Class Introduction: Collecting for Your Portfolio
Lesson 1 from: Web Publishing in Adobe Lightroom ClassicJared Platt

Class Introduction: Collecting for Your Portfolio
Lesson 1 from: Web Publishing in Adobe Lightroom ClassicJared Platt
Lesson Info
1. Class Introduction: Collecting for Your Portfolio
Lesson Info
Class Introduction: Collecting for Your Portfolio
One of the advantages of working inside of Light Room Classic is that you have connection to a lot of different avenues of delivering your images. You have the ability to make books inside of light room. You have the ability to make a slide show. You have the ability to make prints, but you also have the ability to make websites and share through the Web and connect to the Web through lighter classic. Um, a holdover from a very long time ago is what's called the Web module, and the Web module is so outdated that it's not even worth looking at, but in the interest of showing you it because we are talking about the Web. If you look at the right hand side at the very top, there is a part called the Web module and the Web module. Woolridge was originally for making like proof websites for clients and things like that, and then you would post them on your own website. You can still go to the Web module, and it still creates very old style, ugly looking little websites, so there's nothing re...
ally great about the Web module, but it's very much like the print module. Uh, it's simplified. You collect some images here and it shares them in a website and you change all of the things that you want to do about that website here. But it is. It is laughably old school. So let me show you what to do with the Web module. Simply go up to the top here and right, click the Web module and then uncheck it, and now it disappears. And that's actually the best thing that you could do with the Web module is just make it disappear and don't use it. The Web module is fairly ridiculous, so just leave it alone instead. What we want to do is we want to go into our Web connection, and our Web connection is all based on a collection. So we have to make a collection first in order to connect to the Web. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna come down here to the right inside, and I've already created a collection. But just in case you're not aware of how to do that, you simply right click up here or click on the little plus button at the right next to the collection area. So there's a collection bar Click on that collection bar and type in our click on create collection. You can also create a collection set, and that's like a folder. And then you can organize things within that. But where it is going to create a collection and we're going to go in and put it inside of a folder and this is the folder, we're gonna put it in just so that we have things organized and we can find it. And we're going to call this, uh, Jared plants, um, photo Port Folio. So we're gonna make a portfolio website, and we're going to put it inside of this folder just so that we can find it so that we organize it and then we're going to choose. Some of these options now include selected photos. We don't need to do that at the moment because but if we did, we could also make them virtual copies so that they would be separate copy, so that if you adjusted this one to go on your portfolio on your website, the original would not be changed. But we're gonna not include any selected photos because we're just making the collection right now, we're not adding to it. We could set it is the target collection and that's going to allow us to really instantaneously throw images in it. We won't have to grab him and drag them into the collection weaken. Just push a button, the B key or weaken click on a little icon and it will throw images into the portfolio. And then we're also going to sink that collection with light room when we sink with light room. What we're doing is we're synchronizing with the cloud light room with the light room, uh, ecosystem. And so I'm gonna create this and it put that right there. You can see that I've got a portfolio. Where is it, Jared Plants Portfolio. There we go right there at the bottom. Jared Platts Photo portfolio and you can see that it has a little plus symbol right next to it. That means that it is the target collection and there's only one target collection at the time. So I've got a several images here that have already decided I want to put in my portfolio. So if I shift, click all of those, I could either grabbed them and dragged them into that collection. Or I can click on this little button right up here in the top, right hand corner of every frame or every photo. There is a little around button, and if you click on it, if you just click on it like that, it turns grey. If it's grey, it means that that photo is currently inside of the target collection. And if you click it again now, it's no longer in the target collection. So I could do that. Watch this number as I do that. So if I click out now, there's one image in the target collection. So what I want to do is highlight all of these images and add them to the target collection. So I just click that gray thing, and now they're 28 images inside of the target collection. Now I want to continue to look for photos to put into my portfolio, and I could do that in a lot of different ways. The first way I can do is go find other collections. So, like I can go to this Bahamas wedding. Um, and I could say, Well, I want this So let's see. What do I want in my portfolio? Um, I want this photo in my portfolio right here. So I like that photo. I'm gonna put it into my portfolio. Okay? I've got that one in my portfolio, and now I'm gonna go to some other images that I like. So some of these printable images, Um, the great thing is that no matter where I go, if I'm looking at these portfolio are any images? See how this one I know is already in the portfolio because it's got a great dot on it. This one, on the other hand, hasn't been added. So I'm gonna add that one to the portfolio. I'm also gonna add this one to the portfolio, and that's it. Okay, so I'm gonna add those to the portfolio. So that's the first way is browse through your photos. If you know where the photos exist, go to the folder, go to the collection and just start clicking on that little grey button or hit the beaky for boy. I want that in my portfolio. Um, the other way to do it is to go all the way up toe all photographs and then go into your filter and click on text and start adding things. So let's just say we're kind of looking for landscape. So land escape. So now on Lee landscapes, they're going to show up. And then I can say I want to add an attribute to that. So Onley something that has a one star or above is going to make it into that landscape. And I, uh, I think I want to make sure that it's all kind of modern stuff stuff that I've already that I've shot within the recent couple last year's So I'm going to go into the metadata and there's a bunch of columns here, so I'm just going to sort through and find the years that I want to work with. So I'm collapsing these years really quickly there. And so now I'm gonna highlight everything from, say, 2017 to 2019. So now I'm just in the last three years, images that I've shot, that I want to add to my portfolio. So I'm gonna scan through these and I want to add this one. So I really like this photograph, so I'm gonna add that one to it. And I really like this photograph. So I'm gonna add that one to it. And I'm just scanning through and I'm looking for you here. Some Iceland photos that I really like. Some add those to it and I'm going to There's I know there's one from Iceland that it's not Well, there it is right there. Okay, if it hadn't shown up, I could always click on an image that similar or that I know is in the same place, right? Click it and then And then when I right click it, just say show in the folder in the library. It would take me to that specific folder and then I could look around and find the image based on its proximity to other images that I that I saw here. So searching is pretty easy. I'm going to click on this one because this one is a portrait of me. I'm just gonna put that in so that it's like the cover image. Um, I want this one in there, So there's a lot of images that I hadn't realized that I wanted that I that I that I want. So I'm just kind of scrolling through and looking for images to throw into the portfolio. Um, I could just scan really fast until I start to see an area where I think there's a photo that I want. Um, okay, so I've done it. So that's the next way that you can sort for images in your portfolio's simply by looking for keywords looking for star ratings that you, uh, so that you know that you have actually reviewed the image and you like it. That's the next way that you look for photos. Um, the next way that you look for photos actually involves going into the Web so you can actually add images from your from one collection to another simply by being on the Web. And there's something different about the Web version of light room and, of course, light room desktop, the smaller, more nimble version of of Light Room, which is kind of a new one. Light room desk talk also is connected very heavily to the cloud light from Classic doesn't connect to the cloud quite as much, but it's still connected through these collections, so you are sending smart previews up to the cloud from Light Room Classic and then those are your once they're in the cloud, then the cloud has access to him and is working with those images. The difference with light room desktop. The newer version of Light Room is that it's connected to the cloud almost constantly, and so the things that you can do in the cloud you can also do inside of light from desktop. So I just want you to be aware that there is a difference between the two versions of light room Light Room Classic. When you search in the text field, you're searching on Lee four key words that you have entered in. If you go instead to the Web and you go to your light room website, so I'm It's just light room dot adobe dot com, and then you sign into your version of that. You have all the same any photograph you've shared through collections, and I share a lot. So I put a lot of images into collections, and then I send those collections to the cloud. So I've got right now 43, images in the cloud. Um, and the beauty of that is that then I can sort through those But instead of looking on Lee solely so when I click on all photographs and I'm just looking at all these photographs, um, I I can search in those photographs. Four specific things. So now I can type in landscape, um, with a sunset. And I'm not just looking at, um, keywords that I've put in light room is actually using a tool called sense. A So adobe Sense A is a machine learning system that already knows what things are. So it's an intelligent AI type system and it concert for things based on the content. So if I'm looking for something specific, but I know I didn't keyword it and I want to have it in my portfolio, I can look here on the web and it will intelligently search for things based on what they look like, not just what kind of keywords I've entered in. So that's a great way to find images. So now I can go through, and I can highlight or click on those items and look for those landscape sunset photos that I want to put in my website. So I'm just kind of looking around for the ones that oh, this one here. So I'm just scanning through looking for those images. And once I'm done, once I've got the images that I want, I'm gonna go up to the top right here, and I'm going to add those. So I sit, click, add, and then I can add them to any of my collections. So I'm gonna scroll down and look for that collection. And I know what it's called. It's called. It starts with a J. So I'm going down. Oops. Got to find it. Oh, Looking at folders here. There we go. H I j There you j a. There we go. Right note. That's it. Not it right there. Well, hard to find. I wish they had a search function inside of here. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna actually add my own. So this is the easier way to do it. Just click on Plus, and I'm gonna create a folder called Jarod's Port Folio Additions and that I'll be able to find that simply because I have a search feature inside of light room, uh, light room classic. So if you know if you have small number of collections, you can find them really easy there. They really need to add a search function in there. But in the meantime, this is a better way to do it. Hit, create album And now a new album has been created with the images that I selected. Um, so now I'm just gonna go back into light room. And so because light room is synchronizing with the cloud and you can see that this is on if if if you don't have your set up, you'll just have a little play button right here saying that you need to start the synchronization, but I have it on. So it's synchronizing. So when I come down to my collections area and I search and, by the way, all of those images, anything that you add to the cloud or do from your phone or and I could have done the same thing from my phone, um, is going to be right here in a little collection set called from Light Room Mobile. So anything you create that's in the cloud or on your phone or on your IPad is going to be made into a collection that's always going to be inside this from light room mobile folder. Now you can move it out of that folder once you find it, but that's where it's gonna be. And I'm just going to scroll down until I find that Jared or I could search in the search bar for it, too. But I just know it's right here, and there are the images that I chose. I can simply highlight all those images and hit the Beaky, and that just added him to my portfolio. I could have skipped the step if I could have found that one, but it's a little hard when you have a lot of collections. But the beauty of light Room classic is that you can have as many collections as you want. And, ah, I just try and organize them into folders, so I confined him a little easier here. But with the search bar, it's really easy to find a collection as long as you know the name of the collection, or at least one of the words in the name of the collection. So let's go to the portfolio, and the way you can do that is by clicking the command key and the Beaky. So command be takes you to whatever is the targeted collection. So if you hit command be it will take you to the target collection it command be again. It will take you to wherever you were before you went to the target collection. So command be were in the target collection. And here is the portfolio. So now I can go through Oh, yeah, that's good. All right. So now I can go through, and I can reorganize these and say, Well, I want this to be kind of a image right up front. So I'm gonna take this one and move it up to the top. There you go. So it's reordering the way these images will show, and I'm gonna take this other, uh, snow in the desert is really interesting. So I'm gonna put those up front. Um, I can take this one and remove it because I have both have to own. So I just got to get rid of repeats scanning through, looking to make sure that everything I have in the portfolios wouldn't want there. And at the end, I want this one, and that'll work
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