How a Single Photograph Tells a Story
30:50 2How an Album Tells a Story
34:09 3How to Select Images for Storytelling in Lightroom CC
25:45 4Using Collections in Lightroom CC to Build a Story
19:08 5Setting Up the Book Module in Lightroom CC
09:01 6Building a Layout in the Book Module of Lightroom CC
29:27 7Adding Text and Space to a Book Layout in Lightroom CC
25:20 8Saving a Book Design in Lightroom CC
07:35Lesson Info
Designing an Album in Smart Albums
Let's go and design an album inside of the album maker, which is called smart albums, so we're going to go into smart albums and make an album, and I have decided to go with designing a book or an album from a from this wedding here and so it's a different wedding than we've been working with, and I thought it would be fun to work with something completely different. So we're going to go with this, so I have an entire wedding of five hundred thirty seven images that were delivered to the client and now it's my time to build an album for them, and so I'm going to go in and again, sort by stars, so I first have to figure out which ones are the best, so I'm going to sort by two stars, so once I get two stars that gives me one hundred forty seven images, so that's a pretty good start on a book that's too many e I don't want to design an album with one hundred forty seven images in it, but it's a really good start, and I'm going to highlight all of those images, and I'm going to create, I'm...
going to create a collection, so I'm gonna create a collection in that collection is going to say, uh oh, this is going to be our wedding album. And I'm going to put it inside of this collection set so I can find it really easily. I'm going tio make virtual copies of everything so that I absolutely don't mess with the originals if I start changing things, um and I'm going to that's about it that's all I need to do and I'm going to create so now I have a collection that will be made very shortly. See right now, it's making all those virtual copies it's now there we go, there's our wedding album, those are the images that we want to work with. Andi, I am going to now create a well first, first things first, I want to scan through here and see, are there sets of images that air to there? Too many of them? And I don't actually need to use them, and so I'm going to go from image to image and look, and I think this is probably the best image of all these, and so I can highlight all of these images and I can hit delete now this image here is a squirrel, which makes it a squirrel, which makes it valuable in itself, but I don't think it's going to be all have valuable for the client, really, I was just bored at the time, and I said, squirrel conviction so clearly I have an eight e d problem I met a wedding and I'm taking a picture of a squirrel, so I'm going to delete that I'm going to keep looking through these images this is a really important image because he's he's doing the ironing and he was making jokes about the fact that he's doing the ironing but she was also making facts about jokes about the fact that she was learning how to do the ironing because she's going to have to do it so these two images together actually be pretty good, but since they go together I can grab them and dragged them together because I'm in a collection so I can move things around now on dh move them together so I'm going to keep scanning through all of these keep looking, keep looking and I think that all looks pretty good but then right here there's a siri's of images that I don't need all of these like I was totally fascinated by her looking in the mirror, so I was just like I got the mere shot here, I've got a mere shot there got a mere shot everywhere, so I'm going to go through and kind of get rid of anything that I don't really like this set here I'm going to get rid of that one I love this by the window I'm a giver that when it does read as well, I didn't want to get rid of that one I just wanted, so if you don't want to get rid of it, don't delete it just hit this little x button right here, and when you had the axe, it doesn't delete it just removes it from the selection, so you're not paying attention to it now I'm looking at these four images and I've got to choose to because I really like the idea of her looking at the mirror, but I also love this design that's going on here, and so I'm going to get rid of this one because it's not as well framed, and I'm going to use that one, and then I'm going to get rid of this one because I really loved this one, this one's much more natural. So now those of the two images that I'll use go back to the grid and start scanning through this is her walking out that I've got two of her walking, so I'm gonna delete that one got two of her standing and delete that one. I've got two of her walking out when I believe that one and you see, I'm just kind of pulling down the number of images, I'm still gonna have time to go through those again, but when I click on a set of images in here, it's easier it's easier for me to see the images and review the images here than it is to review them somewhere else, and so I'm gonna look, I like you see how this one reads better because she's, you know, skipping down the path to go to her wedding and then here she's too far down the path so we don't really see here, so the one that she's closer and is an easier read is the one that I want to do and then there's a whole bunch of images of her doing this kind of a thing, so all of that is the same I don't need that many of them, so I kind of had to decide and I think that she looks not as good here that's kind of fun, but I think that one of these is probably better and I really think that it was windy, super windy that day at the grand can you don't get to choose whether or not you have a windy or a rainy day, you just deal with it and so here we are I like that's it shows the wind, this is nice, I like the the smile on her face, but I really think the wind is more important and so I'm going to go for that one and then I'm going to look at this whole siri's right here he's looking at her I don't think we need that one I think we need this one so that one's easier read so I'm looking for better reads things that instantly tell a story and they're really strong but that's what I'm looking for and then the rest of them I'm going to get rid of now see here here's a hole this is one big story that's going on right here see she has her vows inside of her broad basically and they think that's really funny and so he's but this is a much better left in that one and so I'm in it delete that and then I love that interaction there so that's a good story that could be told between the three of those images so I just keep looking at these two images right here that one's probably better than this I like the way he's looking down there, but I think this one's a better photograph so I'm going to get rid of that one and just kind of keeps canning down through there. We've already played the idea of her pulling out that her vows on dso we're going we really need to pare this down a lot s oh we're just going to look through here I love her touching his face that's cute I don't need this one um, I like her looking at her vows, looking together, that's a good so we can get rid of that one. We can get away with that one, and then we'll let those play out and see how they've, how they work together. So I'm just kind of scanning again through those here's, another time where they are doing pouring of the sand. So oh that's ring this one is the least interesting of those than we'll remove that one, so that we're not looking at it. And now we're just looking for the best sand pouring photos, this one's not as good as that one, that one's better than this one, and that the two of them doing it together, that's good, and then this area right here is them. This is like a funny that the officiant didn't understand the tradition, and so she created a completely new tradition. So she is belarussian and he is from ireland. And so you have a nice irish tradition and a belarussian tradition. The irs tradition is the little cords and whatnot that you put around your wrists. You kind of draped them, right? So that's the irish tradition, the belarussian tradition is this shawl you stand on it so now and I think that's. They're kind of giggling about that a little bit because the efficient didn't really know that that was supposed to stand on that thing instead of like rapid around so now there's like this weird merge of like belarussian and I'm sure the grandmother saw that and went oh I was just so upset about the fact that that tradition had been botched but anyway so I need to somehow cover that tradition this is too far away to get the gag I like this this works really well this is good because they're kind of giggling about it and this one I love that look but I don't need that many photos so I'm going to go with this one because it's kind of shows that they understand and then this is just a cool photos so we'll let those all stand and see how they fall out in the design on dh then this is the whole uh belarussian tradition where they they feed each other bread but in it they have on one side it's like honey on the other side it's salt and the man tears off a piece of bread, dips it in the honey and feeds it to the girl the girl dips off piece of bread dips in the salt feeds into the boy so I don't know what's being said there but that's kind of a funny interesting traditions so I'm going tio or maybe no I think it's yeah, then though they feed each other and then he just starts eating the bread because he was hungry so, um I'm going to go with that that that's her feeding we can get rid of that one um like that that I love this shot right here. I think that's fun so I think all of those could probably stand together and then this is her cheering because they've been married, so I'm just kind of just keep scanning. I think between the two of these there's going to be one shot that's better than the other, so I like that better than I like this. I'm going to get rid of that even though I like the composition on the other one better sometimes the moment trump's come composition, then there's a whole bunch of this stuff and I don't need all of it, so I'm gonna get rid of that one and keep that one I'm goingto take uh I really don't need very definitely don't need this one. I definitely don't need that one. Um, I think maybe that one would work for their him standing and sitting is cool and then I'm going to do one of these and I think we'll just go with let's click on this and just coming oh, I had to fix her dress see it, it bends so I did a tiff, I went into it on a photo shop and just kind of pushed it out because it looked like she was like having a baby or something, so I'm going tio get rid of that one, so now we have a good smattering of images there. Now I want just two of her, so I'm going to do one of her looking over the edge like that, and then I'll do another vertical because we've got a vertical of him and we've got we want to do a vertical of her son get that one and that one, so I think I like that one better, so I'm going to go, I believe that one and then I've got these two and I think since we have her looking out kind of, we'll get rid of this one so that she can look down on her flowers and then we're going toe do the same thing with these three and see if there's one that winds, so I think this is the one that wins, and so we're going to get rid of this one for sure and then kind of compare these two and see which one is better that's a rough choices that, um, that is a rough choice, I'm going to go with this, this one here, okay? And again, it doesn't matter because I'm going to show it to the client and then they're going to decide hey could you you know, swap that one image and so if they don't agree with what I made, I can always swap it but chances are they'll agree with what I made because they're not really going to pay much attention to all the other images anyway they're going to like what I did so I'm going to choose two of those on going to go I like this they were doing some social media because they were literally going to post that they got married right before they went on the airplane to go home so that like then they would be off the grid for like fourteen hours and then they would land so um let's see and then we're going to do some mohr of these so we've got a bunch of shots from the canyon itself I like black and whites of the canyon so I'm gonna keep one of those I like uh I don't need any extra clouds and I don't need that one so it's just let's get rid of this one let's just do those two and then we're going to go with the two of them looking off into the canyon I like that that's good because it shows the place where they got married so they got married right out there at that level so out right there is where they got married so right there on that point and this is him carrying her off like a cave men so that's really important need to keep that I don't know if that's an irish or a belarussian tradition so let's see on day I've got a picture of them a portrait of them standing in this creepy forest and then I got a portrait of I'm kissing in the creep before us let's get rid of this one and then this one apparently I was doing some kind of an eighties thing for some discussion we definitely I want them walking but we definitely have to fix that one but I'm going to fix it later so you can see how we had just after we develop our after we put them into the design this is them signing there documents and this is their wedding feast, so this literally is them and us. So this is a totally private event and I'm someone my favorite weddings are like that I do a lot of weddings where I sometimes I have to sign the document as a witness because there's not enough people and I have to sign it so those are my favorite, okay, so now I have how many do I have here? I have one hundred one photos that's a much better number and that will give us a pretty good set of images. So now we're going to highlight all of these images, and we're going to prep them before our album. So let me show you how we prepped them, and you kind of got a follow through this and pay attention to what we're doing. Our job here is to take these images and put them into the published service that published services, then going to publish them to a spot on our hard drive. On that hard drive, you could be anywhere. It could be a spot on a drop box, so that that dropbox then sends them over to your album. Designer who's going to design it for you. But in our case, we're going to drop them on a hard drive spot on our hard drive and then are smart albums. Program is going to pick them up and start working with them.
Ratings and Reviews
Tanya Lillie
I'm pretty proficient with LR Develop module, but I have not delved into the other modules. This class was introducing those modules and teaching how they can add value to your photography. Jared is a proficient and effective instructor.
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