the post you to do it manually. Yeah, OK, yeah, so you can tag them on Twitter and you'll see it sometimes on Facebook. People will just have that. I think again, it's about what's most important to you. Are people going to understand what you're trying to get across that they are? I do that cause I'm like I don't have time right? But for my podcast episodes, I go in and I do. I automated through co schedule, but I will go in at some point in the day and tagged the image with that person so that it shows up. So I. But it's not my biggest priority, right? So it's it's about like knowing that, But that's a great question. Any other questions on the hoot suite are automation tools? No, you guys excited to get does anyone uses for it? It's great, right? It's really nice, like I never look at Twitter anymore. What's your favorite thing about it, Casey. Well, full disclosure. I've actually brought on a little bit of help for my first of my social media stuffed because I'm like, uh, but, um, yeah, I like that. We can just kind of schedule everything out and the person that helps me out, she'll kind of help me draft some things and I can go through and review it before we send it out and then to just to, like, have it consistently being pushed throughout the day without having to think about it. And now I've gotten to her. I'll go back and look it. You know, I review Twitter a lot more frequently now, just because it's it's so much easier and I can actually enjoy it that have to avoid liking my own tweets because like, that sounds really good, you know? And I can't leave starting out there, you know? So, yeah, that's it's great for that. Okay, so there's so much there. She enjoys it more. She's able to connect better and engage more. And she's loves her own tweets. Yeah, that's a good problem to have yeah, right away that we set it up. I mean, if anyone is looking are is gonna have help with that The way that we set it up, like we can just pull information from my blogging and my website and I even have it. Have we're pulling information from Pinterest like I have Pinterest boards from, Like, you know, I have a creative business board. Let's pull from there or I have a board about Children's products. Let's pull from there and weaken. Start communicating with brands that way and saying, You know, we love the way you did this. Yes, I do something similar. Do you see how, like there's the automate streamlining batch and it's bringing people back to your product? Your brand? There's questions from the jury. Um, they're asking. They're two questions. What version of hoot suite you use and also what other platforms you can use? Hoots. We our I used the free version of food sweet because I don't need the paid version because I pay for co schedule. Um, I don't I don't need the paid version of Hoot Suite two. I don't need the functionality, so that's what I use. And then let me show you guys how to add a platform and added account. So here we have. We'll add Social Network said these air What you can dio so you can connect it with Twitter, Facebook, Google plus LinkedIn, WordPress at INSTAGRAM. And LinkedIn is doing some cool stuff now with content where you can use, like again my friends who are career coaches. Sometimes they'll push their content toe link them because people who sit it their day jobs, they're more engaged with lengthen, and they might want a new job. So for me, I don't do as much with lengthen but these air. This is what's available, and I think with the free account, you can have up to three social media streams, so you could do a Facebook personal page and a business page. You can do that, and then when you go to put in the content, you could push it toe one or all three. Yeah, Are there any other questions in the chat? Let's see. Yeah, there's a couple. There's a little confusion, I think about cause some people have gone advice. You shouldn't post the same thing in all platforms or I. It sounds like people are wondering, like how different it should be totally the same or a little bit different or really different. It depends on what your strategy is, and it depends on what your goals are, and it depends on how you want to connect the best with people. So for me, as I said earlier, Instagram is my focus, right? So for me, that's where I connect the most. So I'm not trying to cultivate a whole other conversation on Twitter. If I waas, then I might. But I don't put my instagram content on Facebook. I just put it on Twitter because Twitter is a little bit of a faster pace and I don't need I don't not trying to engage with people on Facebook, right? So I want to train people where to follow me. That's that's what I really want. So I want someone. If they're seeing me on Twitter and they're like, Oh, all she's doing is posting in Syrian post. I'm just gonna go follower on Instagram. It's actually accomplishing my goals. Yes, cool. Okay, so everyone get on who treat it's free, Do it or tweet out or what? You know, not playing favorites

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Social Media Calendar

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Goal Assessment Worksheet
Making Friends Online 101
Monthly Evaluation Worksheet

Ratings and Reviews

Esther Beaton

I bought this course at exactly the right time. Everything Tiffany said is still 100% relevant today. It's not about posting more or using more platforms. Instead she helps you develop a strategy that's super easy. I did mine during the course and it's by far the best marketing plan I've ever created for my business. I learned a big lesson on this course: if you don't like doing it, then drop it; and that includes social media, anything in your business, etc. I have such a sense of relief and calmness now about my business. One of the best business courses ever.

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