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Delivering Files to Clients

Lesson 24 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

Delivering Files to Clients

Lesson 24 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

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24. Delivering Files to Clients

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Delivering Files to Clients

(calm music) (camera clicks) So there's a few ways I deliver files to clients and my favorite one and the most clean and pro-looking is Pixieset, which is based out of Vancouver actually. So, this is what their homepage looks like. I'm already logged in up here, so I'll show you how I make a collection. New collection, I'm going to call this one Rockies Heli as an example, some heli photos I shot in Alberta. I don't usually pick a date for the event in the options. There's a public home page, I usually don't like to show stuff on it 'cause it's private. Most of this is private, then I don't pick a date. Email registration I like to have on so I can see who is registering to see which images. Create, then we'll go and add some photos. I have my folder right here. Just have to drag and drop. By default Pixieset makes a highlight folder. I'll just call this morning shoot, 'cause that's what we did. And you can set different albums, different sets. Let's just make a second one and we'll ...

call them subset shoot. And just for a comparison we'll add the same photos. Once this is done I'm gonna add a cover which is pretty important, because it's the first thing a client sees. So by default it picks one these images. Let's see if there's other option. See what I want to upload. Usually wides work better because it crops in it, but there isn't many wides in this one. So I want to pick something that works well cropped as portrait. And I think this one just might work perfectly. Drag it to there, upload it, and we'll see. May be that the one by default looks better. This looks pretty good. But I think the one that was default looks better. Change the focal point of it, lower. Hmm, and I have to crop this lake. I think this is more solid. All right, once I'm happy, it's already saved. I can move through the images again to my two sets. And at any point you can hit preview. I just hit Command, Clear, and I can see what it looks like. So when they hit open usually they have to log in, but this is, I don't know, I'm the creator of the gallery so I don't have to log in. Usually they log in, hit open, and you know, they can favorite images, they can send them to, email to their peers. It's just beautiful and what I like about it the most is the favorite part, because when clients make selects I can just get them to make selects on this instead of sending me file news. So when somebody hits the heart, you know, they put their email, I see who did what. And here, up here, there's a little notification that pops up and says Joe favorited this and this image from Alberta, then I know what to send them as full res, you know, as a final edited select. So you can change the layouts of this as well in design. In the gallery style. You can go dark. I mean there's a ton of things you can do. And it just saves all of it automatically. In the cover page you can also change the way you want to look at it, and you can also change the cover page, the way it looks like, which is, you know, super-important. I try to be consistent and always choose this one, 'cause I think it's the cleanest, but you know, this one could work as well. And it just saves it anyways. So once you're finished with your two sets you can move them up and down. You could edit the name, delete one of them. Once you're ready, and before publishing, I want to do some things in privacy here. You can enter a password. This one, I'll just probably call it Alberta Heli. I want to hide this. And this is where you're gonna have some more fun with the client exclusive access which I think is a little too much. I'm just happy with clients adding an email when they login. But this is just a little overkill. I rarely use it. Downloading, and also give them the PIN, and you'll see how that works after. This I like to leave on as well. Full res is fine. The favoriting here, that's the part that's super-important about this feature. The store I keep off. I don't want to sell them any photos or prints through here. So once you're ready, hit publish. Publish now. And this is where you send your invites. So this I'll just put my email so you can see what it looks like, and he'll be like hey! Here are the selects, et cetera. You can do whatever you want. And then you put the correction password in here and the download PIN. So this is kinda what the email looks like. And you can put a couple of emails from all the people that work there. I like to send them to as many people as I can at the company, so the more the better. The more emails I have, the better. And when I'm ready, I send the invite. And voila, now I'll show you what it looks like on Gmail. Now in my inbox, this is the email that the clients are gonna get. Looks like this, they have their PIN, and they could hit view photos. It takes them here. And this would again add their email and if there's a password, they add a password. If there's no password they don't need a password. It should say The password is here. Oh, not now. And this is what they get. And this is where you can make a favorite, and this is where they put their email. And voila, and then on my backend I'll see a notification here pop pretty soon about what they did. So this is my favorite way of delivering images in the cleanest way possible. (upbeat music)

Ratings and Reviews

David Corrochano

There's a lot of useful information on how to start up your bussiness or your carreer as a photographer. Great advices, he shows his personal workflow, from the beggining of a shooting till the end. That was what I was looking for. The editing process maybe could be reduced in only one chapter. Worth it.

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