Create Your Pitching Action Steps
Tiffany Han
Introduction to Workshop
16:57 2Power of the Easy Yes
15:17 3The Pitching Mindset
40:09 4What's Your Value?
10:24 5What's Your End Game?
14:23 6Universal Rules of Pitching
26:17 7Anatomy of a Pitch
33:40 8Hot Seat: Construct a Pitch
07:17Networking Made Easy
15:58 10Common Pitching Pitfalls
09:39 11Pitching to Nicole Stevenson from Craftcation
26:07 12Compare the Good, Bad, & the Ugly Pitches
14:46 13Student Pitch Feedback
08:47 14Embrace the No
15:34 15Create Your Pitching Action Steps
10:20 16Where to Pitch?
09:12 17Who to Pitch?
11:17 18What to Pitch?
11:07 19Make Your Long-Term Pitch Plan
19:56Lesson Info
Create Your Pitching Action Steps
So we've learned the mindset. We've learned the nuts and bolts of the pitch. We've learned the pitch. Every pitch is different, what to do, what not to dio and how to, really. We've gotten into the perspective of the person who's on the receiving end of the pitch. Now It's like, Let's bring it back to what you want for your business and craft. Like I said before, this is about being enough for the long haul. So we're gonna come up with a strategy and help you put together a plan for pitching and for how pitching can help you get to your goal of what you want. As I said this whole time, what I want for you guys, what I want you to walk away with is to develop a habit of getting the easy. Yes, because then again it becomes automatic of. I know what I want to ask for and I know how to ask for it. I want you guys to get the and when you guys to get the positive results. That's an amazing thing. It's a beautiful when they guesses start coming out and you're like, What? How cool is that? So ...
what you're gonna learn? And today, with this lesson, is you're gonna learn what you need to consider for your pitch plan. You're gonna learn where to pitch, who to pitch and what the pitch. We're gonna talk about how to come up with ideas, right? Because sometimes it's like, I don't know anymore ideas we're gonna go through. I'm going to give you that so many ways to come up with new ideas, um, that you can go Teoh when you're feeling stuck. But it's not Pinterest. Um, and we're gonna learn how to put it all together with a little help from your friend so quickly. Are there any questions so far? No. All right. Are there any questions, Lily on the chat? Um, no, not right now. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Um, so we're gonna think about creating your pitching plan. And I hope by now that you guys have a really clear sense of what pitching can do for you, right? I feel everyone is feeling pretty clear on what they can get out of pitching, right? Is anyone not feeling clear on that? Can I get, like, one or two examples from you guys of where pitching could help you get Yeah, not not so much. Where can help you get you know it's not lost on me. How where having a good pitch can just cut, like, just cut through a lot of, um, the sort of reasons why your business or your ask would not be successful. And part of what I'm learning myself is part of that is even being clear on what you're asking for. Um, so, like, your pitch is not gonna work if you're not even, you know, clear and distinct. And what what it is that you're looking for self? Um, yes, that's huge, right? Like we saw that with Jen's hot seat. That's huge, like, get specific on what you need, whether it's a piece of information or an opportunity that is going to, like, cut through so much, and it's going to cut back on the back and forth, right? It's gonna save everybody time and efficiency counts. Yeah, Anyone else? Yeah, I think it's really sort of kind of Ah ha! For me, about it kind of fits the control back in your hands, and I think a lot of people just kind of find their place on the Internet. And then they expect to just be found that like to know that you can actually go out and find these opportunities and really harness that power for yourself. I think that that's really powerful. That's really active. Yeah, it's no more like sitting around hoping, Yeah, that's awesome and realize that could pitch in a networking situation like generally, when I'm networking, I think of it more is meeting. Somebody may be exchanging a car. May be linked in or something. I didn't think, Oh, I can actually pitch them like, Hey, I'm a resource. We should work together. Let's make this the beginning of a relationship. I'd love to connect right Like that's a great you know, That's great. And I think people all the time to be on my podcast in person, going to conferences is like the best for getting new podcast guest. Um, you know, it's it's good and everybody likes to hear that you're interested in them, so yeah, yeah, Tiffany, There's a comment here from someone online for the Wind says, For me, pitching allows me to grow my business and my skill set even farther. Yeah, it's growth. So even if you stumble right, even if you don't get all the yeses, you're still growing. You're still evolving. You're still getting better. And sometimes you look back in your kind of grateful. But things didn't take off when you hope they would, because you've gotten to a better place. So I know that for me and my business. Um, so we're going to go back to the secret formula If you guys remember from your bonus worksheet the pit school worksheets, remember? Four. We talked about being plus doing equals magic. So now we're gonna look at the doing right? We've talked about the being. We talked about who you need to be. We've looked at what pitching could do for you. So now we're getting into what are some of those steps? What are some of those places you can pitch? What are some of those people who might be able to help you, But really, again, I don't. I hope that everybody understands the value of mindset plus action at this point that that's really how you make make change happen and sometimes is like, where do I start? Right? And one thing I really like to do is work backwards. So we've got our We've got our big goal. They are We've got what we want. And then how do I know from here where to get there? Will you could you could literally write a chart and work backwards. I want to be on Oprah. But what we come before Oprah, I published a best seller. What would come before that? Well, I maybe I publish. Not about cellar, right? How would I get to be a bestseller? Well, I would have all these opportunities. I grow my audience. I would become known as an expert for the crazy faith. That's my goal, right? That's actually one of my actual goals. What can I do now, Right? And just keep working backwards until you get to like, Oh, that's something I could do now, you know, And And what could I do now? Like come on the creative live and talk about the crazy face. I could do a podcast episode about it. I could write a workbook that's actually probably the next step right away. Some kind of a longer thing than a block post. You know, that's not getting me to Oprah tomorrow. But like, let's be honest, nothing's getting me toe over tomorrow. So pretty isn't Oprah doesn't have a good reason to care about me because me being awesome isn't enough for Oprah, right? So start with what is what? What's that first step? What results do you want? This is where I want you guys to think. Now you've got all this information. Think about what are three for this work? She What are three tangible results you want and start there? Don't just look at me. Write it down. Write it down. Come on. What are three goals that you want now that you know what pitching conduce for you now that you know how to do it now that you are confident enough in your value or baking the confidence in your value to come up with with the goal and be specific, right? So it's not Twitter followers. It's 50 new Twitter followers or 100 newsletter subscribers I gave myself back in March. I said, I want to get 1000 newsletter subscribers by September. That's great. That's a good goal. It's hard. It's a lot of people, but I'm pretty close because I knew my number. I knew what I was aiming for. It wasn't. I want to get a 1,000,000 newsletter subscribers because I would be impossible, so really like. And it gives me something to work towards. So I know when I do something big what? Something big I could do. I had a big giveaway on my podcast, and I gave away a whole bunch of stuff and I got from that. I think, like 300 newsletter subscribers that started out 30% of my goal. That's awesome, right? So, thinking about getting specific in terms of goals, we're also gonna talk a lot more about goal setting and social media sanity. You guys should take that class to, um, what are your three goals? And then what's the very next step right? I keep saying that, but it's so important because we often will try to make this giant leave. You don't have to do that. That's hard. It's exhausting. Just take one more step. One more step, One more stuff. One more step. It's like if you're an athlete and your training, you don't go from lifting £5 weights, lifting £50 weights. You're gonna get hurt, and then you're out of commission. It's not sustainable. This is about building a sustainable business. We're gonna bring it back to the easy. Yes. So what? You're pitching. You're looking at the intersection of your value. What you bring to the table with what people need and that that right there, that middle part is the easy. Yes. Over time it will change. Maybe you discover you want to work with the different audience. Maybe you guys decide you don't work on weddings anymore. You want to do editorial? Okay, so what the editors need is gonna be very different than what a bride needs. A bride needs a lot of calming down and a lot of reassurance, right? And editor needs to know that you're on it. They need to know what it's gonna look like and that they're not gonna be bothered with the details. Very different. So So this what people need might move around your value circle and a lot of different ways, and that's okay. That's why it's really important. If you're sending and ask to get into the head of what of the person you're asking to know what's gonna make their life easier
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Ratings and Reviews
Tiffany has enormous energy! At the very beginning, it seemed a little off, but then she found her rhythm with the audience! This was exactly the kick I needed to start pitching. Her advice is simple and powerful. I had the pleasure of attending this live. If you are stuck feeling like you need some elaborate plan to get started pitching people for sales or interviews, this is the course for you. You won't regret it.
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