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2. Q&A
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we literally have people from all over the world. We've got people from Scandinavia, people from South Africa. I see some Europe. We've got the full gamut here. So thank you so much for, um, reaching such a diverse and inclusive audience. Um, we've been friends for a long time, and one of the questions I'm seeing in the chat and one of the questions that I had if you remember, we sat down over on Italian meal the last time you were in Seattle, we could actually be within six feet of each other on breaking bread. And we were talking about the money tree. And one of the questions that I have that I know is true for others is this is this is a fiction book that you've written here, and you've embedded these lessons in a story. So what made you take that route? And, um, how much fun or extra hard work was it to quit? Two part question. It was It was extra fun and extra hard work. It was buff. Um, I got the idea. At some point, I don't remember exactly what the origin was, but I started thi...
nking about a story right. And it is a story I'm trying to teach through storytelling. My hope is that people will read this book who might not read, you know, how to book or a business book, but who need this information, right, who need not just information that they need a path they need, Like some they need to believe in themselves. And they don't understand that this this world is accessible to them because they've never thought of themselves, You know, as going down that that entrepreneurial path and so often stories are far more effective, you know, than it than a how to book. And they're often more memorable. Like you can remember a lot a lot of stories more easily than you can remember. Like a six step, you know, checklist. And so I started thinking about that main character, Jake. Ah, and I spent maybe three months just kind of outlining some ideas before I wrote anything. Um, outlining idea is thinking through characters, thinking for your plots and just really trying Teoh hone it and make it really sharp. And then I wrote the whole book before I ever showed my agent or my editor, which normally in nonfiction publishing. You write a little proposal like, here's what the book's gonna be about when you go away and actually write the book. So I did it the other way around. I wanted to actually, you know, first prove to myself that I could do this right? Something that I felt it was high quality. Ah, And then just like then, then kind of say Okay, here it is like, what do you guys think? I was very happy that people really believed in it at the publishing side, but yes, it was It was a lot of fun because I hadn't done it before and it was also a lot of work. I think I wrote maybe seven or eight drafts of this book and normally all right, about three drafts me before draft some. So I put a lot into it. So I think I think there are less and I think you can read it and be entertained and be inspired. But hopefully also kind of go away with a sense of Here's what I can do next in my life. Well, it was I found it incredibly inspirational. Someone who's written a book and knows how hard it is, Um, and and finish this book was the storytelling was amazing. But there's a little meta lesson that I found in there, which is you took a risk in in putting this out there in a new format, New to you. And that is so much about what you speak about. What you write about is people taking risks to tap into whatever it is their passion. It's just getting getting started. Doing something is that have nothing. That's a huge theme in the book. So were you. Is this a process of taking your own medicine? Absolutely. I mean, it is a bit of a risk, creatively and in the publishing world, just like in any industry, it's like once you get on a certain track, that's the track you're supposed to stay on, you know, and you can achieve a certain amount of success as long as you're on that track. But there's no guarantee. If you jump tracks, you know you're gonna be successful. But, you know, for me, it's not about success, quote unquote success. It's about meaning and purpose, doing something that I believe in creative work. Obviously anybody watching Creativelive believes in that value. Um and I just feel it. I feel it's needed, you know? And so I hope the book sells well, like I want my books to do well. But ultimately I want wanted to reach you know, the right people eso whether it's a risk or not, It's something I'm very happy toe dio. So let's let's talk about the third Way and you you recounted in your pre so you know, ways one and two. Do you feel like the third way is Is that the future? Is it you know, just by the title itself, like The Third Way? It means it's another way. But is it is that more what the future is gonna look like? I mean, let's just to be me super blunt. So you're entering a time where we can't go back to a lot of things the way they used to be. Some form of sort of normalcy will return, but we've we've shifted gears and we're onto a complete different universe. So is the third way. Ah ah, growing part of the future or because we've been hit with this pandemic is going to scare people away Yeah, I'm glad you said what you just mentioned about how we're not going to go back, you know, to the way things were. I think that's really important to stress. Um, and a lot of industries are not going to be the same. A lot of jobs are not going to be the same. And so, you know, if you're in a situation like that, I think you know the wrong thing to do. Ah, if you're in the industry that has has taken a market decline, you know, the wrong thing to do is to is to just kind of wait it out, right? The wrong thing to do. It's like fight reality. Waited out. I talked to somebody the other day who is Ah, a flight attendant, you know, And and he asked me, He's like, When do you think travels gonna pick up again? And I'm like, you know, just to be honest with you, I think it's gonna be a long time. It's gonna be a very long time. I think it's not gonna be the same. And if anybody tells you that you know it's gonna be OK and what you should be doing right now is putting your flight attendant resume on LinkedIn and contacting other airlines. I think they're just trying to make you feel better. So you need to understand, like it's gonna be different. As you said, you know, Chase And then you know, as for the third way, well, I think it's It's both the present and the future. And in some ways it's the past, like I like to always be. Be clear when I talk about this kind of stuff. We often present entrepreneurial models from a very Western perspective, and I've spent, you know, a lot of time traveling the world, going to some really poor countries lived in a number of poor countries before, in Liberia and Sierra Leone, on a hospital ship in West Africa and in those countries, the majority of countries in the world. In fact, if you kind of go out of the city and you go into the village, everybody has a has a micro entrepreneurial project. You know every person there is no side hustling and buying and selling and trading. And and this kind of commerce has existed since since commerce has existed, you know, since the beginning of time or since people were buying and selling. So the reason I say that is because, like this has been happening a long time in lots of different parts of the world. What's different now is, you know, access to networks, connectivity, globalization, e commerce, becoming mainstream. Um, just the idea of people being able to do this, you know, is now mainstream, which which is good, like the joke I tell which, which is true. My parents were probably watching Hey, Mom, like, 20 years ago when I was working on for myself, I've always work for myself. I was starting to sell things online with eBay like, I didn't know anybody else who was doing this. Like, I couldn't go to a coffee shop and see like somebody else. You know, they're working on their consulting business. And so I think my parents were kind of worried about me, that they were kind of like We know Chris is doing something on the Internet, but we hope it's not bad. You know, we hope it's not drugs or porn, you know, And I was like, There's more than two inches industries, you know, on the Internet just so you know. But now nobody thinks that way, because in every coffee shop where you know, if you can't go to coffee shop now, everywhere people are like starting their own little website. They've got their stuff, you know? So that's what's different. And is it the future where more people create their own dependence and security and, you know, can point to an external source of income like the U. S. Marine that I mentioned? It's not like he doesn't have a fulfilling job. He's doing this in addition to that, Um, I hope that more people you know will do that because it just makes their life better. Amazing. Um, so I finished the book this morning. Ah, and I wanted I specifically save the last 40 pages for, you know, I was fortunate to get a new advanced copy. Thank you so much for getting me one of those. And just so it was extra fresh for me, and, um, I couldn't help but go back. And I've got a lot of dog eared pages here, but one of the things that again I happen to know you personally and have for a decade or so and that's, um I'm grateful for that. But I also saw things that I was weaving in in my mind, like, Oh, this is There's an autobiographical sensibility here and I don't think that there's that. It's it's certainly not a 1 to 1. But how much of the book? Um, you did You feel like you layered in there intentionally? And I'm I'm guessing is your friend that there's some stuff that maybe it was unintentional. But of course I'm just presuming. So, um, just talk about the you know how personal some of the writing was for you. I mean, it was very personal because of the nature of it being fiction. It's not that I said that the the main character Jake or any other character you know is based on me. I think I can see parts of myself in, you know, in all the characters. I mean, there's a there's a character is not very nice as well, and I can see parts of myself. That guy, you know, it should be honest, right, to be fair. So it's not meant to be ah, you know, autobiographical in that sense. But ah, you know One of the things that Jake has to do in the beginning is his mentor. Clearance challenges him to make $1000 in the next week. And at first, you know, Jake is like, how do I do that? If I knew how to make $1000 I wouldn't be in this position. Um, but, you know, basically Clarence has figure it out, you know? And so Jake start selling his textbooks, his old college economics textbooks on online auction site. And, you know, that's what I did, you know, 20 years ago. Essentially, Um, then he realizes from there he can see what the other auctions air, you know, selling for and then buying and selling arbitrage, etcetera. S O. I mean, I have some experiences like that. And then the middle portion of the book takes place in Ethiopia. Ah, which the continent of Africa is very close and personal to me. And so Ethiopia is different from West Africa. But still, some of that is there. That said, you know, one of things I've been hearing from some of the advanced readers, like some of the people who are inside us will school. We sent them a copy of the book. They're saying that, you know, even if they're not, you know, like the main character, a different kind of person. And demographically, they can see themselves in that person. So a friend of mine, Shannon Mountain, matter from Ohio. Think she said. She's 41 42. She's like, I'm a 41 year old woman and I connect very, very much, you know, to Jake, the 28 year old guy, because I was in a similar situation and I was in a corporate environment like Hiss and I had to find my way out. Nobody was telling me what to do, but I eventually figured it out. So my hope is that it's relatable to. It's really anybody who's experiencing some kind of struggle. Oh, it's incredibly relatable. As someone who's struggling Teoh adapt to a changing world. We had creativelive stood up creative live TV and just a week and our broadcasting live from homes all over the place. Me personally, my wife, Kate, who you know well, finally, I got kicked out of off the living room table or the dining room table down into ah sped fair bag room downstairs, so there's a lot of a lot of change, and I think we're all trying to find Ah, a new normal. Um, with respect. You know, I want to go back to this, um, your writing of the books, I think that process you talked about briefly you put a lot of extra juice into this 18 revisions or something like that. Um, I think there's a lot to understand about anything when you un uncover the process. So did the fact that you rewrote this eight times instead of the three or four that you normally would in a non fiction book. Is that a signal of, you know, the amount of insight that you were trying to put in the book? Was it a fact a factor of just being new, indifferent? What was the extra work that you put? And I know when we're trying to learn new things, which is so much about, you know, there's a big part of your book. Um, you know, Jakes trying to learn a new skill. And, um, again, I like this meta narrative of Is this you learning a new skill on? Are we going to see more fiction from you in the future. Yeah, I'm not sure about the last thing. I'm not really, really enjoyed it. I really liked it, so we'll see what happens next. But as for that like work process, I think it's probably a combination of all those things you mentioned. I did get some really good input. Ah, about it. I mean, definitely my agent and editor really kind of contribute some really sharp comments on the final drafts that I think made it a better process. So you want to acknowledge, acknowledge that I think with interesting with thing with fiction, just like a lot of other creative work is there's, there's lots of different ways you can do it. It's not like there is a one right way. You know, you don't come to the This is the 100% optimal path. So I think for me it was just like what is the best way you know, what is the best way for me to tell this story and to be be proud of it and to feel like I found the right balance of entertainment on inspiration where people could read it and just enjoy the story. Um, while also learning something like, Here's something I didn't want to dio I'll tell you this about process I didn't want Teoh, you know, included the end of each chapter like, Hey, here's what you should have learned during this chapter, which is a common thing in books, you know, like the three bullet points at the end, which I always find kind of annoying. You know, I think I've done it before, so But just to be transparent, it's like, um, you know, you read the chapter and it's like, Hey, here are the three things you should have learned in the chap. Did you really learn them? You know, make sure Did you like it? Here it is again. So I don't have anything like that at all. It's like meant to just be like, let's enjoy this experience. Let's immerse ourselves in this experience, but hopefully come away at the end, being like, Okay, what am I going to do with my life next? Okay, so away from process now and a little bit more towards, um, some of the lessons in the book. Uh, what I observed is that you pulled so many different aspects of your previous I know. How many's six books? 56 books. Now, um, and this this overlap I want to go back to I think it was in Born for This is overlapping Venn diagram of I think you call that money flow and joy. Joy. Yeah, um, this area of these different pieces of our individual personalities, where we can find the thing that we're supposed to do for this put people, you know, like, Jake, who are comfortable in their job and wanna have, Ah, side hustle. Um, can you walk us through that? That's still the most profound way too for that I know of. I've adopted, and I was always credit you. But just so you know, um, but just for like, for the people right now who are saying a cool I'm bought into this idea, I want to have a side hustle. I just don't know how or where to look. So Cochise on there's a couple of things there. I mean, it's it's I appreciate you saying you've bought into it, but I actually think you were one of the inspirations for it when I was thinking about like what? What is this trifecta and who is living who is living it out. So the trifecta is is Ah, you know, as you said, joy, money and flow. And these are the three elements that I think contribute Teoh to meaning and purpose, you know, and some amount of happiness. But that's a different topic. So meaning and purpose, Joy, It's like you're doing something that you love to do. You like you like doing something. It's not that you're passionate about 100% of aspects of everything that you do your job and stuff. But overall, it's like this is what you like. And money is this element of being sustainable, right? You're doing something that actually compensates you, because in the world that we live, we need money to exchange for other stuff and then flow. Is this this skill that you have that is just, you know, so sharp and something that you're really good at, maybe something that is easy to you. But other people find it difficult, something that you can just really immerse yourself in and like, this is the work that I love to do. And I think when you find that like that is the goal. Like we're all in this, like journey to find it. And maybe you never reach it right? But you always trying to get closer and closer to the intersection between these three things and in life, you know, you can sometimes be satisfied with only two of them, and there can be sometimes that you go through a season where you're like, man, I just got a I actually need to really make some money right now. I don't care what it is. I don't have to be good at it. I don't have to love it. Um, and then other times, you know, it might be one of the others, but ultimately what we want is all all three of those things. So as it comes, as it like, pertains to like, you know what? What is my side hustle? What is it that I'm going to choose? There's. There's a number of exercises we can go through about identifying your skills and such and what? You know what the skills you have that are marketable. How are you going to transfer those transform those skills into a product or a service that we offer to people. Um, but that's also about an intersection of. I really like to do this thing, and it is valuable. It's not just both, it's not just one. It's like I would like to do this thing and other people also find it marketable. Invaluable. I'm not just like doing something for myself. I'm doing something that is contributing in a way and usually can talk that through with people and help them kind of understand what the intersection is amazing. It still I I feel like I point to that book and to you maybe not daily, but certainly weekly. Uh, it's just a really elegant answer to the question. Um, there's this Ah, a theme in the book. I'm just gonna grab one particular page here. Um, check how you say it, um, without it's just being I'm gonna put it in a slight different words because you use it really eloquently in the book. But just you're you're more capable than you give yourself credit for. And it's a very powerful theme of the book. I see it in your work. You know, the world domination Summit to me is one of the most profound events um, that I've ever attended. Ah, this is where you bring thousands of people together to set world records. And Teoh just observe what? When some committed, hardworking people come together, what's what's possible? So for the folks at home, you know, things like imposter syndrome if you've arrived, Um, self doubt, just negative self talk. I think I want to know and it's, Ah, I think it's a popular questions. That's something that's getting talked about in the chat room right now. Like, how do you? You do have a prescription for overcoming that? How do you remedy it yourself to talk to us about how you think about it? I don't have a prescription or a remedy. It's something that coexists, you know, for me, And I think for a lot of other creatives, it's It's not about like pushing through it or we're pretending that it's not there. It's it's It's more like what is the higher value? So, yes, you know, I I experienced doubt negative self worth all the time, you know? I mean, I've gone through a lot of stuff, talked about that a little bit, just even like mental health issues and depression, and anxiety. And I think people need to talk about that stuff more. So you know, those things can can be there. And at the same time, you know you can. You have a desire to do something more. You have this aspiration. You have a feeling within yourself that you are meant for more, right, like there is more to life in this, whatever this is, that's around you. And so in the book, that theme that you mentioned, like the way I explained in the book is You can do more than you think and it's just kind of recurring, you know, mantra, um recurring like slogan that's kind of presented, and that's that's certainly been the case in my life. Like, I never thought that I would go to every country in the world. I never thought that I'd be speaking to, like all all these people around the world, not at all. I just did one thing. I did the thing that was in front of me. I mean, this is always good advice, like, do the thing that's in front of you right now. If you have one small idea, don't worry about like don't criticize this idea, analyze it to death. You know, just do that thing. And if you that leads you to something else than do the next thing and that's that's what I did with everything in terms of starting the blogged 11 years ago, I said, You know, I went to like one day, have 1000 people that read my block. That was what I wrote in the very first post of Cresskill abo dot com, you know, and I said, Maybe one day I want to write a book, right? Like one book, you know? And so now here we are. Now we get the summit, all the other stuff, and it's because I did the thing that was in front of me and kept doing that over and over and over. The last thing I want to say about imposter syndrome is, you know, for that person out there who has has that dream, that aspiration that including that sense, maybe you don't know what it is. It just like sense, you know, it's just a sense, like there's something more for me. I think if you don't pursue that thing, that's when you are being an imposter because the real you, the authentic you that that's where that that authenticity is in pursuing that idea. Even if you don't know where it leads, you know. And if you choose to turn your back on that, then you are rejecting a big part of yourself. You don't want to do that. So that's actually the true self, that is, you know, leading you towards saying yes and it's It's the is the impostor that holds you back. What are the biggest ways that people hold themselves back? I think it comes in lots of forms. And as someone who's, you know, coach people online and written about that sort of extensively, even sometimes overtly, sometimes not so overtly What? What are some of the biggest ways that you see in your community? People? Ah, not not doubling down on their own self. They focus on obstacles. They focus on limitations. They say here all the reasons why I can't do this, but I would really like to do this. But this is in my way. You know, I don't have access to this resource or this knowledge or, you know, whatever it is like I'm focusing on these obstacles. That's one we know one way. So you know the way around that is like to demolish the obstacles. So let's let's move this out of the way. Let's move. Oh, you don't have a lot of money, okay? We'll look at all these other people that did this. You know? What can you do without spending a lot of money? In fact, you shouldn't spend money. So that's one thing. I think another thing is, um, just extensive analysis, you know, and I know like in certain certain world finance and like in the startup world, like validation and such is so important. But for a lot of people, in a lot of projects for doing the thing that's in front of them right now, they just need to do it. And I think research is often like a code word for avoidance. You know, it's like I need to do a bunch of research. We really just kind of putting something off. You know, it's like research avoidance. I'm gonna go to graduate school. This is like, you know, a way to defer to years of your life, you know, to not make any decisions effectively so anything you can do to be allowed to, like, not do that, I think I think it's good I am typing that quote in the chat room. Research is code word for avoidance. Um, and if you haven't yet, now is a great time to order the book for those watching. If you're on the class page Ah, or, um, just there's about 1/3 of the way down below the video window. There's a link to go check it out at Amazon. I want to keep exploring this thread of obstacles. Um, part of the, um I hear people list resource is that they don't have money. Your time. I don't have enough. Ah, friends. I don't have an audience to sell my thing to for the people that see this. You know, you talked about hurdles, but to me, there's a whole bunch of things that are, um, that a resource is that the belief like, Oh, I don't I don't have an investor. So would you tell us a story of story time with Chris to tell us a story of how you started? Just one of your things, maybe wds and so we can actually get into the mind of the entrepreneur because I'm guessing that you to lacked resource is and be good to hear. Um, what you did. Yeah, I think I I think I want to tell a slightly different story than wds just because that dress is ah, like a community gathering. It's a nonprofit, you know, I love it, but I want to focus on, like, a money making kind of example for somebody. So when I started writing my blog's the art of nonconformity, it was completely noncommercial. Um was very poorly written. I had to just figure things out as I go. So your first blawg is always gonna be bad. Your first podcast, whatever it is that you got to get started, it's all there like people to go back and look, it's, you know, it's still preserved. So it was all non commercial. I didn't know kind of vague and stuff. A certain point, I started writing about my travels and going to every country in the world, and a couple of times I would delve into some logistics about Here's how I booked this around the world Plane ticket cause I was really into this thing called travel. Hacking was a geek about frequent flier miles and, you know, mistake fares and round the world tickets. And there's a whole, like an industry about that now. But, you know, years ago it was much more nascent, and so I'd write a little bit about that, and I got a lot of questions like, people were asking me a lot like like, disproportionate number of questions about this. And I was like, uh, maybe there's something to this. And so, you know, I started, you know, creating some e books, not not e books about parrots. But he books about, you know, around the world travel on such and I sold them like the super soft sell I had. The softest sell possible is like they have got this thing. But don't worry. If you don't want to buy it, you don't have to buy it. So you know, if it's really you know, if you're really interested in go go here. And like the 1st 1 I put out, it was like, sold like $1000 worth without trying to sell it, you know? And I was like, Oh, this is like this is interesting. So I started just kind of like, you know, delving into that more and ended up creating a memberships I call the travel hacking Cartel that I operated for a number of years. It's now close, but did that, and and so the point there is, I paid attention to what people were recognizing and pay attention to what people were asking me, and I never really thought. I just didn't assume that that would be a marketable, you know, area of expertise. But because people kept asking me. So I find a lot of stories, actually, on site insults will come about because, ah, people's friends or colleagues or family, you know, are asking them for something right there at like they're asking them for knowledge or for a product. Or there was a woman in California who baked cheesecake and made enough cheesecake to pay for her college. Like a lot. A lot of money, right? It was because, you know, she made cheesecake for a while and her friend, so this is really good. You should, you know, give it to, you know, give me one to take to work and give me one. So she kind of just expanded from there. So paying attention to what people ask you. And it's like a recognizing you as an authority and also expressing a demand. And for anybody who's wondering about that travel hacking stuff, you've got to classes on Creative Drive. One. Become a travel hacker and second, make your dream trip a reality. So if you go to that little Ah, that little was that a magnifying glass on the Creative Life site, you type in Chris G. U. I just start type in your name, your name will populate and you could check out those classes. They are spectacular. Um, so there's E. I want to go back a little bit now to this, like this overlapping sort of three things and the story that you just told, because Anel Ament of both of those is creating for yourself. But listening to the market and you know what's what's the It seems to me to be some alchemy rather than a you know, it's It's not necessarily science, and it's not in just art. But there's this. What I perceive in use just this strong sense of intuition and then also an awareness of the community that you built around your products. Early art of nonconformity, um, the travel hacking cartel. You just You talk about it so eloquently, but I think there's two really distinct ingredients there. So, um, help us understand how you balance those two things. So I really think intuition is probably, I know if it's all say, it's overrated. Butts more something that's developed like you gain intuition. It's not innate. You gain intuition by trial and error and experience, and by trying a bunch of stuff and seeing what doesn't work, then maybe the next time you have a little bit more knowledge or awareness of what might work. So this is something that everybody can develop. This is not something that is bestowed upon, you know, special people. Um, I often say that the most important skill people can develop if they're learning to spot entrepreneurial ideas is curiosity, which is really just a trait. But it's not something that is taught. But if you can develop your sense of observation and noticing problems and listening, as you said, um and then the second part is taking action on that. Like if you if you're paying attention and taking action. You're gonna go far in life. You're gonna be able to do a lot of different stuff. There's nothing special about this. There's nothing special. I think the other thing is that fingers, things are always changing over time, right? And the example that I used to give I wrote about this $100 start up. This is really funny now because I said you can You can't just follow any passion, right? You consult the stuff that you might be good at, but nobody else is gonna care about it. And I said when I was 20 I was really into playing video games and I was good at playing video. Came very passionate, but nobody was coming along to, like, give me a check and say, Chris, you know, go play video games or whatever. So it's like you fast forward 20 years and now people are actually getting paid to play video games insane, getting paid millions of dollars like I think it's probably I missed my calling. I think so. There's always something there, so but keep talking about that because I feel like this. This is something that people don't get like, What does it mean? Teoh, Develop your curiosity. Keep going. Real life example. Yeah, okay. I mean, actually, let's talk about that. So they the joke, that joke about the video games. So even though these people are getting paid, like talking about twitch streamers or anybody else to substantively ostensibly play video games, really, what they're doing? If you look at it and analyze it like we've done in a couple of case, today's on the podcast, their community builders. And so it's not, in most cases that there are better gamers than every other person on the planet. What they do is they spend a lot of time cultivating community in connection and chatting with people. And people are going to watch their streams because they have a sense of belonging and identity to it that that is what the value is. I think what people don't understand, that they think it's just just the games or just that, whatever it is, Um, and so in this day and age like now, people are asking some. One question I get a lot is like What are the opportunities right now? And people tend to think of practical stuff like, Well, I wish I had invested in, you know, Ah, zoom or a some other you know, Web conferencing thing. You know, years ago I wish I had started that hand sanitizer company I dreamed of when I was a kid, But I think what's more, you know, to go deeper. People are looking for a connection there looking for community. They're looking for that that shared belonging and identity. However, we confined it, since we are socially distancing and all that stuff right now. So that is the like. That's the opportunity. So if you're trying to develop your curiosity, what can you do to contribute to a one small part of that issue, not solving the problem for the world? But what can you do with you know, the five people that you know or your 50 friends on Facebook or or whatever it ISS you talk at length. You've already talked about it a little bit in our conversation and in your writing about the relentless willingness to just take the next step not to see the whole staircase. Um, is there a world where, or is there a time in your life? We want to know that Chris isn't perfect. It was there a time where you, you know, you told yourself a big story about everything was going to go and it went very differently than that. Yeah, that's a great question. Is probably many times like that. I just want to think about it for a second. So I give you Ah, riel answer. I mean, the the situation that I'm that I'm in right now is a lot different than than I expected. And in the sense that, like, on Monday, I was supposed to be in San Francisco and then l A and Chicago and Denver like I have the whole itinerary memorized, you know, like my had 35 plane tickets booked and, you know, hotels and venues and such. And So when I realized I had to postpone that I was disappointed, you know, I was sad. And then, you know, about a day later, I was like, OK, I like I can't change it. This is obviously without outside of my control. So if I am, if I just focus on that, I'm gonna be miserable. You know, it's like there's a quote about like, you're not sure what? The key to being, you know, happy is. But the key to being unhappy is to, like, try to control stuff you can't, you know? And I heard another quote the other day about like, it's not the future that produces are anxiety. It's our attempt to control the future that produces anxiety. And so I actually like reframe and said, OK, we're gonna do all this thing, What am I gonna do now? So the commitment that I've made, I'm still kind of fleshing it out. But the commitment that I've made is, you know, in in April and May, I was gonna be on the road, you know, for all those all those 6 to 8 weeks, I'm gonna spend the same amount of time that I was going to spend, you know, speaking at events every night, I'm gonna spend the same amount of time just showing up and being present and doing live streaming and, you know, doing meetings for people who are out of work or struggling, speaking to groups remotely, you know, just just being there, you know it all and all for free, right? Just just trying to be president and I think you know that will be interesting, right? Like, I'll be interesting to see what comes out of that. But it's not what I expected. It's definitely like a detour. And at the same time, like there has to be a way, A way forward. Amazing. All right, it's speaking. I loved how you took that question and applied it right now I think it's so precious into to continue pulling on that thread. Um, one of the things that we promised with this class is this global international book release that were a part of right now, um, you know, on the class pages say, who is this event for? And it's for people who are working remotely for the first time. So can you give some specific advice to those people like you? Wake up and you're like, OK, I'm used to going into the office and well in my pants on and, you know, going my hair and going out. And now you know, people are getting dressed from here up. Yeah, right. We've got all kinds of different. So, um, what would you Ah, what info would you give to those working remotely for the first time. Yeah, and there's that time of day. You know, we've got the sunset and lunchtime and a sunrise Sunset, lunchtime in the time of day when you change from your morning pajamas your evening. I think it's good to recognize that this is hard for some people. And, you know, for some people, it's it's, I think for everyone, it's a real opportunity. But there is a group of people that, like, really excited about it. Like I've been asking my boss too remote to work remotely for years. They've always said no, and now they have no choice, you know, So they're really jumping into it. But I think a lot of people who are just more accustomed Teoh an office environment or another environment with a lot of in person collaboration, people who might be at more extroverted, um, than they are struggling a bit, you know, and it's hard to adjust to the different routine and such So, Ah, I mean so big picture than practical Big picture is See it as an opportunity. Um, if you have extra time now, for whatever reason, um, you know, cut yourself some slack like this is a hard time for everybody. So I do think it's okay to, like, you know, watch some Netflix or eat some ice cream or whatever. Like it's all right. But at the same time, like again, Ask yourself, What do I want to see Come out of this time? How can I How can I come out of this? And, like I started writing a book or I started the podcast on my side Hustle or the art thing I was wanting to do. Or now I've got my, you know, music on soundcloud or whatever it is. Try to try to devote some time to that. In that process may be one thing practically is. If so, if you're now working remotely and you have a full time job still, but you're not required to work. You know the same hours you have. You have certain things you have to get done and maybe have to show up for certain meetings. But you have some flexibility. This would be a great time to kind of figure out what are your ideal working hours, because normally you've been going, you know, from 9 to 5 or whatever the time period is Now you have some flexibility. You may discover that you, you know, you do your best work early in the morning. Um, and then you need a longer break in the afternoon. You like to go back to things later or something completely different. This could be really helpful. To figure that out on that can help you in your side Hustle. It can help you in your day job. Help you whatever else you do next. Amazing. Um, all right, well, I've got a bunch more questions, but I'm aware that there is now so many questions accumulating him that chats all over the place that we need to get some of those. So if you are ready, I would love to shift gears. And there's so many good questions coming in from far and wide. And there's a really cool sentiment that we are all in this together like this is, you know, people from the corners of the globe asking questions, all of which are relevant. And, um, I think it's it's important to acknowledge that we're in a unique time. You talked about it, and you're you know how you're dealing with change and the story that you told yourself before versus I think you call that reframing. So we've got people all over the world in the process of re flint re framing. Um, and the questions air. Myriad. So I want to cover a bunch of different aspects that relate to the book and everything that you've been writing about for the past decade. Um, and because of the, um, the pandemic and the book tour, people are asking, Did you actually think about postponing the whole thing? Was that an option for you, or was there a just like, Let's go forward with the book is so close. It's here. It's been printed. Um, this is ah, maybe a little insight in the mind of the entrepreneur. Like when you're faced with, it's usually not. Ah, do you do this smart, easy thing or the dumb hard thing? It's usually like him, you know? It's like, you know, if I had to not use one hand, which would be you know. So how did you? Well, what was part of your decision process? We're gonna postpone toe. What? When will we postpone to, right? We have no idea. You know when? When things will be different in some ways. And and, uh, I mean the tour. I do hope to be able to go back to that at a certain point. I don't know when that will be, um, but the good thing about a book, Is it still available? You in lots of different formats. You know, I have an audio book that I recorded. There's a digital version. People can order the print book from their local bookstore. Oh, she said, Ah ah or from Amazon or wherever Else. So the message is I mean, the messages relevant. It's timely, you know. And so it's like if I can overcome the business challenge of getting the message out during this time, but I do think it will. It will help people. So no, I never thought about really like pushing it back. And also, to be fair, it's not entirely up to me like I'm working with, you know, publishing partners, and they have calendars and such. So I think the best thing to do is like, except that that part is out out of your control. You know, the book comes out ready or not at this time, and it's actually good for me to have deadlines. I would say also as a creative, and somebody works independently. If I was self publishing my own stuff, I might push back the book every time. You know, even when there's not a pandemic, you know, it's like another two weeks would be great. Another two months. But because I have the publishing relationships I have, I can't do that. And that's probably good. Awesome. Awesome. Um, well, thank you for sharing that. That question was from science. Um, so there's a interesting discussion going on. It's got its own thread. Um, Nadia and Pamela are talking about, um, considerations for what other people think about either your business idea or, you know, you writing a fiction book for the first time. Like talk to us about how to manage the pressures that we feel culturally to do a certain thing to be a certain way. You you opened with, um largely looking at ways to be unconventional V to break rules and so reconcile all that stuff for us. And how do how should we think about the incoming in the pressures or ideas that everybody else has for our one precious life. Yeah, I think the the ideal and I say ideal because it's hard to live up to. But I think the ideal toe understand is you know what other people think about you is none of your business basically right? This shouldn't affect what you are you are doing. And again, I know it's hard. But if you like, you keep that present, then that can be a little bit helpful. Ultimately, I think of it the same way I think about fear. Or like anything that I am afraid of anything that is holding you back in terms of that inhibition or insecurity, of which I have a lot. I try to think of it as This is your This is president. And here is what I want to dio And am I gonna allow the fear of the insecurity or what people think, or their projections on me. You know, the the issues that they have that they are expressing in their comments or their judgment of me. Am I gonna actually let that prevent me from moving forward on something that that, you know, is important to me? You have to remember that about projections like, oftentimes when somebody's doing something new, they're starting a new project or going in a different direction or making a shift in their life that could be uncomfortable. You know, I could be uncomfortable to the people around them because sometimes they look at what that person is doing, and they're like they have they have a sense of envy, actually, like they like, I want to do that. But I didn't make that choice, you know? And so what happens in the end? Often as they come around, some of the people who are a little bit judgmental or critical, they see your they see what you have done with it, and they're like, OK, you know, maybe that's what. So you're a role model in that way? You have to just move past it. Don't pretend it's not there, but you have to just let your decision like your goals and your you're the course that you chart lead the way. Amazing. Amazing. I want to invite you to tweak your mike a little bit. Okay? Yeah, that's OK. It's just a little more toward you. Um, Hannah asked a very practical question. Hey, how do I get that free book that you mentioned. So we're building an online book registry at money tree book dot com. It's not ready yet, but it will be ready very soon. So keep checking back within the next week. It should be up and a three book dot com. Yeah, and for the people who are who joined later, miss that part of your presentation. Can you recap that force? Yes, of course. Eso We're building the first ever Blockchain enabled book registry that will allow donors book donors to connect with anybody who's in a situation of financial struggle and would like to read the book. But you can't get it for whatever reason. So if you're in either group, you'll be able to come and you can register to receive a book. Or you can choose to buy copies of the book for these people. And we just like the idea of an experiment of seeing, like what? What kind of goodness can we create from this and and, you know, maybe nothing will come of it, but maybe something really big will come a bit. So it's It's one of those risks like we talked about earlier awesome. Thank you, Chris. Hope wants to know. Are you doing some workshops on this? I know it's I'm guessing it's probably like you want to make sure to get the book out there, but is that something that you have in mind or where's the best place for people to tap into the community that you're building around this new book? Yes. I'm gonna be doing stuff every single day. I'm gonna be doing a daily instagram live. Could follow me at 1 93 countries. Um, I'm gonna be starting a new series that I think will actually be on YouTube. I haven't announced it yet, but I just did. So it will be there. Um and that's gonna focus specifically on, you know, finding opportunities in the time of uncertainty. I'm gonna be doing some other live streams. You can follow me. Cresskill abo dot com. Um, anything. Anything I announced, we'll be there or on my Twitter or Instagram. Awesome. I know Chris and lots of other people in the chat, and we're going to be happy to hear about that. Um, So Ana wants to know, How do the people in your book and the people that are in your community create processes to increase sales or grow their business. I will. That's my little insert. Okay, Without burning out Because there's so much to be done, sir, An API wants to know that. Yeah, great question. And so this is the kind of thing that we could spend a lot of time on and, you know, delve into the specifics of your business because some of it really may relate to that. Um, but I would say, Big picture there. There are so many things that can be done and you won't be able to do all the things. And in fact, trying to do all the things is always a mistake. Always, always a mistake. It's especially mistake for anybody who's really busy and has a day job and has other responsibilities. And those people are actually my market. Like when I started the podcast, I was like, I'm making this for busy people, you know who don't have 40 hours a week to spend, you know, on their projects or whatever. And so when you have that limitation that constrain, that can actually be helpful because you realize I can't try every single strategy. I can't be on every different social network. Probably be on to. Maybe I could be on to and do a good job with that. So I think imposing these constraints is good. And then, as for increasing sales, well, you're probably trying a bunch of different stuff, depending on what your business is. And I think it's important to pay attention to what's working and then just do more of that. Just do more of what is working, I figure out. Okay, this is the thing that's bringing in. It's a classic 20 rule. It really does apply in this kind of kind of market and with side hustles. Wherever things are working, do more of that. Ask if there's a way to create an extension of your product or your service. If you have a product, is there a way to provide a service around it? Or if you have a service? Is there a way to probably provide a product around it? Those were a couple of things, and there's a lot more, but that's where it started. Amazing. Um, Mary Ellen wants to know, Have you always had this sense of curiosity and abundance instead of asking questions. Ah, quitting really thinking in a scarcity mindset. Is this a learned thing, or is this a trait? What was that person's name? I'm sorry. This is Mary Ellen. Mary Ellen. Thank you for asking that question. That's a beautiful question. I think I have. So there were two parts to it. One was the curiosity, and the other was the just that the ah, capacity, abundance versus scarcity. Okay, so is this trait or is this something that you taught yourself or learned? I don't think I ever consciously taught myself anything. I think I just experimented. I think I was always curious to a degree. Um, I had, you know, like a range of early experiences, interment, including being a juvenile delinquent and dropping out of high school. And, you know, a whole bunch of other stuff that came came after that. Um, not to say that that's like the formative experience everyone should aim for. But I also don't regret any of it. So I think I always had the curiosity, but I really liked what she said about abundance. Because I do try to have that mindset now, and I don't think I always did. I think if the opposite of abundance of scarcity, I think there are a lot of times in my life that I kind of live from that model of, you know, a zero sum game. Or, you know, if if somebody else is winning that I am losing ah or comparison, you know, to other people, success and such. So that's something I've been trying Teoh work on. I think you kind of just grow with it as you go, Um, the beautiful thing about this kind of work, whether it's the kind of work that, like I'm doing, what Chase is doing in terms of creative work or if it's just some, you know, one of these, like random side hustles that I talked about with both of them. You know, competition really isn't a factor so much, you know, it's like there's room for lots of people to do lots of things. You know, somebody could go out tomorrow and start competing with the parent Behavioral e book seller, and she would still be selling you books about parrot behavioral modification. So I think understanding that the best thing you can do for yourself is like, what is next for me? Not what is somebody else doing? Like I don't try to pay attention, That stuff, You know, I don't read my book reviews. I don't look at, you know, metrics and stats and stuff like that. I just try to focus on what? What's in front of me now? Amazing. Hey, um, can you talk a little bit more about the book you have coming out in the fall? The book I have coming out in the fall. I haven't actually started work on that. Although the entire work that I've done with that is, you know, get this mock up of the cover, which I do want to say. Shout out to my friends Katia and Anna in Mexico City for doing that cover design for me this morning. Just leave it at that. Ah, well, see, I forgot earlier when we're talking about money flow, joy. Um, I framed that Aziz my own question because I get a lot of questions about it. But it was also, um I want to give a shout out to Sisi who asked that question in the chat. Uh, that reminds me of another very powerful framework that you have, Um, which is how to know when to quit, how to know when to something is not working. Because there's people in the chat rooms and their people tuned in today. Who? Hey, man, I don't know. I've been doing this for a long time, and here I am. And if I thought it was hard before now or in the middle of a pandemic And, um so give those folks some advice. Yeah, Yeah. We like to talk about this. Ah, from different times. I I I think so. First of all, I'm a big fan of encouraging people to quit. I'm a big fan of encouraging people to give up on stuff that is not working or it's just not, you know, not the thing they're supposed to be doing now or not what they were enjoying. And I feel like this is not said enough. Just from the top down, I feel like this. People are always talking about, you know, just keep going. Just keep trying, just persist. And that's terrible advice for so many people in so many situations. Um, think about that example of the flight attendant, you know, is that person is supposed to keep writing to more and more airlines, you know, trying to get a better job or they're gonna be better served by doing something different. I think every person watching is like they need to, you know, if they really want Teoh Teoh to, you know, get ahead and get out of this situation they're facing, they need to do something different. So, big picture, big fan of giving up on stuff. Nothing wrong with that. I think what you're talking about Chase's. Ah. So if you're in a situation where you can't decide like I've got the project, is it? You know, do I keep going with it? Do I try something else? I'm indecisive, then three kind of rubric. Er, the model that we look at is just a very simple two part question, you know, first of all, is it working? And second, do you still enjoy it? And if something is working and you enjoy it, you'll have to ask that question. Um, if it's not working anymore and you don't enjoy it, then you stop. You do something else like, that's the easiest thing, and you only have to do more analysis if the answers are in conflict. And so if something is not working but you still like it, then you have to acknowledge reality. You have to say, this is okay. This is how things are. I can't just pretend, you know, if I'm if I'm in the cruise industry right now, I can't just pretend the next week is going to be a great week because it's not, um so I have to change something because it's not working. But maybe there is a way to reframe a regroup. And then the other way is like if it's actually working, Ray, but you don't love it well, life is short. One way or another, you have to make a change at some point, or you will be miserable if you just keep doing something you don't like. So eloquent, just it's just like a scalpel. It cuts right to the right to the important stuff so fast. Thank you for sharing that Ickarus Crystal M wants to know. Is the money tree appropriate for teens and or Tweens? I think it is. Actually I I think it is. I actually had a number of teens and Tweens readers. Ah, in the advanced Reading Group. And so obviously they will be the judge of that, but I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. Ah, Lila wants to know. How do we get notified when this registry that we talked about earlier is up? Uh, can think of a bunch of friends who need it in the tough times? Yes. How do you get notified? I don't have a notification system for it just yet. Um, but I promise it will be on money tree book dot com likely within the next week. If you're watching live. If you're watching later, it may already be there. It will be very obvious when it's there. I will announce it in all of my social channels and on my blog's. So if you follow me on any of those places, this will be a very big deal. It is not like a small project that is something were to make a major push for. Got it. And just to recap on the backside of that, your social handles or at 193 countries, um, and Chris Gill ago. Gilboa, where do you remember where you are? Are either do I remember where I struggle, but I try. Uh, yes, 1 93 countries on instagram and all the others were Cresskill abo. Okay, great. Thank you. I guess that's selfish question there because I'm like, man, I know he's someone visit, but the money tree book dot com Um, Maria Botvin de Lobby wants to know. First of all, she's very happy to be here unless that Thank you for doing this virtually because so many people don't get to see you in person. Even when you are on to are so big, Shout out on a thank you. Thank you, Maria. Um and she would love to hear your thoughts on platforms like Patriot platforms like Patri on. You know, for those who aren't familiar where a creator can, you know, offer their work to subscribers or fans and fans can support them. I think it can work if you have enough of, ah following. I think it's hard sometimes when people are just getting going and they try to do a patriot on Ah, because they're not going to get a lot of support there. So you know, the opposite of patron of the opposite. But the other approach is, is developing some kind of of a product or service or just a subscription that you offer on your own eso? It's not like I'm for or against. You know, those those platforms per se. I think they're a good fit for some people. Great. Um, Ana wants to ask the question. Tried a lot of ideas in, um, Chris's world, she said. She's a designer. She's tried things like, etc. Society six. They're working, but they don't really work. And and she's wondering what's the best place to find? Guidance where I don't have to spend 1 to 2 can, of course. And I'm gonna take a second say subscription to creative lives like 200 bucks 100 50 bucks. So there's classes there, but this is that's my hijacking. This is really, um for you, like, what's the community aspect? How would you steer her towards a bunch of like minded people who also might be struggling? Of course. Um, in your your orbit. But is there some outside sources or what would you recommend to Ana? Yeah, eso So two things. One. Ah, I mean, first of all, three things be sure you subscribe to Creativelive side us will school my podcast 1200 episodes there 10 minutes long. They're designed for busy people and every single one of, you know, different case study model, including a number of people who have been successful on etc. And other platforms like that. Usually the key with etc. Is there's a lot of people selling the same thing. There's a lot of commodity sales. Even if it's art, they're very, very similar. Um and so the people we've seen who end up doing well in etc like I actually had a story about a woman who was doing some really creative lighting sales on Etsy ended up making her on website now has a retail store in Chicago. It has become like a $1,000,000 business but started on etc. Ah, it's usually because they are. They're doing something different. They are standing out and they have found a really creative way to do it. Um, as for some of the other ones that you mentioned, I think those those air platforms I call them started platforms because they are good for somebody who's never done anything like this. It could be very validating to go enlist something for sale on Etsy or eBay or anywhere else. And then, you know, it sells even for a small amount of money. Because that validation just kind of is like, Oh, empowering. I could do something else with this. But it's not always a great thing to build your business on those platforms. Ah, because it is, you know, hyper competitive and saturated. And because that platform is controlling access to your buyers and your browsers and all of that s o ultimately, I think it's better to actually build it, build away from that and, you know, ask for what's best. I mean, that kind of depends on your specific design skills. You know what you are trying Teoh offer to people. Awesome. Speaking of podcast, David E. Wants to say thank you Just discovered it. Um, I'm wondering if you can give us a little more color on the podcast. It's every day. Yes, schools totally bonkers. Son s school dot com. Ah, or an apple podcast or Spotify or, you know, cast box wherever you get your podcasts. Um, and it is. It is a collection of stories and question. Answer in dialogue with people that is designed to be very short and bite sized and my favorite things when people discover it and go back and listen to the entire archive, which even as the creator of it, I think is kind of insane now that there's so many episodes. Um, but I hear from people that were going on road trips, you know, like across the U. S. Or Canada or elsewhere. And like, I listen to you from this state all the way to this state like I wouldn't want listen to myself from this state to that state. But I'm glad you enjoyed it. Awesome. Thank you. Sydney wants to know you have advice for young adults slash teenagers who want to dive into their own startups. Ah, great question, Sydney. I'm not sure most of my advice would be I'm not sure my advice is much different. I think if you're in that place, then you have access to a lot of the same stuff that a lot of people that I featured like you don't have access to a lot of money, which I assume, but that's good. You know, somebody else asked me the other day. Here's an example of like, ah, question with incorrect thinking. Someone said I have $5000. Is that enough to start my side hustle And my response is that's actually too much. Probably It depends on what you want to do, right? But the question is not I have this much money. How can I do it? So if you're a teenager or a kid, I've actually had a lot of stories of kids and teenagers on the podcast people doing some really interesting interesting stuff. Fantastic. Thank you. Um, this is either young or Jan. I don't know what country this is coming in from, but, um wants to talk about the process of writing. I'm guessing this person may be celebrating their own book or reading a block. Um, you talked about having publishers and whatnot, but Yann or Jan was soon. Did you have someone help you with the process of editing the book? Well, I am important to have an editor, and that's what the editor does. But, you know, I I do you know, all the outlining and drafting and writing myself, and then I get feedback from them and go back and do it some more. And such eso you know, even if you're not working with traditional publisher, I think it's very helpful to get advice from ah person who actually is a professional editor. Not just, you know, your friend who has some comments that was maybe Bali comments as well, but I think it's really helpful to kind of go through that process of getting constructive feedback. Um, Justine wants to say, Justine be Chris. Your dry sense of humor gives me life, so thank you. I agree. Like your personality. Your your sex is, um, unmatched. There's a couple questions about the world Domination Summit. Can you, ah, fill us in on the latest The status of the wds? Great. Ah, so world domination something for those who don't know, it's this gathering we've been doing every summer in Portland, Oregon. Ah, for awesome, remarkable people such as those who are watching or listening now. Ah, Chase has been with us at least two or three years, I believe. And ah, So we've been going for 10 years that we have mainstage keynotes like Chase Jarvis and others. We have lots of little workshops and breakouts meet ups and parties and such. And this was gonna be our 10th and final year. We announced last year we don't years we went, like, actually end well, rather than keeping going forever. Um, but like so many other things in this world that we're in, we are postponing, so it is postponed, not canceled. We're not going to do it in the summer of 2021. So W s 2020 will be held in June 2021 go to world domination summit dot com to learn more. You gonna still call it the World Domination 7 20 DVD. Unfortunately, we learned a long time ago to not print the date on any of the swagger. Anything else that we print, So that's that's good. But we will see. Ah, Laura are wants to know All these new technologies that are available to us are wonderful. But how does anyone possibly keep up? Doesn't that make finding your target audience more difficult? I do not try to keep up. I don't know what you think. What's your answer to that chase? So trying to keep up is, uh, it's a fool's errand, right? It's just I like to. This is where that part intuition like what feels good to you and everyone somewhat to me. You work really hard and essentially you're putting blinders on, and every once in a while come up to see if there's anything new that you can incorporate. But if you're always looking over your shoulder, it's bad for your neck. First of all, you need to be, you know, focused. And that's one of the reasons that horses have blinders. I think they work great for people to It's one of the you know you're focusing your attention is arguably the most powerful thing you have, whether you're praising it on a person that you care for or your business. Um, attentions is everything. So to me, getting distracted with the next new platform and technology. And, um, it doesn't work for most. But you know, this question was for you. You kicked it over to me, Chris. But what? I have the same answer, though I mean basically the same answers. I I There's so much that I don't keep up with and so much that I don't do well. It's not even a question of keeping up. There's lost. If I don't do well because of because of the structure that I have. I don't have a lot of employees unfortunate to work with a few people. But I don't you know, I don't I'm not a good manager. I don't want to, like, create a company. And so as a consequence of that, there's a lot of stuff that I just can't do or can't do well. And I've accepted that. I try to focus on like what I'm good at, what's in front of me. You know what my goals are in such and there's a lot of platforms or networks that I'm not on. There's a lot of stuff other people do really, really well, um, but I respect and I look at them and I'm like, That's cool. I wish I could do that. But to do that, I would need to have, you know, built something different or to make different choices in my life. So ultimately, Ah, lot of what I do is is like what is the life that I want to live? How how is my life and work Integrated are aligned in that way, and so I would say we like. The question is, how do I keep up? Don't don't try to keep up. But that is a fool's errand to use Chase's phrase. Ah, someone smarter than me said that I'm ripping that out this year. Climate. It's OK, get great. Perfect. Um, Brenda wants to know about creating online courses using teachable. Is there a better platform? What do you recommend? Any ideas you can offer me? There are. There are a lot of platforms out there. I don't know that there is a best platform, you know, the best part of its kind. Like chase. What is that you say about the camera? Like the best camera is the one that you have, right? If you know you like teachable or another one than that's great, I think, like with the question, What's what's your content? What are you teaching? What are you hoping to get out to people, And then how do you match the platform to that there many. Um, Dana, this question is from Dana. We're going rapid fire here because I'm aware of our our time. I know we need to get you into your next event, but, um, Dana wants to know it's back about. It's back to the point we touched on earlier. But Dana comes at it from a slightly different way, which is just these outside pressures. Um, when you first start out, if you don't have friends who are entrepreneurs or others who have side hustles, um, you tend to get a lot of Hey, don't quit your job or you can't make money that way. How do you let that affect you or where we an thing one? How do you let it affect you and then think to where do you turn to get different advice? Um, yeah. So, first of all, I don't always tell people to quit their job. I mean, a lot of what I encourage people to do is in whatever situation you are in life. What can you do to start creating more economic security for yourself that you have the option to do something different in the future? So it's not so much about walking away from your job right away, but still, I understand what you mean about the pressure of some, but you can't make money doing this or whatever. So maybe two things. One you know, even if those people are your friends, you don't necessarily have to get counselor advice from from them. If they're negative, you can just kind of do your own thing. Ah, also, even if they are your friends, maybe you need some new friends as well In addition or in place of, you know, that's that's for you to decide. So in this time that we're in now, it's really interesting because people are connecting virtually and digitally in so many different ways and forums. And I would say, start watching more creative life. You know, I started hanging out in other other groups, like, You know, what other meetings can you go to? What other communities can you find in such one way? Another you need find. You need to find people who are supportive of your goals and dreams. I think even just watching this, if you can see in the chat and other people that are here, you can tell that there are other people like, who see that see the world in the same way you have the same values, so understand that you're not alone. It is it is different than you know when I was working for myself 20 years ago. I didn't know a lot of people, as I said, who are doing it, even though somewhere. But we were all kind of isolated. But now you know, there are a lot of people just, you know, asking different questions and trying different stuff. So you're definitely not alone. Awesome. Trying to get through as many questions faster. Sorry. No, no, this is no, Actually, people are loving the long answers. Um, eso you It's my job to make sure that the great questions get asked. You just go ahead and do the answer that you want to provide, Nadia asks. Or first of all, it's a comment. Chris, you have such a lovely message. Thank you. Thank you. Know the second is do you struggle as someone who helps others so much to set boundaries for yourself? I dio Ah, sure, I often feel really guilty or bad or I don't know what the word is Probably something more eloquent than that, Um because I I'm frequently behind in getting, you know, getting back to people. And people will contact me about stuff and then I'm negligent in replying because of all the other stuff I'm trying to dio and I I don't like that. It's like a constant struggle, and I haven't really found the answer because I don't want to. I don't want to, like, put boundaries that say, like, you can't contact him here Whatever you know, like I'm too busy to respond to your email Very offended by I buy that in a way. And at the same time, it's like the reality of like, I can't spend 12 hours a day just doing emails or whatever. So it's Ah, I don't know. It's a struggle. I don't I don't have the full answer for him. Well, you do a pretty good job of scaling your advice and help and communication reading books. What not your daily podcast? Someone who has a podcast of their own and the fact that you do yours daily? I just I feel like like shame, emoji, great of live streaming every day, multiple classes, for sure, but that's that's Ah, lot of people sign up, Teoh help! Could you do that? There's a whole team behind the scenes, but it's just such a valuable resource. And there were some other questions about that. And you all know where to go. Get that wherever you get podcasts or at side hustle school dot com. Um, speaking of side hustles, Dwayne wants to know, Are there side hustle groups out here in the world like in Los Angeles? And this is a recurring question that other people want to know how to get together with other side hustlers. Yeah, we actually had to speak to go back to world domination. Somebody had wds Ah, you know, ws local groups meeting in different cities, some more active than than others. And a lot of people there are side hustling. Is that that's one opportunity. Um, and if it works out, I would love to start money, tree reading groups and in different cities, which doesn't have to be all about The book is just like that. That's the structure of the organisation of it. But everybody in the book or everybody who comes to that is trying to pursue this third way model, um in the book itself is there's a lot of conversation about this group that meets. And so my hope is that if the book does does well enough like we have to reach enough people with it. But if it does well enough that we can start those groups in lots of different cities, and that would also be free and available to everybody who wants to participate. Awesome. There's such a thriving community here in the chat with people from Canada, I've mentioned before a global audience, and that is Ah ah, great transition to ah Dennis Garics. Question. How do we continue this conversation after the event? I know Chris asked to go home at some point, but how do we continue the conversation? What's your answer to that? Of course there's there's community here in this chat room, but where would you steer them? Because there's, I mean, I'm going to do the selling for you here for a second. If, of course, like thank you, there's so much community run here and the book. Um, if you google this thing and you cross reference this in any of Kris's channels, if I know one thing about Chris, besides, his being an amazing human is to eat as a better job of creating community than 99.9% of the people who have ever set foot on the Internet, so you can be sure there will be something. I'm guessing that in the middle of your launch week that year that there's a bunch going on. But what does your Maybe you can shape it into the for Dennis Gerrick. What's the long term vision of where people will aggregate around the ideas that you share in the money tree? Yeah, that's great. Thank you. Dinners. Thank you for asking that. I think maybe so I touched on this very briefly earlier, but let's do it. You know, let's do it live, right? So I do want to start this YouTube channel in which I'm gonna be streaming and answering questions. You know, um, like this on a regular basis. And I'm hoping to do that very soon, so if you don't actually have anything up yet, But if you look this week at youtube dot com slash Cresskill abo I mean announced that it will be a regular time for it, and people can converse in chat and so on. So that's that's my thing. Details to come. But as for, you know, the long term, I don't I mean, I don't I don't know I want. I want this to be an interaction of this in the sense that all my greatest stuff that I've ever been part of its it's been one part of me and then one part what other people bring, You know, it's like I have an idea. I'm putting it forward. But then somebody else comes along and makes it better, whether it's through wds or the book or the podcaster or anything. So I think I'm kind of, you know, observing at all is as it goes as well. Well, Laura and hero Ah National Mara are Laura says, I would love to host one of these discussion groups. Hero is side hustle school and all your books have helped me start side hustling. And ah, hero quit the corporate job last summer as 1/30 birthday present. Um, and it was big, big, big shout out to you. Um, Duane has a quick question that I want to get in before because I've seen it pop up from a couple of others. This getting investment in your side hustle. I'm I'm offering that up because I think I know your your response. But because a couple of people who have talked about it. Dwayne's questions specifically. And how do you say what the our allies going to be? But I just wanted to get your overall impression on getting investment. Yeah, I know joining Thank you for for the question. So I try not to answer questions that I'm not qualified to answer. And I have no idea how you get investment capital for your business because I have never done that for myself. Nor do I want Teoh. Ah, nor do 99% of all the different people that I've talked about in 1200 episodes of the podcast or in my seven books, they don't do that. They don't want that like they're deliberately trying not to do that. And obviously there are some businesses that need that, like, this is not a universal critique of every business in the world. It depends on what you're trying to do. Like if you're trying to start a major manufacturing business, create some new semiconductor technology or whatever, then maybe you need investment. Maybe there's there's probably somebody else you could go and listen to, you know, to give good advice about that. I'm trying to reach people who? I don't want to go that path. They just want to do something for themselves. They want to start quickly. They want to start the next 30 days. They need to make some extra money or they want to build the security new future for themselves. Um, without necessarily trying to have a company with hundreds of employees or whatever. So those are my people. Um, and that's kind of a need that I speak to you. Well, speak to it elegantly. You do spoken like Yoda. Um, uh, is there's just such an outpouring of gratitude and love and support and encouragement. Congratulations on the new book. If you tuned in late, Um, we're here talking with Chris Caleb about his new book, The Money Tree, which preorders are on right now. And it's a great way to help Chris is to press the button. If you're on the Creative Life class page or if you're watching on Facebook, go to creativelive dot com slash chris. And there's a great big picture of the book right there that will take you to a place where you can buy the book. Um, you mentioned all the different formats earlier, Chris, that you can get some of these livered instantaneously via things that Kendall and audiobook. And but take it from me that the physical book is gorgeous as well. I enjoyed it. I dog eared the crap out of it. Um, it has been such a tribute joy and a treat to have you here on creativelive. Chris, you're always welcome. So grateful for, ah, for sharing your vision and wisdom with us specifically around money and having additional side income because we're in an uncertain world and we don't want toe pretend that that's not that doesn't exist. So thank you so much. But before we go, what is there anything else that you want to close with? Any ideas that you have to share with us that we might not have covered? No. I mean, we covered a lot. This is a wonderful conversation, Just very grateful for it every time I do this and, you know, here the comments in the chat, it just reminds me like, you know, I feel really fortunate that I can write books and speak to amazing people such as those who are watching right now. So thank you, Chase. Thank you, Creativelive. And thank you. Everybody who's been watching
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Chris is such a great orator. Do follow his podcast. Worth the time