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Power of the Easy Yes

Lesson 2 from: The Easy Yes: How to Craft an Effective Pitch

Tiffany Han

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2. Power of the Easy Yes

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Power of the Easy Yes

Now we're going to talk about the power of the easy. Yes, because this I want you guys like everyone at home, right on a poster, right? Like, easy as I'm sticking up on your computer monitor and let that be your guy because I want Really? I'm gonna keep repeating this throughout the class. What is going to be the easy? Yes. And I want you guys to get used to asking yourself that. But before you talk about easy, yes, let's talk about what's in it for you. Why? Why send a pitch? What's the point? Because it's hard. It's scary. I don't know. Maybe I could just wait around. You can't. You're gonna be waiting around forever. Could you one day get tweeted by Kim Kardashian Your whole life is gonna change. Maybe it's possible. Kim, if you're there, you can retweet me anytime, Hein. Right? But most likely you are going to have to seek out the opportunities that you want. Sometimes we think that, like everybody in the world knows what we want, they don't. I think all the time my husband must kn...

ow what's in my head. But then he comes home and says what's the dinner plan? And I'm like, you know, like, if you knew what was in my head, you wouldn't ask me that. So I've learned to say it. Hello, babe. I can't deal with dinner tonight like we'll have cereal or whatever where you can take care of it if you care that much about it, you know? And now, like, things are a lot happier, right? Cause I get him the easy guess. It's not a blow up, But this is about you guys getting really clear on what you want. And as I mentioned earlier, it's going to transcend everything you want to get the client. You want to get the date you want to get the job. You want to get the favor from the person who knows the person that you really want to have on your podcast or something. You know, you want to get that introduction like this is gonna get you that this is gonna get you that you want to make friends with that new person you met at the party that you're kind of awkward and like I don't know how to ask you to be my friend, cause we're grown ups, and that's weird. Your your dance card is going to be full, and you're gonna be doing the best dance ever. Gonna be great. So why I want you to embrace the easy? Yes, is that it makes the pits process fun and easier. What are my business dreams? That's fun and easy. What are the steps I could take to get there? Well, that's fine. It's like I could just make a little map and write it out. Oh, who could help me? I know who could help me. That's fun. And I want the next. I want the follow up to be fun to write I want. Like all that drink. We can all think in doodle and make vision boards all day for our businesses and what we did, right? Like we have got that covered as creatives. We have that part covered, so this is about then the next steps. It's really about taking that action that's gonna help get you closer to your dreams. And there are rules that you can follow. Sometimes it's creatives. We like to break the rules. I want to do whatever I want. I don't want some boss to tell me I don't want You have to read my email before I send it. Sometimes it's really nice to have someone just say, Here you go, give me this information and you're like, OK, I could do that. It's like filling out a form right Sometimes with when we have our own businesses that could be really comforting because it's just easy, you know. And so I want you guys to learn the rules toe. Learn how to find out the rules if you don't know them. Because rules vary for different situations. The Internet is this magical place where almost everything is available to us. I'm gonna teach you some tricks about how toe like use this thing called Google to find what you need because it's a really magic. Um, you have to look it also in terms of embracing the easy. Yes, you're delivering value, and it feels really good to deliver value to someone. It's not just about Can you do this thing for me? Because I would be really nice. It's about like, Hey, I have something to offer you. I would be a great guest for your podcast because I've learned how to embrace the rejection. And it's changing people's lives. Yeah, you're gonna have me on your show and I get some new people from my show and I might get some new followers on the Instagram, and that would be great, too. But it's about like, What can you deliver? And we're going to getting really, really clear on that. And it's one of my favorite things ever. So I want to talk about what an easy yes looks like. We've given some examples here, but I think it's important for you guys to know to, like here, some riel life examples. So an easy yes could look like pitching a reporter. A really interesting story about your work. We're a really interesting story about something that you did that made an impact on the world, pitching them a story that they're gonna be like. I want to write about that. That's cool, man. That's really cool. That's what you're looking for the like. Well, I get, um, and easy. Yes, could be pitching a blogger, a blog's editor, an article that fit seamlessly into their editorial calendar because you've done your research and all of a sudden that piece of content for next Wednesday checked off their list the past. That's the best. When someone can hand you something done and well done. High quality damage. I know that all of you and all of you are completely capable of right cause you guys don't mess around. I see you guys. You are smoking hot. You're pulled together, you guys watching at home. You're not messing around, so we know that what you're going to deliver is gonna be good. So when you deliver that thing, it's like, right crafting sending a well written book proposal that's not full of typos to an agent. It's gonna be easier for them to read. Think about you guys emails that you get that you read. And you're like, Oh, I can respond to this right away. Great, versus the ones that are like pages and really long blocks of tax. And you'd like open and your leg, right? I e just can't. And then what do you do? You walk away. Maybe you're looking on phone. You're like I'm gonna open it later. You never get around to it. And then you feel like a dark. And then if somebody makes you feel like a jerk, like accidentally, like they don't even mean to make you feel like a jerk. But if they make you feel like a jerk, then you have this, like email, shame. And then you're not quite sure how to respond. And then, like, two months go by and you're like, is gonna archive that cause out of my right? So that's that's the opposite of an easy Yes. That's an easy. I'm gonna ignore this until I forget about it. We don't want that for you guys. We don't want that. I mean, he mail. Come on. Right. We're gonna talk about some email rules, so I would like to hear from you guys. I would like to hear from the audience. Um, who's in the chat? I want to know. Why aren't you pitching? What's holding you back? So if you guys post that in the chat for the audience, and I'd love to hear from you guys, Yeah, I started pitching a little bit. Um, but it gives me a lot of anxiety. Yeah. What? Um, you mentioned something earlier on, and this has always been something for me in terms of pitching. That's been a little odd is like getting into the other person's head, eyes something that I just feel like. I don't know if I want to do that. You don't want to do that. I don't I don't know. I don't want to. Generally, and I don't know why I don't. Okay. Feels feels weird to me. Enter what feels weird about it. I don't know. I had Ah, I worked with the gentlemen years ago, and, uh, one of the amazing things about him was that, like, he would meet someone and immediately sort of have them figure it out on. And it was something I kind of admired. But at the same time, I felt like it was it was a little bit like he was a little bit of a manipulator, and I, um, And he used that skill to his advantage, and it just never felt it doesn't feel natural to me. But there was also something about it that just felt like it can feel feel like an operator, all the hair. And so when I feel like I have to do that, I kind of that's kind of what I'm left with. Yeah, I get it. And I think sometimes to that entrance into selling right or yeah, yeah, You're not alone. I think for me, I just never realized I had anything to pitch. Like I'm not. We work with clients instead of, like, me trying to put pitch a book deal or, you know, a class or something like that. And so I think what you were just talking about, like it could be to get a date or, you know, get a client. I never realized that you could use pitching for that. Yeah, that's really having. Yeah. And yeah, that's right. We'll see, like, a couple more. And then I want to hear from people in the attack. Two for me. I think the hardest part were is still, like separating What I think I can profit off of. And what my strengths that I've practiced are versus where I feel joy and fulfillment. I don't see where they were meeting the time I get pulled into the practical, I guess in my mind and like what you're good at versus what you really want to be doing. Yes, Your Yeah, I've We're gonna talk about that. I'm glad that you brought. I'm not glad that you feel that. I appreciate that. You spoke to the anxiety of actually getting what you want versus the fear of not getting what you want. And I think for me, it definitely comes from the anxiety comes from fear that I'm not gonna be able to follow through for time constraints or for whatever reason, that if I start pitching and start getting all these yesterday that I'm not able to follow through with Yeah, yeah, that's really smart. A hint. I'm just gonna give you guys a little A little hint right now. Right this down. If you're so busy with your pitches that you don't have time to grow your business, you need to pitch higher. Okay, so that's about something good to remember. So we got the anxiety manipulator, the joy. What? To pitch? Lily. What are people saying in the chat? We've got some great comments in the chat room. Scavenger Annie says I'm here to pick up tips that I can use the my new job starting in a few weeks. Going back to paid employment after a couple of years as a sole trader is exciting, but scary. Yeah. Um, and then another, uh, member and online audience says, I feel the imposter syndrome gremlins. I feel the imposter syndrome gremlins, and I'm pitching. I go back to my 10 year old self with an older smarty pants brother. And finally Elizabeth wrote to us and said, I'm already starting to cheer up because Tiffany is so hitting home with me. This is making me feel energized and confident about what I want to say. I kind of teared up to when you gave your you know, your first lesson because it's really a personal thing. Like what it brings up the fears brings up for people. Yeah. I mean, that's the thing. You guys, this is like, I don't want to get all woo. We're gonna get a little woo Woo just a little bit, but we're gonna keep bringing it back, so don't worry about that. But like it is such, the bigger thing here is that it's really about owning your worth, feeling like you're not just enough. I have issues with the word and not feeling like you're more than enough and that you deserve this and remembering that, like all of you guys. Sometimes it's like, You know, I just, like, make pretty things whatever. Okay, if you guys are introducing Beauty into this world, that is what we need. We need people to wake up. We need people to stop scrolling on their phones. We need to do this. We need to, like, talk about these things and facilitate in person conversations, and we need to really start getting out of our shelves. So that's that's what this is about. This is I'm not doing this because I want you guys to make money. Yes, I want you to make money, but it's because I want the world toe. Have what you guys can offer. That's what this is about. Goes to floral design and letter press. You can change a couple's day by making their wedding impeccable, right? That and that will set the stage for their and higher marriage. The pressure right, like it's OK, but there is value, and I think sometimes as creatives, we just devalue ourselves and we don't think it's worth it. And why should I get it? So we're gonna answer that You guys are all gonna be able to say why you should get it. Thank you for everyone at home to watching these air These air. Great and again You're not alone. Every single one of these answers, people were like, Yeah, I was like, Yeah, you know, people are like you must just be fearless. And I'm like, Yeah, I still unlike I tried to get Mindy Kaling to come on my podcast. It was a total fail. Like she Mindy, if you're watching, she's a fan of creative live like Come on. Um, I was so nervous, but I'm up. It's OK, right? Like it's OK. So these are a lot of the reasons Some of what you guys talked about up here. I don't know what to say. I don't know who descended to who should I pitch? I'm really nervous about it. I have no idea where to start. Here's the thing. I think that the nerves and the fear are good thing because it means you care. It means that you're invested in the business. It means that you're invested in what you're producing, and it means that you want something good for the world that you want to provide a service. You want to solve a problem, and that's a brilliant you guys. We need more problem solvers in the world. We need more people who are willing to raise their hand and say yes to something that doesn't make any sense outside of the Internet and go for it because it really is going to shape the future, the Children, our future. That's what I think about. This is I get really woo now, but I have to 18 month old daughters on. I want them when they're, you know, in their twenties, ready to do this. I want them to know that whatever they want as possible and I could be a model for that. But all of you are also gonna help teach my kids that and teach other people that whether their kids or grownups or grandmothers or whatever right, we want people to start raising their hand and saying yes, So over here

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with RSVP

Pitch Tracker
What To Pitch Mindmap

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Pitch Goal Worksheet
Pitch Assessment Chart
Know Your Value Worksheet

Ratings and Reviews


Tiffany has enormous energy! At the very beginning, it seemed a little off, but then she found her rhythm with the audience! This was exactly the kick I needed to start pitching. Her advice is simple and powerful. I had the pleasure of attending this live. If you are stuck feeling like you need some elaborate plan to get started pitching people for sales or interviews, this is the course for you. You won't regret it.


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