Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
Why YouTube
I'm so excited. I'm really excited. You guys are like my little test dummies. For the next three days, I'm gonna be teaching a lot. I'm gonna be sharing everything I've learned from 5.5 years of using you to myself. Um, not just learning YouTube learning video, but how to use it toe market, several different businesses. You guys are going to be taking action and making videos yourselves not just creating the videos, but uploading them, broadcasting and having been seen by the world and by the entire creative live audience. In fact, on Day three, when you guys broadcast your videos, we're gonna have a little contest, and we're gonna show everybody your videos and they get to vote or thumbs up, and whoever wins, we have a bunch of really cool giveaways for you guys, including a brand new video camera, a special live mastermind day that I'm doing in May of this year and a few other cool goodies that will be talking about throughout the rest of time. What else we're gonna be doing? I'm goi...
ng to be launching one of my videos live and And that's really the way I like to teach the most. So the more I can show you through live case studies, examples of past students of mine, we're going to some special guests. Come on as well, the better. I feel like I can just give you the best of the best of this content. Show it to you the proof and inaction from other people. So we'll be uploading my one of my videos after the break. We'll kind of check in on it and see how it's doing. The things I'm doing, too. Not just put up a video, but actually see it get results live in real time over the next three days. So really exciting stuff. Um, and we won't waste much time. We're gonna get straight in the content cause there's a lot of stuff. I will take a moment and really address the question of why am I here? Why am I the person talking about all the sea tube stuff? I have no idea. No, because I'm not. I'm not. I don't have millions of views. You know, There are always little, uh, funny YouTube stars that have millions and billions of views. I don't have those. I don't have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. I didn't I didn't get TV deals from my YouTube videos, so why me? The answer And it's really a very simple distinction Besides the fact that I love teaching. I'm totally passionate about teaching. Um, and so that's what I love doing. But I think the real distinction is that, well, I can show you how to make money with your videos and not just going to the View bank down on the street and collecting, cashing in your views for coins or something like that, actually integrating this into a solid strategy online marketing strategy that works with your existing business. And that's what I wanna be able help help you today because the most exciting thing is it doesn't take millions of views. We're not good. We're not here to show you how to monetize your videos on YouTube, so if you got millions of years, maybe you'll get a couple pennies per view. That's that's not the goal here. It's really to get to broaden the your reach to get your message out to more people, to have more people find you and come to your website and your blog's each and every day. Andi, what's so great about you guys? And why I'm so happy with what we have here is you guys air coming from every different direction. We have different levels of experience. We have people have never shot a video in their lives. We have people that have done aton of videos. But we also people very different types of businesses. We have physical products. We have brick and mortar. We have authors in the room. We have digital people, online TV shows. So why I've loved teaching you to for so long is because I've been able to see it work with so many different people. Um, and those of us who are listening back at home or your office, wherever you're watching it can work for every type of business. If your marketing on the Internet, you could be using YouTube to get results and that's what gets me really excited. Eso really quick story about me, how I got started in all this. Anything Randy us that Or was it due? Charles asked me, and I want you guys asked me that before before we got started here, so I thought I'd include that a little bit. I did go to film school. I've had a camera in my hand for as long as it remember. Just I always love that creative side. But as soon as I got started learning about the industry, the last thing I wanted to do was schlepped coffee for people and be told what to do. I'm just the worst employee possible. So instead, I became a bartender. I became an employee anyways and actually got fired from that. Um, but I loved I loved bartending because it was the first taste of something entrepreneurial for me because it it's I I started discovered that if I worked, um, if if I if I worked harder, I could see more tips in the jar and I kind of had some sort of control over my my income, and that was kind of that first taste of like I can start taking charge of my financial destiny. But I was fired, so I started, um, bartending on my own. And I quickly decided I wanted to take that entrepreneurial vision to the next level. So what I actually did was created my whole my own course, my own brilliant idea. I had to create an online course teaching people how to bar, tent and spent months buried in front of my computer, teaching people how to make a martini and stuff like that, and, um, and put it up on the Internet for sale. 200 bucks, all excited. Launched the website. No sales. Nothing came in, Like what have I just wasted four months of my life doing? I don't know. Um, finally, on April, I'll never forget this day because this is when when this happens, this is like the most exciting thing. World. April 18 2008. Got a little email. My inbox is said, New order, James. One morning. Like what if I just buy? I don't remember buying anything and $200. I didn't spend $200 on something. Some of the first person bought my course on that day, and it was, like, the most exciting experience in world. And when actually calm down from all the like, jumping around, I was still living in my parents house. Mom. Mom. Uh so I bought my course. I looked down at the bottom of the order form, and if you guys see whenever you feel that in order for me, Purchasing says, How did you hear about us? Her answer was youtube dot com, and it was a couple of videos. I just had no idea what I was doing. Just put up silly videos of me bartending, uh, which if you guys want to be a little investigative snoops out there, you can still find those videos. They're pretty embarrassing, The pretty incriminating. But they're still out there. And the most exciting thing is to this day, that product which I haven't I haven't touched, is still making sales. I haven't put videos up there for four years on it's still making sales, and I'm just getting word that we actually have one of those videos of my bartending. So we're gonna wash it if you guys don't mind. And you just have to promise not to laugh at me too hard. So this is way back when we'll check out that you guys James, one more here with the bartender for profit system. And today I'm gonna teach you a trick that I like to call. Tom Cruise is flip deport, and we basically bring it up into the poor and then bring it out. Have a little fun with it. Just like that. You don't wanna mess out. All right, you guys, this is my baby. This is what I use it. All my events whenever possible. This is the BMW of portable bars, as I like to call it, uh, my DVD section of the Barton for profit system. I've got a ton of tricks just like this. I'm gonna have a Tom more posted on my block at bartender confessions dot com. So continue to check out and see what else I can offer. Practice, practice, practice and hope to see out there. Cheers. Wow. Yeah, I really caught a cherry on a toothpick. The magic of editing is it actually took me, like, 20 times to do that, right? But you wouldn't know that because I only kept the one that worked. So that was, like, 45 years ago. And, ah, a lot of happened since I've been able to work with some really cool people on their YouTube channels, then finally decided to step up and do my own stuff, which is what I do today. Um, and we'll be sharing some of those other channels I worked on as well, some other students in case studies in mind. But the last thing I wanted to share before we get into this and start getting you guys really excited about YouTube in the strategy we're talking about the next three days, it's kind of make a little confession that most people I love when I say this is most people don't they don't believe it. They don't understand it. If they've seen my videos first, is that I'm a huge introvert. Um, and most people don't really understand what an introvert is. They think it just means like a shy, awkward person. I'm like, Yeah, I am that But it means a lot. It means a lot more like, um, they're much more reserved people. They're much quieter. They're much more inwardly focused. And a lot of people say like I could never do videos cause I'm too shy because, you know, and I just say that's no excuse because if you guys have seen any my videos, which will be showing a few more, Um, I try and go a little overboard in a little wacky out there at times and And that and that's the whole point is for a few minutes a day. Aiken kind of crank up the volume on myself, give 100% energy, and now I have to do it for three days straight. I didn't really think that one through, um, but you know, I don't want that to be an excuse. And I hope because I know there are a lot of people out there that orange works there there. They're shy. They don't even like selling or talking to a ton of people and doing all that networking stuff and one of the most exciting things at the end of the day. If there was like this, like end result that you can see that it's kind of bigger than Oh, I made more money or oh, I I have a bigger database or email list or subscribers or views is that when I go to a networking event with people in my industry, and someone comes up to me that I haven't ever met before and and they come up to me, James Oh my gosh like and and it's not an ego thing at all, but they tree like they're in awe to see you because they saw some three minute video of you, and it just shifts this like this. This energy of you're the authority, and I look up to you. But what that does is it really puts you in a position of power where people are coming to you for your products, your services, your information, your knowledge of wisdom, your experience and not the other way around, which is what most of us are trying to do when we're marking on the Internet anyways, which is like, I've got something I want to sell to. You want to sell to you my annoying. You do have you unfriended me. You hate me, don't you? And we don't want to do that. Instead, the whole strategy is I've got awesome stuff that you're gonna love to watch and Oh, hey, by the way, if you want to bug me about buying it, yeah, you can you know, you can do that as well. Um, and so really flips the table. And I really hope you guys are gonna be able to get that this weekend. That's what I'll have in store for you guys. So Is that some good? Yeah. Good, Good. We'll talk briefly about this. Obviously, I'm preaching the choir. You guys are here because you want to learn about YouTube. I don't have to convince you. The hardest in the world is when I have to convince somebody to do something that I already love and see results with people because I want to just get right into it. So we'll only spend a little bit of time here. But I will. I will share a little bit. Um, I'm just gonna write that wrote this down for you guys. My mission for you guys in the next three days is a teach sharing demonstrate each step of a three step process for getting real results in your business, using YouTube, using video, okay, and and at the end of the day, if you tube goes away, which it's not going to go away anytime soon. I truly hope that the stuff I share with you guys can transcend that, because it really is about having a clear, simple strategy. It will work for with whatever replaces YouTube, if something ever could in the future. And that's really important. It's having always having that clear strategy, but we want to do without excuses. Um, I hope you guys have Ah, Mike. Still, I want to kind of go around quickly because here's the deal. It's 2013. People are saying now, like, this is the year video and I'm like, That's totally BS. I was like 2009 was the year video. This is the year where if you're still not doing video, we got some serious talking to Dio. What I love to dio is if we could just quickly go around Renate, re announce your name and just say what has been the biggest hesitation for you for getting started with video and or even if, if, if you're like Well, I've been doing videos for six months, what was What was that block that got you started? And I'd love if our Internet audience could type in a few responses, we can hear from what has been that big block that kept you from taking action with video on YouTube. So I'm Kate Northrop, and it was that I was afraid that doing a video was like too much about me, and I felt like, Oh, it's like ego driven. And so I'm just not going to do that. Cool. I like that. I never really had a block about getting started with video. It's actually how I first started, and I have a lot of videos now, But I think as I've created videos, the block that I've had is, um like you said, You're an introvert. I'm kind of the same way and changing my video style or putting myself out there more or straying from what I feel like the videos have to be. It's difficult for me to sort of step outside this box that I've created for myself and make a different kind of video or, you know, add something Teoh this process that I have established. So I think, for anybody who his kind of gotten started maybe last year or two years ago, and it's sort of in this mold and maybe not seeing the results that they had hoped for. Um, I think I'd like to learn, and I'm sure they'd like to learn how to sort of get outside that that box and do more with your video, and I think that could be a big stumbling block for people. Yeah, Krista has a unique issue. You have. You have what we call good problems where you are. Are you seen results? And it's just about taking it to the next level. So I'm excited to be to be working with USAID stuff. Brooke, you wanna go ahead And Brooke Kennedy. And for me, it was just figuring out what I wanted to do as far as a career, because I was a bartender for many years, food and beverage industry for 17 years and project management as well. It's always working for someone else. And now I've kind of found that perfect fit and skin care. And so I know to get my business out there. This is what I need to do. Cool. It's great. Uh, I'm I'm sure my name is Randy tenacious and everyone knows. When I tried to talk in front of an audience, I start to stutter. I start, I'm just like you are an introvert, and I've been a tech all my life, So I'm in front. I'm usually in front of a computer, hunched over, not in front of a camera. So it's the just that shyness factor, and I don't have time put videos together. That's a big one, guys. The time I feel like my challenges with getting started. I'm Rachel. Um, have been feeling I don't have the technology in place. Like I can't use my computer camera on my cell phone on that. I have to invest a lot of money in technology to start and also just not not knowing what to do. I feel like I've never really had a primer. And what, how to function with this. So I'm excited to learn, Charles, I'm Charles. And ah, I saw you on the Lewis house before, and I thought, this is exactly what I want to do with you to marketing. And I have done a lot of private consulting with the kind of business that I'm in. It's kind of a controversial topic, and I wasn't sure that I want to be on camera talking about that. And I decided that this is the perfect type of educational format that I want to pursue. And that's why I want to be here. And I'm looking forward to it. Awesome. And we've got some people from the internet. I'm gonna write these, uh, these ones down so far. Um, would you like to me to read them? I start. Uh, Reem, I just kind of want toe. Go over a few. These real quick, though. Fear, fear on camera. The time and the tech were three of the big ones. We go ahead and see what else we those A Really similar to what we're seeing online. Original content. Uh, one camera adds £10. I'm not sure what Fox still means. That it's funny. He says my block is Legos video. Just like, uh, editing. This was a good one. Um, from kara. Just seen toe. I have too many topics. I'm interested and didn't know which one to focus on. So kind of too much bossy photos saying, nervous about haters and people judging quite a few people are intimidated by the post production work. And, um, and how to get video of oneself to get it very sharp and nice if they're using the video about themselves. There's so many things I want to talk about things great. Other more. Um, a lot of it's similar technology, Like black feeling like they don't have the equipment. Siri. Oh, I like this one, Natalie, um MYOB to create original content. What hasn't already been shared? Yeah. Yeah. So that's what I want to start with that one because the original content thing is a total b s. Because what you're really doing, what you're really saying is you're making an excuse here, but what you're really saying is, why me? Why why should I be the person that shares this content has nothing to do with Oh, everything's already been. Of course, every take, every video I've ever done has already been done by somebody else. And I went through this exact same thing. Was the whole why me? Who am I to be sharing this type of content? I don't know if other than my 32nd pep talk, if I could get you over that hurdle. But you just have to make the decision because I choose to be, because that because it is me, because I have something to share. And I'm gonna say it differently than this guy or that girl. Okay. And that's the only answer. Half it up, these other ones, too much time learning how to do all this stuff, even fear on in front of the camera. Let's talk about the time attack the to the all that stuff. I'm gonna show you simple ways. In fact, one of my favorite students and case studies we're gonna showcasing today. I was so blown away, we had a conversation last week and she's been doing a video a day for six months and she spends and they're amazing videos or better than my videos. And she spends no us in 20 minutes a day. How do you do that? Set up entire system. So we're gonna kind of show you a little bit of that over the three days. But that's totally possible. Attack could be so easy. It's never been easier right now and less expensive. I mean, we all have camera people. It's on your phone or webcam or whatever. Ah, but it's never been cheaper and easier than right now to get videos. This one, still, we have to deal with. When I tell people I meet someone like, Why aren't you doing YouTube? I don't wanna be in front of cameras, So whoever said you had to be it's really funny that there's already this connection that YouTube means I have to be in front of a camera and go look at Christmas videos. Half your videos there, just you drawing on the screen and you have a 1,000,000 half use. You don't have to be in front of the camera. In fact, I'm gonna show you over next three days A tani different ways. We don't have to be in front of camera. But what I'm gonna show our lovely in studio audience members is an awesome way that you can be in front of the camera and still make great videos without having to memorize a script or read from a teleprompter where you're like eyes air going underneath it and it's gonna be amazing. So, um, we're gonna obliterate all those excuses out of the water. And I want everyone who's listening to us on the Internets to be taking action with us. This is a very action oriented creative life, and that's why I'm so excited we will have videos. If you wanna make videos with us, do it. Let's let's do it. Um, let's do together. But this one right here, why me? You got you got to just make that decision right now and bust through that because it is you. You know, it's because no one could make the content like you. You're absolutely 1% you need. So, um, because you're watching a three day creativelive workshop on how to make YouTube videos, that's why you and no one else is. So that's your answer. Okay, um, here's some of the stuff we're talking about. It's not about getting views, because I said, There's no view bank down, you know, downtown, where you can just trade in your views for money. We need to trade our views in for traffic because if we all have websites, if we're all market on the Internet, we have websites or something. That's like a fan page or some sort of hub where people come to us. Well, the more traffic we get there, can that grow our business? If we had, you know, ah, 100 more visitors a week, would that grow our business? Would we get more clients or customers or students from that? Absolutely. So it's about turning these views into traffic and then what we can do with that traffic and I want to be able to share that with you today. And when we get going, Aziz Faras that I mean, this is YouTube up here. But if I could take you beyond that, if I could show you what what we're doing with that traffic to build a solid sales funnel to sell more of your products, your courses your, um your training, etcetera, that's gonna make me really happy. Here's some of the cool stuff I want to just highlight in Showcase. This is Liz, the auto in New York Base, New York City based fitness instructor for women. And I helped her with this video. She came to me with, like, a basic outline script for a three minute video. And I said, Let me get Let me get in here. And this is kind of what I'm gonna be doing with you guys and we just play around with it. We had a ton of fun with this film this out in New York City. Uh, and she had, like, no view. She had, like, 10 to 12,000 views when we launched this video, and this video alone got 44,000 views on, was able to leverage her, and she was spoken a conference because of it. She was showcased on a A really big fitness apparel fan page and all this really cool stuff because of it. There's some simple stuff. We're gonna be breaking down this video like a line by line. What? We did a lot of cool. Like, Here's the, you know, tip of the iceberg. Everything below it. Good stuff. So I've got I'm gonna show you some case studies like this one, which is actually just one video that brings in between 12 and 20 new leads a day. Those air names and email addresses, people who have raised their hand signed up and given me their information to say I'm interested in more of what you have with just one video, uhm and how we can put this on autopilot. Now, I have done that in on a pilot in my business. Um, And then how exciting is this? We're gonna have ah, dear friend of mine, Marie for Leo, Um, the creator of Marie TV. She's at 2.8 million total views. She's actually gonna be joining us live via Skype conferencing. So we're going to see you right here on this big screen, and you guys are gonna on the Internet are gonna ask her your questions. You guys in the audience get to ask your questions, and we're just gonna kind of learn from her. She's been able to do some incredible stuff with videos, and, um, she's just amazing. If you guys have seen anywhere videos that they rock, so so that's gonna be really exciting. Um, I want to talk about, uh, some cool stats that also should get you guys excited and everyone back home about YouTube. First of all, four billion daily views. It's getting a lot of traffic. It gets a lot of views each and every day. YouTube is still the largest video sharing platform. Um, it's also considered the second largest search engine. Now that's really important because a lot of people don't think of you to as a search engine. They look at it as a place to just host their videos, and that's where, as business owners, we're going to make a distinction. That's what we're gonna make a shift because people are coming to YouTube to search for questions to their answers, their answers to their questions. There we go. They're looking for answers in video format, and it's either gonna be your answer there or somebody else is. It's not like there's an empty space like this. This spot is for rent. Someone is filling it up, and most likely they don't know what I'm gonna be showing you so you can just beat amount really quickly, which we love Doing video is the most shared foreman contents when everyone talks about Well, I got to be marking on the Internet and I'll be on Facebook. Absolutely got being Facebook. What are people doing on Facebook? They're sharing YouTube videos. It's the number one most shared form of content on Facebook. That's not Facebook related stuff, Um, which is pretty darn cool. And this was one of my favorite stat. So I had to include it, and this is kind of were like this all comes together. In my opinion, this was a recent survey taken on e marketer dot com, which basically summed up the fact that out of all these social platforms everyone's getting so excited about have been so excited for years, you know that gotta be on Twitter, your Facebook status on Facebook a little of the law is YouTube out of all these they did is the most underutilized platform by business owners. In other words, everyone's marking their business on Twitter. Everyone's marketing their business on Facebook and even said that, like the amount of consumers are far fewer than amount of business owners. But where the consumer pool is huge and the business owner pool is small is YouTube most underutilized platforms so that the audience is there. The people are there, your ideal customers there. You just have to show up and provide some great content that's going to show you guys how to dio. It's gonna be easy. It's gonna be fine. Um, so what does this all mean? Yes, more traffic. I want you guys to get that. I usually tell people when I take him through my courses or anything like that. The first way we can understand what YouTube is for us is a business owner is that YouTube is traffic. If you're if you're marking online, you really the simplest more than most core level, and we need to things and that's traffic and conversions. You need people to get to your website, and then you need into taken action So for a lot of people, a lot of cases in the show you YouTube, is all that they do, and that's all they need to do to get traffic once again to their website. To get to do. It was magical stuff, but there's something else that's really exciting about this, and I didn't include the study, but I'll just kind of stayed off the top of my head. Good body, Mind it. Did he a little case study where he send traffic from all these different sites like Google Search results, Google Plus Twitter, Facebook sites I'd never heard of and YouTube and he sent them all to the same page page sent him to was a squeeze page where people had to submit their name and email address and often page where they had to take action. Philip their details, and he tracked the conversion rates and hands down YouTube. One. YouTube had the most amount of options and subscribers and any other traffic. There's even better than a Google search results and s So basically what we're getting with YouTube is more qualified or higher quality traffic, and why is that? It's really simple. You guys ever stumbled onto a website and like the red flags in the alarms, going off like, What am I about to be spammed and scammed with? And you're just like, Get me out of here as quickly as possible. That kind of goes away. If you've just watched a five minute video about someone sharing something awesome with you, there's that you like what I said before, when someone comes to see me and Oh, my gosh, I feel like I know you. I've watched your video that relate That rapport is already there, and so it goes away. So when they go to your Web Web site from YouTube, their prime, they're pumped, ready to take that next step with you. That's that's what gets me really excited. A swell. So hopefully you guys dio beyond that. Look at someone like Marie. It plain simple. Just YouTube. Just give you this unstoppable brand where people are coming to you other opportunities of following your lap. Um, so it's exciting stuff. Um, let's see what I got here. Uh, I want to show you this in action as soon as possible. Like I said, the best way I can teaches be showing you really real examples. This inaction and these aren't the YouTube superstars that you might see when you think of YouTube. They're not the viral videos of the Cats and the babies that are we spend so much more time watching are at least ideo. So this is This is a dear friend of mine, Mrs Alejandro Costello, and I'm so excited to share her stuff first, and I hope she's watching at this point. But either way, you guys should be going to youtube dot com Fort slash home organizing at home and make sure to subscribe to her, even if you're not interested in what she shares just because of what she's doing rocks and it's awesome. I like to call her a professional de clutter, but she probably the way better term for that. She Here's the deal she created. Her first video back in, I think, was the spring of 2011. So not that long ago, and she would go to local clients, local businesses to organized their homes in their offices and stuff like that. She provided a service for local business owners, and she said, I got this great idea I'm gonna put a video on the Internet to educate my local clientele and get maybe get jumble up some more business here. Yeah, that video ended up going viral, getting 800,000 views and kind of skyrocketed. Or at least let this light bulb, um, in her head to say I should be making more of these videos. So she did. And today she has 4.7 million views, and it's like two years, 4.7 million views and 66,000 subscribers, and all she does is teach people how to organize their life, their finances, their office, their homes and everything in between. We're going to show quick clip from one of our video, her videos now. So let's go take a look at that. This is what my system looks like. I use a mini finder from Staples. Thes are the better brand binders from Staples Staples brand. It is the many size, the 5. by 8.5. I like the many sides because there it's it's easy to carry. It's convenient. You can carry it inside your your purse or just bring it inside the car. It's not like a big boat, you binder, and, um, the inserts when I show you the inserts, he can see that nothing is gonna fall out. So you're not worrying about, like, small papers falling out of finder when they're inside your person when you bring them out into the store. So let me grab my camera and show you exactly what the system looks like. OK, so this is my mini size coupon binder. This is from Staples. I like how it has the window on the side seeking kind of right what the binder is. And then I put, um, polka dot colorful scrap of paper in the very front of the binder cause it kind of just speaks to my personality and style. Okay, so taking a look inside. So inside the binder, I have lots of many size sheet protectors. You guys were thinking maybe some like Hollywood production, like Amazing sound. You could you could You guys do that yourself is really simple. She just got the camera set up and she's showing her stuff. This isn't complicated. And like we said, a lot of people think it has to be perfect and amazing on it doesn't. And she's doing videos like this every week. But what I did ask her, and I want to share with that with you guys right now. That's it. All 100. You've been doing this now for a couple of years Waterson tips that you can share. And they were right in alignment with with what I'm gonna be sharing with you guys. So I'm gonna take a second. She actually gave me three. That was so cool. I just asked for one. And, um, she said something that we're gonna talk about in a moment today. And this is like the biggest thing if you can wrap your brain around this is so important, so simple. It's it's so crucial to making this all work. Um, it's the power of, ah, of consistency. And we'll be talking more about this and how we can kind of set up a consistent schedule. But she basically said that, you know, when she first got started, it took her first month 10 subscribers, and now she's getting between 305 100 subscribers a day. It's because she's putting up videos weekly and she's being consistent about it. Um, and she's also a big fan of quality over quantity, which I am a swell, um, for the people who had our hurdles about the tech. I love what she says here. This was her tip number two. She says My best advice is just to take the time and learn, and that really isn't as hard as you think. It ISS the unknown is always scary until becomes known. So she actually went to the apple store and did one of those little, like genius bar sit in things than they do. They taught her how to use I movie, did it in two hours, started making videos, just never back sense on our last tip. Um, and I love this one. If you guys noticed it cause she demonstrated it beautifully in her video. And I say this all the time is, um, videos or visual. And the reason people are watching a video is because they want something to look at. So give him something to look at. Okay, the more visual or as I like to call it demonstrably, that was actually a Billy Mays phrase of your very eyes. Watched pitchman. Um, he always said he was looking for the demonstrably illit e, and that's what I want to be looking for. It might be challenging for these 18 studio videos we're gonna be making. But when you guys go forward, I mean Randi with the with the mill amount. Like if we can't demonstrate that on camera like Come on, that's gonna be easy, right? But we want to be aware that what can we visually show people like? She's sitting there showing them This is what whatever that thing was that she coupon book, whatever was doing, you could see the color coded bookcase behind her. Very visual. Uh, if you go to Google, if you go to Google right now and you typed in how to tie a tie, which I may or may not have done that recently because I needed to learn how to tie tie, the first result would be a video, and that video has over 11 million views, and it's really simple because no one wants to read an article or even let look at pictures of how to tie its high when they could watch a video. And so part of what you guys can come up with which broke with anything. Beauty, skincare, makeup related. Obviously, it's a huge niche on YouTube as it is, but people want to see how to do it. What what it will do, the results, etcetera. You know, there's tons of opportunity being visual on, and that's that's definitely something I wanted you guys to take away from from Alejandro. But did you guys have any questions on on her? I don't have her live to answer questions you have specifically directed to our but, um, pretty simple stuff, right? Guys, it's good. Let's see where we're at. Um, I think I'll start with you guys. Um well started Charles aside what I want to do and I love the Internet to chime in as well. If you guys are here for three days and I really don't want to be doing all this talking myself, I'm really going to get you guys to get as involved as possible. If you go and think about this for saying it, what's what's your number one goal? Or take away that you want? You want to get out of this event, what will make you the most happy, satisfied and fulfilled? Looking back three days from balancing that was totally worth it. What is, like the big thing you can take a second look at. But I love the Internet to chime in, like, what are the big things you're looking to learn? Because when I say you to marketing, that's actually a huge thing. We talked about making videos. We talked about getting traffic. Were to send that traffic with saner videos, how to edit them, all that type of stuff. So, um, there's a lot we can cover these three days. Okay, Well, what I really wanted to learn is exactly what you're going to teaching. That's how to drive traffic. Um, with my topic being educational and in nature, I want to put a lot of content out there up front, for sure, and really just kind of download my 13 years of experience. I have so much knowledge toe to pass on. And, ah, before I get to worrying about the the money or monetization of the product, we're making a product. And that's what I want to learn from you. And I'm really excited about often, Rachel. Um, so as a complete beginner, um, I really want to learn all the steps to making a video happen for myself and also as a designer and an artist, someone who usually makes things kind of in the quiet of my home. On what? How do I turn that content into something people want to see? How do I bring my knowledge to people In an interesting way, that's kind of been a stumbling block for me, like, What do I have to say? And I still have the problem with time, and knowing a system or seeing systems demonstrated will help me process and and figure out. How can I schedule this out of my day when I should be in the garage making my product the middle amount instead of sitting in front of the camera doing it all yourself? Yeah, my goal is just to connect my clients and attract new clients. So I just want to start and learn the steps you're going teach just to make a good video, be clear and concise yet effective. Cool. I'm interested to know what I don't know if this will apply to a lot of people, but I feel like I'm in an interesting niche because a lot of people are searching for the videos that I create because they don't want to be learning what I'm teaching. They wanna watch the video and get out of there as fast as possible because who likes calculus? Nobody likes calculus. So most people I think, you know you're searching for a video because you're interested in the subject. You want to learn. You're excited. I'm sort of in a niche where it's like, Show me what I need to know and let me get away from you as fast as possible in room. And I think, um, sometimes in educational spaces like that, or how to spaces like that, you're interested in getting the information and getting off of the video, and I think that's an interesting space. I want to know how to make a video that's still engaging so that people feel like it's easier toe. Learn the content because if your real boring and dry, then it's, I think, difficult, more difficult to absorb the material. So I think some of the strategies that you'll be able to teach all of us about making a video that's engaging and interesting will help people, Um, who were in a space like I am communicate that sort of educational knowledge that maybe people don't even, you know, want to be watching. But they're just there because I have to be, if that makes sense. Yeah, it does. Um, so I'm primarily a writer, and so and I do these interviews on the side, and I have to kind of, like, get it all organized together to figure out what I should be saying on video. Should I even be doing them apart from the interviews that ideo and then also just, like, what are some? And I know you're gonna teach this. You're so good at just distilling all of the stuff into, like, OK, but just do this this and this. And so if I knew, OK, these are the three things I have to do with every video to make sure it's gonna show up in the right place and then promoting it in the right way. I think that would be super, super valuable. Good, good. Thank you, guys. We got some, uh, yeah, you have Internet. You have a lot of people participating, participating right now on the Internet to thumbs fresh production says I want to lock down a quicker, more efficient workflow. Natalie MYOB. What are the key elements needed? Two. For complete short video. Quite a few people want to know about the workflow that's over and over again. And, uh, basics. Key elements. What else? We got one gentleman who he says, I'm interested. He's in Mongolia, and he says, I'm interested in promoting somebody's product on YouTube. How to get commissioned from that and develop their brand. Um, we also have how to promote it once it's created how to build strategic video partners. How to get traffic to the video again. And someone broke. Someone said Yes, we do need more hair and makeup video tutorials So you have a few fans already and have at least two viewers fillers. I want to know how you personally deal with criticism, trolls and haters. Once your video is up, Troll Controls says, I'm a producer, and I know how to create high quality content. But I would like to know is how YouTube monetization works. See Pienza differences between ads and how they're paid its yep, and followed that with the rainy day store. I want to learn how to make videos, but also how to promote my business to make more money and expand my second business. I have not started yet. Also, photographic elements asked how to create response videos. Or maybe so. I want to ask for a responsibility. Okay, Pretty response. Good, good, good. Jeffrey Sand says James looking fresh as usual. Jeffrey san. All right, Bob the teacher and the video calls to action and get it Teachers. OK, that's a great one. Sherman wants to know more about outsourcing. Okay, we have another troll. Just troll. That's so great. Because strolls because my videos air so amazing that I don't get any negative feedback, so I don't even think they come up with anything like that. That is a total lie. By the way. I'm We should really talk about that, because this is why I'm doing this, because this everything else I'm like, yeah, we're gonna talk about this. We do this, we do that. But that's one thing that isn't We have any new ones that you haven't seen me right up here where I think they're all kind of clumping into these categories. Great. One more cities, we see edge speaks elements to making what could be boring video exciting and adding more footage. That's not just maybe an art piece. Not boring, not boring. And not just in our piece. Um, So what we're gonna dio I may have spent through a little stuff too fast we want to do is I'll talk about two of the two or three these things up here that most of this is in my itinerary for the next three days. Um, one thing I'm gonna bring up really fast, and hopefully we can just kind of squash this right now. Um, and, uh, Crystal will actually be talking about about you. Your videos are monetized. You don't mind sharing how much money you're making from those who you is that too personal? It's just I'm just curious. That's fine. I think it would help people learn. And I think that's one of the things that the students here and I were talking about before is I have over 600 videos on YouTube right now, which I think would seem like a lot of videos to people. Um, but I only make only I mean actor quantities. I say only because you know I want to make a living doing this a full time living doing this and be able to do it full time. And I'm not able to do that right now because my videos on YouTube make me about $500 a month. So while that's great as a second, you know, a supplement to my income. Um, for me right now, um, it's certainly not close to what I need to be making. And so what? 500 or 600? 500? So you know what I've And that's I would say, an average month. My income goes down a lot in the summer because it's an educational space. Um, and it's higher, you know, in December and June around finals time. So it fluctuates. But I would say that's a pretty good average. So clearly it's not all about volume. You know, don't think that just because you've made a ton of videos that you're gonna be doing really well. I'm sitting here learning a ton from James, even though I have more videos than you dio, um, and more views. It doesn't That doesn't necessarily translate. Like you said, there's not a views bank that you go cash in on. It's about, I think, traffic and a product and driving people toward something that, um they can really sink their teeth into. It's not just videos and views. So, um yeah, and you know, we're not hearing a necessary like make. This is like money making things like Here's how much money we make a blood blah, blah. But But I'm so glad you did share that because people ask me all the time this monetization question. And since I didn't necessarily plan too much on this, I want to kind of squash it and get rid of it right now. Here's Krista, who's kicking butt on YouTube, doing everything that you two would expect of a great YouTube partner. She's 1.5 million views, and she's monetizing those views, which means at the beginning of every one of her videos is an annoying commercial. So before I get to watch your video, which you say your audience doesn't really looking forward to, anyways, they have to watch a 15 2nd commercial, and you're getting paid $500 a month for that, and to keep that pace up like you can't live off of $500 a month. Um, so this is bad, Okay? And I mean, we're not gonna talk money today, but I have, like, not even 700 1000 views yet. And I don't monetize my channel, and I've never think of it. And that's the funny thing is people get started. They want to monetize reviews. It's like you've been doing this for a while and you've got your You have impressive stats and it's still very unimpressive numbers monetized. Why so monetization is not the answer. It's It's integrating this into a specific strategy, which I'm gonna I'm gonna pull up for you guys in a minute. Um, basically getting them the heck off YouTube. That's really your goal. And we'll talk about that. We're gonna actually dio some hot seat strategy sessions because at the end of the day, what I love more than YouTube is strategy and the creative brainstorming of where if you guys could walk away with like, oh, this is how I'm gonna be putting it all together with the whole business, how it all fits together. I'm gonna be way happier. So for anybody who's out there asking that monetization question you The technical terms and this might get a little confusing for people, but this will be, is about his technicals that gets this weekend, is that we actually we activate channel monetization. But we don't want to monetize more than one or two of our videos. So Chris is gonna actually go in there once she knows an actual strategy that can repay the place literally. I'm gonna hope to I can show you something. Makes you $500 a day, not 500 a month with the strategy and show you because you have that. You have that traffic. You have that ability because you realize when someone clicks on that ad, YouTube and Google are making money and that advertisers make a lot of money. You're not making any, so we're gonna flip that. Okay, So what the technical stuff is for people maybe just want to write this down and keep it in your notes is you activate your channel for monetization. But then you you only want to select one or two videos themselves to be monetized. So Chris is gonna go in there and a new you got to probably do it by hand or select each video and unmonitored ises videos. If they're monetized, they'll have advertisements on him. When they have advertisements, it distracts and pulls away the viewers from your stuff. That's the last thing we want to be doing. Christie s. Yes. So just a quick question or clarification. Um, if people are familiar with the monetization on YouTube, you have a lot of different options. You can play a 15 2nd commercial at the front or a 32nd commercial. You can also have a small pop up in the middle of the video or near the end of the video or commercial that runs at the end of the video. James, are you suggesting that you take all monetization off every kind of monitor? Yes, because here's why. And thank you for that clarification. Uh, the monetization program is designed to get the clicks. And when you have one viewer, they can only do one thing. They're not clicking on add while they're going to your website, they're there. If they click on the add, they're gone. You've lost him, and they may never find you again. You, maybe you, because you've 600 videos, but they may never find you again. And so you really have to look at it is we have one shot. What we gonna do with that one shot? We're gonna send it to an advertiser, but it's completely unrelated business that we don't get pennies for. No, we're going to send it to our stuff, OK, But we have to make sure the strategy strategy set up for that. So that was great. That was our little detour. And if there's any questions, you can shut him out cause I was a little technical want activate monetization of the channel. And the reason we do that is because it allows you to have some cool extra functions. But you don't want to monetize more than one or two of your videos just to tell you Tube Yes, I'm a monument monetized partner, and you guys might be going like, What the heck is he talking about? This is this was like total sidetrack detour, so don't even don't even worry about it. But if people do have questions, they can let me know. Um, what I want to dio is dive right in. Is there another one that I'm not going to be. We're for much me talking about all that stuff in the next three days. It's good stuff we're going to talk about now is, um, the three step strategy that I use? We could do this in three steps, and that's going to really nice. It keeps it clear, keeps it simple. Um, here's basically how I don't like to look at it. These are our goals putting up videos to get the views. You convert those views into traffic, and then you're going toe. Convert that traffic into leads and sales in your business if we can. If we can use YouTube as a traffic and list builder, in other words, were collecting names and email addresses, and we might have a slightly different strategy for Randy because you have a physical product. Was the price point on your product? Yeah, you can go for a direct sale right off the bat, so we'll be talking about that. We're gonna have a specific strategy for all of you guys, but for most of us, it's me the most beneficial. If we can get the name and email address, we can get their contact information we continue to to market and promote to them. So we do that in three steps and you're gonna see this slide a lot the next three days because I kind of want you guys to ingrained this into your brains. The first step is called video optimization. The second step is video value, and the third step is video aftermath. So if everyone at home right this down, um, these steps won't make sense yet. I'm gonna share it in half a second, but this is basically we're doing and we're gonna be spending today all on step one, which I think this is the most important step. But tomorrow we'll be seeing that's the most important step. And then the next day, and then the last day, let me quickly break it down really quickly for you. It's still won't make sense for you. But day one is in a few guys already brought it up. Today is all about what do I create content about? How do I create content and a strategy so that my stuff actually gets found just so important because so many people biggest mistake I see is people just say I want to do you tube, I'm gonna make a video, and then they just throw a dart against the board and whatever it lands on, they make a video about it, and they're usually way off so and they wonder why they don't get any views. So that's all Step one, and that's huge. That's setting the foundation for all this to work, except to tomorrow, where you talk about the content creating great videos and we'll talk everything from what to say in the videos, how to structure the videos, how to make them not boring. That's the front and stuff. But we're also going to discuss the the intricacies off how to make this systematized. I'm a huge fan of systems and not spending a lot of time. We should all be valuing our time and not saying, Oh, in order to do this. My new job is I'm a video editor, and I got to get really, really good at that, too, because I don't have enough things on my plate as it is. So we're gonna look at the front side of it of being awesome or making awesome videos whether or not we want to be in front of camera and then the behind the scenes stuff. How to make it simple and easy How to find other people to do it. Um, because they're Tana people locally that you confined, who are passion about making videos, and they just want they just want to build up their film reel and for a very small amount there, people be happy to make videos for you. Um, align yourself with the right people. The last step. This is probably the most exciting stuff we're talking about, because if you haven't figured it out, we're not. I'm not teaching how to make a viral video, so none You guys brought your cats with you. Um, you know, that would've been awesome. Um, I don't teach how to make a viral video because I don't think it's possible. And a lot of people every few months I always see an article or something that says, Like, viral video code cracked, proven strategy for reconstructing a viral video. You can't do it. It's not possible. Even even brands like Old Spice who have, you know, they've got the like. Hello, ladies, guy like that video was such a like amazing Internet sensation inspired a lot of other brands make videos. If you go back, they've never been able to replicate or expand upon. Knows original results of that first video. If you don't know I'm talking about, it's It's fine. But their first like set of YouTube videos went really viral, and they've never been able to do better than that. Which is always very fascinating because, in my opinion, a strategy is something that you can replicate, scale and grow. And if they can't do that, um, there's thes, unseen, hidden variables they don't have control of. So that's not the type of strategy I want to teach a business owner. I want something I can just Anybody can take it to step one Step two, Step three. Step three is that magic thing of how we're going to get your videos ranked found day after day, year after year, which is why I've still make sales for a product on bartending, for Here's five years later, and that's what should be very exciting where we can have the results come years down the line. So work up front and results long term, and that kind of addresses the time thing, because now that I think of it, this is one of those tangents I going, Guys, you're gonna get a lot of these. Um, when people complain about the time to go, I'd rather just be on Twitter because it takes me 30 seconds to send out a tweet versus Make a video, which could take me three hours. Well, where your tweets from last week? What are they doing for you today? Because my videos air still getting results for me. So if you're willing, which I know you guys are to take that time a front to do the work can have long lasting results. All right, so people are just wondering. Guess 1 41 for example, How did how to stay consistent? Is that something you'll be covering? Or is that something you can kind of touch on right now? We will talk about that, and I think that's a question. All right, down for Marie. Uh, Marie has made a video a week for the past two years. Maybe a little longer than two years. Um, and she's close to three million views, and I I'm the guy who walks around every day and, like, be consistent, be consistent. And then you go look at my YouTube channel. Even put up a video. Three weeks. Um, so, you know, do what I I say not what I do, Right? So that's a great question. I have some answers for that. Let's go. Let's get another good one in there because I want Murray to answer that one. This one might be from your Maria's Well, but, um, someone was asking what would be the best content toe have as an introductory video. So saying, Hey, I'm starting this channel. I'll be posting for the next year or so, Yeah, One of the things that just happened, uh, because they're staying up to date with all the YouTube stuff is they just unleash a new channel background, and I dont Our channel your cheer channel has a whole new design now, which, like, happened the day before I flew out here. So I'm like, Great. So I like, switched over. But don't look at my channel because it's like, not done, and it looks really bad. Um, so now what they're doing, which is really exciting, is you can kind of have this introductory video that welcomes new subscribers. And, um, that's something that's really, really easy to dio um, really easy to create. Um, And what we'll be talking about in your videos. Every time you make a video, you have an intention in a call to action. So was along with, like, an introductory video. You know what your intention is? Maybe you say, Well, I want people to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Well, then you make sure at the end of every single video or that video, there's a call to action that tells people exactly what to dio, why to do it and how to do it And don't. And don't worry, we'll go over this in more detail. But, you know, if I were to do an intro video like right now, if you guys were never heard of me and you come to my YouTube channel for the first time, I'd say, like, Hey, James, one more here and welcome to my channel, James. One more TV where I talk about everything YouTube and video marketing and anything else that interests me. Uh, we make goofy videos teaching you about stuff on the Internet on, and I come out with a new video every week. Well, just about every week. So to make sure you catch all my future videos, make sure what you do right now. Simply click the subscribe button wherever it would be. I don't know right above me. Eso You can make sure to catch all my upcoming videos, and while you're at it, won't you click below one of my past videos so you can start getting to work on improving your YouTube marketing for your business? Thanks so much. I'll talk to you soon. Simple Little videos Question from Jimmy Rooney, who asked what is most important on YouTube Being different, being better or being yourself being different, better or yourself? I feel that when you are yourself, you are different and better, so I feel those are all the same. So maybe just put your first foot forward is being yourself. But there is a caveat, because I don't really think it's great adviser. Well, let's just be yourself. You wanna be yourself Times 10. It's not be somebody else, but be like I told you guys. I'm the quite shy introvert when I'm not in front of camera doing something like this. It's I really like. People were like, Are you excited or nervous? You're not really talking Are saying you're just sitting there with a blank face and like I know, um, So there was a great Chris Rock quote, um, that a good buddy of mine shared with and I'm gonna botch I'm gonna totally botch it. But basically, it was on an interview and, um, with someone in the new, the interviewer said, Christie seems so, so different. This isn't this isn't you from who I know up on stage, it's not a song who you are. And he said, um, if people knew the real me, they wouldn't I wouldn't be on stage. I have to be 10 times. I have to be three times me in order to be upon stage. So it's still being yourself. Still, being authentic is still being riel. But, um, I'm always gonna encourage you guys to crank up the volume. One of the things that I like to say is that the camera, you know, they say the camera adds £10. That's actually not true what it is I went to like the NBC tour in New York. And what they do is they. Just because the studios air so small, they stretch out the the can't camera angle or whatever. So people in those studios look whiter, but not not like a YouTube video. So, uh, I don't know if the camera makes you look £10 heavier, but what it does do is it takes away like 50% of your energy. So we're so desensitized by by movies and TV that, like, if something like, If we were filming, let's say this way. If you were watching a TV show and someone was at a coffee shop and they jumped on top of the table and they announced something, you go hell, that's kind of funny. But like if you and I were actually at that coffee shop together and I did that, you would freak out and go. What is wrong with this guy? We've been to desensitize. So when you talk at a normal level like you and I have a one on one conversation, we're going to be right here. But when that when people perceive it through the lens through the filter of the video camera, it's like down here So it's always gonna be encouraging for you guys that just push it up to another level or 10. So the camera adds £10 takes away 50% of your energy. Like I said, I can't promise the 1st 1 I don't think it does. You know, is edited in post you know, square stretch yourself. Our, uh we have a lot of questions. One, um, from Zion. What resources do you suggest? For developing a brand for personalities on YouTube, Upcoming YouTube stars, as James calls them people who are the business product. What type of resource is for developing that personality? Um, I don't necessarily know what they're asking. His resource is to me. Sounds like a very broad term. Um, I perceived it as kind of just creating where that person is the like, James. One more. You've created a brand around yourself, so I think he's kind of suggesting, um, like, when I hear right, sources, I think software and websites that I need to know up, so I don't know if that's what they're they're asking. Um, well, they clarify in the chat room. Yeah. Please clarify. Because I want to answer that um, the good news is that with all of this stuff, we don't need a lot of resource is YouTube is free. Most of us have access to some sort of camera. Believe it or not, YouTube actually has a free editing program built in. Once you upload your video, it's very limited. But if you're doing videos on the fly or very simple stuff, it's it's great. And if you are leveraging your time to find other people to make videos for you, you don't even need to worry about editing. Resource is yourself, Um, so that's the really good news is we don't need a lot to get started. That's something else. All address really quick before we get another question in, and I kind of heard it from you guys. I kind of heard from. The people are asking either How do I make my videos better? And or, um, how do I know if my videos air good enough? And the thing is, at the end of the day, I have seen so many people not get started because they see like someone like Marie's video, and they say, Well, if it's not as good as Marie. I don't want to put it up yet, and it's pretty much impossible to do that because the amount of like, you know, the whole practice practice practice practice makes perfect or makes improvement until you dig in and get in the trenches like you can't you can't make something better that doesn't exist. So it really is about starting with where you're at and then seem, is this good enough for my brand? Is this good enough to show to the world because you are gonna be your harshest critic? No one else will. All the things you're saying in your head or we'll see in your head like no one else says, like 10% of that we'll get to those haters and trolls. Those are always fun. Um, so you So you always start with where you're at and we can always we can always That's what I'm always doing. Like I look back at a video two years ago, and it was awesome for me that I was like a pretty good video, and now I'm embarrassed about it. So you're all you always need to be with everything, not just making a video, but everything you're doing in your life is how can I make this better? How can I improve this? How can I make this more awesome? Er be seen awesome or a lot the next three days. So what else? We got more, Uh, so awesome. Or be on the question of what will be the quote of the day summer video. Like this question from the rainy day store. Should you combine personal video posts alongside business video Post, I think that goes back to my life. Seen personal with with business. Um, the answer is based on a case by case, um, scenario, because I'm gonna always recommend everybody. I mean, it's called you tube because it's about you. And what I discovered is the more I kind of pulled back the curtain and I'll be showing you guys specific examples of this and just kind of became this real authentic. Like, this is me. This is my life. This is what I'm doing today. This is what I like that I mean, my buddy who were going to be showing him today he was someone who really helped me see the world of YouTube from the YouTube superstar style side. He has 110 plus 1,000,000 views on his YouTube channel. Has been doing YouTube since the first year of its inception. Um, it's all he does. He doesn't own a Facebook. He doesn't own a Twitter. It's his entire business. And he makes his videos of him flying around little remote control airplanes. And he does extremely well. And I remember watching one of his videos, and at the end of his video was him and he has a parrot. The pair. It was him on it on his arm and he just talking to the parents, parishes like right. And he's just like doing it back, too. And they're having this conversation. It goes on for, like, 45 seconds of the end of this video. So here people coming to his video because they want to learn about how to fly the right remote control airplane like what's the right model for them, how much they need to spend on buying on stuff and they stay for this him in this talking parrot and then you go look in the comments like allows the coolest pair were compared. Bird is that is amazing so there's a right way to it to answer that question. A long, drawn out way. There's a right way to integrate your story. Your personal experience and everything that you do is a normal human being that makes you unique. Makes you makes you likeable into the business and the message that you're sharing. And on the third day, we have, ah, very good friend of mine. Uh, stew McClaren, who is thief, founder of ah, little piece of software out there called Wish List member and Rhino Support, which they're not little. They're huge, Um, and he's only talking on the topic of visual storytelling, which is actually my favorite topic because it's how we can bring the story element, whether it's your story, your products story, the story of one of your students, customers, etcetera. Bring that to life and really be able to connect with your audience. So there's so much stuff that that can happen here. And that's really why I get so excited about YouTube is like, Yeah, I can share your three step strategy, you know, and you go. I know exactly what to dio, but this is very left brained. This is the left brain of it. This is the mathematics side. This is the how to this is the step by step. But what we're gonna be doing is layering on top this entire right brain creative side and that it's like all up to you is a PSA much imaginative and fun and creative you want to get is what is possible with with YouTube and can make that work. And that is that's what I'm always doing is like, I don't start anymore with, like, what kind of topic should I come up with its like, what crazy dumb idea do I have at the moment that I, like, thought of in the shower, driving or whatever and then how can I connect up with the strategy? Okay, so, um, I'm just so excited. So we have any other awesome questions? You're doing great. We dio we have a question that I think kind of relates to Randy. I know Randy has a physical product and we have to give it with you right now. Just in a shirt pocket. That's so clear, you no big deal. I Yeah, it's a It's a smartphone. Now, for tonight, here. But It's a nice my intended Mike. So it's Ah, it's a smartphone Mount and I have an IPhone here, but it's in a case most Ah, uh, contraptions like this require you not to have a case where a specific case eso this fits most phones, including the Sampson Galaxy s three. Hopefully the S for whenever that comes out. Um, but yeah, it's ah, it was funded on Kickstarter in November, was manufactured and in ah, January, and it was shipped out to all of the backers in last month. So now it's product, and I need to figure out what to do with it from here. And what was the question for Randi? Can I take a look at it? It's just related to Randy in the sense that a few people are asking about physical products and how to create that use that seldom So yeah, no, that's great. And that's why we're excited to have Randi because, yes, even though this is a video related thing, you know, I don't want that, too. People to get stuck on that. It doesn't matter what the physical product is. There is a way we can sell it on YouTube, and this is really cool. The tripods right in there. And it's also a windshield mount for GPS. No way. Okay, cause I saw in your video you had it up there. That's great. I'm really excited.
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.