Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
who doesn't want to make videos in front of camera? Yes, not me. I really don't. Um, You will see great result of your personal brand and author Speaker a coach and you are your business. When it's people can see that that interaction especially like I said, I go to an event and someone's like, Oh my gosh, it's James. I've seen all your videos. They wouldn't be that excited. There wouldn't be as much rapport if they weren't watching me on camera. But it doesn't mean we still can't get great results. Get people to be engaged, listen consumer content and take action on our videos even if we're not in front of camera. But if we have to do it right, So here are my for people who have a face for radio, as we like to say, the 1st 1 is, if we have any type of Well, this is keynote that I'm doing my slides on. If you have any type of presentation software even beyond keynoter, Power Point Mac and PC users, we can have a combination of text and audio on the screen. I'm not gonna go into how to ...
how to make one these videos today. But let's say we wrote your script and you don't want to be in front of camera. What you would do is you would literally take. I'll show you an example on the next page of what this looks like. Just a screenshot. You could write each sentence on one slide, just bold text in the middle, and you could record your voice and people would see that slide and you put it all together is a little slide show, and that works. I'll show you on example of someone who does that, and I'll show you a screenshot in a second, um, screen flow or Camp Tasia are to software editing applications. There are many others, but these the ones I'm most familiar with, and I'm on a Mac or Mac user and you want simple editing. Screen flow is maybe amazing. Even Krista said she used a screen flow, and it's so easy, so I do recommend it. It's like 99 bucks, and they just came out with a new version. What it does. It's an editing platform, but what it does, it can also record your screen. So if you want to do it tutorial like Here's how to upload a video to YouTube. You can literally just people follow your mouths around. Here's how to edit this photo photo shop tutorial. Here's how to do this. X Y Z On my laptop on my computer, you can record that screen flow. Record your audio as well. There's also editing software. I added all my videos today and screen flow I downgraded from things like Final Cut and Adobe Premiere just to stay with screen folks. It's quicker slideshow videos broke. This would be a great example where you're just showing some images. If you wanted to do a little, you know, advertising for you in your business, you could have a slide show of a few images. Fade in, fade out with your voice over. Welcome to brooks skincare dot com. All your worries are gonna melt away, right, and it's just screenshots. Anna moto dot com is a free they're paid options, but you get started there for free to make slide shows. But I love when people have the slide show with voice over on top of it. So it's music, the images and their voices talking, so those three elements, but you don't have to be in front of camera to do that. Fiber dot com There, Tana people that will do video related stuff for you. Um, all kinds of creative options. I'm gonna show you one in a second, but I think you guys are gonna get a kick out off. But there's some really cool people. Fiber has gotten so great at people that have made these simple gigs that they mass produce them. So they're actually making money doing it and like making it like their job, their career, because, you know, you can like, buy gigs for more than five bucks there and stuff like that. Now, um, now there's something else. It's a great website. Right down archive dot org's is public domain, um, content. You can go to a site like archive dot organ. I've actually done this, and you can find videos that where their copyright has expired. So, like one of the greatest things look for is like old commercials from the forties and fifties and like black and white commercials for, like, cigarette companies and stuff. And you can, like use that repurpose that footage and make something fun and creative, And I've done that. I have a video called The Video Revolution and, um, basically, it starts out It's this old Kodak camera commercial, and it's like him talking about how like, imagine if he's holding like the rial of films like Imagine what you could do with all these photos. Now you're gonna have him in one place, you know, when it cuts toe like now, today, like, fast forward to today. And I was really cool and I just got it for free on archive dot org's on I'm not in the video at all. Um, have you seen these videos of people like drawing really fast like they're on crack in their doodling and they're just, like, better than 50 feet and, like, things are coming alive in, like, three minutes go by and you're still watching this, like amazing drawings being made and that someone's face and, you know, um, these air called doodle videos or scribe videos. I've actually made a few of these. Uh, don't ever make one yourself because they're gonna take you, like, four days. Don't ever higher ones. If someone do is because they're gonna charge you like $10,000. Because there are a lot of work, there are a lot of time in a lot of money. So why would I ever recommend you doing one? Because there's really cool software called video scribe DOT TV that can make these things really inexpensive for you. It is awesome. You can have images and text and all kinds of cool things, so that's a great resource. In fact, that's like the first type of video I tell someone make It doesn't want to be in front of camera is a video scribe dot TV video. I think has a free trial. And then it's like seven or 14 bucks a month. If you want to stay a member, that's my puppet video. So this I actually got from fiber dot com thes They're some of the examples. There's a guy on there you go fiber dot com and search like puppet Video and this guy you give him your script is so cool. I think I paid 10 bucks for this, and he films in HD quality video with great audio, and he just recorded your script. Whatever you want to say and you got a video It's easy, it's done and they just looked really good. And there's all kinds of creative people that are doing things like this on Do So. You can support your local creatives by by doing their gigs, and I had to include that one. Um, I thought that was really funny. And he's got, like, a name like Professor something or other. But I liked it. Um, here is another type of video called a What I call like a either a typographic video or ah, video infographic, where these air just It's just a bunch of taxed that's like animated onto the screen. And I found a person who does after effects to make this video and just stats about video on YouTube and, ah, it has close to 30,000 views, and all it is is like a minute and 1/2 2 minutes of some really cool stats on text. I don't even talk in it. I'm not in the video, Um, and there you go, so really cool. One. There's the doodle videos I was doing. Like I said, I've done a few myself. Those that's extent of my artistic abilities that's supposed to be a picture of me drawn by me on dumb people actually really like him. Like you can check and YouTube. You can check your analytic are your in your analytics can check the engagement to see how long people are staying on your videos. Onda They stay so much longer on these because they're just hypnotized by Like what? What is he doing? So for those people who just see the screenshot what's actually happening, I'm drawing this thing like the speed of light. So basically it takes you 45 hours to draw a picture, and that turns into, like, seven seconds. And that's a seven minute video. You can imagine how long that took me. I would never recommend someone going through that themselves. This is why video scribe dot TV does something very similar for a fraction of the price and the time. Um, here's another example of a video. Like I said, I'm using keynote right here, and I'm just adding text and have a voice over. I'm just reading. You don't need a fancy camera or specialized technical skills. You can just read text on a screen and make a video. That's all that's all. Video is its combination of texts and or excuse me, audio and visual so you can use text and music and your voice. Uh, I think that's it for that. Uh, we'll get two questions on faces videos in a second. I want to show off a good buddy mind. This is the remote control airplane guy that I told you about. He has over million views with how to fly remote control airplanes. It's not even like remote control anything. It's just remote control plan that I think is so fascinating. But he has another channel that few people know are connected. And it's all on the topic of, um, Myers bricks. Does anybody here know what what Myers Myers Briggs is there? They know their Myers Briggs type. This is very fascinating personality. Psychological test was originally developed by Carl Units, so so fascinating to me, and I love learning about this stuff. Apparently a ton of other people do as well, and he says he's already got this like, I'm the RC remote control nerd dude. Hey, decided wanted. He was passionate about this. Want to make these videos, But I didn't really want to be that guy as well. So he hides behind the's simple animated images that, like basically nothing, really even happens in the video and you'll see what I mean. In a second, Um, he's made a couple videos and literally in about six months, did 1/2 a 1,000,000 views in 6400 subscribers put great content out there. He's not ever in front of the camera. You would never know what he looks like. And we're gonna take a quick look at one of these clips just to show you how easy this is. So here we go. How would I develop my extroverted side? Well, good question. T bone double. 07 Now, as an introvert, you have two Count em, two extroverted functions and all you extroverts that are not listening to this video. You have to introverted functions as well as two extra functions. This is why you do hear people say on both introverted and extroverted. Well, that's actually kind of true. You're more or less defined by your lead function. So if your first function is introverted, you know, while you're an introvert and I think that was that was the end basic, right? I mean, how much? I'd like an arrow popped up for half a second, right? Um and so, you know, just like we could make calculus fun and interesting. He makes this stuff very interesting there. People who are just fascinated by it, you know, they don't need to learn it for a job or for school. Um, I think the most people come to them come to him because it's a very fascinating topic for certain people. He even I don't know if you guys cottage on Cape Cod where he's like and if you're next to you're not watching these videos anyways, he knows his audience, and he calls him out. So really cool stuff. And this video alone was entitled How to Be extroverted or What to do if you're an introvert. Something like that. And I think that video alone has 50 to 60,000 views or something like that. Um, pretty pretty cool. Pretty simple. Just reading into a microphone. And he has these little slides coming up. So that steps all possible before we get into very brief light editing stuff. How are you guys doing questions, Comments, observations, couple questions. One from photo graphic elements on engagement question. Is it better to have five minutes of video that people watch two minutes of or a 1.5 minute video that people watch? 100% of a similar question from LCJ? How long should people stay on their video? This is great. One of the things we're gonna talk about tomorrow is what YouTube is looking at. Teoh rank my video over that person that's down there at the bottom, and one of the shifts they made it was actually a big deal in about July or August of 2012 was they used to only care about clicks, meaning If you had a great thumb now and you're sitting down there, Number five and people are clicking on yours, they'll start pushing years up to the top so more people click on it. Now they're much more interested in content and engagement. So inside the YouTube analytics is a a little tool called audience retention and what it does here. So cool is it plays your video and then has this little chart here and shows relative. Think you can't remember which ones which absolute or relative audience retention, where, as your video is playing from zero second all the way on toe, like five minutes at the beginning, you have 100% of your viewership. Everyone starts the beginning. But what's happening is as the video goes on, there's certain things that cause people to leave and Leah and leave. And by the end, maybe only like, 5% of people actually get to the end of your video. One of the things that YouTube is really looking at is, Are people are people staying on? Is it this is yours look like this doesn't look like that. Or does it look like that? This, if you can keep like close 200% on the whole time is amazing. But one of the things that YouTube also said is that's what we want we want. We want higher audience retention in your videos. We want people to stay to the end, but that doesn't necessarily mean make a video 30 seconds. Don't try and cheat the system. That's why I said, Don't try to make a video short for video sake, you make a concise because when you ramble, that's when people go OK I got it full of Ah, so I'm always gonna say you want to keep people at high level. It's possible that's always the goal. And whenever you think you've said your message and the video, does that make sense? Did you guys understand? Understand that someone was asking video today was, say, asking What software strategies does James suggest for videos when you don't really need to be on camera So like this? But do you have any others type? Yes, I use. I use keynote for a lot of videos. Screen flow is how I do my capturing my screen. So if someone needs If I need to do a tutorial on how to do a jump cut and people want to see my editing Softwares, I do it step by step. I'm using screen flow Sam putting this clip here. They just see my mouse. The video, The video scribe dot TV is another great resource video hive dot net, which is I think it's like the second or third time I've shared this is like pre made video templates, all kinds of stuff. You could just spend hours and they're finding pre made videos that you can add your own content and make him unique. Um, and that's really easy to deal. So, Rachel, looks like you have a question. Our sounds Where would you find? Yes. So we're gonna be talking about music. Resource is in a second. So I will hold off on your question because you want to stick around because music royalty free music is a really important question. And I'm only gonna say it once and you have to be here in order to hear it and know it. So about that welcome in there. So stick around and we'll be back soon. Quick question from M F s E man Going back to your lighting. You said that you purchased three lights earlier that greatly improved your video. Where can we we find different set up of lighting for great filming where we find a different said one thing about different set up. Maybe he means different than what? The ambient light the lamp next. So what I'm using is something called the cowboy video lighting kit. You go to amazon dot com and type in cowboy video lighting. It's a three point lighting kit. It's got the key light the fill light and the Which one did I miss? The main one. You got an overhead and two in front. I put him in a 45 degree angle and one on top. That's more than enough. That's perfect. Their fluorescent lights, which for the non video or tacky people, they're just like the lowest maintenance I've used incandescent glows and they're, like, really hot and they break and the other one's start getting pricey on you. So I feel that the fluorescent bulbs, the fluorescent lighting kid, is gonna be the most like, efficient, both the cost and time of set up. If you're doing a white backdrop, you're gonna need at least two more lights toe light, the white to make it look really good. But there you go. All right, so we have one more question. All right. Does YouTube analytics track rewinding and rewatching? Yes. Yes. So there's you write that on the board to Yes. No, I'm not gonna take that one. Right. Yes. Okay. So what? You'll see in your in in your audience retention is your video go like this? And then I'll go like that. And you're like, Well, that doesn't make sense. What? How did how did people leave and then come back on? And it's because you said something here. You did something here that people like, totally like, took a double take on What did you just this guy just do or say? And they rewound it and they found this part of the video mawr interesting. And so I'll do that, like little fun. Things which are like this is like advanced stuff, like throw up in annotation for, like, half a second, where it's like, name a resource or say something funny like, but it's so fast that you can't even see it. And that actually causes some people who were like, We're paying attention to go back, and that helps your attention those air like super advanced tricks.
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.