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Why Manage Your Time on Social Media

Lesson 2 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social Media

Tiffany Han

Why Manage Your Time on Social Media

Lesson 2 from: Social Media Sanity: How to Manage your Time on Social Media

Tiffany Han

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2. Why Manage Your Time on Social Media

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Why Manage Your Time on Social Media

So I think it's important to talk about why you want to manage your time on social media because some people are like, Well, what's the problem? It's really fun is really interesting. Here's some of the biggest struggles I hear I get sucked in, right. I go on and an hour later I'm looking at these pictures of my nephews friend's birthday party that my sister went Teoh and I don't know these kids. Thompson. I want a cupcake. So I get up and I get a cupcake and then I come back and there's right. You're like, Yeah, yeah, So you get sect. Um, I don't know what to say. There's so much I don't know what to say. What am I just gonna be like by this by this? Can you buy those? Can you hire me? Can you give me some money? Yeah, and that can feel kind of grows. So then we don't say anything at all. And we just there looking at the pictures, right? We're just scrolling. I'm afraid I'll miss something. You hear this a lot. And you will, by taking a rig from Social Media, you'll miss out on those ...

pictures of your nephews. Friends? Fourth birthday party. You're gonna miss out. Probably unknowing what your next door neighbor ate for breakfast. Right? You might miss. You might miss something. Maybe a friend from high school that you haven't seen in 20 years got engaged. Yeah, that's great. But instead, I want you guys to think about what you're missing out on in your own life by putting all of your energy towards the lives of other people. So it's not that those milestones that they're celebrating aren't important. They are. But they don't have to beam or important to you than your own life, right? So much noise. And I don't want to contribute to the noise, right? I hear that a lot. It makes me feel bad, and yet we're still they are Ride. If you feel bad, it makes me feel like my work doesn't matter. I'm not good enough. Never gonna be doing what that person is doing. So why bother? Scroll, Scroll Scroll keeps growing. Keep scrolling. We're giving away our time and energy to this. He's a little like a little aside, a little life lesson. Stop doing things that make you feel bad. Whether it's people you spend your time with, things you eat habits, thought, processes social media scrolling for two hours. If it makes you feel bad recognized that you have a choice, put it away and go find something else to dio, you know, And this is like, This is huge. This is why people like me have jobs. So but remember that you know that you do have a choice. Here's another truth. Just because something is online does not mean that you are you or people at home need to see it. Okay, just cause there's a video of a bear jumping on a trampoline in someone's backyard is out there that you will be fine if you don't see it, okay? And we're gonna be talking a little bit about when it's OK to watch the que panda videos on the Internet. There are times it's OK, but it's about again. It's about making a choice and knowing when when that timing is appropriate. Here's the other truth. You will find the thing you need when you need it, right? So there are a lot of resource is out there. For business owners. There's a lot of information to be found, which is great, but you don't need it all right now. And we think I'm going to read about this so that one day when I'm doing this, learn how to make some YouTube videos because I'd like to do that one day. You don't need to know how to make you two videos right now. You need to get the work right, because I but there is a whole lot of other stuff that's more important than one day in a year when you finally get around to making some YouTube videos, all the information will be different. So trust Google Trust, trust the Internet to bring you what you need when you need it, right? For now, it's about getting you guys. As I said, back to work and you have all the information that you need, right? So foam. Oh, right, fear of missing out. It's it's huge, and I touched on this a little bit already. But like, I really don't think we're thinking enough about the dark side of the fear of missing out, because by giving into that fear, we're missing out on our own lives. And what would happen if you took all of that energy that you're giving to all of that brain space to knowing what's going on with these hundreds, maybe thousands of people that you connect with via social media. What if you took that space and said, I'm gonna put all of that energy towards my business? What right like, oh my God. But then you're enough to do it. Ah, you're gonna have to do the work. You're gonna have to show up. You're gonna have to make that commitment. You have to do it publicly. You might fail. You might fall flat. It may not work. You might learn some things. And maybe it's easier to scroll scroll scrolls girls world. So if you think it's easier to scroll, this probably is not the works up for you because you probably don't think you have a problem. So But I know no one's getting up and leaving, right? So I know that you guys are here because you want to make that commitment because you are more committed to your business, then your next door neighbor's breakfast, right in comparison. What it does is it kills our creativity. It takes all of our ideas that we get when we're out. When we're driving, we're taking a shower. When are having coffee with a friend and you know it really love to dio. And they're like, Yes, you should do that. Oh, my God. And then you come home and you're like, I'm gonna have all this energy you turn on your computer. Why? I don't know why we do that. Maybe we shouldn't. You turn on your computer and you start clicking Any starts rolling and all of a sudden that idea is about this big and all. There's all this other stuff to do. I want to say, let's make that. Keep that idea big, make the other stuff like this figure out a way to automate as much as possible to plan it out. And I'm gonna give you guys lots of tools to do that, to make your life very easy so that those big ideas can stay big because that's what the world needs or your big ideas. That's what we all want. That's the magic. When you do something and you produce it and you see it through and then you're like, may that drop your mic right then you can get on instagram and celebrate it. So that's that's what we're looking for here By using social media. First, you are comparing the moments of somebody else's very well curated, very deliberately documented life to the entirety of yours. And you guys know the beginning of a creative idea is vulnerable and there's a lot unknown, and it can feel so like What am I doing? And it's like you have this delicate little budding flower and it's mine. It needs love, the needs water, and it needs food and any sunlight. Business attention. But then you go on to Instagram and you see everybody else's gorgeous arriving rose bushes, and you say that I what? I don't know what to do with that, because it's never going to be this. But it's true. It's never going to be that because you're instead all of somewhere. Over here, we've taken our care and attention and energy and time away from this thing, that right? So bring it back to here and let's see, because it could be that gorgeous Rose Bush. But it could be so much more. We don't even know what it could be and too often we don't even find out because we believe we believe in the comparison. We believe that we could never be that, and it's self fulfilling because we don't see anything through. So we're gonna stop that today, right? Yes. I also think it's important to talk about multitasking here. Israel have all these things went on all the time in the tabs open. And you know I can't even, like, restart my computer because there are so many tabs and so many programs open, I don't know what to say. What version them on and your flipping around right. There is a study done by UC Irvine, and they found that when you take your attention off a task, check your email real quick or it's a text. You know, look at Facebook. It takes you 25 minutes to come back around to the original task. So let's say that you do that five times a day. It actually seems like, you know, probably a low estimate. That's two hours being spent getting back to what you were working on since time management. But it's more than just time management, because time management can be like you're doing something wrong, Really? About falling back in love with the instead With what I want to dio and coming up with tools to really focus on that so that you're not trying to get to. So you're not trying to look at the thing, right? So you're making again. Your creative work is gonna be the priority. It's gonna be what you give your attention to first, when your energy so freshest instead of all this other stuff all you'll answer the email. You can do that at the end of the day, right? Dude, where's me inspiration? Come on. This is like such a thing. It's amazing. People are like, I don't have any new ideas. I'm like, Well, what do you do when you wake up in the morning? I pick up my phone in bed, but I start looking at email. And then after I check my email, I look at Instagram and I look at Facebook. Anyone, and I say, Stop doing that. Well, my phone's my alarm clock. Anyone? You guys there. These things that stores called alarm clocks. It's amazing. Go buy one. You don't have to give your energy away. Especially not right away, right? Like we've we've for gotten remember people used to read the paper, do the crossword puzzle. What's that right with the pencil? What's that? So I'm really This is my. My goal here is to really get you guys back to being inspired by the world and not by the Internet, because what's happening on the Internet is that we're all being inspired by the same things. So my friend Emily McDowell, she's an amazing, uh, card designer and illustrator. Check her out. Emily McDowell dot com I interviewed her recently for my podcast. It's an amazing episode, and she talked about in the podcast. Helped Friend is the enemy of brand. How have your business is turning out stuff that super on trend? It's probably not super original you want what you want for your business is for it to stand out among all the trends, you want to start the trends. But that's scary cause no one else is doing it. And that's a really vulnerable, lonely place to be. You have to really find the faith in your ideas, but those are the brands that thrive, right? So I want you guys to remember this when you're looking for inspiration, get off the Internet if you're looking. If you're a stationery designer and you want to make really great station Aires, don't pay attention to what other stationary designers are doing and said to go look at architecture. Go watch a movie, go to a rose garden and see what colors are really drawing. U. N and that inspire you. Take a walk around San Francisco and look at the old hand painted building from the sign Ege Let that inspire you not. I'm just gonna scroll. I'm gonna follow all these other car designers on Instagram. I'm going to see what they're doing not doing you any favors because you're consuming instead of creating and all that content that you're consuming, it's never going to go away. And every time you turn around, there's more of it. You will never get to the end of the Internet, you guys, So don't try, and this is this is a big question. What aren't you doing? So it's not about what could you be doing better? But could you beating Laura of It's about what's just not happening because I know that you guys have some big ideas, and I know. And we're gonna be talking about this too. I know that you guys have things that you want to accomplish in your business that could change the game, right? They think about and your doodle You make notes, Do you not doing it? So I want to take those ideas out of your head and get them into the world. Yeah. So I'd like to hear from you guys. I'd like to hear from everybody in the chad who's watching at home. What are your biggest social media issues? Okay. What? Cricket? Only when nobody responds. Yeah, just trying to get a fuller. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it's hard. Any other big issues comparison, like I had loved getting on there and seeing everything that people are doing. But it is so beautiful that I have to step away sometimes. And I'm like, This is it's beautiful. Well, first I want to confess that I wanted to take a photo. Right now it's put on instagram what you're saying because I have a habit and addiction. But the problem I'm having the most of besides comparison it's what I'm saying. I'm not quite certain if I'm being on brand for myself. Yeah, and we're gonna totally get into that. So well done. I want to also Andre, That was a good point. We do have a hashtag for this class. Ironically, you have any big takeaways on instagram and serums My favorite or twitter. You can use hashtag social media sanity to I would love to see, like your biggest Ah ha's Uhm. And then my social media handle is the Tiffany Han, and it's the same on all the platforms. So, um, I please tag me so I can see it. I would love that and use the hash tag so that we can see it later. It doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Um, and you guys can eyes do not breaks. Um, yeah. Is there anything in the chat coming up? People's biggest Huber active. This is a really hot issue. Yeah, Boston. Danny says his struggle is not knowing the best practices for Facebook ads and boost, and our secret tree house says, feeling like I have nothing interesting to say and, um, hi, Jenny Brown says, My struggle, even when I get a lot of likes only few people will click through. And of those people, there are rarely buyers. Yeah, that called. The action is big. How do you get people to your site and onto your brand? Right? So it's about really, like one of our goals on social media should be, and we're gonna talk about goal. Should be to really I want people to then come to me because otherwise we're just giving social media this content that they control that they control. That question about the Facebook ads is a really good one, because Facebook changes the game, and now you have to pay to play. That's hard, because sometimes we don't have anything to pay except our time energy would you got to give them right? So that's really this is again. And we're going to talk about this. What to do instead, how else to set your business up so that it's not just social media, and I think that's really important. Um, so now I want you guys to think about we have ah, goal assessment worksheet in here. Um, let me find it. Bonus. It looks like this. And, um, it's about halfway through the packet, and this is really I want you guys to be really thought awful about these questions. I'm gonna go through him. And if you could fill them out. Um and this is the reason we're doing this now is because I want to know what you guys want. Hey, what a novel concept. Instead of waking up in the morning and looking at everybody else's lives, why don't we take a moment and start with looking at our own and making something? Stevens. So the question I want you guys to think about, What are your biggest triggers? Let's identify those on. Let's get really clear on those. So Casey said, comparison. Maybe an answer for you is unfollowed everyone who does the same thing as you. That's what I've been doing. Actually, now it helps a lot, not beautiful. That is not Look at it and you can support those people in other ways. Right? Right. So I think there's this issue of like I need to be supporting everybody else. If you're supporting everybody else at the expense of your own business, then you can support them when you have to go get a job right, you can support them from your day job at your desk and nobody wants. That's not what we want here. So that remember like that's not what we're going for. What's your favorite thing about social media? It's not all bad. I love Instagram. I love watching my clients do amazing things on Instagram. I love being able to support people. I love being able to inspire. People check me out on Instagram at the Tiffany Han. It's really awesome over there, you know? I love that. So that's what I focus on. And I let all the other stuff go. Um, are you ready for an overhaul? Are you ready to change things right? And then we're gonna think about what this could do for your life. What are you hoping to get for your business? What are you hoping to be able to use this for? What's the result you're looking for here? Maybe it's focused. Maybe it's clarity. Maybe it's more time. What are three things you really, really want to accomplish? Like really, really, I just that would be nice, but like three things that you're like, man, if I could do those, if I could write that, here's mine. If I could just sit down to write that book proposal that be awesome. I have a Donna. It's not again written when I'm looking at Facebook, right? Finally. How would you like to show up differently in your business and in your life? What would it look like for you to step into the driver's seat and be the one making the calls and steering the bus instead of being in the bag? One I don't know. Like where this is going on. No, I mean, it's fine, but I thought we could go over there is really gorgeous. There's this waterfall because we're gonna see the waterfall we could like, have some champagne and we'll picnic when said they're like, No, we got to keep going this way And you're like, Wait a minute, you guys could drive the bus, But it's all again. It's about getting deliberate, and none of this is gonna work if you're not willing to make a choice and then Hey, commit to that choice. That's kind of scary. So this is your chance to step up in your chance to really, like, decide

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with RSVP

Social Media Calendar

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Goal Assessment Worksheet
Making Friends Online 101
Monthly Evaluation Worksheet

Ratings and Reviews

Esther Beaton

I bought this course at exactly the right time. Everything Tiffany said is still 100% relevant today. It's not about posting more or using more platforms. Instead she helps you develop a strategy that's super easy. I did mine during the course and it's by far the best marketing plan I've ever created for my business. I learned a big lesson on this course: if you don't like doing it, then drop it; and that includes social media, anything in your business, etc. I have such a sense of relief and calmness now about my business. One of the best business courses ever.

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