Global Book Launch: The Money Tree
Lesson 1 from: Global Book Launch: The Money TreeChris Guillebeau, Chase Jarvis

Global Book Launch: The Money Tree
Lesson 1 from: Global Book Launch: The Money TreeChris Guillebeau, Chase Jarvis
Lesson Info
Global Book Launch: The Money Tree
Hello, Internet. I'm so happy to be here s so excited to have the chance to come on one of my favorite platforms with my favorite people. Ah, and talk about the money tree, But also talk about some broader concepts that I think are very, very relevant to this time that we're all in. You know, I think when we look ahead, you know, we go ahead six months from now, a year from now, multiple years from now, whatever the time frame is, we're all gonna be able to look back and remember this time like it's not gonna be something that we forget, right? For all kinds of reasons and something that I've been thinking about for myself is what do I want to remember during this time? Because some of those things are already kind of set right? That's just based on history, on current events and so on. But I want to be able to look back and say OK, well, all these things were happening and in lots of ways it was really crazy. But I did something during this time. I made something, you know, I'm able t...
o look back and say like I had a goal or I made a change or a shift in my life. And I think actually, a lot of people are gonna make tremendous shifts during this times. That's my encouragement to you. Just as we start here as we look ahead, you know, how do we want to see this time in history when we're looking back on it later? So I'm here. Is Jay said to do the virtual book launch of my book The Money Tree? I was supposed to go to 40 cities, was going to do a book tour all across North America and then eventually beyond. But now I'm going to zero cities. Eso, of course. I've had Teoh to change and make adjustments along with everybody else. But I'm very grateful for the chance to speak to people all over the world here. So we talked a bit about the book, but I just want to kind of acknowledge reality and kind of focus, you know, even Maurin this concept of like, well, first the reality like we're in this world that has been turned upside down. Ah, lot of people are anxious. Rightfully so. A lot of people are concerned and worried a lot of the things that we have believed to be true. Perhaps we're realizing or not true a lot of expectations. We've had a lot of assumptions we've had. There's just so many changes, right? So many disruptions. And, uh, the interesting thing is, we've never experienced anything like this before in human history. But we're going through it together now. So whatever, like global events have happened before, we didn't have the connectivity that we do now. So now, like, you know, everybody's doing all kinds of online meetings were all watching creativelive and connecting with people you know in different places without being able to connect physically. So it's kind of interesting, because just as an analogy like, you know, I'm here in this studio and Chase is in another studio. Eso I'm in a room, you know, with some cameras, but it's kind of isolating because nobody else is here. But at the same time, I know that a lot of people are here in a way, because I know that you're watching from wherever you are in your couch. Your office on the go. Perhaps so this is kind of like what life is like now in lots of ways like were isolated But we're also together. What do we dio? What do you do? What do I do when everything around you changes like when you realize that these things that you have believed in Ah are these things that you have relied upon perhaps are not true or not true now or just something that you can't rely on Or, you know, As I said, so much has changed. So I really believe in this is something I've been focusing on a lot. We'll talk about it here today. Uncertainty and opportunity often come together Like whenever there's progress, there are some negative effects. Whenever there is disruption, there are some positive effects. So the question is like Where is the where is the opportunity? How can we find that? One thing I really know is that you know a lot of things. We're outside of our control. In fact, so many things are outside of our control. I don't have to tell you that, right? But if we focus on what we can influence, then I think that is the key to being able to look back on this time and say, You know, I did everything I could to be safe, to take care of myself, to check up on people that I loved. Maybe I kind of reoriented, reoriented a bit in that way. But, you know, as I said earlier, I also did something for myself. I made a change. Um, and I found that opportunity for myself. One perhaps, you know, that I wouldn't have found otherwise. So that's my goal to talk with you about here, TJ. I very much look forward to the interactive portion as Chase mentioned eso our agenda for this presentation. This part of it, I'm gonna talk about the student loan crisis. Um, something that was, you know, scary before all of this current situation began to occur. I think it's very relevant now. Even if you don't have student loans, you don't have student debt. I think it's relevant to a lot of people. I'm going to talk about a new model of earning extra income so that if you're facing financial pressure of any kind, ah, you can learn a new way of doing that. Essentially would talk about the first way the second way and importantly, the third way. And then as part of that, I'm gonna give you 14 examples. 14 pretty quick examples of real projects. Okay, so people that are using this model and if you have listened to side hustle school or followed some of my other work, some of these stories might be familiar to you. You might hear an update or a bit of a refresh on them, so let's dive in. Let's talk about something scary. That isn't what everybody else is talking about 99% of the time. So when I first started working on this book, I was thinking a bit about this problem of how every spring and summer, more than two million students just in the US alone will graduate with a four year diploma. It's actually four million students graduating, including associate degrees and such obviously people elsewhere graduating around the world, especially in North America. 70% of them will have significant student loan debt. 70% of them have debt of more than 10 $10,000. The average is something like $30,000. And of course, a lot of people have much more than that now. Historically, there's been this bargain where we go to school, you know, we choose to invest, maybe take on debts. You know, we spend a certain amount of time years, etcetera. But in the end, you know, we're gonna get a high paying job. We're gonna enter, you know, a career in which we will have job security and so on. Well, we all know that's really not the case for so many people these days. And the cost of education is outpaced inflation while providing lower returns, which has created a generational wealth gap so that millennials are now much poor off then preceding generations. This is either the first time in history this has happened or it's certainly the first time in a very long time. So those are just a few statistics. I don't need to tell you anymore about that because you already know what a problem is. And just in case you forgot, because I know you didn't. All of this is taking place in an uncertain time. Okay, so we have all these things going on, And if you don't have that problem of student debt, you don't know somebody that does, which you probably do. Then any kind of financial pressure if you have lost your job, if you are underemployed now, like so many people are or even if you still have a good job. But you're a little bit worried and afraid. Rightfully so. Then you are facing that kind of situation of insecurity, of uncertainty, of like, Okay, you know, what do I dio like? What can I do about this? So that's we're going to talk about here, you know, solutions, practical responses. And speaking of responses, I want to show you a couple of ways that we tend to respond to this problem. We're feeling financial pressure. Ah, there's a couple ways that we tend to respond. One of those ways is we get mad, Okay? We get really mad. And the object of our wrath tends to vary. I might be were upset. Another generation like, Why did you leave us in this place? We're mad at the government's were mad at corporate America. Could be a political system, were upset with capitalism, were upset with socialism. Something in between, you know, whatever it is, we get really mad. So here's the thing. It's not that there is nothing in the world to be upset about. It's not that any of these parties are innocent. It's not that, you know, there's not a place for righteous anger. The problem is that, you know, after you're mad, you're still in the same situation you were before, Like, your fundamental situation isn't changed. So getting mad actually doesn't solve the problem. Ah, the other thing that we tend to do when we're in this state of anxiety or even panic or desperation for some people, we embrace extreme frugality and were like, I can't spend any money at all. I need to, like, stop buying my coffee and, you know, if I deposit that $4 I was going to spend on my coffee, you know that 10 years from now will be able to buy a coffee maker and I can make my coffee at home, and then I can deposit another $4 in 40 years. If I don't get hit by a bus, you know, maybe that will contribute to some retirement. You know, again, some part. Some point in the distant future, right? So that's not really going to solve the immediate problem. It's not really gonna help you be better off maybe eventually one day, but very, very far in the future. So I believe, like those the responses that we tend to gravitate towards. But if you have this problem, whether it is student loan debts, whether it's another kind of debt, whether it is unemployment, underemployment ah, the lack of job security just feeling that your choices were limited because of finances this is the only real solution like this is what you need to do. You need to actually increase your income not just, you know, cut back on the coffee, not just get mad. You need to increase your income. It's a two part process because you want to increase your income and decrease your dependency. Look, at this point, you're realizing maybe some of the things that we've depended on before are not actually that reliable. Job security is is really not a thing. So how can I lessen my dependence on external parties? How can I create more security for myself? And you know, I've been talking about about money. The new book is called The Money Tree right, and I've been thinking a lot about it because I am the I'm the first to say that money is a tool, right? Like money is a resource. You know, money is like It's not about pursuing money for the sake of money. It's just about what you can exchange. You know, that money for and so on. Ultimately, we're all interested in life, purpose in life, meaning How can we live a fulfilling life? How can we contribute, you know, to other people's lives? How can we be of service and such? But at the same time, you know this whole thing about, like, you know, why are you focusing on money? Um, the people who sent to people who tend to say things like what money doesn't matter or money is important as an important those people tend tohave money, you know? I mean, like, those people actually tend to have enough. And I have never heard in all the emails I get in communication, I get I have never heard someone write in and say, you know, I just lost my job. Please stop talking about making money. So I want you understand? Like if you're in a situation where you are, okay, right now, then that's great. But millions of people are not. And so when you're in debt, this is the key point many of your choices are made for. You have these limitations. You have these constraints, like all of us now are experiencing all sorts of limitations and constraints on our ability to live daily life, our ability to travel, like how we interact with people and such Well, if you are in the situation of crippling debt or, you know, some other financial pressure, that is your situation all the time. You always have these limitations and concern. It's not the same ones, necessarily. But you're always living in this world in which you have something imposed upon you, and so it is crippling. As I said, money is not everything. But if you don't have it, your life is very different. So if you accept this principle, if you like, okay, can't just, you know, get mad. I can't just, you know, I can't just save money. How do you actually do that? Like, how do I increase my income? And here, once again, we have a couple of responses that we tend to gravitate toward right this because this is what we're told to do. And this is what you know. We see other people trying to dio and one of those things is like, we're just gonna work harder, right? We're gonna work harder in our job, try to get a different job. You know, just just trying to do a better job ing and get ahead somehow. Nothing wrong with working harder. But, you know, if you have $50,000 worth of debt, that's not necessarily going to help. The other thing, which you know has been marketed to us very well by large corporations is go enjoying the gig economy. OK, go enjoying the gig economy, which really is just a set of glorified part time jobs. It's a set of set of opportunities to go and make small amounts of money. And there is some benefit, you know, if you're being able to set your own schedule and to have, you know, some amount of choice there, but there's also a great deal of limitations, right? And if entrepreneurship is about freedom, or being able to be free of financial pressure is about freedom, you know? What kind of freedom is it? If someone else makes all the decisions because with all of these platforms, all these opportunities in the gig gig economy, you think you have some choice. But there are a tremendous amount of limitations. These companies control the amount of competition in your area that control your compensation effectively. If they don't like you, then they kick you off the platform. So again, what kind of freedom is that? If somebody else is deciding everything, nothing at all wrong with having a part time job just to be clear, like in all in our lives. Most of us have done things like deliver pizza or like like I did that when I was young. I worked in a warehouse like putting boxes on a truck. But that's not what we want to do for the rest of our lives like. And if you really want to get ahead, if you are experiencing that pressure, you have to do something different. So those are the solutions that other people propose those air, what we tend to gravitate towards. I want to propose something different, and Chase was very kind to say some nice things about me. In the beginning. I'll just a couple of things like I've spent my entire life for better or worse, questioning authority, looking for alternative solutions. Um, and I have always worked for myself. This is the definition. I'll let you read this of entrepreneur, that I have always kind of gravitated toward myself, someone who will work 24 hours a day for themselves to avoid working one hour a day for someone else. I'm not saying this is the model everyone should follow. To be clear, a lot of people that featured on my podcaster in my books a lot of my community, you know, have regular jobs. You know, they have families and responsibilities. They have this thing called life work balance, etcetera. So I'm not trying to say everybody else needs to, you know, work all the time or whatever, But for me, I've just been very motivated, you know, to start different projects into explorers. I said, you know, different solutions and alternatives, and my overall mission is to help people make their own choices on and become self reliance. Um, and I've done that for 11 years now. With this project, I have called the art of nonconformity, which my overall mission is into that is, or life statement, I would say is you don't have to live your life the way others expect. There are all kinds of expectations that people will put on you. There are all kinds of assumptions. Um, there are all kinds of traditional paths that are laid out for you to follow, and you don't have to adhere to those expectations or assumptions or follow those past. There could be something else better for you. It doesn't mean that everyone is lying to you about everything. It doesn't mean like, this is not like the Matrix. Everything you've you've heard is untrue. But a lot of what you have heard may not be true for you, and that's the whole point. It may not be true for you at this at this time at this time in your life at this season in history. Another thing I really believe is that nobody will care about your well being as much as you do. So even though there are good jobs, there are good companies. It's not like I completely mistrust, you know, every organization or large structure nobody's gonna care about you getting ahead. You having more security Ah, the way that you dio or the way that you need to. So what I want to talk about here is the solution called The Third Way. And this is the model that I've developed in this new book, The Money Tree. A story about finding the fortune in your own backyard. And this book is essentially telling the story of a young guy named Jake who has a pretty good job, a decent job, at least. And he is a hard worker. But he's really struggling like so many people, and he had a lot of student loan debt, and this debt is affecting every part of his life. It's affecting his relationship. It's affecting his day. Job performance is getting evicted from his apartment like all this kind of stuff is happening. And what happens in life sometimes is all the pressures arrive at once, right? It's like you have one thing and like I'm dealing with this and then something else you know comes along and it's like this piling on effect. And so he's trying to figure out what can I dio you know, How can I get out of this situation and he you know, first tries, you know, to just work harder. He considers, you know, becoming a rideshare driver, but realizes, you know that's not actually going Teoh solve the problem effectively. So you know, he ends up going to a group where everybody is in this situation or a similar situation of trying to create something for themselves. And they're all trying to do it without spending a lot of money or taking a lot of risk, which I'll come back to. So I mentioned the third Way. What's the 1st 1? The second way? Um, the first way of starting a business if you go back like traditionally, like when I was young, like I thought about really young like as a kid, I thought about one day I went on a business, and I was always thinking about It's gonna be like a retail store, or I don't know if I was thinking about a coffee shop then, but you know, this is like the classical model mom and pop store, right, you know, open the dry cleaner or whatever, and that requires capital one way or another, usually have to borrow money, whether it's from the bank or from your parents or from your own savings. Some other source. It involves risk like it might work outs, but it might not. And if it fails, they're pretty significant consequences on there's also a long time frame to it. You know, for all these kinds of businesses, like it's gonna take a while before you know if it's working or not. You could end up spending years on a project that ultimately fails. The second way is the way of the start up world. So this is like, you know, every company in San Francisco are Tel Aviv or Berlin or wherever, making an app, you know, or doing something doing something that also requires capital also requires capital. Um, it also involves risk. Lots of things can go wrong. Ah, and to obtain that capital usually need to have connections, which is another asset. Essentially, you need to have the right connections, the right relationships you need to know people. And so these two models are often presented as opposites like Oh, you got your like retail store and this is the new way of the start up world. But think about this. What do these approaches have in common, and there's an obvious answer. Both of them are dependent on other people. Both of them are dependent on somebody else, some other person or party to come along and kind of bestow permission in the form of funding, usually. But it's dependent on some other circumstance, which, if you think about, is really another way of saying both of them are dependent on something outside your control. And you know, when I started a few minutes ago, I was like, Right now there's a lot of stuff outside of our control. What is within our control? Don't we want to maximize what is within our control? Eso that we're not dependent on external events or less dependent? Let's say we're less dependent on external events. We're less dependent on externalities for our security. So first way, second way and you know I'm proposing the solution is the third way. Um, the Third Way is about real people. It's about people like Jake in the book. It's about maybe maybe like somebody watching right now who has found a way to you know, they didn't always identifies like a capitally entrepreneur, but they found a way to start a little project that makes money, and this project makes money. It becomes an asset for them. They do so without, you know, going into debt, spending a ton of money, this whole thing about how you have to spend money to make money. I don't believe that. I think the time to invest in your business is when your business is taking off, not when it's getting started. So these are real people using a skill that they already have finding a way to, like Transformer adapt that skill to this new economy that we're all finding ourselves in. So about 10 years ago, I published a book called The $100 Start Up, which was kind of a story of accidental entrepreneurs or again, just people across Middle America elsewhere, not always in like tech centers who had found a way you know, to no follow their passion, follow their skill, usually together, follow a passion and a skill, and create something monetize herbal with it through the knowledge that they had the expertise that they had through something that they had learned, whether in education or in a job or just through a hobby on and I started telling these people's stories because I felt like nobody really wise. I felt like there were lots of stories about people like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. No, um, and very few stories about, you know, relatable people who, as I said, didn't have access, you know, to a lot of capital or resource is. And then three years ago, I started this project podcast called Side Hustle School What I've been doing every day since January 1 2017 and when I started, I was worried that would run out of examples because, you know, every day I'm telling a different story, answering listener questions again, just like looking at somebody and saying like, Here's the Here's the path that they followed here is the idea that they had. Here's what happened along the way. Well, I'm 1200 episodes in and counting and not running out of stories at all. So before we go to a more interactive portion before I have a conversation with Chase that I would just quickly tell you a few of these stories, Um, one of the ones I really liked recently ah was a guy whose name was Dan and he was, Ah, line cook in ST Louis. Kind of working in the middle of the night, making pancakes and eggs for people who came in and whenever, you know, whatever. The diner wasn't busy. He would, you know, devote his time to making pancake art. And if he had a customer come in and a little bit more time, he would make their pancake, you know, in the shape of some cartoon character or something fun. He just noticed that he got more tips, you know, when you did that. And so he started getting really good at it, and a friend came along and said, Hey, will you actually come to an event enough as a birthday party or something else? We come to an event and, like, do your art. And so he did. And from there the two of them decided to actually make this a business. Well, about three years in, they were traveling all over the world and, like they were in Dubai last year, a bunch of other places. Obviously they're not traveling as much now, but they've built this business to multiple six figures. So this is a guy who is again a diner cook, you know, in a random diner in Missouri. And now he and his partner making six figures from a pretty basic skill, right? But a lot of people could make pancakes. He found a way to kind of level it up. So that's Dan cakes. You can check them out online. Um, there's another image of one of their creations. It's really elaborate. This guy, Victor de la Flore, is a U. S Marine who crushed his sunglasses like we have all done a different times, like end up sitting on them or something. And he did it one time too many. And he was like, I keep I keep doing this, you know? I buy nice sunglasses and then I end up ruining them. And as a Marine, he had to wear a hat. And so he created this really, really simple products. Very simple, like practical product that's providing a solution to a real problem. Ah, three D printed clip, you know, to secure your sunglasses under a hat. He did, so, you know, just kind of bootstrapped, right? Just kind of d I y figuring it out. Um, well, when I featured him last he had nearly matched his salary as a Marine with this side hustle, right? So he's still, you know, in service. But he's also earning this extra income, which, as I said, is quite substantial. Eso he has options going forward. You know, maybe he'll go more into this. Or maybe we'll just continue earning that extra money to prevent debt to build security for his future. Ah, one more Here I told the story of my last book tour, but I like it so much I keep coming back to it. Ah, this woman in Washington, D C Daniel thing. Ah, she was a volunteer going to in person classes. Ah, teaching immigrants are tutoring immigrants who were studying to take the U. S. Citizenship test. Now, this test is hard if you are U. S citizen, If you were born in the States, you might have a hard time passing it. You have to have a lot of specific knowledge, so people really have to study for it. And so one day she started uploading her tutorials to YouTube and more, more people started watching. And then after she had, you know, enough of an audience, you know you two began putting some ads on those videos, and she gets a portion of that revenue. So anyway, now she has built this this business. It's like a, you know, service like she's helping people. But it's also a for profit for her. Um, when I last talked to her, she was making something like 4 to $5000 a month from this, and hundreds of thousands of people are watching these tutorials. And I love this model because, you know, she is doing something that she used to do for free, like she was a volunteer, and now she's compensated for it. She's also reaching a lot more people than she ever would otherwise. And the people who are benefiting from this work she does don't pay anything for it because of the model of Google on YouTube, right? So lots of examples like this, lots of ways that people have found something that they know about or, you know, solve the common problem like the last guy mentioned. As I said, you know, 1200 episodes and counting keep finding stories that keep finding more and more. I was gonna give you a cup a quick little overview here. Quick little rundown of a whole bunch of others. I go really quickly, and all of these are real businesses. So it's not like somebody has an idea. These air, all profitable businesses that I featured in just the past three months. Ah, somebody was doing accent training. Somebody was doing custom confetti. Um, talk to a woman who was a belly dance instructor. And now she's doing online belly dancing tutorials and, like belly dancing virtual bundles, actually doing pretty well if it, um a guy who's made 1/4 of a $1,000,000 doing drone repairs, which I think is really interesting, because here's a statistic. Approximately 100% of drone owners will crash their drone, so it's a big market fixing people's drones these days. I talked to a New Zealand teenager who was importing speed cubes, which is kind of like Rubik's Cubes, but there's a whole whole like subculture hobby of this s O. He started importing them from China Ah, and Australia. And now he's like the main guy in New Zealand selling these, earning a good income from it. Ah, woman who's doing photography sessions focused on your tender profile really specific market, but a lot of people who need to improve their dating profile photos. Ah, if you're not into that, there's another woman who is doing dog portray its right. So, you know, online dating portrait's dog portraitists again, profitable business. Ah, a guy whose passion Because everybody's got a thing. His passion was carnivorous plants and it was really into like they got the Venus flytrap but apparently is a whole lot of others. Like the Venus flytrap is kind of a stereotype in the carnivorous plant world s So he decided to build the Wikipedia of these plants effectively and created a little exchange where people can, like, buy and sell and trade. And here it's a commission, you know, on all these all these trades. So I like that example because it shows, like sometimes the more random or the more narrow the topic the better. And I pull these examples out because people are always like, Well, I don't know anything that you know other people would be interested in paying for. I'm like, Oh yes, you dio I'm sure you doing that. We can figure it out if we just talk it through. Ah, what else did I want to mention here? Let's see. All rent the chicken. That's right. In case you have always wanted to bring a chicken into your home. Ah, but weren't sure if you're ready for a lifelong commitment, you can now foster a chicken through a for profit service where somebody is actually doing pretty well for themselves. So check that out if you're interested. And these air not anomalies, you know, you can see there's, like so many different topics, so many different things that can be done. And one of my favorite things is to kind of talk with people who think that, you know, they don't have a marketable skill and try to show them an example. Um, and I like to teach through examples because it kind of destroys the excuses. It kind of it kind of like Well, I was nothing. Aiken dio Well, all these people were able to do it well, I don't have any money. Well, a lot of people don't have have money, and they're able to do it. So let's find some some relatable project. Let's see what you can do. Tell you one more. Um I really liked working on this story. I called it the rise and fall of bird supplies dot com, which you could go there if you want, but we might all crashed the website if we visit at once. Eso the woman who's been running this site she's actually headed for for a long time. I forget how many years more than 10 years might be 15 years or more. And when she first started this site, you know she was the go to spot the source on the Internet for Well, it's a spoiler Bird supplies. And she did really well with that for a while. But then I think I think she actually made, like, six figures from it. But then she came Teoh. She became the victim of an algorithm changed by Google, which is a whole other thing. Whole business lesson we could talk about there. The point is her income greatly dropped. Um, and then she found a way to kind of reinvent herself, and she decided to focus specifically on parents not just all Berries, but parrots and apparent. Apparently, parents have a lot of behavioral issues, so she began writing E books, a series of e books specifically addressing parent behavioral issues. These are all real products. Is your screaming parent driving you nuts? A couple of examples here. Ah, Do parents have emotions? This parrot is longing to go home to Canada, I believe actually went along. She improved her design. So you got why parrots pluck their feathers. And ah, then the perennial best seller here. Why is my parent biting me? Um, so all of these e books sell every day, you know, hundreds of dollars in sales. It's about a 95% profit margin when you're selling something like this. So again, very hyper specialized topic. And you know about that profit margin, by the way, um, you know, in my great wisdom, as a traditional author, I earned about 14% from my books. So she's doing you know, as I said, 90 to 95% profit margin kind of inspired me, actually, because in this in this ah time, I have to also be willing to change and adjust and adapt and someone to do something special here for creative live. In addition to talking about the money tree, I thought I would give you just a special sneak peek of my book that's coming out in the fall. Feather plucking for fun and profit. Get Richard I flying eso you can. You can preorder that at a certain point up. But 1st 1st focus on the money tree, so the whole point. This is possible. This is possible. There are a lot of people doing it. There's a way that you can do it, too. There is something that you can do if you've never thought of yourself. As you know, being a business owner entrepreneur, that's not what it's about. It's about creating freedom. It's about creating freedom for yourself, for your family, perhaps for your future. In this world of uncertainty, that's what it's all about. So here's one quick minute about the book. Maybe 90 seconds, let's say, and they'll have a conversation with Chase and then take whatever questions you have. My one request is like I'm trying to get this out to as many people as possible, both in terms of the the book, just because it's so weird times, too, like debut a book. 99% of the media attention on the world is focused on a single topic right now, so it's kind of hard to breakthrough. I supposed to do the 40 city tour, you know, now I'm not. I really want to reach people at the book. But more important is like, I hope the book is actually help people, and I want to help people in this situation of financial pressure. So a couple things we can do. I've got something coming out that's not ready just yet, But I will announce it here for the first time. More than just, you know, my new E book. We're creating an online book registry. Ah, the world's first Blockchain enabled online book registry to allow people to groups of people to come to the site that money. Tree book dot com If you are experiencing any financial pressure, if you have lost your job, if you have significant debt or you know you're just worried because a lot of people are, then you can put your name down to receive a free copy of the book and then anybody else who would like to be a donor, be a book donor can come and purchase one copy. Five copies, 10 copies, whatever for any of those people and you can purchase them for someone you know or for a stranger. And if people choose to opt in, then we're gonna have a way to share their information So you can actually get to know the person who you've given books to or have received a buck from, Um, there's post Online with the hashtag moneytree book dot com. So, as I said, that registry is not ready yet, but it will be shortly, and I will also be contributing to it. By the way, um, I will be contributing my author royalties such as they are for the 1st months, everything that comes to this process to teach for America. Ah, and another organization that we haven't announced yet. 100% of my profits will be going to that, and I'm also going to be investing and buying copies of my book for people who need them, which is kind of backwards now that I think about it. So I really should listen to my podcast at some point. But the point is, I really am invested with this Ah, this book in this message and I want to help people navigate this time so that we can come out of it and be better. Then we were before we can come out of it saying like, wow, that time sucked in lots of ways. But yet it also kind of enabled me or nudged me or push me towards something that I wouldn't have discovered otherwise. That is that. It's my hope for so many people out there, I really believe, as I said, we're going to see lots of transformational shifts. So I wrap up here. I wanted to share something with This is the last thing. Like if you only remember one thing from our time together, I thought about asking, um, you know, to pop your answer to this in the chat, and if you have your answer already, you can do that. But this is not. This is like a more complicated question than like, what did you eat for breakfast today? So I totally understand if you don't have ah immediate answer to this question and you want to think about it for a while, the question is, what is your life motto and forwards? And the reason I bring this up is because I realized recently. What mind? Waas Which I'll share with you here. And when I when I kind of encapsulated it, I was like, Oh, yeah, This is how I've been living my life the whole way My whole This is how I've been living my whole life But I never had a way to just codify it like this. And so my answer, What I wanted to share with you is like whatever you're going through, um, whatever you're experiencing ah, whatever path you're on, whatever you're trying to figure out my forward, you know, life motto is there is another way. There is a conventional path. There is the path that you know about there is, you know, the path of the options that people have presented to you or shared with you there. You know, all the things that you were supposed to do are expected to do are assumed to dio and all those things were fine. It's not like as I said, they're all a liar. They're all wrong or bad. I just want you to know that there is another way there really is. And when we're in this time now, this time of uncertainty anxiety. There is another way. There is a way through, right? If you are experiencing that pressure, if you are like man, I don't know what to what to do next. You know, short term, long term, like I don't have every single answer for you. Part of the the part of the value of self reliance is like, you know, let's let's all figure it out together. But there really is another way. So I hope, as I said at the beginning Ah, that we can all come through this look back and say All right, you know, I'm better now than I was before, And I want to do everything I can to support people in that. So this slide says thank you. Um, which I think reminds me that I should say thank you to Ah, Chase. Thank you to creative live team and thank you to everybody out there. Ah, who is watching from wherever you are in the world. Thank you so much.
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a Creativelive Student
Chris is such a great orator. Do follow his podcast. Worth the time