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9. Connect the Dots
Lesson Info
Connect the Dots
Connect the dots. You don't have to write an entire script. I gave you no time. No time, I was so cruel. I really was cruel, and you didn't need it. You didn't need it. I'm sure all of your stories would have been fantastic because they live inside of us. The stuff we care about is right there waiting to be called forth. Trust that the words will come and sometimes if they don't come, but some of them do, then you can get better at telling it. Sam, you were such a great example of, you didn't get it perfect, quote-unquote, but in the telling and the working through it, you got to it. And I bet when you leave and want to tell that same story, you would hit every mark and land it, because you worked through it, you tried telling it, and that goes with using the growth mindset. You get better at what you practice. Effort makes a difference, so don't think just because you're not the world's best storyteller. You have friends that are better storytellers than you. I'm not the best storytel...
ler in my friend group. I'm not the best storyteller in my network. Not by far, but I love telling stories and more than that, I'm so hungry for stories. I like gobble them up. I hope you could sense that. I just wanna like, every story I can find that's good, it's like, gimme me more. Makes me feel alive, and I hope you felt a little more alive hearing each other's stories, and to think about what you can interject into any environment. Next time you're at a dinner party, when you're at someone's wedding, or maybe you don't do a speech if you're not asked to do one. (laughing) "Let me have the mike!" But you can take moments that would otherwise be flat or uninteresting and put a ton of entertainment into them by telling a story, and especially being vulnerable and being authentic. So today, we got into strategic and entertaining. Have that on lock. Get your strategy right and then supercharge the entertainment, and when you're being entertaining, think about the emotional component to that, OK? And that data piece is good to have. You need to hit your marks on that, make sure that you're clear. If you garble it and they might not get it, you can always go back, but, really about the emotion there. Authenticity and vulnerability, I just wanna really commend this group and anyone out there who's telling stories that are authentic and vulnerable, for the risk you take. People told some stories today and I maybe even told a story in a little bit more of an authentic and vulnerable way than I was planning to, so thank you for creating a space here and thank you for your courage in that, and then we gave you a simple model of a story you can take anywhere, and then, specifically, we locked down on, OK, if you're going to influence, what's the best way to move someone to action? There's actually a framework for action that our story can be fit inside of. Leave you with this. Telling stories is in your DNA, like literally we evolved to tell and receive stories. That's was our information vehicle, was stories. So it's in your DNA. So really own that, own your heritage in that way. I hope you're really proud of yourselves and proud of the people in this room for telling stories with very little preparation, not being focused on perfection, but just leaping in and trying it and going for it. I think we all felt connected to everyone a lot more from that, and, I said this before, but they will evolve, and hopefully, as a leader, especially if we're talking about being a manager or a leader or someone that wants to have influence in this world, try to build up a repository of a couple key stories that you can go to, so that if you have an opportunity where you need to land a big point or do something, you have at least something to pull from. You're not empty. It's OK to retell them. They will evolve and will get better, so I really just want to wish you well on this journey of storytelling with everything that you now have in your tool belt, everything that you brought up into this course and everything that you're taking forward. I'm excited to hear more of your stories and thank you for spending time. It was really a pleasure to be with you. Great, all right, thanks, Cory. Let's give Cory a round of applause. (group applauding)
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Ratings and Reviews
Sang Hyo Lee
The live audience group is too small. Always the same people are giving input to Cory. Would be better if the group size is twice the size. He's constantly asking his group who wants to share. This makes it awkward for everyone in the live lesson.