Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
Krista here filmed her video at the brakes. If anyone saw the voyeuristic camera that was shining down on us, you could actually see Kristen Maker video. And this was like her 601st video that she's made. And it went It went very smoothly for you. It was it was very life. Bing, bang, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. But you've done the 600 times before and you said something which I'd like you to kind of say about how you were kind of said you were in Randi's position when you when you first started to go ahead. Yeah, well, um, I didn't bring it up because it's a little embarrassing, so thanks for putting me out here, but, um, yeah, I was just telling James about how you know, I really related to Randy getting up in front of everybody and never even having to have done something as hard as what he did with all of these people watching and all this pressure and the crew in studio here. But even me, when I started making my videos and I had to be in front of the camera, a lot of them are li...
ke screen recordings. But when I had to be in front of the camera in my own living room by myself, I had the hardest time and I was nobody around nobody. And I'm so nervous. I'm sweating. I told James, like I used to take ice packs out of my freezer and, like, put them on my feet and like, put a towel, you know, because I would get so overheated and worked up and freaked out that I had to, like, do that just to keep myself cool and like, Okay, And that was with nobody watching and no pressure and not known it all. And it just Randy's experience really resonated with me because, yes, I don't you know by any means think that the way that I feel videos now is like perfect. I want to get a lot better. I want to do what James is like teaching us how to dio, And I think there's so much room for improvement. But I know at the very least, that I'm more comfortable at it now, and that is like means everything. It makes a world of difference, and it's just for me. I think a matter of I learned that I could mess up 37 times before I did it right once, and nobody would ever know and like, trusting that the editing was gonna work And just being patient member, you said to Randy like, it's OK, You can take your time, you can go slow, you know, like go slow through this line and just knowing that I could do that. And if I wanted to take all day like it would be annoying and I'd be sick of it. And I hate to sound my own boys, but like that, I could just slow it down and be calm and okay and mess it up 37 times before I got it right and it would work out. And if I just kept doing that video after video after video that I would get better eventually and you know, and it would be OK. So on 600 videos and 100 1.5 million views later, you are It's awesome. So round applause with Randy and Crystal because, guys, thank you. So now we're gonna bring up Kate Northrop. So come on up. We're gonna put you on our on our marker here, and everyone should be able to to see t. K. I want to see how we can do this. So So we talked a little bit before about maybe you just reading the script yourself? Um, what we're gonna do, guys, for people that just tuned in is we're going Teoh. Kate has our entire script, and it's word for word mapped out perfectly. And she's just gonna be reading line by line by line into our video camera right there on. I'm here to coach you. I'm here to give you feedback. I'm gonna be looking for things like what we were talking about before the Internet by my body language and and what we're doing their hands and facial expressions. 80% of our communication is non verbal. And that's what people are looking at. What we how we're saying things atonality to pitch the paste speed, all that plays a factor. And I wanna be able to help you with that as much as possible. So are you ready? OK, what if we did this with this work? If we put this here when you're not, if it doesn't fall, that work and then you can just grab it when you want. So we're gonna go ahead and start the record button and you can You can read that first line like it's a whisper if you want And then, like, say, allow you can you can do it any way you want This is your time to shine and make an awesome video And I'm here to help. So go ahead, this financial planning freak you the freak out I want you do that again with some so I can see your hands because right now, right now, does financial planning freak you the freak out. It's great way Get a little like Ronald. That first line is so important and you nailed it. I'm Kate Northrup, author of the upcoming book Money. A Love Story, and in this video I'm gonna teach you one simple financial planning tip that is going to make it feel good so that you can make more money, pay off your debt and have Maurin savings too. Okay. One thing I want that those great one thing I want you to focus on and everybody as well give up, give a beat a second after you say your last line because you're already ready to get to that next line. You need something to cut on. So just give us pause for a second before you say your line. And then this is the line I'm going to say, and then you can look down at your paper. I'm Kate Northrup, author of the upcoming book Money. A Love Story. And in this video I'm gonna teach you one simple financial planning tool that's gonna make it feel good so you can make more money, pay off your debt and save more money, too. So why is financial planning even important? Because financial stress is the number one. Nope, because money is the number one cause of finest. So why its financial planning? Even important? Because money is the number one cause of stress, according to the American Psychological Association. And stress is the number one leading cause or started stress and stress because you can you can get it right on that. And and stress is associate ID with a higher risk of depression, infectious disease and heart disease. So this video could literally save your life. Awesome. Thank you for that, James. I'm about to teach you one financial planning tip that will make it fun and effective for you. But first, I have a question. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your finances so much so that you avoided dealing with them all together? Quick story. Six years ago, I was in over $20, of credit card debt and I was so ashamed of myself that I didn't tell anybody about it. My debt kept increasing and I kept throwing my credit card and bank statements in a drawer, hoping that somehow magically, all of my debt would just disappear. Poof! I love that best cause you made it up. Yes. Oh, it's hard to read the top. Here we get. I will, uh, hold it for you right now. Over. Agree. Take your time you're doing. I ended up doing a financial planning session, which I totally didn't want to do because I was so terrified. But I'm so glad I did, because in that session I learned something that changed my financial future forever. It's you got that cool. So what was that magical thing? That instead of feeling bad and beating myself up for getting into debt and trying to reduce my expenses from that place. I could create a money for me. Account ID, like a line. And there we go. What's the money for me? Account. Okay, great. I know you're gonna answer it, but I like how you have a question for that. So what's the money for me? Account? Good. When I decided not to buy a brand new pair of shoes, the money I saved went into the money for me account. When I got a lower rate on my insurance, that money went into the money for me account. And when I received unexpected money, like from having overpaid my might and when I received unexpected money like a refund on my taxes, you guessed it money for me account. So how can you use this in your financial planning? Use a spreadsheet or some other way of tracking to track how much money you're putting in the money for me account. And we go. Yes, You can also create a free online checking account and title it money for me. At the end of each month. You will be amazed by how much money is in there, and then you can decide. Am I going to use it to pay off my debt? Am I going to give it away to charity, or am I going to celebrate by taking myself out to do something fabulous that I really value? That was a good long line you got. Be sure to do these three things when it comes to your money. Be sure to do these three things when it comes to your money for me account. Look for ways to get money in there every day. Negotiate for lower fees, negotiate for lower rates. And every time you're about to buy something, ask yourself. Would it feel better to have this thing I'm about to buy? Or would it feel better to have the money in the money for me? Account. I'll do a whole video on just that, so make sure you click subscribe below so you don't miss it. Thank you number to track your money so that you can see it grow. Studies show that when we track something, a new habit will stick, so make sure you're doing that and number three said a dollar amount goal so that when you achieve that goal, you can celebrate by making yourself a special meal or taking a mental health day off from work. Remember, if you don't pay attention to your money, you'll never be able to do the things you dream about in your life. As an Ran said. Money is only a tool. It'll get you where you want to go, but it won't replace you as the driver. You have to engage with your money, but it doesn't have to be boring. Feel like it's over your head or be scary. You can actually make it fun with the money for me Account. If you liked what I shared in this video, head over to Kate north of dot com and grab my free money love quiz, which is going to teach you what your relationship with money says about you and also teach you some of the blocks that are holding you back from having the kind of abundance that you want in your life. Can you add? Did you have something about like click the link below? Okay, I could just change. Yeah, should I say that after or can I just say click the link below to go to my website click the link below to take the take The test The quiz now or something like that. Something after I say that whole first mark, whatever you feel is right. But at least click. What do you use this? Please, Dio, If you liked what I shared in this video, click the link below to go to kate Northrup dot com. If you liked what I shared in this video, click the link below to go to kate Northrop dot com. So you can take my free money love quiz, which is going to teach you what's holding you back from the abundance that you desire. And also, you'll find out what your relationship with money says about you. And then finally, finally Oh, that's all I have to say. OK, didn't you know it? Do you need it? I don't think so. Okay. Thank you so much for tuning in. And I will see you next time for more money, love tips and seen. Amazing. Okay. Come on over here. How was that? That was good. Good. Did she rock or what? It was you very leaving messed up. I was I was hoping for more mess ups. More potential blooper moments. Um, what was going through your head? What's How was the experience? Is it was it easy? It's hard. I know you've done videos. Long way works. You just press record and start talking for five minutes. I have never done a script before, so that was definitely like I have to say I feel a little bit like a robot. It feels so. I think that'll right over time and I can imagine people washing like he's just saying a line. And when we do the jump cut like this, it allows you. It takes a lot of the stress and the pressure off of being in front of camera. But the stress and pressure does come on a little bit with the editing, which is why, if we can find someone to do it for us as quickly as possible, that's gonna be awesome. But you guys, I'll be helping you a little bit as much as I can. And I know Rachel's a superstar editor, and she's kind of gonna help all of us with this. Really, what she did have a little bit. So because it's the magic really does happen in post So feedback observations anything from Kate and will go to the Internet in a second. I want to see if you guys have anything. I think that was awesome. I mean, she's definitely a natural in front of the camera. Right. Chris, did you have something Just Yeah. The same thing. I was gonna agree. I mean, I love that. She just, you know, you took your time. He kept your cool, like, even with all of us watching. And sometimes it's like, a long pause while you, like, read the line committed to memory and do your short line, and you just let that ride right through. And sometimes it's really hard toe to do that. So you did a great job. And what's gonna be so exciting is first thing tomorrow when you guys join us on day three, you need to see all six of these videos finished completed and ready for the world. So, um, what do we got from the internet? Any Yeah, Kate, raise your hand up in the air like this. That's what The internet way. You're getting lots of applause clapping. They love you. They thought you absolutely charming. They want to see you smile more. They're like we love her. Smile. Tell her to smell even more in the videos. Okay? It's a great That's a great piece of advice. E Totally do that. All right, have a seat. Ok, um well, let these guys out of the way any other. Let's go to some questions first, and then we're gonna go back to the slides, and we got some or goodies to teach you so that you could be doing this on your own beyond this day. Any questions on what? We've gone over like some people probably saw that. Like, what the heck is she doing? And it's all gonna make sense, I promise. Yes. One in particular. Duke in Park City, Utah as what angle of view for the camera is best wide angle, like most webcams that look up your nose like a normal 50 millimeter lens of a full frame or a camera or a short telephoto lens. You know, like what kind of No, that's a great question. And I kind of thought the angle on Kate wasn't the greatest. It was like a little low. Like looking out bad here, like she's this the giant looking down on you, and we don't really want that. I have. I have a graphic coming up guys. That kind of shows you an easy way to be framing up your videos. But start looking now at other videos, like Where do you see people said, That's usually your face. If you're doing like that talking head style video, that's gonna be the focal point. Where is that? I might like way down here looking up, Or am I usually in the center of the top third? And that's that's what we're gonna want it for. Most videos and I do have a video of a slide coming up. Have a second with that, so I could visually show you that even more. Anything else. There were just a lot of, not necessarily question just comments on her province, which was great. Maybe I'll pull out one question from before kind of a general question. We have a lot of photographers watching because of being creative life. So a lot of people are asking if you have tips for photographers creating videos like this, whether what their content should be and what they should be talking about. Yeah, um, the answer in the most broad, simplistic form and say when you know who your ideal customer is, how do you provide value for them in your videos? What type of questions do they have? What type of things can you help them with? Um, and the more you know your ideal customer that you're who your audience is. More than that, content flows freely. If you're a photographer, you can go a lot of different ways because you can start teaching photography, tutorials and tips of your own things that you know, tricks, that you've learned stuff like that and and that works. But if you go well, I'm a wedding photographer. In this local area, you can create all kinds of videos. If your keywords are going to be like San Diego Wedding Photographer, you create simple videos that show video, like how to choose the right photographer for your wedding, another video on how to know when you have the best shots for wedding or things of, um, you know, even just your past work. But when your keyword is San Diego photographer and people are googling that and they find your video, hey, what do You know, you have potential client who's seen your stuff is gonna go to your website is going to sign up to take the next step. They're gonna call you, They're gonna hire you, they're gonna book you, and you're going to make more money. Because really, all we care about No, that's not true. But that is what happens. That's just what happens when you provide value. You have great offers, products, services. People want him and they give you money for him, and we have a great business.
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.