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Paid To Travel The World?

Lesson 34 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

Paid To Travel The World?

Lesson 34 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

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34. Paid To Travel The World?

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Paid To Travel The World?

(music) So how do you get paid to travel the world? That's a good question. The way I've done it is working for tourism boards. Sometimes tourism board from Australia, for example, will reach out and be like, hey, come see this region, and we'll fly you here. Then I'll be like, oh, where's the budget? Because it's time away from other things I could be doing, family or work. So I make sure I'm compensated. Another way I found pretty efficient to do that, and more proactive is to put together a trip somewhere in my mind, research it, just the way we talked in module one, about approach and process. And once I have the story, and what's gonna happen there, I reach out to a brand that fits that trip, and tell them hey, I'm going there, it's what I'm gonna do, it's what you're gonna get, do you wanna be part of it? And that's another way where technically you're paid to travel the world, but you're shooting at the same time, so try that too.

Ratings and Reviews

David Corrochano

There's a lot of useful information on how to start up your bussiness or your carreer as a photographer. Great advices, he shows his personal workflow, from the beggining of a shooting till the end. That was what I was looking for. The editing process maybe could be reduced in only one chapter. Worth it.

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