What is Your Story to Tell?
Lesson 4 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social MediaTiffany Han

What is Your Story to Tell?
Lesson 4 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social MediaTiffany Han
Introduction to Workshop
06:29 2Why Manage Your Time on Social Media
21:40 3What Do You Want from Social Media?
28:31 4What is Your Story to Tell?
13:43 5Benefits of Boundaries
18:38 6Choose Your Best Platform
25:21 7Select a Method: Automate, Batch, & Streamline
09:35 8Social Media Management Tools
20:08Lesson Info
What is Your Story to Tell?
What's your story? To tell? The purpose of social media is to tell the story of your brand period. There's nothing else on this slide. Okay, so I want to think about what's the story that your brand has to tell. And I do this by coming up with brand words. I want you guys have a guiding principle for your brand. So has anyone done this exercise before? Does anyone know what they're brand? Words are? Yeah. So minor. Like Happy modern. And then there's the 3rd 1 study. OK, it's not Actually, that would be really interesting. Brand. Okay, Happy. Probably free. Modern. What do you mean by free? Like freedom, you know, just from constraint. Things very vague. So my brand words bold, inspired, vibrant. Anything surprising here? Am I telling the story of my brand? Yeah. I would be very different if one of my words was comforting, right. It would be different. And this is this is very deliberate because I want to work with people who are bold. I don't work with people who are inspired. I would...
work with people who are vibrant. I don't need to work with people who are comforting I have enough of that. My life and I don't need to work with people who need comfort. Those aren't the clients that really like me up. Yes, I'm not a jerk, right, and I am very lovely to them. But if somebody who just comes to me because they need the like, that's not the coach I am, you guys can see that right there would be a huge disconnect. So it's about getting deliberate here. And then it's about knowing how to define these words that you're using to describe yourself. So these are the same things. I want to think about what words can be or are used to describe your business. And as I'm walking through these, if you guys have words, you're not gonna have three words just right off the bat. You might have one or two, but just write down any words that come to mind, because often these words can be kind of grouped together. How do you want people to feel after interacting with your brand? This is huge. I want people toe interact with my brand and go do something. I want people to take action. So all the time I'm like, What are you gonna do about it? Get to work, Not It's OK. You can do it tomorrow. That's someone else's brain, and that's OK, too. There are a lot of coaches out there who talk about self care and rest. That's fine. Their work is valid to and in fact my work and their work really coexist. Well, because I know I'm looking for bold, inspired, vibrant. If I meet someone who's just really in need of rest, I sent him over there cause I know that they're gonna get really well taken care off. This, too, is huge if you're tired of working with the wrong clients. I didn't say bad clients. I said, the wrong clients wrong for you because there's no such thing as a bad client, just a poor fit, like there is no such thing as a bad shoe. But if it gives you blisters, it's bad for you, right? All shoes are about, and how are you different from your competition? What makes you stand out? I know it's scary, right? And it's like I don't know, because im so humble Oh so sweet. And we think that by saying how we stand out that we're condemning their brand. But remember, there's room for all of us here. There's room for all of us to be successful, right? We see that Think about when you go to Target and the laundry detergent. They're all doing great. You know, if you want that clean, fresh feeling, you're gonna buy this one instead of that When you know, if you want all natural, you're gonna go for that. They're not trying to sell everything, and they make it really easy for the consumer to identify which one is the best fit. This has the scent. This is unscented great. We all like different things. So by figuring out what differentiates you from your competition, you actually don't both of you a favour. Because not hey, newsflash. Not everyone is your perfect customer. Let that one sink in. Probably for most of you to be successful to hit that money. That dollar amount you want. You don't need 10,000 people to buy your stuff. You might need 100. You might need four key wholesale accounts. That's four people buried. You see, it's so different, right? So I want to think about brand words. Does anybody have some words that are coming to mind? Change? My last one. Freedom to colorful, which is, like way more obvious. I started writing things down. Yeah, great. I'm so dazzling. Peacocks is whimsical, colorful, eco friendly, Great and Shelley, Newfoundland, says Creative Helper Dreamer. I notice you guys, we're talking about what we dio, right? We're not. I'm not saying Coach teacher writer Podcaster Casey is not saying Blogger, textile designer, painter. It's about the feeling of it, right? Another way to think about it, too, is what qualities do you want your customers right? I want to work with people who are bold inspired and buy bread when people come in and meet me on the dance floor, I'm not going to drag you out here. If you need to be convinced the dancing's awesome. You are not the person for me. Go take a dance class, right? So this is where we're coming and why you guys to pick three words, even if you're not sure, because we're going to be playing with ease throughout the day. And so I want you guys to pick your three words. They will evolve, the more that you work with, Um, you will figure out like Casey just said, Freedom is not my word, Casey. You might decide the colorful and happy are actually that same feeling. So then you might want to bring in something about quality, right about like quality. There's really there's a strong quality to the work I make. I've seen it. It's stunning, you know, And the quality blew me away. So that could be That could be something else that you want people to know. That something that's an impression you want people to make. So we will. We're gonna keep playing around with these. We're going to keep coming back to it. No, that they'll evolve like I want you guys to make a quick decisions. The Circle three words Do it right now. Everyone at home circle circle your three words. They might be completely different by the end of the day, and that's okay. They might be completely different next year because your brand will evolve. My brand has been very different throughout my coaching career, because when I started, I didn't know that I was bowled, inspired and vibrant. I just I would help people. I won't help everyone. You need health care. You need health grade. You need help. Great. And then, as I got into the work, I realized I wanna help you more than I'm not pointing to any of you that other person, right? Because I noticed my energy. I noticed how I felt after some coaching calls and after some coaching halls of his like that was hard. That felt like work. And I'm exhausted. And now I spend all my time with those amazing people and I go I coach all day and at the end of the dam like, heck, yeah, I'm so good at what I do. I feel I'm fire. Does that mean my work isn't worth it? No. It means that my work is aligned with who I am. You could probably also use bold, inspired, vibrant to describe my personality. But that's not all of my personality. That's my personality. I bring to my brand and funny, right? I'm a caretaker. I have two kids I'm loving. I'm very generous, but that doesn't need to be my brand, right, because my again, your brand is a deliberate piece of who you are, especially if you have a very personality driven brand, and this lets me know what parts of my personality bring to the table and what parts guy can leave behind. So I'm not going to like porn. Any of you guys milk during lunch is your grownups. You don't need that for me. So you've got your words circled. And now I want to think about what's missing in terms of social media and your brand. So, Casey, let's use you if you don't mind. If you think about your social media that you're doing now and you've got happy, modern, colorful, the united, um, what's missing? Like think about what's not being communicated through your social media now, like if I apply those, there's three worked. What? I mean, I feel like the message on sending out is pretty happy. It's probably maybe not as modern. I think the happy colorful definitely comes through. Okay, um, but maybe modern isn't as, like bold of a statement that I'm making on the social. Have you feed Great. What would it look like to make that modern statement? Um, I think probably more so. This isn't that I that I am kind of working to improve, but actually showing the products with sort of this is going a little deeper to my brand. A lot of the women that purchased my products tend to be mothers and eso maybe personifying that modern mother. You have a person. It's not Donna Reed, right? Right. That a woman who cares about quality, who shows up for a family shows up for a job. He shows up for a life. Yeah, she doesn't have time to deal with ugly bags that are gonna break. Yeah, cause your customers are a huge part of your brand. I want to buy that bag because it's gonna make my life easier. And it's gonna make me feel good about myself. And as a mom, there's a lot of stuff that doesn't make you feel good about yourself. So, like, let's all did you see right there? How that's a component that could be huge for your brand. Telling that story of your customers. Yeah, and that's something that you can tell both in the photographs, but also in the description. Yeah, you know, that's a great too. I know Casey does a lot on Instagram roomy, talking later about how you can really use your captions to tell your story again. Start, stop. Continue. What's working? What isn't What needs to come in. You guys are gonna really tired of us. I do this usually once a month for my business. I also do it anytime I'm feeling burned out or resentful or like I don't want to do this work for me. It's when I started thinking, Should I just go get like it was like being event planners somewhere, cause I'm really good at that. Um, I pull out my start, Stop, continue, and I tape it to the wall like I have, like, four taped to the wall. So it's okay to reevaluate constantly. That means a revolving. If we didn't evolve, it still be cave them and I'm glad or not. And really, it's about focus. It's about getting deliberate with how you're spending your time. It's about getting deliberate with what story you're telling if you are using social media as a tool for your business, if you have a personal Facebook account and you want to just talk about your kids great but acknowledged that is not a tool for your business. Unless that story about your kids as part of your brand, right? We're giving you parameters and you're gonna be able to work within those.
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Ratings and Reviews
Esther Beaton
I bought this course at exactly the right time. Everything Tiffany said is still 100% relevant today. It's not about posting more or using more platforms. Instead she helps you develop a strategy that's super easy. I did mine during the course and it's by far the best marketing plan I've ever created for my business. I learned a big lesson on this course: if you don't like doing it, then drop it; and that includes social media, anything in your business, etc. I have such a sense of relief and calmness now about my business. One of the best business courses ever.