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Instagram Carousel

Lesson 16 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

Instagram Carousel

Lesson 16 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

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16. Instagram Carousel

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Instagram Carousel

(light airy music) (shutter sound) So really quickly, somebody asked me about this the other day. How I made this seamless transition on Instagram for this photo of a giraffe. It's a three photo set. There's a seamless transition between photo one and two of the set. So I'll show you how to do it. So I have my giraffe photo open here on Photoshop, and before I start cropping, I notice right away that if I wanna have the eyes of the giraffe into my right-third and leave enough breathing room into it's crooked-looking mouth, I'm gonna need more image. Because if this is frame one, image one, I don't have room for image two, you know what I mean? So I need to make the image bigger. Canvas size, just as before on the kayak photo, and I'm gonna add 2000 pixels on this side. Change it to 40 by 6160. The size of the image is here if you need it. Boom. Now we've got some breathing room, good. So I need to make the image just taller. Before I do that, duplicate just in case. Okay. So, go ahea...

d and select this, and make sure I don't get any bone. I'm gonna cut into where it. It's pretty easy, just the sky so you can go forever. Can't see the difference. Same here, I want to cut into the side. Making sure I don't get any hair. Boom. Alright, now, I might even give it more of this. So now this part is gonna be tricky to make it longer, because it's got all the giraffe's skin and we're getting a bit. We're kind of playing God on the animal. Don't like doing that, but I had to do it. Alright, now let's see what it looks like. Let's see if we have enough image to crop. Looking pretty good. Crop. This is gonna be frame one. It's a huge image now, takes a bit of time. Let's go ahead and save it into my folder as giraffe zero one. Jpeg. Now I go ahead and resize it for social. My long part, 4000. Command+shift S is my shortcut to save. And you can do it any time like now, and it's gonna know it's gotta do it. Command+shift save. Command+shift s is my shortcut to save. My folder's up here. That's my Dropbox folder. We'll call this, for the purpose of the demonstration, giraffe zero one. Enter. Enter. Boom. Now, the tricky stuff. Finding where I'm cropping. So I'm gonna select my brush, it's a bright colour. And I'm just gonna make a dot. Somewhere I can find it. So I wanna make sure it touches the edge of the image, and doesn't go over it. We don't want this, we want this. Alright, good. And that's gonna service when we continue cropping. So now, we move to create image two. Crop tool. And we'll slide this. Alright, so what have we learned. We need more, right. We need this to be here. Right here. So we're gonna need a ton more of blue. Make sure we're pretty precise here. We can go just a little more. We don't wanna touch the red. Finish with the keyboard, and good, we're good. We're out of the red. Hit enter, crop. Big image. Now this is good. And now, I'm gonna stretch this blue a little more. So make sure I get everything, no hair. Cut into there and boom. I go ahead and save again, and this will be my giraffe number two. Boom, now they're both here, saving in my Dropbox. One, two. And they'll be seamless. (light airy music)

Ratings and Reviews

David Corrochano

There's a lot of useful information on how to start up your bussiness or your carreer as a photographer. Great advices, he shows his personal workflow, from the beggining of a shooting till the end. That was what I was looking for. The editing process maybe could be reduced in only one chapter. Worth it.

Student Work