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Shared Goals & Vision Alignment

Lesson 8 from: Strategies to Grow Your Photo Business

Tomayia Colvin

Shared Goals & Vision Alignment

Lesson 8 from: Strategies to Grow Your Photo Business

Tomayia Colvin

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8. Shared Goals & Vision Alignment

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Shared Goals & Vision Alignment

Shared goals and vision alignment. Steps to alignment. So, team building activities. If you have someone who is working right there with you and they are in the same city, why not go to lunch? Why not have cake? Oh my goodness. Okay? Go and do some things, get to know that person. Versus that person just being employee for you, get to know that person so that you can make a good decision. So it's not so difficult of a conversation to say, "Well, this didn't get done the way I expected it to." Team outings. Go out all the time, do some things. Group calls and video conferences. Remember that most of my team, actually now that I think about it, none of my team is in Houston. But, if I let everyone know in advance on Monday we're going to have a team meeting and I have team meetings in the morning and in the afternoon. Two times, based on everyone's availability. Some people work full-time so they can only come in in the afternoon or in the evenings. Some people, vice versa. So I have two...

team meetings when it's time for me to have my team meetings. And, we talk. The first thing I ask is how's everything going? What are some personal goals that I can help you with. Because remember, we're in this together. It's not just me being the dictator and saying I'm the boss. I hate being the boss, let met be honest with you. I'd rather just be a team with everyone. Sometimes I have to make decisions but most of the time I just like to be the team and hang out with everyone. You have to establish a norms. What's permissible and what's not. I have a very strong policy for diversity and inclusion. That's my deal. So, if I see you posting something that's trans phobic, homophobic, you're fat shaming. Any of those things you are gone. No questions asked. We don't do second, third, fifth times, you're out of there. That's my norm. But I let people know that upfront. This is what it is. This is the mission statement for Tomayia Colvin Education. This is how I operate the business. I want to make sure that we're inclusive, that we're diverse and we always diversify and this is what matters to me. If you can't get on this team and agreeing with that, then there's no place for you. It's just that simple. But you have to say and you have to be so strong in that to say, these are my norms. This is what I stand for. So, if you're really big into body positivity, you just have to say this upfront. This is my jam. If you post something that's fat shaming we're outta here. Like, we're done. But you have to say that and people have to know. You can't be afraid to say, this is what I stand for in my business, and you're afraid that someone's going to say well I don't wanna be on your team. Well that's fine, you fat shame anyway. But you have to say that, okay? Ethics and standard procedures, I just told you about that. Non-disclosure agreements. You can't have people telling all your secrets. So, you have to have people sign non-disclosure agreements. So they don't tell your business. Because I really don't want the world to know how many cupcakes I have a week, okay? (audience chuckling) Especially my trainer because she likes to follow me on Facebook and she's like, "I won't check in all the time." Like I won't check in to the cupcake place. Who does that if their trainer is watching? Okay? (crowd chuckling) So I'll just be in the car quietly eating my cupcake. I didn't check in, but I may check in like at the gym, cause yeah, that's where you wanna check in. But you don't know I had a cupcake on the way out. Right. (crowd chuckling) So, just those type of things you have to have a way that you're sure that your team isn't going to share your proprietary information. Even if it's the presets that you use. Something so simple as that like, what's your favorite action, who's your branding person, what are you hex codes. All of these type of things that you know that are very dear to you, just have to make sure that that person isn't sharing. And then you also have to, I put a part in there that says that if we break up, you can't say anything mean about me. Because people will do that. Okay? Just make sure you have your contract and your service agreement. What happens if you're not living up to your end of the bargain? I'm paying and you're to doing your job. You have to establish this up front. These are the rules of engagement. I'm not paying you my Starbucks money if you're not doing your job. But you have to have it in writing so that you're protected. In case, it doesn't go the way that you want it to. So, weekly goals and objectives. I always have a place where I say, this is the goal for the week. This is what we're aiming for. Whether it is, we're launching a new magazine, or this issue of the magazine is coming out, we're having the conference this week, if it's Hispanic Heritage month. Whatever it is, I want the team to know this is the goal for the week, for the month. This is what we're aiming for. So that all those Social Media platforms whether you're on my page, the education page, the conference page, everybody, all divisions should be aligned. So if you were to click on every single one, you should be able to see that all the visions are aligned there.

Ratings and Reviews


Tomayia is a great teacher!! The way she instructs makes you wanna jump out of your seat and get to work. I loved her encouragement to delegate tasks. Really stuck with me.

a Creativelive Student

I loved it! A punch on the face !

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