Color Look Up Tables in Photoshop
Lesson 8 from: Transform Your Images with Color GradingLindsay Adler

Color Look Up Tables in Photoshop
Lesson 8 from: Transform Your Images with Color GradingLindsay Adler
Lesson Info
8. Color Look Up Tables in Photoshop
Introduction to Color Grading: Preparing for the Shoot
18:35 2Shooting for Color Grading: Clean Timeless Beauty
37:56 3Shooting for Color Grading: Simple but Dramatic Look
15:44 4Shooting for Color Grading: Gold Elegant Look
05:33 5Intstructor intro - Toning Intent
08:29 6Basic Color and Toning in Lightroom
09:03 7Toning with Selective Color Photoshop
07:51 8Color Look Up Tables in Photoshop
06:24Lesson Info
Color Look Up Tables in Photoshop
next one is another preset type thing in your half man cookie. You click on it and it is the color Look up color. Look up or it'll say, Lutz, L. U T is actually a term from movie making the color look ups or what they apply in Premier Final cut in order to give things thes moods. And so these air basically formulas for color toning that are loaded into photo shop. There's pros and cons of them. So if I click on that and I go up to my three D let files, I've got a whole bunch of different options and you can click through them each one. So, like this one, candlelight like it's really, really warm. But if I don't want it all the way that strength, no problem, I come back off the opacity of it, and it's still giving me a nice, subtle, warm effect. This is included in Photoshopped, as long as you have I think, CS six or newer. So that's what a color look up is. There are tons of them and you can download them online so there's ones that you can get other people's formulas. If you've seen w...
hat they do in the movies a lot when they make daytime look like nighttime Actually film it during the day, for example. This is foggy night, so it would be filmed during the day. But it's just a little little hazier, little lower contrast, whatever. So this is color lookups. Do you download them? You can make your own. And so we should real quick how you would make your own because you can save them and then you can have it apply. What's nice about them is sometimes if you create an action like it depends on how you create the action. But whoever seemed like sometimes if you got a bunch of layers going on your action gets a little confused like it doesn't know what it's supposed to apply to. Um, I could just make one little package of these, uh, contrast changes, so I'm gonna make one that fits kind of my style. So let's say I'm gonna go back to my favorite thing. I'm gonna go to selective color. My favorite thing is I like to add the science to the shadows, maybe a little bit of blue to the shadows, and then I like to add my yellows to my highlights. From there, maybe I want to decrease the vibrance a little bit. I'm just doing a bunch of stuff so that I can show you how I packages. So let's, ah, decrease the vibrance a little bit. Ah, lot of times when you pull out vibrance. I like it because it gets rid of some of that reddish tone to the skin that sometimes it makes it to riel like paling out the skin or not even paling it out. Just getting rid of the red makes it look a little dream here, but when you decrease saturation, the contrast decreases. It's like it's a trick in your mind, so less color, less saturation. A picture will look flat. Skin will look dead and gray so often when I pull out color, whether vibrance or saturation, I've got to go back in an ad contrast. So I don't know if you know how much you guys can tell, but it's like a little bit little bit flat, so I'll go back in and at either courage or levels just toe just to pop it up a little bit. So let's say something around here that I love, that toning. I think it's beautiful on again. I added the science and the yellows and all of that. Okay, so what? I'm gonna do something added to a folder. And so I select all three of them decided, shift collected. All three. Put it into a new group. That's the little folder icon That's two to the left of the trashcan. And I'm gonna name this something, um, sexy toning by Lindsay, Whatever. Um and what I can do is I can then export this as a lot or Ellen ut file. So I'm going to go to file export, and it suits file export. And then it's color look up tables, so it's not going to export it as. And if you are working on Lian photo shop like you can actually make these two, then send off to premiere so you could bring in the toning That is like, if you're not familiar with Premier, right, you're just kind of doing a little editing. You don't know how old their color stuff works. You can actually make you're toning right here in Photoshopped Export and bring it into premiere. So you don't have to know how all the other stuff and premier works and just edit something together. So it's a good is a good transition if you're if you're new to video editing. But if you're just working in Photoshopped, all you need is the Cube file. You don't need all the other stuff, so I'm gonna turn them all off. I just need the cube file. I usually do high grid points. To be honest, I don't even know what it means. It just looks good. Okay, Um and I'm gonna name it, and I'm gonna call it sexy. Toning. Okay, I'm gonna hit, okay? And I'm gonna save it on my desktop so I don't lose it. Okay, so I just use a basic I exported it, Okay, Did the whole thing. So I'm gonna delete this real quick. So we're back back to where we were. And now when I go down to my little half moon cookie, go back to color, look up, and then in the top one, it says load three d luck like that's that's the default. So when you click on it, it's going to say, What would you like me to load, and I called it Where's my sexy? Okay, Hola. I received as test. We didn't save the sexy. OK, well, I'd say I'd rename it or save it something better, but anyone would load it. It's gonna open it and then look, it applied it. So if you get a look or a style that you like, you can create your own lutz. So basically, it's an action without having to run an action. It's just a bunch of effects. And then it's really nice, because you can apply it across a bunch of different photos with the dragon drop, and I can always change the opacity, but you lose your ability to change the individual controls. So it just depends on Do you want ease, or do you want to be nice and clean or to be able to recall it later? Sometimes if you know you're gonna have to reproduce it, this is just easier. But then you can go in and tweak things. If you have Teoh by doing it by hand, so color look up tables under your adjustment layers color. Look up and you can create your own by doing all the changes. File export color, look up and as the cube option and then you've got a load it here
Ratings and Reviews
Fantastic course. Lindsay Adler is a such a photography Rock Star. She can do it all, shooting in and out of study, lighting, posing, teaching and very amazing, Photoshop guru. Thanks for getting Lindsay, in the beginning I never knew that she was so skilled in all these aspects. As you progress in your photography, you learn lighting, skin tones and white balance, then skin retouching, then you learn color grading and analogous colors, complimentary colors, color triads, etc. Color Grading is so key to that final polished and "expensive" look. Lindsay did a terrific job teaching this course. I watched it 3 to 4 times to really pick up how to use these tools. Lindsay is a phenomenal teacher and photographer. Thanks for getting her Creativelive.
Elizabeth Haen
This is a great class to learn many options for color grading images. Lindsay gives comprehensive options for use in both LIghtroom and Photoshop. She has a style of teaching that is easy to follow and does an excellent job of summarizing each technique after introducing it to help the process sink in fully before she moves on. I love how she goes over everything she does thoroughly in a way that clearly explains each step without assuming everyone knows what she is doing. There is never a time when I thought "wait, what did she just do there?!:". Just really great information that is well taught.
David Babcock
Awesome class - Lindsay is a wonderful teacher. It might be nice to have a list of the equipment used, I had to go back a couple of times to find all of what Lindsay was using. Excellent and well done!!
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