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Saying No

Lesson 32 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

Saying No

Lesson 32 from: The Adventure Workshop

Alex Strohl

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32. Saying No

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Saying No

(soft music) (camera shutter clicks) There's sometimes where you need to say no to a project. And that's okay. Saying no builds respect with some brands. If it's not a good fit, if it's not what you're worth, if you're too busy, it's important to know how to say no. If it's a good fit, sometimes I'll try to change the dates, and arrange things. It's really coming down to your goals. If that project you want to say yes or no, meets your goals, maybe go out of your way to make it work. If it's just no the right fit, just move on it's okay. You'll just earn more respect. And on staying in your lane, the power of saying no is pretty huge. I'm a big advocate of saying yes, but in some instances you gonna know your no. If you've been shooting cars for two years and that's your passion, and somebody comes and they're like, well, we have this new TV, we want you to promote, want you to shoot, and they're paying you very well, it's tempting to say yes. Then you're gonna start doing a thousand...

things, it's just the first step into diversification. Maybe you wise short term but not long term. Sometimes saying no if you don't feel it, if that brands no the right fit, it's so powerful. You'll feel way better about your craft the next day. It's gonna hurt first, aah, that was a lot of money, would have helped me pay rent, whatever, the next day you'll feel so energized because you've don't the right decision for the long term, for you. (soft music)

Ratings and Reviews

David Corrochano

There's a lot of useful information on how to start up your bussiness or your carreer as a photographer. Great advices, he shows his personal workflow, from the beggining of a shooting till the end. That was what I was looking for. The editing process maybe could be reduced in only one chapter. Worth it.

Student Work