What Do You Want from Social Media?
Lesson 3 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social MediaTiffany Han

What Do You Want from Social Media?
Lesson 3 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social MediaTiffany Han
Introduction to Workshop
06:29 2Why Manage Your Time on Social Media
21:40 3What Do You Want from Social Media?
28:31 4What is Your Story to Tell?
13:43 5Benefits of Boundaries
18:38 6Choose Your Best Platform
25:21 7Select a Method: Automate, Batch, & Streamline
09:35 8Social Media Management Tools
20:08Lesson Info
What Do You Want from Social Media?
So we're gonna talk about what do you want from Social Media? How it can help you what it can do for you. Because again, it's not all bad. So tell me, guys, what do you really want for your social media love to hear? And I'd love to hear from people in the chat at home. If you have some ideas of how social media could help your business, any fun idea like anything, let me know. What do you guys think? It's notoriety. Just like to be known within my field as someone who's producing really good work. Yeah, that's a great reason to use social media. Um, I think it's, um, trying to find the like minded people who like the same things you do and, um, are looking for the lifestyle that you enjoy also, or that maybe you're promoting through your products or services. Immunity. Build a. Yeah, and that's a big one because we all work by ourselves and it's boring and it's lonely. So yeah, community building is huge, and ironically, there have been studies that show that people, um, go to social ...
media because they're lonely, and social media makes us look your so you know, just something to keep in mind. Anything else? Yeah, I would say failed sales. Yeah, let's make some money, right. That's great. I was saying to just like creating that sort of aspirational picture of the brand that I'm creating, like almost like an online magazine of stuff. Like a portfolio of what I have. Yeah. Telling the story of your brand, right? Yeah. So much better lesson. Well done. Lily. Is there anything that people in the chatter say? Yes, for sure. Creatively, Carroll says. I want conversations and people to join my email list and eventually by Yeah, So engagement. Yes. A few people mentioned engagement and to sell, and Kerry Porter says, I want to be seen as a resource for the topics my audience cares about. Yeah, so establishing expertise, you know, that's notoriety. It's kind of like, Do we want to be Internet famous or do I want to be an expert in my field? Do I want to be like I'm showing me saying, everyone follow me? Or do I want to be the best our business and Brandon coach? I could be. Those are very different goals, right? And Sometimes we're so focused on the numbers of followers that we don't think about who those followers are and how they play into our business. Yeah, and there's not a right or wrong answer here, but there needs to be an answer. I just want there to be something, and we're gonna be talking about goal setting and a little bit and how to really set those goals and figure out what you want and set them in a way that that you can make them work for you so that we get beyond the more followers. Please. Yeah, Social media is a tool. That's all it is. You have to know what you're using. It build. So if I hand you a hammer, say, Here you go. Okay. You could then walk around your apartment, hammering things, making some drums. You know, maybe you hanging on the wall, it's sculpture. But if I hand you a hammer and say, Can you build me a birdhouse? Probably make a great birdhouse. You need to know what you're using. The tool to build that simple. So you talk about goal setting. How does that the goals and I'm going to give you guys a few ways to think about goal setting that are really, really useful. And we're gonna be setting goals later. Again, we're gonna be setting the goals so that then we can map out the social media strategy in business, they talk about smart goals, and I have a slightly different coach she twist on. Um, but it's really about getting smart. So let's take the goal of more followers. We're gonna take that goal, and I'm gonna keep these reasons up here for now. This is our goal. This is a gold. Probably a lot of people have. We check our follower count, right? We look. Oh, why does that person have a $1,000,000 I only have 200. We feel bad about ourselves. We're gonna reframe the school. Do you think about smart girls here? Here's what I want you to think about being specific. Some more followers. You have one more follower check done. Get specific about how many you want. And some people say, Well, I don't know, because if I say I want but then I only get 10. It's a bummer, but by getting specific, you'll be able to measure and evaluate what's working and what's not. When was the last time you looked at your social meeting of the strategy and said What worked this month? Yeah, I'm going to teach you how to do that today, and it's gonna be awesome. So get specific, measurable more followers again. One or 100 or 1000 or 100, so mega measurable. Make it something that you can keep track off. If you want 100 followers in a month, that's like three a day. Okay, that's that's doable, right? So what am I gonna do today to get three more followers? Maybe tomorrow I get six and I can take the next day off. Great, but be nice, but it unless it's measurable, you're you're just spinning your wheels. I need more anymore anymore. How do we know when enough is enough? Another way to think about measurable. Maybe it's you want to increase your by 10% if you want to grow your following by 10% a month. Another great way to think about it. If you do more great if you do less, it's okay to like to ask this question. What do you call someone who almost fails medical school. You call that person a doctor? Right? So we are trying to get 100% of our goals. That's probably not gonna work, But you can still get 60% and be a doctor. Very right. May not be a doctor you want to hire, but when do you ask your when you go to the doctor? Are you, like, close your G p A? Nope. So think about that. That you can still pass. 60% is passing. We're not aiming for 100% here. We're not aiming for perfection, I swear. You guys, I mean, yeah, it be great if you thrive, of course. But we often if we don't hit that 100% would give it up and instead be a doctor. 60% is enough. It's OK, it's still passing. You're still doing it. 60% is more than zero. But if we don't hit 100 like man, that's not that's not good enough. Not good enough is like Take that out of your vocabulary. And while you're goes to the actionable, so goal should not be getting discovered by this person. It's so passive Yeah. Be nice. Be nice of Jennifer Lawrence and I were best friends, right? I think we have a lot of fun together. Am I gonna wait around for her to just stumble upon me? Pretty cool. But that's not an actionable goal. And yet we pin all of our hopes on that. And that doesn't work. So an actionable goal might be to build a relationship with somebody. There's this person on the Internet that I think I would be really good friends with. Do you know what? I'm going to start engaging. I'm going to start connecting. Maybe I'm gonna goto if I mean, this sounds a little creeper. But, like maybe if I see that she's going to a conference that I'm interested in, I might go to and then say, Hey, like, can we chat? You know, during during a coffee break? That's what people do. A conferences. And then you can meet that person. I do this. Oh, that's how I met some awesome people. As I go up to them at conferences and I say, Hey, I'm Tiffany Han. I'm really excited to meet you. I knew that you were coming here, and I'm just glad to connect. You know what they say? Thanks. It's good to meet you too, right? Actionable. This is where we veer a little bit off the lake N b a track with the smart goals. So stick with me for a minute. I want your goals to be resin EDT. I want them to feel good to you. I want them to be things you actually want to accomplish and not just things that someone else says you need to accomplish right? This is huge because everybody else thinks you need to have different goals. Your parents, your partner, your colleagues, those people that you went to high school with on Facebook that you don't talk to anymore that completely do not understand your Internet life. They think you need to have a lot. Did they think you need to be playing golf every weekend? I don't play golf on the weekends. Come on, that doesn't sound fun to me. So make sure your goals are what you really want to make sure they resonate with you. And then I like to think your goal should be thrilling. I want them to be exciting. I want them to make you nervous. I want you to start that podcast even here, Like I don't know what I'm doing right. I want you toe have these goals that you're like, Okay, because that means it's important. That means you're on to something. That means that you're doing something right. That's not creative spark that we're all looking for, right? So I want your call to make you feel like you might throw up a little. That's a good feeling. That's a really That's a good feeling. I used to feel that back when I was dating, I knew that if a guy didn't make me feel like I was gonna throw up, maybe I'm not seeing him again. I'm not kidding. That was my Syme hard to be me something. But that was my cue. So if you have a goal that isn't a resident and it's not thrilling, Ross it off your list and move on. And then I want you guys to keep bringing your goals back to your business is big picture. Keep bringing your goals back to what you really want to accomplish and keep bringing them back to what success looks like for you so If you decide that to be happy, you need to make $80,000 a year. Do you need a 1,000,000 Twitter followers to make $80,000 a year? Maybe not. And what if you hit your money goal and then you take a couple months off and write that book or make that movie or launched that huge passion project that you've been dreaming about? You have to know your end. You have to know what you want because then you're gonna be able to measure it. And, man, when that be nice. If we all hit our financial goals by October and then could just chill out for the holidays and anything else to came in was a bonus. Yeah, yeah, But if you don't know what you want, you don't know when to make those decisions. Make sure you understand the why, right? Make sure you understand why you're doing what you're doing. It's all about getting deliberate. You guys are gonna love that word by the end of this class, I promise. So I'm gonna bring it to you guys, and I want to know what's your three month business goal? What's a goal that you have in your business for the next three months, and I'm going to really challenge you guys to get smart about it. I'll pull that slide back up and we might weaken talk through it a little bit too. We might do a little a little spot checking here. My goals is to grow, grow my email list. Teoh say 500 people, OK. And, um, two in Crete and have a plan for the holiday sales. Okay, increase sales. Great. Increase sales. By how much? Um, I would like to triple that. What I did last holiday season. Okay, so triple holiday sales. So you wanna grow your email list to 500 by win? Um, I would like to do that by, um, End of October. How does that make you feel? A little nervous. Okay, because my email list is a baby right now. What would accomplishing these do for your business? Well growing the list actually would help me with the sales because I have noticed that I typically have a pretty good conversion for my email list when I actually target them. So getting that getting people onto my email list would help me go. The sales and growing the sales would help me have a fantastic Christmas and take January off. That's a really good Why, That's a great Y. Yeah. Okay, so I want to look at these their specific, because you probably you have a dollar amount for that, right? It's specific. It's measurable. So if October 15th comes around and you have 400 people on your list, what do you gonna dio maybe do a giveaway? Yeah. Yeah, Maybe you do a giveaway. If they get on your list, you're gonna give away one of your gorgeous bags. Casey Sibley, Design KCP simply aren't. What's your website casing? D simply dot com Casey d Sibley dot com Her steps. Amazing. Everybody go check it out. I mean, it's like, gorgeous. Um, it's actionable, right? We can put this into action. It's a resident, you know? You know the why, and it's exciting, right? Yeah. Yeah. Are there any goals in the chatter? We could talk. There are Thea A nodded, says launch new website and make $500 in sales. Okay, Great and social. Gal says I would like to build my audience so I can launch a crowdfunding campaign for my film. Okay, I want to talk about that goal. Okay, Build audience. So that's crafty. Gal. Social gal social. Go. OK, so social gal high. Um, I'm going to I'm going to talk this through. We can't obviously have a conversation, because, um, I mean, we can, but I can't see the chat, but build your audience. So these are some things I want you to consider. Is what does that mean to build your audience? Does that mean build your newsletter list, build your number of followers on the social media platform? Does that mean build your overall reach? Which would be that the combination of newsletter Twitter, right? Like a combination of all the platforms. Is that mean? Build the number people coming to your actual website. So I want you to get really specific on what that means, because I think this is a lot of people are like, I need to build my audience and they're Thanh of articles out there about audience growth. How to grow your following, how to build your audience. You have to identify what that means for me. I want people to get on my newsletter list. I don't necessarily need them to come to my website because I sell my programs through my newsletter. So people sometimes talk about what's your click through strategy? I don't have one. Because if you read my newsletter, I'm happy. And that takes all of that out of the game. So you again, Did I see how that's different? Do you see how saying I want to increase my website page views by 50% is very different than I want 500 people in my newsletter list. You're gonna be taking very different steps. So make sure again that these golden really specific and then measurable cause grow my following again, you get one more instagram follower is that grow your following. So social got really? And for everybody, this is such a common thing on you guys to think through that. Okay, Yeah, What if your goals aren't necessarily measurable in content when one of my goals is to actually build relationships within people here in Silicon Valley? Like I'd like to make more friends within the community. So I've been networking, going to events and being folks. But how do I do that on social media without being swarming and coming off like, Hey, you know, follow me, cause I want to be your friend. Yeah, we're gonna talk about that. And there's also in your bonus materials. There is, um, a great little thing that is kind of bonus content making friends online. written by me. Um, and so you will have this, too. So we're gonna touch on that a little bit. We we are able to go into a lot of detail about that, but for that, so definitely read through this. Read through this packet. Um, and think about what does it mean to build a relationship? Does that mean that it's someone you context? Does that mean that it's just someone you follow on Instagram? I mean, if someone you have coffee with and then how many people like I want to know how many new friends you want to make a month? I'd say I'd be happy with just fine. Five. Okay, that seems like a lot of new friends a month. That seems like a lot of work, Which awesome. Great. Um, so what? You know that Do you see how that's a different framework? The build relationships. I want my five new friends this month. So I'm gonna go to this one event and I'm gonna charm him up. You're too charming, you know? And you can use social media as a tool for that too. So you can use social Media to say, Who are the people that are doing really cool stuff that I'm genuinely interested in? Right? Because again, we want to build relationships with human beings. We're not robots yet, right? So we actually it's about connecting with people on a human level. Finding those people you're genuinely curious about and connecting with them is that helpful? Awesome. Great. Okay, so here's some things of social media could be used for connecting and building relationships. That's a good set up. Content promotion, spreading ideas. Maybe you have this like, you know, social gal wants to do a Kickstarter. She probably has something she's trying to tell the world. Great sales, making more money. I hope that at some point, social media is making you guys money. It's a business, right? And calls to action. What do you people to dio? Maybe you want them to pay you. Maybe you want them to buy a program, but it's a very different called action if you just want them to learn about what you're selling or if you just want them to get inspired enough to give you their email address or inspired enough to know the value of really amazing weekend or toiletry bag right, like that's a very different thing than by this bag, and we're going to show you Dyson examples later of some case studies of brands that do a really good job of promoting themselves on social media without being gross, cause they think we're all afraid of being gross. But none of you and none of you our gross people, right? So like let's just relax a little. And so here's the next question is, How can social media help you accomplish your three month goals? Casey, I want to bring it back to you with your because that's a great it's easy to remember. How could social media help you? I could definitely promote the email list on Social in the benefits and features of being on my email list, great your social media and maybe even start Teoh, Um, talk about. I'm also launching some new product at the end of September so I could start to talk about the new products that will be coming out just in time for holiday shopping. Great gift giving? Yep. Does anyone else have any ideas of House? Casey could use social media to increase her newsletter subscribers. I mean, you could be also and inspiring and put out really fun, engaging content. Yeah, where people want more because there is nothing wrong with not given it all away on social media, right? We're like, I just need to be so generous. Yes, be generous. But you also need to remind people of where they can get the rest. And if you're trying to grow your newsletter list, making give you their email because if you have a whole bunch of people who are only interested in the free content, that's not putting food on your table. And there are times when the number of followers is important. If you're trying to get under publishing or things like that, that is something to consider. But for the most part it's about engagement. So if somebody wants to consume on my instagram stuff, but they're never going to give me their email address. That's fine. But I'm not gonna focus my attention on you. I'm not gonna feel guilty if you don't get everything you need from me because they're aton of other people out there given that stuff up, right? So one of the things that I find happens with me on social media lot is if I come across like, if I were to come across Casey's, I don't know Instagram or something. And she did something that I thought was cool. If she makes or she's just putting some interesting content out there, if she makes the ask right at that point for my email address, if I get the sense that like, yeah, if you keep giving me stuff like this, like so make that ask and I find that for me, I'm completely in like let's let's and so I may not buy something at that particular point. But if you make the ask when you're sharing, sharing something interesting about yourself or about like how you how you make your product or whatever, Um, I feel like if the ask is made at the right time, like I'm at least I am always almost ready to, you know, buying to get some more of that in my inbox. And then maybe down the road that Alito like, you know what? I need a gift. It's gonna building relationships, right? And yeah, you want to see more behind the scenes? I sent out a weekly video where I show you from the craft room. I don't write, but, like, you know, and if he's really interested in that and you're doing these 45 2nd videos of construction constructing your product and you see the behind, and we're gonna get into this in just a minute. Bam. But what we forget is remind people. Yeah, like stuff. Okay by, you know? Yeah. I like to call the action. I want you guys to think about this with all this up. What are you hoping people are going to do with this information? It could just be I want them to like it. I want them to engage with it. I want them to leave me a comment. That's fine, right? Not everything is gonna be a call to action, so yeah, that's good question, actually, is sharing. Let's say at that particular point something that's because there's a lot of times I think of someone who I also think might be interested. And if there's a share like I'll give you my email. But like if it's easy for me to actually also like, spread it, I think is a good is a good idea. That's a great point, making it easy for people to share your stuff. You know, Instagram because you can tag people in the comments and I love that. And that's always a sign of like, you're doing something we're talking about. Yeah, So again, we're gonna get specific you're promoting. What do you want to promote? Who do you want to engage with? What do you want to sell and what action do you want people to take? What you guys think about your social media wish list? I would love to use social media to blank because blintz we're gonna keep coming back to this and it's gonna change. It could change with every day. It could change with the month. That could change with every post. But what do you wanting people to dio? You might just want people to think you're cool for a second that's okay, too. And this is when it comes down to I want you guys to also think about how to evaluate what's working or what's not. So this is a trick. We're gonna keep coming back to this too. When you think about for all of your strategy, this is business strategy, right? Anything you're doing, But we're talking about really, in the social media context today. Think about what's working, what isn't and what else you can try. Very simple questions. Business. They call it. Start, stop, continue. So this is actually, like, continue. Stop, start, But start stop continues a little bit more catchy. So start, What do you want to start doing? What do you stop doing? And what do you want to keep doing? And we're gonna keep coming back to this. And at the end of the class, we're gonna talk about really how to apply the start. Stop. Continue to your social media content strategy so that you're setting up a system where you evaluated as you go
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Ratings and Reviews
Esther Beaton
I bought this course at exactly the right time. Everything Tiffany said is still 100% relevant today. It's not about posting more or using more platforms. Instead she helps you develop a strategy that's super easy. I did mine during the course and it's by far the best marketing plan I've ever created for my business. I learned a big lesson on this course: if you don't like doing it, then drop it; and that includes social media, anything in your business, etc. I have such a sense of relief and calmness now about my business. One of the best business courses ever.