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Beginning Sawing & Piercing for Jewelry Making

Bonnie Heras

Beginning Sawing & Piercing for Jewelry Making

Bonnie Heras

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Class Description

Earrings are an essential accessory and a fun piece of jewelry to make – learn the basics of metal work in Beginning Sawing & Piercing for Jewelry Making.

Bonnie Heras has spent 14 years studying fine jewelry and sculpture. In this class you’ll learn the complete process for creating brass and silver domed metal earrings. Bonnie will teach:

  • Transferring a design to the metal of your choice
  • The basics of sawing, piercing, and filing
  • How to finish and polish your design

You’ll learn the basics of metal earring production – from printing a design to annealing your metal. Bonnie will show you exactly what it takes to transform common metals into a finished product.

Check the bonus materials below for a complete product list of the tools and supplies you need to finish this project.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Bonnie Heras - Beginning Sawing and Piercing Supply List.pdf
Bonnie Heras - Sawed and Pierced Earring Template.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Valerie Dingler

I learned so much from this class!

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