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Aperture, Shutter Speed: Knowing Your Camera

Lesson 3 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

Aperture, Shutter Speed: Knowing Your Camera

Lesson 3 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

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3. Aperture, Shutter Speed: Knowing Your Camera

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Aperture, Shutter Speed: Knowing Your Camera

(light music) (camera click) Hello, aperture and shutter speed, I wanna get technical for a bit. I think that when it comes to settings in your camera, it has to become second nature. Instinct, you don't have to think about it, it's just outside of your mind. You've learned it so well, that you don't even have to think about it. It's, you're just looking at the scene, what's happening, and you're just making adjustments on the fly, and you shouldn't even be thinking about that. So how do you get comfortable with settings. For me it was really about shooting a lot, everyday for years, and I don't think they're shortcuts to that. I hate to say it, but you really have to do it, and play around in many conditions. Even go shoot photos at night with your tripod. Shoot the stars, shoot the sky, shoot in the morning, shoot midday, and try different lenses with bigger apertures, smaller apertures. It's really about getting 10,000 hours of practice with settings, and then it'll become second ...

nature. But you'll se that first time is gonna be challenging, second time it'll be a little less, and then by the third time, you'll feel like the third time you go out, you'll feel like you're starting to pick it up. It's not very hard, and there's a lot of good readings out there. It's important to practice different scenarios. Let's say you're going skiing with your friends, and it's pretty dark and you want them to be pretty sharp, when they're like flying past you on their skis. So you don't wanna be thinking about what aperture, and what shutter speed you should use. You know that you wanna fast shutter speed, because they're moving fast, but it's dark at the same time, so maybe you wanna use more ISO, so you need to know the limit of the camera. How far can you go? So you're gonna find that out all by testing, so don't worry if the first time it doesn't work, or the second time. Just do it enough and it'll get to you. Oh yeah also some quick settings. My ISO range begins at 125, and with the Mark IV, I go all the way up to 6400 sometimes, and it's still usable for me on the screen, you can even print it on big scale. So I shoot all my photos between F4 and 2.8, or if the lens let me 1.4, and I wanna say something about that. And a lot of people get bogged down with aperture, oh is it landscape, is it portrait, what aperture should I use for this or that? If it's a big landscape, I might shoot it at 2.8, just because I think that the foreground is a bit distracting, and I wanna blur it a bit. Or is this because it's too dark. So I remember meeting this photographer in national park, and we're talking about apertures and things like that. And he was shocked, I'm gonna call him Mike, but Mike was shocked that I was shooting my landscape at 4. He's like, you shouldn't do that, you should use a tripod, and shoot everything at F22. That's Mike's way and I respect it, I just, there's different ways to do life, and I just decide to shoot my things at more wide open or F4, just because it works better with my style, which is to travel light and fast. Another thing is focusing. I know many people that get very worried about focusing. So some people will throw photos because they're not in focus, I believe that you shouldn't get too anal about focusing. Some of my favorite photos are out of focus, or a bit soft, and that's okay. Actually my friend Forrest Mankins is kinda the same way, his favorite photos are often the blurry ones, and that's fine because the feeling is there. So don't get too bogged down about being perfectly in focus. Just worry about telling a good story and look at the focusing after. What mode do I shoot on? I always shoot on manual, 99.9% of the time. The only time where I don't shoot on manual is when I'm using this puppy here. Big water casing and I need to put it on aperture priority, because I can't play with my shutter speed there. But otherwise, full manual. Adobe RGB or SRGB? For me, it's Adobe RGB, just because how it looks. JPEG or RAW? RAW, because of how much you can tweak the white balance, and the darks, I mean it's a given, unless you're shooting a massive wedding, I'd shoot everything in RAW. (light music)

Ratings and Reviews

David Corrochano

There's a lot of useful information on how to start up your bussiness or your carreer as a photographer. Great advices, he shows his personal workflow, from the beggining of a shooting till the end. That was what I was looking for. The editing process maybe could be reduced in only one chapter. Worth it.

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