Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
Contest Time! Students Share Videos
editing. Is that one thing that seems to be big and scary and very technical and time consuming? Um, and I'm not gonna lie. It totally can be. It really, really can be. And this is gonna be tricky. That's for me, for developing this whole three day workshop is the most challenging part. I'm going to be as honest and transparent with all of youse. How do I How do I teach something like editing, which has so much of a creative element to it without you guys feeling like you're watching the paint dry without it being nails on the chalkboard? So it's really gonna be very simple. I'm not gonna go big into this. One of the things I want to encourage you about is finding others is a great website called task rabbit dot com, even Craigslist, even Facebook. There's sites where you can reach people internationally, like bode s dot com, where you can find people that that's their job. That's what they love doing. If you don't love doing it, who can edit your videos for you when one of the things ...
I dio so you know, I know I listed oh desk task rabbit Craigslist going on Facebook, saying anybody know anybody who likes to edit videos and want to get paid for it? One of the things I do is if you guys are familiar with Dropbox. You guys all heard of Dropbox where I can literally have a folder on my computer where I am putting all my videos in raw footage. So when Randy, you film your video, you came out with a total about 20 minutes or something like that of one video file you can literally go through. Put that in their and somewhere anywhere else in the country in the world or another planet has sink that same folder and they snail, see your video file in there and with the right instructions, they can say, Great. I see your script. I see what you want to create. I'm gonna cut out all that dead parts and you gotta gotta gotta I'm good to go. I do encourage people to do that. I do encourage people to to get creative in this problem, solving of saying I don't need to do it all. I shouldn't be doing it all myself, as it iss you already. You're wearing too many hats. Being in front of the camera is enough. Like writing your own scripts, marketing your business and then actually fulfilling on the products and services that you create. It adds up. But I with that all being saying, I still added a ton of my own videos because I could do it really fast. Um, and I want the same for you guys so really quickly. We'll talk about the software. This is remember, this is for the people who don't editing for, ah, knitting editors. Right. This is for the people that are not editors. Um, I used to use ah, final cut and Adobe Premiere, and I downgraded cause I want something faster. I wanted something more simple, and I found a great resource which have already named called Screen Flow $99. If you're on a Mac, I highly recommend it above. I movie don't want to necessarily bash anything, but I really prefer it to I movie. Even though I movies free and comes with your Mac when you get it, it's easier to use. Then I'm moving and has more options. So get it. What if you're on a PC? Cam Tasia recommend Referenced already is a great editing platform as well as something like Sony Vegas. He's there. Kim Tae Jo's gonna cost you a little bit more. I think it's a 2 to $300 investment. But Sony Vegas, I believe I'm not on a PC. I've been on for a while. Um, is like under 100 bucks. OK, so these are some great platforms, and we'll do it. We're just gonna touch on this. Guys here. We're gonna go into our editing platform with my little illustration here. So this is this as, ah, detailed and specific we get imagine, were inside my computer, looking at my editing platform. And Ah, and this is you being filmed up here. This is this is similar to what any editing platform is gonna look like. And this is kind of ridiculous that I'm doing this all on a thing. I kind of came up with this on the break, but I said I really wanted to show the basics of this without, like I said doing first, we're gonna cut this and do that. So here's kind of what you look like we have This is your this is your That's not what you look like. This is what this is what this will look like in real life. This is your timeline, right? That all this stuff down here and then this is what you're finished video is gonna look like and these are our clips, the video clip. So if we made one long clip, we're gonna have one clip in here. And then we have this little time marker which is usually read and it goes all the way down to the bottom. And when you press play, it moves to left, right? Basic simple. I couldn't get any more simple with this. When you guys were filming your jump cut, you'd say, Here's the first line of my video. Here's the second line of my video on what we want our audience to see is hears the first line of my video. Here's the second line of my video. How do we get that dead space out here? Is that first part? Here's that second part. All we're literally doing is shopping right there and shopping right there, chopping right there. And these two ends are gonna kiss, fall in love and stick together forever and all this stuff in the middle where you messed up 20 times and made all these mistakes and laughed and had a good time. We can say goodbye to and all of a sudden boom, boom, boom, boom, rapid fire, rapid pace style editing. Okay, that's a simple. That's the only way I know how to teach it to you guys without turning this into something that's not fun anymore. So it's a little bit of work at first. That's why I do recommend finding somebody in the long run, so you get the decision. If you don't want to do the jump cut, you better figure out how to make a video where you can do it all the way through without messing up. Or we could do line by line and at it like this. Questions on editing because guys I don't really want to spend any more time on. How are you guys feeling with that? If I let you guys go in 45 minutes and said, you gotta edit your video, be honest with me. Are you gonna have a little bit of trouble? Brooke, Like me? I want to get Yeah. Okay, And are you on a Mac or a PC? Okay, um, so we'll talk afterwards because Rachel out a great idea of us of you guys kind of working together and helping each other out. And I'm here to support you guys, cause all I care about my quote of the weekend is whatever it takes to make this awesome or so whatever it takes to make all of you guys get your videos out, um, we'll figure it out. But those are the basics. Putting our clips together on our timeline without any dead space. Or we could take this dead space where you like mixed, messed up. And this becomes your bloopers at the end of the video. Um, people have a good laugh. Yes. Questions from the Internet. Yes, I was just gonna add to that If people do want to know more about in depth editing because we just briefly touched on it here. There is a creative life course called the Art Ifill Making editing. They confined on our course page, so just head over there. They grow to know more in depth. I mean, I took entire semester courses on on editing and, uh, you know you can take. We could do a whole three day workshop on it. We're not. We're not gonna do us not the intention, because you can do a one shot video. You know, Vinnie does those. She presses record. She says, today we're gonna talk about six and blah, blah, blah starts talking, and that's the entire video eso It can be done without the editing. That's the cool part. YouTube does have its own on board editing platform. Why didn't I just say, Use that one? Well, because all the YouTube editing platform allows you to do is trim the beginning and trim the very end. You can't do any of this in the middle, and that's really important for us for the jump cut. So we want to try and avoid the YouTube's free editing software cause it's very limited. And unless we're doing quick stuff on the fly, mix it, ignore it. Um, let's talk about this is the fun part. This is my favorite slide that we have coming up, or at least for today. Tomorrow is even better, so stick around for tomorrow. Trust me, we have so many cool stuff we're doing tomorrow on. Here's some fun stuff we can do. We had some questions about music. What B roll is. Well, I'm about to tell you and some other cool things. So let's look at the 1st 1 First of all, remember the story while Disney of the trash hands? No, no downtime. Looking for things that are going to be a low when we do the audience retention or their spots in the video. You like, Kill me now, you know, like I'm gonna leave. We want to get rid of that as much as possible. And obviously, the solution I have for you guys, the easiest way to keep the engagement up is that is the jump cut. So you guys already know. That s so if you guys want to make better videos, you get rid of any of those lulls those boring points and get cut right on the meat on and keep that going. I showed you an example before the break. This is just a screenshot of it. But you guys already saw this video. And if you didn't? Well, when you guys purchase the recordings to be able to watch it, then um let's see, I do want to show you the next thing, and this is B roll footage. Be visual. We've heard it all weekend. All Hondras said it. That was her number one tip to us and she has she have 10,000,015 million views. Be visual. And that's what B roll footage can do for us. When I'm talking about a purple flying elephant, I can have an image or a video of a flying purple elephant, a same exact time. So what I think we're gonna dio is showing example in one of my videos of how I'm talking and you can hear my voice. But you don't see me talking. You see other things that I'm demonstrating. So it's kind of like making two videos and putting them together and you'll see it in action here. And then I'll see if you guys have questions on that. So whether you're a golf instructor teaching the secrets of your 300 yards swing or a fitness buff showing your students how to get bulging biceps just in time for summer or even a real estate agent showing off that perfect home, this is a simple five part YouTube video format that you can follow to make better videos and get even better results. Okay. Did you guys see that where I was talking just like that? But what? I was talking about a real terror golfer or, um, the fitness guy. Uh, I used myself cause I didn't have any other actors available. That was me. I don't know if you guys knew that that was mean. All three of those shots. I know startling eyes, that's that. That's a great example. Or a really bad example of how he's b roll footage in the videos. And it will up that engagement instead of just the talking head you going on for 3 to 5 minutes, you can cut to something that little virtual trash can that keeps people interested. Let's look at another one. Doesn't me good any time that we can add music and, yes, sound effects, but absolutely music to our videos. The difference that it creates the music controls the emotion that you want to convey or create with your audience. You want them to feel sad wanting to feel happy. You want them toe. I feel scared, anxious, energized, like motivated. There's a song for that. And, um, a great resource that I recommend is premium beat dot com. The songs are pricey, but the music is incredible. Some of the best quality music I found and the best part is you can search by mood, which is a great way to be searching for your music. Say, I want I want a happy, silly, fun song. I want people to laugh when they hear my song. You can type that in you confined in order of most popular The happy Go Lucky songs And they're the songs are just so good. That's where I go now they're expensive. That's it's gonna hard. So I gave you an alternative resource. Audio jungle. I love audio jungle as well, and the good news is, the songs are gonna be a lot cheaper. So premium be it's gonna be like 30 $40 a song that's getting up there. You know, if you're doing a video week that that starts to add up for someone who's on a budget audio jungle, you get songs like 10 to 12 bucks, which are totally worth it. Here's the deal. You can re use songs in more than one video like, Oh, I use a song before I can never use it again. That's not true. You can use a song when it works. It works. The name broke. Why fix it? Right? Um, what I want to do right now we're gonna play another video. This one is demonstrating the power off. That the true power of what would it saw the right song can do in a video? This is a video I created back in I believe August or September of this past year called the Video Revolution two point. Oh, Every year I plan on making video time with the latest stats where videos going, stuff like that and all it is is text animated on there with the music. So let's go ahead and take a look at that. Now there's a few seconds of silence, but here way. So obviously you can see it's a It's a pretty good song choice. I chose to kind of drive the peace and just showing some stats. Here's what would happen if I, um well, let this go for happen in a second. Here's what would happen if I chose bad music So maybe that is good music. I don't know which one you like better, but it took me some time to find the right song. And obviously it's really easy to find a bad song. So, um, it will make a difference and you and you can see it. So I just think music can make make your video, like, from here to there. So, you know, always be cognizant and aware of those choices. The last thing I dio and I think a lot of you guys were planning to do this in your videos has add some sort of text or additional content. I love to do that in my videos. This is the part where I said, like YouTube helps you get raving fans and like the text raving fans pops up on the screen. There's something else that happens here where, when I say that I say, You know, when you get a lot of use and blub about, you can create raving fans like three or four things are happening. Rating fans is popping up on the screen. You can hear me say it. Hands start clapping, the hands actually animate and you can hear the clapping sound effect. It's amusing, like all these different things at once. How did I get these hands toe like Come on my video and animate once again, this is video hive dot net. You confined these pre done animations that you can put in your video. There's like one of someone holding a remote control, and it, like, comes onto the screen and, like, clicks it. You can use that to, like, turn your video on or off. It's like all these creative fun options, and you can buy that for, like, $7 use it in every single one of her videos. Really cool little stuff that just add a little flair. Add a little bit more. Oh, that's fun. Oh, my videos stands out a little more. Wow factor. Okay, so these are some really cool stuff. Um, here's something else I want to see. We have after their and this is actually included with everyone. When you guys purchase all the recording was one of the bonus is one of the things that my team developed. I have ah, aftereffects guy on my team is we wanted to have whenever we do a call to action, and we'd say people click the link below or make sure to subscribe or like this video or do X y Z. We wanted to enunciate that with an actual animation. And so we created a tonic, These animated graphics that, like you can actually see this one here, where it says, like, if you like this, you know, go ahead and click the like button and there's actually an arrow that comes on and click that a little sound effect on We have this for ah, subscribe button for check marks for arrows and tax. Only things and was really cool is you guys can see these checkerboards here, which means they're transparent, which means you can put, um, inside your video on top of whatever you're doing. And it doesn't like ruin the integrity of the video. They look really cool, really seamless. Um, and that was a bundle. Like, I paid my guy a lot of money to make those and I use them in all my videos. You can see I have all these little fun animations that pop up, and when you guys purchase, that's one of the cool bonuses you guys get and I'll make sure you guys obviously are getting them as well. And you can use them in your videos that you're editing tonight. I've got all those ready for you. So really cool stuff. Let me go back to this last slide and, uh, we film or video. You know, we have this great script we turns into this raw footage. Here's some things that weaken Dio to improve it. Do we have first from you guys and I liked it from the Internet. If you have questions on this because I can go with deep or stick right here with all these these elements, Brooke, is that are you ready Your B roll footage into the video? So, um, if we're if we film this clip like we are today and then let's say you wanted to film a clip of of you putting on an eyelash, you know, you have a clip of you talking here and we'll show you how to like import footage and stuff That's really basic like file add video file import, and then you have this other video, which is the high last clip. And in here, you're saying in this video I'm gonna show you how to add eyelashes. Step one, do x y z, And this is the video demonstrating that you actually put it on top of it. We'll show you how to do that. So as we hear this audio, we see that. So when the marker comes down, we're seeing the B roll on top of the road. Goes on top way here, the audio below its That's like the most basic seeing the same software that you already explained, right? It's all inside a screen flow. Our basic getting most editing plans are very similar where they have this timeline. I'm movies, actually, one that isn't it. That's why it could get very confusing. Because you can't really A so far as I remember, haven't been using. I moved while you can't really add be rolling stuff on top of it. That might have changed in later versions, but originally I know you couldn't. That's the basic rudimentary answer I can give you on stage. Anything else, guys, that Charles, you got something? You just taking the good. Okay. Cool. Excellent. Excellent. Uh, Hubble. Cem. Some Internet Preguntas. Yes. We have a question about music going back a little bit. Someone? Meggie asked. When does he choose the music before? After making a graphics. Oh, that's such a hard question to answer because it's, uh when do I choose the music? Before or after? And, um, sometimes before, but most the time. Okay, let me answer this, Uh, clearly, because it depends on the video. It really does. When I made that video that I showed you the with the video revolution with the animated text and all that type of stuff, I chose the song first. That was a song driven video, and I wanted to write the right song when I'm doing like, one of my videos were just me talking. I have the raw footage, and then I find a good song and I'll edit the footage to the song. That's how I do it is. I find the song once I have the footage, but you can also edit the whole thing and throw song on top of it. There's no necessarily right or wrong way, but there's a really good question. Um, so hopefully that answered it clearly enough. Katie, you got some when you did that video, the one you just referred to, did you? You hired somebody to do all that. And yes, just people. So that typographic video that hopefully I can go back to and just show you guys, um, we saw the animations and stuff that was made using a program called After Effects. And it's really important. People want to make a video like that to write that down because you don't need to learn how to use aftereffects. I don't know how to use aftereffects. I found someone who does. What I did to make that video was I chose the song I said, I got I gotta find a really cool song and I like that one. I thought that was good enough for me. I was happy with that. And then I found and did research on a bunch of statistics, YouTube and video related statistics, and I wrote him out in the order that I wanted them, you know, and and then I found my aftereffects. Guy actually recycled ods dot com and found someone, and this is his job. This is what he does. And I said, Here's my script. Here's the song I want Match it up, make it work. I'll see it when it's done. He sent me the first draft. I made changes and notes and stuff like that on. That's what we got. It was probably one of the easiest videos I've ever had to make, which I love. So we always want to be thinking creative, of how we can make videos where doesn't take us a lot of time and effort. So, um, before we leave music as well, um, photo. Darla asked if music should be consistent. Um, along the different themes I eat theme song or different for each video. Um, I like to have when we do our we're talking about music and theme songs. If I'm doing remember our five part outline. Here's the start of our video right here we have our little intro bumper right here. I like to keep that the same every time. You know, when you watch every episode of the office For nine years, it's been the same exact song that we've fallen in love with, and it kind of triggers that same emotional response and that same branding. I like to keep that the same, but in every video could be a different type of song for the rest of the video or it could be the same. It really isn't gonna hurt you if it is the same. Because here's the deal volume and this is a big thing. This is your This is your video and you're talking and you're seeing in this video on time Bob level. But your volume is that 100% and the music volume is literally about 10%. It's not meant to compete with you. It's just meant to add a light background touch to it. Last thing you want to do is have to fight over the volume of your voice so people can hear you any better out right? Just light background. Keep keep the flow moving. Keep the energy up in your video. We get some music. Plane, Please, please, please. Music. Rice Roma has a question going back to, I think, when you were talking about doing all the video yourself and you were in all your videos yourself. Eso Reis roams from Poland and he says I generally film all by myself in random locations. Any suggestions on how to make the shots less static, more varied and exciting when I'm trying to do everything myself. Yeah, doing it all yourself. And you want the shots less static. The jump cut, which we've been which we set a 1,000,000 times been teaching all today is the easiest way. So, um, you can, you know, say a quick shot That's one sentence or a phrase in one spot, and then you're jumping over here and you're saying it again and then you're moving forward. You're moving backward. Um, the other thing that we could do with the jump cut, which is really cool, was kind of this like and we did it a little bit with Kate where you have kind of this like internal monologue that this ulterior, uh, antagonised character that kind of comes out and you'll see in Chris's video You did it a few times where it's like, here's me telling my video and blah, blah blah. And then there's, like, this other you that's kind of commenting on it yourself. You're like, and you're gonna make You're gonna make all your money issues go away. Poof. You know, it's like this totally other, like blah, blah, blah. And Christie, You did it a few times I'm tryingto jog my memory on a specific example. Um, we're, like, saying something, and then you kind of react to it. Um, like, yeah, so thank you. That's a great one. Like eso when she's talking about her calculus video, she's like, uh, what was the line? It was like So So now you know who toe who to be. Now you know who to be mad at. Uh, help me. It was before that. You're like So let's talk about who invented calculus. So you know who to be mad and frustrated at. And when she said that mad and frustrated at it cuts to her going like, you know, So it's like this kind of like that, that that person that's inside you that wants to express the emotion that you're unleashing, you know, so you can say something and then acted out really quickly, like it makes me really happy and, you know, and then you cut back to who you are, and people are like, what just happened. So, like, you could see one of my videos like, um, I said, like, you know, I get the question all the time and then cut Since like, Hey, James, how do you put all that text and images in your videos? I'm over here. Oh, that's a great question. And then I'm gonna show you the answer. So it's always this kind of like, you know, a TD bouncing around in my head like jumping all over the place. So that's always a great way. And all the other stuff we've shown with B roll footage being visual and adding music, sound effects and text on the screen are great way to help.
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.