Lesson Info
7. Post-Shoot Hangover
Lesson Info
Post-Shoot Hangover
All right, You're going to start in the middle of your mat with your feet directly under your hips, toes spread Nice and wide pelvis tucked under tummy tucked in shoulders down and hands by your side Close your eyes. Just take a deep, deep, deep Inhale and exhale deep breath in and hold your breath at the top for three to one and exhale it all out One more time Inhale, holding your breath at the top for three to fine and exhale It'll out Deep breath in lifting your arms this time and exhale down one more time Inhale up and exhale down Gonna take your right hand your left hip on your left hand your right hip through the back and go ahead and twist towards the left over as much as you can. Deep breath in and out Deep breath in and exhale and you're gonna switch So left hand comes in front this time right hand behind, twisting to the right. Inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale Coming back to the center. Go ahead and put your left arm underneath your right, trying to come through the ea...
gle. If you can get in your palms together. If not, you can get the backs of your hands together or maybe even just twist around your thumb. Let's go ahead. This is left arm underneath, and all I want you to do is inhale shoulders. Stay down, but elbows and fingers shoot up and exhale. Round, forward and drop your head. Take a deep breath here and then come on up and shake your arms out. Switch sides. The right hand goes underneath and deep breath as you inhale up, really stretching out your shoulder blades and exhale. Roll it down. Still keeping the tension between your hands and your elbows Here. I didn't slowly roll back up in hell up and exhale down. All right, we're going to do a nice forward fold here. Let's go ahead. Inhale up and exhale down really just rang and round your head and ragdoll yourself down. So I was going for and here this is not about your hamstrings. This is about relaxing your back and decompressing your spine that's been compressed so you can bend you knees here if you want. Thio. The goal is to feel that your head is heavy and you're relaxing your entire up upper body as your spinal cord decompress is so take deep breaths here, but breathe at your own leisure. Go ahead and grab your elbows and just rock the side side, front, back. Really? Just making your body relax. Yeah, go ahead. Put your hands down and looking up and you can also, to get a flat back. Your hands can come here to your shins or to your size, but never on your knees. So wherever you get a nice flat back, I want you to try to get leg straight. Go ahead and take a deep breath in as you arch your back up, breathe and then full over one more time. Deep breath up and down. Go ahead. Put your hands to the floor and then you can step back in the child's pose. Really stretching out your arms here and breathing. Yeah. And bring yourself back. You can come up to your knees. Hands come to your lower back. Big inhale looking up, arching your back and exhale down into rabbit. Inhale up, arch your back and exhale down and one more time. Inhale up and exhale down, loosening up that lower back before we give it a really nice stretch. Come to the center of your mat across like a position with your left foot in front of your right. Go ahead and inhale on the center and then exhale. Twist to the right and lean forward. Deep breath in and deep breath On your next inhale, you come through the center and then exhale. Switch to the other side leaning over that inhale coming around switch feet But you're right from your left just for even go ahead and inhale up. Exhale leaning over to the right this time Inhale up and exhale down to the other side and then inhale up. Go ahead, put your hands behind you in a backwards prayer or grabbing hold of your elbows and forearms. Take a deep breath, test forward, chin up and exhale one more deep breath in and exhale. Go ahead. And if your hands are in prayer, go grab your elbows or your forearms and you're gonna look over to your right and then tilt your head down. Then bring your head back up. Look over to the left until your head down and back to the middle, and this time you're gonna tilt your head right. Trying to get your ear to your shoulder but pushing your shoulders down for the maximum amount of stretch and then turned to look down at the floor. This one, I feel so good. I'd like to hold it a minute longer and bring your head back up the same thing on the other side. Left ear to left shoulder, and then turn. Look at the floor. Deep breaths here and then slowly Come on back to center. You know, put your feet in butterfly position. Try to sit nice and flat. Grab a hold of your feet. Deep breath is you flat on your back and then tilt forward as much as you can, Giving your hips and nice release couple breaths here. Yeah, bring yourself back up and then come into a squatted position, all right? And as you're here, your feet and go wherever they're comfortable. Ideally, you wanna have them parallel to each other. But for me, that bothers my knees a little bit. So feel free to turn your feet out and just kind of wiggle around here. Really? Wherever you are, you might be appear. All right. We just go back and forth. It stretches out your hamstrings of big stretches up the inner thighs just feels great. So come on back to center, and you're gonna try to put your hands in prayer as you push open your legs and re center yourself Here, you can close your eyes if you like. Deep breath in and deep breath out deep breath in and deep breath out on your next inhale you put your hands down, Inhale on the next Exhale with your feet a little wider than last time, we're gonna forward fold into a rag doll. This time you can either take your hands clasped. Put them behind your neck. Don't pull. But just relax your hands here ever so slightly and it will decompress your spine just even a little bit more again. This is about your spine, not your hamstring. So if you're feeling it too much in your hamstrings, bend your knees. So that's some of the pressure is off of there. Deep breaths here. If you want thio, you even grab hold of your hair and then let your hands hang and then also will decompress your spine even more. Go ahead, put your hands down, Inhale up again. Your knees can be bent here. It's not a problem. You're gonna put your left foot left or your left hand in the middle. You could be up on your fingertips or flat, but keep your hips flat as we turn towards the right, looking up an arm up if you can, and then switch right hand center, putting your left hand your left tip to remind you to keep it flat as you twist and back down to the center. And then from here, I want you to stretch your I t bend a little bit, so I'm going to get your feet nice and flat. You can bend a little bit if you need thio or come up onto your fingertips. Tilt your body into the left so that the weight comes into the left. You can even twist a little bit. You might have to kind of move to find exactly when it hits that I t band right there that you'll feel stretching so well and then feel free to kind of lean your body over to the right to get more. If you don't quite feel it here, you definitely start to feel this, You go down good, come to the center and then lean towards your right. It's a really push your hip over toe. Activate that I t band. And then if you still can't quite feel it, you lean over towards your left. And if you're doing that, you also feel a nice stretch in your inner left thigh as well. Deep breaths and come back to the middle and go ahead and find yourself. I see the position we're going to use some yoga tools, but if you don't have these, we use a yoga block. You can just, um, just use, um, books, and that's fine. We have our yoga block here we're going to use first. If you don't have yoga block, you can do these moves either without or you can get some books to stack up. So you're going to place this right below your hips and you can start here and lean back or start on your back and then just lift your hips up to put it right below them, so kind of right, right underneath your tailbone right away. As you put your weight onto that, you're going to feel. Feel your lower back. Really, really. Start open. So first thing you want to do, put your feet together and then you're going to open your knees. You just put your hands on your stomach or wherever they're comfortable. You might want to put your hands below your knees, your thighs here. Just that your legs don't open any more than you want them to. You can rock back and forth to either side. Very small movements just like that. And then bring your legs back together. Give yourself a little break, but lifting your hips up kind of rounding your pelvic bone and then placing them back down. And then we're gonna kind of do the opposite. Gonna bring your heels out your feet out and then touch your knees together. Different kind of stretch. Very little movement in your legs, but extremely powerful for your lower back and releasing all the tension there. Deep breaths here, and then go ahead and he'll tow your feet together, lift your hips and bring them down. All right, we're gonna get rid of this little block. Put it here. If you don't have a yoga wheel, which is what I'm going to demonstrate next, Um, go get one, because they're awesome. All right, So the yoga, Well, there's so many ways that we can use this, but the way we're going to use it here is to stretch out our back. So we put it right behind us, and this is very much You have to do what your body is telling you to dio, because you will be able to go on Lee so far, especially if you're just starting out. So if you don't have a yoga wheel, you could just do some kind of lean backs like this. But if you have one, you're gonna sturdy it with your thumbs here as you place your back onto it and then let your head go. Now you can stay here, or you can put your feet up and then roll onto it right there. And you'd even let your hands go back and you could go back and forth and rolling down the length of your spine, stopping any places that you I want to concentrate on relaxing. Or you could keep it a fluid movement and just keep going up now and then when you're ready. Yes, the breakdown. Get yourself back up and move it out of the way because we're going down for little final Relax, ation. So go ahead, put your back on the floor. Let's bring our knees to our chest and going toe. Happy, baby. Just a counter pose all that arching, and you can even bring your knees in and tuck your head to really round yourself out on. Then go ahead and put your feet on the floor. Hands open and you can relax your feet, but everything just full deep breath in and exhale and just let your mind relax. Breathe naturally. Take this time to let your body absorb all that we did. You can stay here as long as you'd like, and then when you're ready, you're going to inhale your arms up over your head, stretching your feet, too, and then bringing your knees in, coming over to the right, the left side and then pushing yourself up into a seated position. Take a second, put your hands down big, big, big inhale on, then let it all out vocally. One more deep breath in. Let it out one more deep breath and exhale hands to prayer. Now let's take
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