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Video Resolutions

Lesson 2 from: Videography 101: How to Use Your Camera to Record Videos

Tomas George

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2. Video Resolutions

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about different video resolutions.</b>
Next Lesson: Frame Rates

Lesson Info

Video Resolutions

Hi there and welcome to this video. I'm going to be talking about different resolutions for recording videos. So video is made up of a series of photographs or frames per second and each photo is made up of a series of pixels. A pixel is the smallest unit that a digital image can display on a digital device. And the more pixels we have the sharper image will be common resolutions are 480 p, 720 p, 1080 p, p four K five K six K and eight K 480 p is known as standard definition. However, I'd argue that standard definition nowadays is more like a 1080 P or four K but 480 P is still known as standard definition. So 480 p has 480 pixels vertically or the height of the image videos are also in a rectangle shape. So horizontally or the width of the video will actually be more than 480 pixels, most commonly 854 pixels. However, I'll talk about these ratios in a moment. So for example, you might see 1080 T I on youtube or other video sites you'll see. It says P not I however, I recommend worki...

ng in P rather than I as P will generally give you a better image. This is also for video recording and video playback. Also these videos on youtube have a 16 by nine ratio which means the width will have a ratio of 16 and the height will have a ratio of nine for example, 1080 P which is known as full high definition, a ratio of 16 by nine will have 1080 pixels high and 1920 pixels wide. 720 P which is known as high definition will have 720 pixels high and pixels wide. Even though a of phones, tablets and TV S may not play back higher than 1080 P or 4h D. You may wish to record in a higher resolution such as four K five K or even eight K. If your camera allows you to do this four K is known as ultra HD and is 3840 pixels horizontally and 2160 pixels vertically. It should really be called 2160 p. Not four K as the previous resolutions we looked at name themselves after the vertical pixel amount four K is named after the horizontal pixel amount. The name rounds up to 4000 pixels even though it's actually 3840 pixels wide, four K is essentially 4, 1080 P resolutions put together, we can also shoot in four K on most modern smartphones as well as most modern mirrorless cameras and point and shoot cameras. Ok. So we've looked at 480 P, 720 P, 1080 P and four K. But there are a few more resolutions that are little less common that you may wish to use resolution that I use a lot for screencast tutorials is 1440 P. That's because Macbook monitors or screens aren't currently four K and the highest 16 by nine ratio that you can record these screens at is 2560 by 1440 1440 P isn't as sharp as four K, but it also have more pixels than P. So it's a good compromise for recording screencast tutorials. However, on a camera, it would be very rare to use or even see the option 1440 P when editing though you could have your project set to 1440 P and then import four K footage so you can zoom in and not lose any quality. Let me show you this. Now, this project that I'm using is set to 1440 P, but I'm using four K camera footage so it can zoom in like this without losing any quality. A lot of youtubers will use this technique So their video project will be set to 1080 P or 1440 P. Then they can use four K camera footage and zoom in, in their video editing software and not lose quality when they zoom in. Anyways, as I said, 1440 P is really in between 1080 P and four K. But it only really this resolution when editing videos or recording your computer screen. Some cameras allow you to record five K, six K and even some allow you to record up to eight K such as a Sony. A one, most people won't be able to play back these higher resolutions on their devices. But if you're recording eight K, for example, you could have a four K editing project and zoom in on the software without losing resolution. A youtuber called Jarro Poland does this technique, for example, where it records his video at eight K, the actual video exports at four K. So we can zoom in on these editing project without losing any quality. Just be aware though these larger resolution video clips can get pretty big in size. So a larger resolution isn't always the most convenient. Also, if your computer isn't the fastest, it may struggle when you're editing these larger resolution video clips. OK? So that's a really quick overview of video resolutions. I hope you found this video useful and I'll see you in the next one.

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