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Food for Fuel with guest Scott Jurek

Lesson 3 from: All In One Life: HEALTH + ENERGY

Tamara Lackey

Food for Fuel with guest Scott Jurek

Lesson 3 from: All In One Life: HEALTH + ENERGY

Tamara Lackey

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3. Food for Fuel with guest Scott Jurek

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Food for Fuel with guest Scott Jurek

I'm sitting here with Scott Jurich, which is pretty amazing. So I just say that again. So I'm sitting with what's really cool. I'm gonna feel a little bit. And in the next two days, I'm gonna be, like, goopy and sad and just I wanted to build this course basically reach out to people I thought would be the most amazing people over tohave. And it's got was the very person person I called. I called actually emailed. You would be too afraid of cancer. You actually answered. I emailed thinking, you know, this I would love. And then when you responded, yes, I said, Okay, everything is gonna be awesome from here. Eso Scott, Many people know if you can see every hair is but cover eaten run His unlikely journey to ultramarathon greatness. You're not kidding. It gets really interesting when he talks to his progression of how where he started, where he is now. This is an incredibly inspiring read. It's very it's emotional on bits, informative, like you actually learned a lot along the way. But w...

hat's really interesting? I don't know if I told you this I got this is gift for my husband Well, before any of you know, I thought to reject like that on dumb. And I first learned about Scott when I had run board Red born run. And then again with Tim Ferriss is the four hour body. You keep being held up as this, you know, ultimate. The old time at no pressure crazy. But what I'm fascinated by is how what you could make your body do. Based on what? Your mind what you set your mind to on what you can overcome in terms of the unbelievable obstacles, hallucination, vomiting, all the rest of the funds. 25 degree temperatures in Death Valley like, yeah, things that most people are like. I just want to know how I can get home and not go to the couch like so what I would love is for you to tell us, You know, a little bit about kind of how you got here. Um, if you don't mind bragging a little bit some of your accomplishments and, um and then you know how you found your way to being so focused on fuel as the optimal resource for being able to power yourself to do the things you dio on Ben last day. I know you just got back from Ethiopia, which is dear to my heart as well. Some of the projects we're working on Show that to and then a cooking demo. We only want you to do a whole bunch of things. Yeah, it's gonna be busy. Busy time here, But thanks for having and I mentioned to list it is one of the all time. I mean, I do a little bit more bragging one of the all time world's greatest runners. Like, complete with, like, that one guy in the seventh century. Theo. Yeah. The guy who started the Olympics was in there, the Greek Olympics, back of the day, Like a compelling amazing stuff. So yes, please. Big time. Um well, first off, I don't have a lot of people. No, but I was not always a, you know, crazy ultra marathoner or somebody who ate a plant based diet. I grew up in northern Minnesota spending a lot of time in the kitchen because my mother was a home EC teacher and she had us note in the kitchen at a young age, like, three years old onto, you know, basically learning how to fend for myself both in the kitchen. My father and my grand parents taught me how to hunt and fish. I was, you know, a Minnesota backwards boy. Not somebody who I used to hate running. Believe it or not, I tell this to people because as a kid I hated running and hated vegetables. And somebody hears an ultra marathoner fuel done and you shot and killed. And now you're like, Yeah, well, you know, respect those roots. And that's, you know, that's where it came from and along the way. And I learned a ton and, you know, from spending time in the garden and, you know, growing my own food dreading, of course, picking rocks and weeding the garden, all those things that kids dread. But I learned a lot from it, and it shaped me into the individual. I am now my mother, also at a young age, you know, develop multiple sclerosis. And so at the young age of you know, eight years old, I saw my mother, you know, start to stumble and have difficulty walking, not having the energy. And before I knew it, I was having basically cook for the family, my brothers and sisters and I had to pick up the slack and eight year old at eight years old. So that really shaped me, too. So I I like to think, you know, my parents and my upbringing really turned me into ultramarathon. Or somebody who can endure somebody who could get through those tough moments in life and then also reconnect with my past of you know how toe live off the land, so to speak and how to eat better toe fuel my body to perform the feats I've done. So yeah, the races that have done have included the Western States miler, which is run from Squaw Valley, California over the Sierra Mountains through the American River Canyon. Fact, at 78 miles across the American River on this is the best part of the race because it's over 100 degree temperatures at this point, you know, it's just blazing hot in the month of June, and you know it's a race that I My fastest time was 15 hours and 36 minutes and give people an idea. That's nine minutes 22 seconds. Average mile pace for 100 miles over that type of terrain. So, uh and all you know, you have to fuel your body. You have to be eating while you're what you doing your meeting the whole time? Definitely, definitely. You know, I've done things such as the Badwater Ultramarathon that looks intense. It is intense. It's, you know, hot like that. It's held in Death Valley, the hottest time of the year, and the goal there is to find the most difficult conditions. And it's 135 miles, starting at the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. And the goal is to get the highest point in the lower 48 which is on Whitney alive on, uh, hopefully still last standing and all in one piece. But temperatures approach 25 degrees. When you can see that's not water on the pavement that is those air heat waves. You've got towering mountains over the top of it looks like a moonscape, but it's it's really an amazing event. I've done it a couple times. I don't know if I need to keep repeating when you coming back, it's Ah, it's some of the most extreme conditions. A lot the last Scott. Why did they pull these events and these crazy conditions? And it's really, I think, to not just pushed the physical body. But, as you mentioned earlier, really kind of test the mental limits. Really push in a situation where you know, I actually, there's no choice. It's It's kind of like life. I mean, you get into tough situations, you get into challenges, you get into chaos. That happens. Everybody. No matter how smooth life might seem, we're gonna hit those low points. And in ultramarathon, especially in Death Valley, you're gonna hit a low point or probably a couples, and so it against a second. But when you're hitting that point, like obviously, you know that the only way out is through Definitely. Is that I mean, what do you actually saying yourself? You like, it's degrees. I have 55 miles more to go, and I don't feel like it. I try to remember things. For instance, I ran a race for 24 hours around a one mile loop. Andi set an American record at the time, which has since been broken, but 100 and 65 miles for 24 hours or on a one mile loop, and my mother had passed away just a few months earlier. And, you know, I drew on like her strength and, you know, and I think people I need to have, like whether it's mantra is whether it's somebody or something they're running for. So in those tough moments, you can kind of rely upon that and be like, OK, I need to get myself off the pavement. I need to get myself back out there and running again. And there been times where I've been flat on my back in Death Valley puke my guts out, thinking, Why am I going on? But you have to find that source of strength, and I think that's true in life. Something that you've decided upon beforehand. That's your touchdown. It's decide beforehand. And remember, in those tough moments, this is what I'm gonna drawn strength, you know. And sometimes it's like, OK, you know, sometime prison. Really, it's, you know, it's the wind. It's the competition that's pushing me forward. And other times it might be something outside of that, because at the end of the day I've won a bunch of races. But you know, it's hard sometimes just to rely upon that win or the success. You have to rely on other things to get you through this stuff. A Z mentioned I've traveled down to the Copper Canyon in Mexico and ran with the Tora Mearns, as detailed by Christopher McDougall, is born to run. It was a really unique experience, basically running with these people who live in the traditional manner they have for centuries, you know, watching what how they moved, you know, watching them run in simple Karachi sandals, nothing complex watching and eat simple food such as young burritos with just beings mashed beans on thirties. And they pull him out of their satchels as were out running. And, you know, it's just a really unique experience of people who want to read more about that. Check it out on born to run but alongside thes people. Basically, I've always tried to keep learning throughout my life and learning from these individuals, and I found things that gave me a little bit more reason of why I run these crazy races, and I write every day and compete as well as just try to stay fit and healthy and what I can learn from them for longevity and efficiency and living. So yeah, really cool. I've run a race color sparked off on which 152 miles through Greece, from Athens to Sparta and a commemorates the deputies run. Did that other guy? Exactly. And it's it's amazing race, You know, the Greeks are no necessary for their running tradition, but the whole Olympiad tradition. You know, the people that kids come out in droves, you come out through these villages and they're just tons of kids s. So it's really a blast. Races like the Ultra Trail to Mt. Blanc, which I've competed in, basically 100 on six miles that circumnavigates Mount Blanc. And as you can see, a lot of people assume Okay, Scott has it easy. You can see I've got knee that I've, like, banged up, right, totally got blood flowing from it. This is the next morning, the sunrise. A lot of these races and I'm running through the night through the dark and into the next sunrise. Happy. I know it doesn't like some of these others where I've got an air cast on my ankle from spreading it. You know, on the outside, it doesn't look like I'm happy or, you know, I'm actually I'm working hard and it's not easier you're in. Yeah, I'm in the zone, so to speak in that moment, but it's like life. I mean, life isn't always easy. And so you have to get through those low points to get to the high points. And then there are a lot of high points where you're just like for me. I get out there and I'm running and hardly even feel the effort. And that's what I think I keep going back for Is finding those you like. You're running? You're like, Oh my God, I definitely were just, you know, you just flow. Yeah, People talk about flow. They talk about Satori. I mean, you name it whatever zone and that that happens. I mean, it's just were like nothing else matters. You know, running sometimes for me is a meditation. Sometimes it's a struggle. Sometimes I'm trying to learn what I can from it, and then other times it's just it's happening. I'm just in the moment I'm running in nature, wild animals, rattlesnakes, bears you know you name it mountain lions, but I'm just part of nature and just kind of said you were raised by lines earlier. You know, definitely. But I sprained my ankle two days before the Hard Rock 100 a couple of years ago went on to win that race with a badly sprained ankle. You know, the Hard Rock 100 Traverse is an amazing mountain range called San Juan's in Colorado. It's the average elevation giving idea is over 11,000 feet, so it's like breathing through a straw the whole time. You know, the altitude and the demands on your body. I don't think in advance like, How do you train? I didn't I went down for a month beforehand and then decided to play soccer with the Y M C, a group with much of five and six year old kids and then sprained my ankle in it. But he had spent all this time before the race trying Teoh, you know it prepped for it all this time it altitude because I had to get my body used to it and get used to the hills because there's over 33, feet of climbing climbing to 33,000 feet. That is like, What is 35? I'm trying to think what that isn't climbing. I mean, it's close to if you were to started sea level and climb to the top of Mount Everest somewhat. Wow. But over the course of 100 miles doing that and all at high altitude, you're ready and you win and I want you know, that I went out. I can't believe I actually finished. I want the whole thing exactly. And I set a new course record at that point, you know, literally days after spraining my ankle. So I'll talk a little bit later about thinking of I didn't do ibuprofen. It was all natural. I'll talk about food as kind of medicine and a bit, and that's it's really what it comes down to me. Throughout my career, I was fortunate in college to realize you're working through hospitals, having a mother and multiple sclerosis, a chronic disease, figuring out you know what, What am I doing? Because I was eating a lot of junk food. People like I was eating fast food four times a week, working in a mall through my college years and then working in hospitals later and then seeing my mother year after year. Just her illness, you know, just wreak havoc on her body. And after I got to a point where I'm like, you know, maybe I should take a look at things and I read Dr Andrew Weil spontaneous healing, and that was a real revelation to me. It was like, you know, I had high blood pressure is a kid which I detail and eat and run you to the point where physicians want to put me on blood pressure medication at years old. And, you know, that was probably one wake up call. And then later in life, I was liking on college eating junk food and realized like, Okay, this Andrew Weil guy, he's talking about eating more plants and how the Japanese, you know, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and you know, things like seaweed and just really wholesome food. And that really started, changed my thinking and just really got me on different paths. Open your mind because you and I share the the love that we used to have for Whoppers. And she's balls. Definitely. I remember you eat the whole box of whoppers, which is, like, the worst food ever. Yeah, it's like of the worst foods. It's the worst. Third. Sorry, Whoppers. Just like the saturated. Yeah, there's plenty of stuff. So that was a real revelation for me. And it just kind of catapulted me, and I started to really think about what am I putting into my body? So So this is around college. You start getting conscious of it. Definitely. Yeah. College decided. Teoh, start eating a few more fruits and vegetables started. Hey. Yeah, I hate him as a kid, and now the Senate needed to kind of immerse myself in that, and I'm actually gonna have a recipe. That was one of the recipes that really, like Kick starting the until plants for food and vegetarian foods. So we'll cook some Minnesota chili because one of the things that we hear over and over again, again way had the luxury of doing a lot of kind of market research ahead of time, what people wanted. And a lot of people don't really know how to work More vegetables. You don't like vegetables or like what? I need another salad. I don't really know how to get a lot more on their plate, regardless of whether whatever your food following is, we all need to eat a lot of vegetables. And I love how a lot of your recipes include excessive amounts of them. Yeah, that's that's what I feel my body with you 100% since 1999. All of my winds of Western states want it seven times in a row. Set a new course record on my six try and you know, running Badwater Sparked hath on winning those races multiple times. The hard rock 100 is mentioned all fuelling by plants. So if the Minnesota backwoods boy dio anybody could do and you know if it's even for somebody like you know, we're gonna talk here in a second, it's it's not about you don't have to go fully plant based like Scott Jurich. You can go to the level of just Hey, I'm gonna eat less processed food. I'm gonna not eat as much fast food or I'm now gonna eat plant based one day a week or one meal a week, and I've had people who have just totally transformed their lives in their later years. 50 sixties and a six year olds come up to me and you know, I really changed things, and I really, you know, you have resonated with me like I needed to change my diet. It's never too late, and it's a lot of fun. I enjoyed it and I think to like if you're you're sitting there just looking at him, the energy level, right? It is a lot of fun. A lot of people surprise hold. I mean, I've been putting pushing my body for almost 20 years, running quite a quite a few years, almost 20 years running, ultramarathons. And then that's racist over marathon distances on. And, you know, I should be, like, hunched over and really old, and I'm approaching 40. Fascinating. Thanks. I really look at the human body were like race cars. You know, we we can obviously put regular unleaded into the gas tank. You could get a racecar going and it would actually drive with regular unleaded. Probably, you know, um, but, you know, will it sustain what it needs to do in terms of mechanical bases? And that's well, I really look at our bodies. We can sustain life on really low grade fuel. You know, in terms of junk food, highly processed food. I was there. That's like everybody else and you could do that. But it'll sustain life, but it won't sustain health. And I think that's what everybody wants. Teoh. Be healthier. We want to live longer. We want to be more youthful. We want Thio more energy, more energy. You want to be able to chase their kids around. We want to be able to taste our grandkids around whatever it is you know, work into our later years doing the things that we love. So I think, you know, it's it's really important. So most people have that as a goal. So really, I look at his high octane fuel. Um, you know, the reason we need to really look at that is, you know, we want to sustain health, not just life. That's not just get through it, um, key thing. Teoh. We are responsible for health. I mean, there's nobody else. That's you know, we can have physicians. We can have friends tell us, say you need to do this. You needed that. But they can maybe fix us they can help us. But at the end of the day, that's what happened to me. Like I realized I'm responsible. I don't have somebody else helping me. And I saw my mother, you know, even a disease like multiple sclerosis. You know, how does that fit into the picture? And how can we change the course of disease? Even with my own case of you, having high blood pressure is a kid. So it's really, really woke me up in terms of were responsible for health. As I mentioned long longevity, Everybody wants to live longer, be healthier, feel that feel better, look better. And that's obviously a big thing in our culture. And a lot of people are surprised that can be done if you fuel the body with better fuel. Yeah, I'm surprised how many people don't recognize the connection between what you put in your body, and we know that it makes you feel better. But also like the impact will you know in terms of will go spend money on makeup. Yeah, it's interesting. Well, it's not like skin you mentioned scanner. There's things like a mega three fatty acids, essential fatty acids and how that influences. I've had friends and even my wife having pretty severe skin problems. Exuma. And you know, it wasn't until she transition to, you know, Ah, plant based fully plant based. I cut the dairy out and then incorporated her essential fatty acids. And that's something that people don't realize. Essential fatty acids play a big role in skin health. All that fatty acids is really one of the hottest things right now, of course, to satisfaction. I get a lot of satisfaction out of, you know, cooking out of, you know, fueling my body. I think as an athlete to knowing what I'm putting into my body in knowing, like, I'm gonna make a difference versus just filling up the tank down with local fast food joint or something like that it again and a lot of athletes who do that. But long term, you know what other bodies like in 15 20 years? How are they performing on a consistent basis? And that's my consistency throughout the years really paid off. My recovery from hard workouts has paid off by knowing the way you talk with satisfaction. Good health. One of the things that I want to talk about is cooking because most people don't want to cook unless you love cooking or identify yourself as a cook. A lot of people say, you know, it's just a little time. So hassle, what is your? You cook often and you have busy schedules. You're out there running the world. What? You know, what's your mentality around cooking in terms of prioritizing? I think you know, my mother made us sit around a kitchen table for an hour every night. She was like enough. I made this meal. You guys gonna sit down and eat it on and we're gonna spend hours a family? And so I got into that, um, I guess at a young age and then later in college, I kind of forgot about then reintroducing it back into my everyday life. Now it's like I use that time to cook and prepare a meal as a social. So, you know, my wife and I get in the kitchen, spend time time on the radio, you know, get educated at the same time, and you can multi task while you cook. You also have this connection to for cooking for friends and family, just having that social time of, you know, I'm gonna tune out everything else and everybody has time. We like to say we don't have time, but it's usually the effort part I organization. Yeah, I get home, you know, 7 30 at night after working, or I'm just tired after a long day of working out and doing all this stuff have to do for work managing my life and then getting down and like, cooking at seven o'clock at night, I usually as a time to unwind. Yeah, it's just really a good, like stress reliever taking that toe. Think like pieces. I come home from work. I'm tired. A lot of ultra runners like myself. I mean, I haven't been able to go professional ultramarathon make a living doing it until most recently, Like I worked, you know, a 10 hour day job is physical. Therapist manage my own business doing all of those things on top of training. So if I go around doing training runs for 30 40 miles on the weekend and so you have to find the time and just prioritising for that satisfaction And what also, when I'm here, you're saying something that I have discovered in my own life in terms of just wanting to find, create the time and have a reward out of it. The ward isn't just the great health you get by the of a crater, a meal. It's also you can actually enjoy the experience by just reframing how you see it. You say it, make it make it about connection. And experience is slowing down and meditative and giving yourself that stress relieving thing instead of being one more thing I video little look at it is like it's one more thing for work, you know, it's stressful and there's some things to make it easier. So we'll talk about that now. Is that there? I know there's a lot of debate, and I'm sure we're gonna have a lot of people China and even just in our audience here or online wondering. OK, well, there's all these diets out there. It's really confusing. Trust me. I'm shocked at how much of a pressure point question it is like people get in. Oh, yeah, and it's like any other major issue. It's like, Yeah, Middle East. It's like it's really tough with that people cause they're They're really diehard about their diet following. So I'm gonna simple high. Just say if you look at most of the diets there, including plant foods, or if you look at the most long live cultures across the globe, sure, some of them might have some meat fish in it, but at the end of the day, they all have plant foods in there. They're all you know, stables. Whether it's fruits, veggies, you know, some are gonna have more fruits, some more veggies. You go to the Arctic. Of course, they're not gonna have any fruits and veggies, but it just depends on where these people live are from but in general, there eating off the land and eating very much. So plant based for a good chunk of it anyway. And I just came back from Ethiopia, as you mentioned, you know, that is a culture where it's not only, you know, religious, but also just part of their culture where they eat essentially plant based for two days out of the week. Do the religious reasons as well is just what's available to them, you know, legumes and being So you look at these cultures they're using these whole grains and beans. And there's some, you know, diets now that say, Don't incorporate the grains or beans aren't something we should be eating. But in general, if you look at the benefits from those food and if you look at the high numbers of people who have consumed those for centuries upon centuries, there's some of the best foods that we can get our hands on. So, um, what is good feel? I like Teoh break down. It's gotta be simple. It shouldn't be like it shouldn't have an ingredient list that's, you know, full of all kinds of stuff that you do not pronounce. So when you look at the label, remember, seven is bad. Yeah, it should be simple. Number two. It's got to be whole or should be mostly hole like, you know, the less processed food, and I incorporate a little process food here and there. But in general, I try to make sure that I'm starting from scratch, right, so we'll talk about a couple ingredients I use that aren't but for the general purposes, it should be whole. And then I tried incorporate a lot of organic, and I know people say organics expensive. And I remember the first time like buying organic. I'm like, there's no way I'm buying. You know, these $5 apples, or whatever it is, I was dire, but I look at it as cheap health insurance. I'm investing in my health. I gotta go. I just talked about this way. You're Gino. Really? Four. I didn't see it. I know it was so good, though. I can't believe you missed out. Um, he was here, actually. Thank you. Yeah, organic is. But getting the food, like our grandparents and great grandparents used to harvest and grow. And I was saying, like, I grew up having gardens and my grand parents, you know, taking me places and picking our own fruits or, you know, going and filling up the milk bottles, you know, from the local farmer. Those are things that we've kind of lost. And now we have to pay for a little bit more, and we have to pay more for food. I mean, if you look at it, we've you know, we're paying out 25 percent of our typical. They're actually less now. I think it's closer to 15. 20% of your income. Where is it? It was higher back in 20 years ago. Yeah, you have to look at his chief health insurance. And then, of course, on my fried can't say enough about plants and incorporating those. And for me, a plant based diet keeps me, you know, in line. Um, could I eat meat? A lot of people asking Could I eat dairy? Sure, but a plant based diet kind of keeps me on track, so I eat more good stuff, right? And I think I tried out the stuff when you feel yourself. Exactly. Yeah, Exactly. So how do you re full? I think usually analogy to like, there's a lot of choices, you know, picking the right fuel. You know, what should I put in my gas tank in terms of our stomach? What should we feel our body with? And, you know, where do we get that? You know, in terms of the right fueling stations. And that's always a big question. Um, improving fuel efficiency. This is where you know, we know, in order to improve fuel efficiency, you've gotta increase the tire pressure. You gotta make sure the tires you gotta You gotta make sure that, you know, you replace the fuel filter and yes, you dio This is what we were just talking about. You got into it already about, like, meal prep. And yes, it takes time. But these are the things like if you don't do it on a vehicle gas mileage, you can't even know you're putting high grade fuel. But that's a great analogy, because we get that like we get it. And yet it's just like but how can this be taken off the plate? And I don't want to do it. We're gonna go to get and you will suffer. You suffer that the quality of the product suffers product. You definitely And we mentioned, you know, meal prep. You know, it's really like what's happening culturally. It used to be like this time we spent everybody spent time president, meaningful time of connectivity. Definitely. I mean, we couldn't afford typically to go out to you. I mean, I remember is a family. My family were in food stamps for a while. I mean, we couldn't afford to go out to eat. Going out to eat was like for birthdays. That was it. So now we have this ability. Go it to eat. We're missing out on that experience that we all get our phones. Thank you. Meal planning is a big thing. Soas faras like improving, you know, making sure we get that fuel efficiency getting that high grade field. You it helps toe plan a meal. I mean, for me, I try to think of, at least, you know, during during front end of the week, what am I gonna be eating for at least the next couple days? Or if you know, those of you go to the grocery store for a week. What are you gonna eat for that week? Even just having three or four meals or two or three, you intentionally consider how do I get everything I need? Buy it now. Is that later? I'm not stuck and just get crap it exactly. I mean, it's it's hard cause you'd look in the fridge. And if it's not there, Yeah, you're not gonna make a meal, right? You're not gonna prepare. It just doesn't happen. I mean, I'm just like everybody else. It's like if I don't come back from traveling on the cash, I don't have any of this and what I do. I go to eat, you know? Go on, get something. It's not. You were A badge awaits, but I'm going out to eat once again. So I think that's key grocery list to There's great APS out there. I mean, I use things like grocery like you to remember. Like I'm out of this ingredient assumes I'm out of it, punched into the APP. It's on my list right away. There's a lot of useful tools and technology to help you Planet meal, you know, grocery lists, you name it. It's really key. And then, of course, cook offs. I like to do like Sunday cook offs, and basically, on the weekend I'll make two or three meals that are going to be utilized. It sounds a sporty I'm not planning ahead. I'm doing a freaking cook off. Yeah, exactly. I like that. It's helpful to do. I mean, it takes work. But if you can pick a couple meals that you can prepare and get the family involved, just be like, Hey, we're gonna make a big salad and that's what I like to do. I look at make a huge black hill salad dinosaur Kala kale salad where I just combined everything I need to make a big bowl of it. And it's gonna last for a couple days to three days. Andi, think leftovers should go back in vogue. And a lot of people don't, um, think leftovers air cooler that you know as good. But leftovers are great for lunch is you know, they actually, when you cooking it like stews and stuff, they become more flavorful. Definitely. Yeah. Just forget to actually gets better. So I try to do that. And then dinner days. I picked days where, you know, I'm gonna cook dinner tonight. It might take me an hour, hour and 1/2 but I am gonna take the time to do this. And that's that's what I really try to focus on Is building that time and realized, like, Okay tonight. So you know, it's gonna be an hour of cooking, but I'm gonna have food. Tea exorcise one more drain on you for now. And it doesn't have to be complicated. My friend Mark Goodman is was time. Yeah, you know, I really resonated. And when I had to cook for him when he was doing an article on me. I didn't know he's gonna be like, OK, cook a meal for me. But he was like, Wow, you can actually cook. I mean, it was like Iron Chef on, you know, his whole thing, too, is like people need to get in the kitchen and you don't have to make things come paid. So we're gonna do some really simple stuff here Later on. You guys run first started. It was really neat. So he was impressed. He's like, Well, you can actually cook in your taste. Yeah, I mentioned I had sprained my ankle and you know, some of the things that I did which no recipes in my book as well as recipes that we're gonna talk about in a sec here, these having components. And they're all from natural substances from Bromell in which is in pineapple Teoh, arnica, Montana, which is a homeopathic remedy. Essential fatty acids have an anti inflammatory component. You know, a lot of buzz now about anti inflammatory and garlic ginger to Merrick, these air all you know, I kind of feel like foods. They're almost like medicine. And that's I think that's what Hippocrates. I mean, this is dating again. We keep going back to the Greeks, you know, looking at food as medicine, not as you know, just something we throw in our body. It can really help us heal from injuries or insults to chronic disease, But then it can also just keep in ward off. I have a dear friend who has been dealing with fibromyalgia for a while, and she has heavy amounts of American or system on purpose. And that's how I started learning about that. The anti inflammatory thing is big, and that's why the gluten free rage and all that stuff that rage movement is because of the idea of controlling that inflammatory nature. Can you Can you chat from inflammatory like what that means? Because I think we hear that a lot like anti inflammatory like So I swell less? Yeah, inflammation. I mean, there's there's inflammation from, say, the musculoskeletal system. You know, we've all had a strain or bruise or, you know, some type of injury like that. And then there's so that's more specific. Teoh A body part or a body area hurting your ankle? Yeah, hurting me, hurting my ankle. You know, it's definitely It was an acute injury. And you know the body's natural response to an injury like that is to, you know, produce prostaglandins. And there's good prostaglandins, which are these chemical mediators in terms of making sure the inflammation occurs because we want to bring in swelling. We want to bring in, you know, the healing components, you know, that could come in tow, help the healing occur. So that's why we swell. That's why it hurts. So we don't move it as much like we want to get the new blood flow to that area. Of course, if it goes on too long, then we're talking chronic inflammation and chronic inflammation can result in specific joint stuff like osteoarthritis or other inflammatory things. Or, you know, people have information in their digestive system or as a general body, you know, people talk about, you know, from you name it, looking at gluten intolerance or some other type of more body system information. They're looking at that overall picture, and then that goes on. And that causes what and that can call it cause, you know, general inflammation throughout the body, and it effects body systems so they don't work is properly, you know, from the cardiovascular system to, you know, the skin people getting inflammatory responses in their skin and reactions to things so it can manifest itself in the larger body systems. That makes sense a lot of sense. Yeah, I don't get that total expert, but is a piece that somebody is a physical therapist dealing with information on a regular basis that you know, various. And of course, people are dealing with a more systematic level or body system approach, and I want to hear you saying is yes, you can go out and get a medicine that's gonna cause a lot of side effects. Or you could just really great foods to do the same thing exactly and and boost. And you know, there's cases where yeah, you may have to use the medication, but in general, if you feel your body properly chancellor, you want to take as much of. And that's evidenced with people reversing diabetes, heart disease with more plants and more plant foods in their diet and changing things to, of course, such as exercise patterns. And so what I look at, you know, in terms of incorporating more plants, it's really a method of integration rather than elimination. Everybody thinks of like Okay, well, you eat this way. You can't eat X, Y and Z. Everybody is like, you know What do you eat night? I try to tell them. You know, I get to eat X, Y and Z rather than I can't eat. I really tried to focus on the things I can't eat, such as getting more plants. And as an athlete, quantity is a big issue. You know how much I'm getting is key in Those who are, you know, say tryingto better, their body composition, whether it's lose weight, lose some of the body fat there, Of course, on the other side, I'm trying to get more because I'm exercising a lot. Other people might need to adjust that it makes. They're not getting too much. You're 8 to 9000 calories a day. I mean, on the high end, that's unlike trying to make up. I mentioned a little bit a couple slides later here, about 5000 plus nine thousands really, like I had to have been training like +23 days pretty hard, you know, 30 40 miles a day in the previous days. It's a lot quality is key and, as I mentioned more the good stuff, and that's really where I try to focus. That's what I try to get people doing right away after you've got the quantity down, focus on the quality and here's the slide past 5000 calories, one of that, that's not the norm. Every day like today. If I ate 5000 calories and not exercising a bunch, yeah, I'd gain weight just like anybody, right? So it's not Not typical. It's more in those heavy periods of training that we do that I mentioned earlier in terms of whole foods. Organic. Once again, I love farmers markets. You have gardens. You know, just getting your food as local as possible as fresh as possible is really key and, you know, obviously doing the winner. It's tougher. Yes, in areas if you live in Southern California here, blessed with around year round stuff. So let's break it down here before we go into the recipes. Carbohydrate, fat protein. A lot of people ask, you know how much carbohydrate and there's a lot of diets out. There is something you should get, you know, 70% carbohydrates, some saying 19. It all depends, but as somebody who's active as much as I am and repeating, I'm doing about 50 to 60% carbohydrate because I need to do a little bit more fat to get calories. Otherwise, I'd be eating all day. 5000 calories of carbohydrates is a lot to get down. A lot of mashed potatoes, a lot of pasta. So I try to incorporate things such as fruits and vegetables, potatoes, sweet potatoes, whole grains. You know when I'm doing my grains, I try to get things that is, you know, whether it's oats or, you know, barley flakes in the morning for breakfast. Legumes, things like lentils, beans. They're a great staple for carbohydrate sprouted grain. To some people who aren't familiar with that, check it out. It's amazing. Spread a grade. It's it's got a very high protein content relative to any other type of grains. I'm sorry, whole grain bread because it started sprouting process. It typically has the whole grain intact. It's not just a flower that's been milled, and it's something that cultures such as they've seen, have been utilizing. So is equal for nine. And there's even Bible verses reference. So it's pretty pretty fast. It's awesome, in fact, that the burger recipe later on we'll have that that incorporated to, um, the bread crumbs. So looking at fat, this'd a big one. And for me, as an athlete as well as we mentioned earlier about, like skin conditions, people fat had such a bad rap for so many years, and fat is important. I love that. You know, fat is good. So you could just gotta make sure you're getting the good stuff. Was something that I incorporate years ago used to, you know, grind my flax seeds. And I used to, you know, Brian, my hemp seeds to get my essential fatty acids all this stuff. Wouldn't doctor while was promoting right need to get your flax seed. You need to get your central fatty acids and the easy way Now that I get, make sure I'm getting enough essential fatty acids. Omega three Omega six is or making nine is through Kudos oil, and it's just a combination of all that, and it's combination. Flax seed oil. It's combination wheat germ oil. It just simplifies it so I don't have it takes the guesswork out of it. Basically, so that's looking I use. You don't want to suit with essential fatty acids, particularly omega threes. You don't want to heat it. So this is in salad dressings. I throw in my smoothies. You can even take it by the tablespoon. You know when I'm traveling, I will just pour some of that into a tablespoon and take a couple of day. It's just oil, so it's It's nothing crazy. It's not a supplement, but it's a blend of oils, making sure that you're getting your threes, your sixes and nines was shot a coconut wheel and just eat rabbit food like peanut butter. Yeah, you could definitely do that. Of course, it's got a lot of calories, and these all have a lot of calories. You want to get enough way should probably take a moment to clarify, because I spent a lot of time talking about the beauty of healthy fats and mood in terms of boosting mood and giving your brain Can your side just a pure clear? We're talking a certain level of moderation and you say 20 to 30% you know it's not all day long. Yeah, it's definitely. We have a craving for fat. There's no doubt about it. It's one of the big ones with salt and sugar, of course, being the other two. And when you get it, you crave it more, Get it more. And if he knows the last light, it didn't have sugar. I mean, that's a big one. Is first carbohydrate most people tons of sugar in their diet. So you really want to cut that down and replace it with some of the other foods they mentioned. Olive oil, avocados, things like almond butter, coconut oil. I mean young coconut. It's one of the pictures there, me scooping out of the young coconut, just eating it fresh like that, Um, great things. And Chia seeds or super popular now Asian cultures. Of course, sesame oil is a great omega six fatty acid. It's great for stir frying because a lot of these oils you don't want to overheat like olive oil. And that's where I used coconut oil is to for sauteing and things like that. Yeah, cheese. I use that into tapioca sometimes to make it like a tapioca pudding, because my son thinks tapioca look like creepy balls well, they look like frogs that she is a little less creepy for somebody there still ball, like definitely, well, protein. I saved the best for last. Everybody wants to know, Like, where do you get your protein? Scott, If you're not eating, you know, animal sources of protein, you're using muscles. You're breaking down protein a lot, a lot, and you know I need the power. You know, it's almost like doing strength workouts when you climb hills that are, you know, 10,000 feet of climbing over the course of a day. You need that muscle breakdown not occur as much or to repair it once it has happened. So I'm definitely in my protein, the big too. Like if I were really feel like I need a steak or something really hearty, I'll go for Tempe because temple is three grams of protein to one gram of fat, super lean protein source. Very dense. And if people don't like the taste tofu, you ought to try temping. We're gonna make Tempe case ideas here in a little bit, and that's that's an awesome basically substitute for me but super high. And it's fermented soy, so a lot of people who are like nuts soy, but it's been used by the Indonesian culture for centuries, and it's really based as a great texture. And great tofu is another one. Some people are familiar with that, but you can make it in a way that doesn't have that just squishy plane. Stephens, so I can get it can get a wrap, right? They can get a depends. Some people say it's a and so you know, we talked a little bit the other day yesterday about how it's meant you, you know, think about what kind of sort you get. Definitely. I mean, you wanna definitely stay with organic sources or non Gina, and it's definitely a big issue nowadays when they're soy and everything, soil and everything. So I'm talking about one skin mawr hole. It's been gets lumped in. There is a process, but not, you know, it's not processing away like it's still soybeans, water and calcium. That's it. It's not something that has in a list of 30 ingredients or it hasn't been, and certain brands have incredibly like the least amount processing possible. Others just add everything in there. It's like I thought this tyrant exactly on that. I don't if you noticed, like the protein powders, I use RP and brown rice and use the combination of two. So you're getting the leg room and the grain. So getting all the essential amino acids, and that's really key of combining. So I just get a big thing of bulk pea protein, a big thing of bulk brown rice protein. Throw those mix those together in my smoothies when I feel like I need a dense protein boots and pretty much every day I have what least one smoothie with that So and I'll get 20 to 30 grams of protein that way so you can really get a dense. So there's ways of doing it nuts and seeds to a lesser extent. And, of course, I mentioned legumes like its key. We're gonna make some burgers here later on that have beans in them, and we have. There's so many options and chili recipe beans could be great. I used to hit him as a kid, but you don't yeah, lastly, supplements. Everybody wants to know. While Scott is a picture actually have an ultra runner after race eating pizza, M and M's Eminem cookies and potato chips right now, the best post race. But everybody asked like if you're gonna eat a plant based diet Now this is plant based here, except for the cheese on the pizza. But this you can eat a lot of junk food still be, you know, eating plants, so to speak, very far removed in chemicals. But, uh, if you're gonna eat that way, you definitely want to supplement because you're not getting a lot of nutrition through your food. There are some things I supplement. B 12 is one thing that you can get very hard unless that you're eating fortified foods. So I usually do like a sublingual or incorporate nutritional yeast. Nutritional east. Great. I love putting on popcorn. I add different ISS. Use it all the time. Yeah, Attritional East. It's a yeast that grows off of glasses, and it has a buttery, cheesy flavor to it. It's great a lot of my recipes when I try to have not replicate cheese, but just kind of have that kind of flavor of cheese or buttery. That's why it's great on popcorn. Put some olive oil. Rosemary. Yeah, yeah, it's great stuff. So If you haven't tried it, grab some from your natural food market or anywhere. You can find a student like chickens and give this part of your flavor. Yeah, it's great. So you can get me 12 through those sources, but I will use a supplement typically just to make sure iron. Because I live at altitude now in Colorado. I do someone most males don't have to typically supplement with iron, But I do todo a little weird. You know, I do a little bit of that and then some calcium zinc on Ben from Andrew Weil stuff. I still do my vitamin a my see my e and selenium. Just think, just as I can antioxidants Did you separate or do This is all in one. I don't separate just cause I've been doing it that way for years. Multi. But I think people can dio a multi vitamin or I mentioned just back here with probiotics and giving people like probiotics another thing where you could just do it separately. But I think for me, because I can adjust how much I'm taking by taking the individual. I know it's more of a pain because you gotta like Madeline Island. Yeah. What's a probiotic tea for you? For me, you know, I can get probiotics. Basically, the way to think of probiotic is it's natural. We're really trying to create bacteria in your gut, and that's how we had digest food. I mean, there's a lot of benefits to having bacteria floating around like kill back, Teoh said. I will do some, you know, coconut yogurt. I don't do a lot of soy again. A Z mentioned earlier. I do things like kimchi. Fermented foods are great. I think they're all the rage now. Two were realizing like, Oh, Grandma knew something every sauerkraut or things like that. Those are great food, so I could really try to get my probiotics threw food. But there are times in all supplement a little bit of prevent probiotic. And you could buy a probiotic that they're not cheap. So I think getting it through food. So just kimchi or sauerkraut or, you know, yogurts and things like that are great ways to just kind of keeps the body. Lastly, super food, super greens, these air, all the rage. When I'm traveling a lot or feel like I need my salad and a glass. I'll do like barley grass juice and wheat grass juice. A lot of people can't stomach it or they just like gosh, is just I've tried juicing wheat grass and I was found that it just kind of went through and I barely got anything out. You've got to put it through an extractor type of juicer so you can put it to your normal top feeding juicer. You really want one to have like an auger, so it's a specific type of juicer. So I do more than powdered barley grass juice. Just cause when I'm on the go clear, Ella's another great one. It's some powder basically for men. Event of a super green. That's great analogy. I'm spirulina is another. Exactly. I throw these things like smoothies from time to time. Then it changes the whole look of this movie. And when you're trying to kids, yeah, they turned. They turned blacker awesome. That's a good one and, you know, kills a great one to the thrilling. You know, I don't have expensive ingredients. You kill you. If you're using calif using Spanish pretty regularly, how much does it matter for the everyday person to add all these two. I don't think it's necessary. It helps for me. I look of it as it has a vitamin pill. You know, it's my way of getting like when I want it. It's like juicing. I don't juice that often because it's some people do more than I think. It's great, and we're gonna go all about next. What? I'm busy that when a traveling and just think this is where it's nice, Like when I want a potent source of, you know, vitamins are I know I'm not going to get as much greens or sell or just veggies went on the road. You just have confined potatoes. I confined, you know, a protein source of beams of some sort of salad bar at a restaurant. But so it's like constant insurance. Yeah, think of it that way. Or just a little extra boost. The system. Are you feeling like you're down? I mean, this is why you know, cancer patients, you know, juice and use these type of superfoods because they need that extra boost. So, for every day, use isn't necessary. No, I mean kale and other greens like spinach. What were great. But if you want to get that energy up exactly. Yeah, so is that. And I think we can todo Yes. Do we have a Well, Scott, we have a number of questions coming in for your so I'm not sure we have about 45 minutes till the end of the segment. Do we have time for Yeah, let's take Let's take some questions. We can, Actually, they're gonna bring You can bring the food over, and we'll, uh, perfect waited. Okay, we have a question from Beauty of the lake in ST Pete. And my understanding about oils that are solid at room temperature are that they're solid in your body, such as coconut oil. How does this affect your heart or your any thoughts on that? It's a good question. I I think the body does break it down differently and make sense that it would, but think of it to. Our bodies are actually at a higher temperature. So coconut oil in when you're in a warm temperatures such as in the summer. You know, you'll notice that your coconut oil melts or the butter. I mean, you leave the butter out on the counter in the summertime. I have my grandparents always left butter on the counter in the winner, but in the summer it just starts to melt and our bodies air definitely warmer than that. Typical. I mean in the summer maybe gets 90 degrees. Not most people's houses these days, because they have air conditioning. But your body's gonna keep that warm so it's not gonna clog up your arteries, so to speak that way and with coconut oil or using things like it's. Actually, it's interesting. If you don't look at plant based nutrition, people are going back to things like, you know, duck fat or butter because we're finding that those air actually better to sati high temperature. So that's why I use coconut oil mainly for my saut ing. So I would tell her or he not to worry about that in terms of clogging the arteries. I mean, if you eat too much fat in general, there's obviously that chance. But it's it's not because the fat is a saturated fat and it's like at room temperature or in the body. It's gonna be some solid there. Okay, great. Great answer. Thank you. So I know that Neither of you are doctors, but a welcome knowledge. So I'm still gonna hope you're OK with me. Ask you some questions just for your opinions. But Britta 76 Because we were talking about this. I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Saraya arthritis. I have pain in very sore muscles every day. Do you think that changing my diet like this will help get rid of my fibromyalgia? Do you think it's possible to cure this diseases and autoimmune diseases? You said your mom had m s. So Yeah, I think it has a huge influence. Working with fibromyalgia patients is a physical therapist. I think I would refer this individual to Dr Andrew Weil's books too. He wrote. A most recent book about inflammation and fibromyalgia is like one of those huge body system inflammation, inflammatory diseases, conditions. And there's a lot, you know, that's really questionable with it. And so I think it condemn finitely influence. I mean, there's a lot of debate in terms of neuro muscular diseases or neurological diseases, how they're influenced, but definitely fiber miles that there's a lot of great info and without can't say it all in one answer, but definitely looking up. Diet plays a huge role in those individuals because they're dealing with inflammatory response on a large scale portion their body. And there's a huge component to you mentioned earlier, like cycle psychology. And was fibromyalgia, like helping people get through those really tough days and eating well and being able to exercise a certain amount influences brain chemistry, which also influences a condition like fibromyalgia. So I think that yeah, and I think that's something that where is the question is, can food cure this? You know, it's a mixed answer is yes, it can improve, and it can manage the information such but also it can get you in the frame of mind. We talked about literally shaping your own brain chemistry. In taking responsibility for that, it could put you in a frame of mind where you're more inspired to do things that could help relieve. You know, I also have, and again, I think we gotta be a little careful here. But I have a dear friend who start taking a supplement a few months ago, a America based supplement, and I think it told she started kind of flooding her body with America And she she knows too dramatic shift in how she was feeling everyday and the tendency to feel very sore and a lot of joint pain and things like that on Bond happily give the link to that. I probably shouldn't say it online, but, you know, I have to give the link to you, descend on her way to check out independently. Gas it. Well, I think there's so many stories and stories air coming in from people, actually, which is lovely to see you. Thank you. Feel free to share your stories. I personally had lower back pain and chronic back pain. You and I have talked about this a lot. That even the anti inflammatory diets for that. My dad. Rheumatoid arthritis. He's gone on, um, sort of Ah, definitely focused diet. And it works the way you say you have back pain. Maybe be a little more specific. It wasn't just like you had my back, E Yeah. I mean, I was I was pretty crippled for a year. I couldn't even lift like a bottle of wine, right? Just wait and found that you found that doing along with food and other wellness minus mindfulness Yes, that's a long story. Yeah, yeah, but I think it's significant because we can all we all know, somebody who found a dramatic shift in their health by saying, You know what? I'm gonna look at this little more closely and way. Do we do live in a culture right now where it's it's almost put food that you could just solve it through mindset and exercise and diet, You know, as if that's a second tier option. Yeah, it's not always like a straightforward, easy answer, like there's so many different ways of doing it. It's really confusing. But if you simplify like yes, changing your diet, figuring out what that it means for you is really key. So I would just encourage everybody to like, you know, take in the information, but then sort out and figure out what is best for. You probably talked to an actual doctor. Yeah, there and there's a lot of resource is out there. And that's what I mean, working with your health care provider and figuring out what works best. Definitely always. It won't hurt eat much better. No one's gonna tell you not yeah. Oh, man. I can't believe you clean it for diet so much? Yes, Absolutely. All right. So you have any questions in the studio audience? Yes, I should like Hi. How do you know? What levels of all these things to eat in your diet? What's best for your own body? What have I figured that out? I would say, um, through trial on air and figure out as well as I've read a ton. And I take that information realize OK, I'm doing, you know, this ultra marathon training, you know, here's what I'm doing. I, of course, tried crazy stuff like I tried, you know, drinking straight olive oil on a run, thinking I needed more calories, right? You know, I'm running for these long hours and, you know, I experimented a lot and I thought the best I would not give that as advice. I learned my lesson once and only when I only needed to learn it once. But, you know, eating fat on the run like that wasn't a good idea. Like figuring out you know what I should eat? How much and learning to like I was eating all the time. Like Okay, maybe I can bump up my fat little a little bit more because, you know, there are people who are coming off of cardiovascular disease or need to be not it 2030%. Some people have gotten better results. Bring it way down and a lot of people assuming a plant based diet, you should have a really low fat in. Taken as an athlete, I kind of figured OK needed to bump that up. So it was really like a system of their trial and error reading. Researching. I was working with a sports medicine medicine physician at one point you know, asking questions, getting feedback and just looking at science to and research and what it's showing and then figure out for my own specific needs. How do I need to do just that? It's tough. So So you base it off of how you feel? I would say, Um yeah, because if I'm not getting enough in my recovery, this is one thing. When you're training for ultra marathons, you know, if you're getting enough or not getting enough because my body would essentially just you start to break down. I don't feel a strong the next day. I don't bounce back from my hard workouts as quickly and so basically, I get a little bit more cues, whereas the general Indians who is not, you know that's hard because you're not pushing your body is much so, whether or not you eight x amount of calories or whether you ate more fat or whether you ate less, you might not unless you start tracking it. Which is why some people advocate for food and fitness journal Exactly handled, see, see what the difference is. You know, that's what I would strongly recommend is you know, if you have a condition, work with your health care provider but also start tracking things. There's a lot of great APS out there, a lot of great websites that it can help you track. And I mean, it really does come down like a Muchas people like Seo don't count calories don't want you have to be obsessed with it, but it helps. I did food journalist for a while, and E. T. J finished. I think I think that's really my phone. Super easy. Do you have a particular APS? I use my net diary that Yeah, I think it's like the mine. It diary pro is like $3. Maybe a little bit more. Maybe. I think it's gone up a little bit since I first started using it. But you literally type in t fill in Tibet like it's so used to your patterns. So it really takes very little time at all. Once you get going. What about to Scott? Yeah, I've I don't log it right now, but I've had people use my diarrhea. Um, another thing. I suggest that this is simple because I'm all about simple things and I know some people want very specifically how much should I eat? How you know, what should I eat? But taking a picture of what you eat is a great way, zin toe Log it to be like, OK, what am I eating throughout the day? In terms of quality, What am I doing in terms of quantity? Because the picture is 1000 words and we all have busy lives like Okay, now I need to track track all my nutrition all the time. It would be your should be like, you know, very time consuming. But you're right that a lot of these APS work where they have memory, and they just kind of you can plug him in and interesting enough, you know, we're referring to Scots thing, you know? You know, you didn't do great. If you get second place, you've got different triggers this, but then we do. But you're what's interesting enough your your training for races, and yet we're all doing that to we're not. We don't have the same stakes in the same hills and stuff that every single one of us are training for, how to move through life in that most optimal way possible. Feeling good. And it's no less important that we make sure we just don't were not as visual stakes, but you know, and you can teach you about and you can tune in. I think we've forgotten how to listen to our bodies, and we've covered it up with, you know, you know, whether it's things like caffeine is a drug or other drugs are just like that. We mask it and just not paying attention to it. So you gotta pay attention. That's as an athlete or somebody who's just trying to get through the work day and, you know, family life that would make Yeah, well, like when you meditate. Purity of mindfulness meditation, they say. Now, now relax your body, and you're like, Oh, like you don't even know you're doing this like and you can hold this all day long and then wonder why you're having back problems, you know, attention. Attention, Bentley. Did you give us a few more examples of whole grains that you said barley flakes you have in the morning? What else? Yes, I I do think such a XKE nwa, and so I'll take some. I'll make a big part of King Juan. And if you haven't tried this grain, it's actually seed, believe it or not, but it's one of the highest protein, dense seeds or grains that you can get out there, and I use that. Some all used leftovers like that and make a porridge out of it in the blender on. I've got a recipe and eaten run on that, and it's It's just a really wholesome heart. It really sticks with you, too. So it's one thing about like oats are great, but some people get tired of those that's why mixed up with barley flakes, and now you can actually go to a a bulk area, and they've got keen wah flicks Barley flakes. I mean, you name it Amaranth Flakes and just kind of mixing it up. That's what I loved about. You know, a vegetarian plant based diet and vegan diet was to start exploring experience. I was like, Yeah, makes you look for new things and I was blown away like Look at all these. Great. So I would just mix it up and try different things I even use like you can make up in your basically crock pot or a slope pressure cooker and make up a bunch of barley or wheat Berries so you don't have to get the flakes and just try those in the morning. Much like and other cultures. They race for breakfast, and I know it's kind of weird, but you can mix in things like nuts, Berries. And just now you've got this whole some kind of, you know, combination of just whole grains thrown on your salads, too. And so there's lots of ways to incorporate him, not just for breakfast but later in the day to, and the book it and run has a lot of recipes, really cool. And if it makes you search for a couple, that's good. I got a lot of people like I can't find these two or three ingredients and you know, it's one thing I enjoyed is that you find you find out there's a new things out there that you don't haven't learned. And my mother didn't cook with, you know, probably 80% in green. She was total Betty Crocker style cooking and home EC teacher. So I didn't know anything about these ingredients and started learn. I think that's the fun. Process is fine. It's fun. You have to embrace it. Yeah. Amen. I'm thinking about my trip to the grocery store on my way of about minutes. Okay, let's do something. You give the quick the caveat that we have never done this before. I think realise never had actual cooking occur. That's what at least would've told me in terms of flames. Way don't really have event, so yea, hopefully everything goes well. Um, all right, way Well, this other What was the intention? Yeah, let's bring it. Bring it on over and we'll help you. Just bring it. He's bringing over. Yeah, yeah, Let's let's get a little on Fala que covers. All right. Ah, look how well this was all prepped. Job, everybody. So we did some of the work already on some of these. It's gonna get We get the oil, too. I need to say anything I never, ever, ever, ever liked onions. I was like, Oh, God, no one has no onions. And then I just started slowly tasting some that were, like, roasted. Really? Well, unlike some to these onions, it's like you can actually, uh, open your mind to trying new foods, and we're gonna get all that return your taste buds. But now use onions all the time. Okay, So I'm gonna know Fire. You give me millions seusshow and help me out here. We're gonna, um how do you do this? Cook in public like this? Demos, demos and stuff, but not as often. So bear with Well, this is a real live experience. Two weeks is to show people it doesn't have to be complex, you know, sometimes on, you know, shows they make it look so slick and easy. And I'm gonna freeform here a little bit. Just so this is really this is this is really gonna show people how quick. So you I'm 60. So nice and tall, right? So we're going to start off with the first recipe Minnesota Winter Chili. And I know it's like nearing the end of winter, actually tomorrow being the first day of spring. But this was a recipe that really inspired me to start eating vegetarian, cause it had this, you know, I was blown away. They didn't have meat in it. So we're going to use some bulgar wheat to get a kind of that texture, which is another essentially whole grain. That's kind of just been crushed. And so that's going to give it kind of this just hardy flavor. And I've made this recipe for a lot of people in there so blown away there like you Sure this doesn't have It's gonna have that staples of of course, beans. So let's just start. So we're gonna get that going, have that cook What? We go into the burger recipe and we're gonna assemble symbol that Teoh get into next. So if you can help me by, we're gonna turn. This guy gets, um well, we'll have the recipes to for these available to turn these on here. I'll get it on. You know, you probably like do this at the top of a mountain somewhere. There we go. All right, but how do you eat when you're 100 miles in? Like you just is on your backpacker. You get things brought into you. Um, so you do have to have it with you, and then I, um there are eight stations as well. Yes. And we typically will have a support crew that comes in others aid stations, or they'll have somebody out there supplying us with, um, trying to get this as low as possible. Like something places. Did they just come in and drop up a goat? You're like, Oh, crap. There's something. But you're usually guaranteed things like your You know, your potatoes, bananas, energy bars, energy gels. So it's It's easy. So we're gonna put a couple tablespoons of olive oil a new kind Coconut oil used interchangeably right in the recipe. It's it's either. But I use more cooking oil for when I'm gonna saute. So we're gonna saute things. We need a couple close with garlic. So if you just want to estimate a little handful of that. Yeah. Yes, a small Yeah, that's good for a couple cloves. And we're gonna throw in basically all of the smell. It's good gonna make everybody hungry here, and then we're gonna throw in a cup onion. So basically, you know what you're trying to view. It's got a lot of people wonder. Like, um yes. Okay, we're actually a little less because we have a smaller pot decrease. That really with sauteing. What we're trying to do is and I think this is actually we'll do it this way. Just I don't put Cayenne instead. You want to make a mistake? I don't want to, but because we can use a little bit more chili powder basically was sauteing we're trying to do is bring out the flavor of the onions and the garlic. And this is when I I've learned this through various ethnic cuisines by putting in the spices while things are starting, a lot of people forget to do. You can always add it later on, but it's really best if you can do it while it's saut ing. And it does kind dry it out. So you need to keep things moving. So what you just wrote in what was I doing? Chili powder. I'm sorry. Get ahead of myself. Actually powder there and, like said amounts will be available online as well. After your including some these recipes for people to check out, right? Definitely. These are just samples. Like there's a ton of them in the book and we just we want about one jalapeno pepper. So it was chopped up yet, and then we throw in. Um so this is not a spice half cup. You're not messing around, not messing around. And that's one thing Teoh I've just really enjoyed. I mean, I grew up in Minnesota where black pepper was a spice. Okay, um, what I try to do is, you know, with this chili recipe I just really gotten in tow. Just the love of the spice. And it doesn't have to be hot spice. It just needs to be flavorful. A lot of research other that cats become that ingredient spice. It can actually help satiate you faster. A lot of people say spice up your food, take these officers way. Go food camp, get it over the top about looking. We need some mushrooms here, right? So these are chopped. Do you just started in a processor? Because there so many, these air chopped up. But he did help me, so I just do it by hand. So, you know, we're kind of eliminating some of the work here. Just standpoint. At home, you do the hand, do the processor, you could You could throw them all in the processor. Like when people look at this ingredient list for the chili there like, Gosh, this, as you know, 13 14 ingredients and a lot of them are just chopped up. And then we saw Tam, and it's not complicated, but you literally could throw him in a food processor and just want to go to you long, though, that's the thing. Like everybody likes texture in there, their chili, and they don't want to, like, have these veggies. That air, just straight up demolished, doesn't invest in, and we'll talk a little more about this tomorrow. But make sure you are managing clean up with that, like if you can quickly get it done and quickly through a couple things around. I think some of processors, like 12 parts. Yeah, it definitely and then we're gonna add a little bit of salt. So here we go. So do you use that? I used Braggs and you know, a lot. Look what you could substitute that and some of my recipes to I love to substitute things like me. So me so is another one of those super foods as that, you know, are just great to incorporate. A lot of cultures have had that to be a part of their lifestyle and ingredient that they incorporate you just want, want to cook. So in this case, we're sorting and weaken just a little bit getting used to this burner. Enough. We got our mushrooms in there, so I added mushrooms just to kind of recap. Some of the things that added added mushrooms. We had corn. So it's all, uh, coming together really simply and easily and already, like, I really want to eat it. There we go. And humans, one of those staple ingredients for chili. You know, it's basically chili powder, cumin all sometimes throat like. I put the whole helping and we can actually through all this. Yeah, the other thing too. I think when you're cooking is just not get stressed about details like a little over a tablespoon a little You go, go and all. We're doing a sauteing this for, like, five minutes here just to kind of bring in that flavor. Theo Oil embedded with the spices embedded with the vegetables. It's kind of pull it all together, so that matters. It's what you were doing, you know, in terms of chemically we're changing that. And what's happening there? Um, then we can add our tomato tomatoes here. Basically these air canned tomato puree along with diced tomatoes. So he mixed two cans together. Those Yeah, we took these in just through Mullen. So that's gonna give us so you don't have to chop anything there that's opening a can so super easy. And then I'm going to start adding to So this is where you see that? That's this. Just mix together. We just threw that in all at once. Just take it easy here. And then we're gonna throw in our beans, turning up just a tad bit. We're gonna let it go. Let it go while we're working on. This is a combination almost read out of the beans for the burgers That would've been good. Use a combination I actually do. It has a little bit of salt, but I just simple. But you can drain it off. You don't want to switch salt? Yeah, you can drain it off. It depends on how salty there. But the key thing to remember here is that the beans when you make him at home ideally should have rinsed them. So if you're going to start from scratch, which I like to do, I like to soak my beans. You rinse those after you so come. And then the cooking water can actually be used as a soup stock, and it adds a lot of great flavor to it. So we can We can kind of strain it here a little bit too. Just I find that, like everybody when you rinse the beans, that basically another thing too. Is it supposed to be if you're somebody is sensitive to beans in your body? Um, rinsing, soaking the night before has less in effect on your body. Exactly. I like and I like to start from scratch. There's something about it like and it doesn't take any time. I mean, it takes time But it's like passive time. You're sleeping. Typically, you still come overnight there watching. So you you let that occur overnight and then the next next day you ransom And then Crock pots are great too. I like to do my old is new again. Exactly. I find that I don't soak things overnight because I don't think about it the night before. That's why I don't That's only resigned it do it, and that's having the plan like we talked about and really having that. And there's apse where you can start from scratch with just ingredients and putting in recipes. But I think what's key is just kind of having a plan of knowing, like, OK, I'm gonna make you know Chili this week. So I'm gonna make a bunch of beans and I like toe pick a bean or two that I'm just gonna make every week, and then it makes something with, you know, I just prep those beings, cook, um, and then figure out OK, how can I use these way chili and we can turn it down just a bit. That's already looks like a chilly. So we're gonna let this simmer while we So we make sure you've got everything in here, and then we're gonna need to add the bulgar wheat and then, um, some water action which we have here. But that effort, that wasn't a lot. No, it wasn't at all. I mean, this is where you know this is the ball. Your wheat on that. We added, remember, that's gonna give the texture. I mean, now we need to add some water. So this is where I like Teoh. It's gonna need to hydrate cause the ball your wheat is dry and it's gonna soak up a lot bolder REITs, which you typically see in tabbouleh. Um, Middle Eastern dish that's quickly with parsley on cucumbers and tomatoes and cooking show Scott, your everybody, We're doing this, and but that so that'll cost. Soak that up too. So we can you can always. And that's the thing with the consistency after the bulgar wheat has said this is gonna simmer while we're gonna work on the burgers next. But with the bulgar wheat, you know, you can always ADM or liquid whether it's being if you're okay with assault in there or you can just Adam, we take this off. It's funny because a lot of people could make this without me. They use texturizing, vegetable protein or something, and you don't need that. I'll stay away from you. Could add Tempe. Tempe is a great which we have right here, so tempting you can crumble. It gives it that texture. You can chop it. We're gonna make the case of deals with that. You could have that. I just don't. The TVP textured vegetable protein I stay away from those forms of soy usually stick to them. Yeah, it's just a little too process for my tastes. Like again, it's It's still going to protein. It'll still, you know, fuel life, but his best, right? So we got that down low on DWI can actually swap, Turn this one on and swap. It's that we can well believe it here. That pretty much just goes and you're done. Yeah, that just simmers. And if you want to throw, if you want, it's row that into you would garnish it with a little bit of us a launcher later on. But you could throw this into a crock pot and just let it just but today or however you have your crock pot set, so that's not complicated. We did take some of the work out of it by use a food processor and just went process boom process, broom process booth thing that set up was 12 minutes. I mean, assuming processing time, super easy for sure. Yeah. Related question in the audience. Yeah, I was just wondering, with e, um, spices that you're using. I'm assuming years in sea salt instead of ID, and I solved her. Yeah, I'm sorry. Didn't make a point of this is real sea salt. Basically, it's this one's from Utah. I think the red comes from like the deep in the ground from old, you know, See, it's stores exactly with the like the curie powder and stuff. Is that like an organic based product as well? Because I know a lot of spices you buy in the store. I have a lot of salt added to them, or they have other stuff added to them that exactly, um, get that surrenders to basically with some spices. I like to go to the bulk aisles at your grocery stores and get your spices from there or go to a spice store and I know this is a little bit more detail or something, like go to a spy store. But I love going to places like that in trying out new spices. There's a great one here in Seattle that I used to go to all the time and the world market of spice. And I think that's a good because you know exactly what you're getting for spices. But you're right. I mean, some of these these are organic, believe most. These ey're organic here, and you can always check to see what they add in addition, But if you just pick him up at your local grocery store, just make sure that's it. That you're only getting Koeman. Spice blends are typically real. See the salt, but if it says straight Kumin, it should only be coming. But it's good. It's a good human human human. I think you by saying, I don't know if you could go either way. Tomato, tomato, That's okay. So next we're gonna do the, um, black bean burgers. And so when we get that bull back, I'm gonna have you mash the beans and we're gonna do that. Yeah, well, we'll do it with a smoother We're actually gonna do things with less because we're doing things really simple. Yeah, we're doing really simple If you think you can do that without just bad and I'm gonna add to me So the next recipe we're gonna make while the chili is simmering is this is a new twist on my lentil mushroom burgers that I made that's featured in the book Morning run, eat, run! And they're hugely popular. Yeah, it's been in Runners World has been an outside magazine and people love it because it just has this flavor of, like, a real burger and not in the way that you're replicating meat, but it's just it's really hard eat hearty. Yeah, has a lot of just rich flavor to it, and it's robust. What I'm gonna do today those were gonna dio I have started doing a twist on this by instead adding lentils or using lentils. We're gonna use black beans and we're gonna make a Jamaican jerk style. So their Jamaican jerk black bean burgers on, and instead of the walnuts, which I typically had, we're gonna add Brazil nuts to do so. Tim Ferriss would be proud because He's a big fan of Brazil nuts, and then we're gonna use Jamaican jerk seasoning, and we're gonna put this in while you're mixing it up. If you haven't tried Jamaican jerk, This is a really amazing spice blend. You've heard of curry before. An Indian cuisine. Think Jamaica. This is their curry, and it's really it has a just a blend of spices, and it's it's pretty amazing on if you've ever Oh, and it's It is spicy, so you gotta be careful with how much he add. I you want to be careful. I will do one teaspoon. But if it were me cooking at home, I probably, too, because this is potent stuff. It is hot, but it's also very flavorful yet, so we're gonna mash that in their way in there. Ginger brown, mustard seeds, onion also, along with garlic, paprika, thyme, fennel, black pepper. Close exactly, um, but that blends like this are amazing Time savers. That's one of things I use a lot is pumpkin pie spice because I'm always putting those ones together. It's always the nutmeg in the cinnamon and something one other one, but they're always going together all the time. anyway. So if you can find some blends and adapter recipes accordingly and just put in two tablespoons instead of eight separate one tablespoons. Yeah, I'm speaking to the hell of it. No, definitely. And here's the great thing on the chili recipe. I did have, like, four different spices in there. Yeah, the kids do that part, you know, like if you trust them with, like, not spelling all the holes, jar of spice. But, you know, put somebody in charge of that cause that's one thing you can have them put all the spices and one feels like kind of like a like they do in a little bit or something, just doing something fun. And I think that's key. I mean, my mother would always have me do stuff like that where I just have toe, take a portion of it. And so what we're adding now is apple cider vinegar. This gives it kind of ah, it adds a little acidic flavor. It's just it's just a nice texture. You can also use balsamic vinegar in this one so you could substitute. Either way, we'll talk about that like it's a second coming in terms like it's everything properties. It's healing. And it does have a lot of rich tradition dating back to 18 hundreds. I mean, they're all these settlers that you stay. Use it to mean there's now that, of course, the vinegar lemon fast that you dio lenses that incorporate it. So it's some It's definitely coming back in popularity, for sure. And these are the best smash black beans you do want to get because you don't want being to be whole. You kind of want to give it this texture. Can you use that to, like smash? Yes. I mean, it started or weaken. Grab another double smash. So usually you'd use a masher with this. We're gonna make a dio. I just wanted to give you some love from the Internet. And while you're doing this slow Antelope says, OMG, I'm on break and just plop down to see what was happening. And I find Scott Dirk on CEO. I just did my first ultra 50 miler. So no, he is. I've never thought I'd see my running and photography intersect. It's awesome. And a question from the rainy day store you, Would you Scott be okay with freezing the chili or the burgers for a later date. How do you feel about freezing? Definitely. I'm a big fan of freezing. I mean, I grew up with a Polish grandmother who had this monster for user, like the size of this table, You know, one of those top opening freezers and I'm a big fan of it. So actually, when we people look at these birds, their cash there's, like, a dozen or like, 14 burgers, and that's the key thing. Like, people are like, This takes time, but I freeze a bunch, take wax paper and it'll be detailed. The recipe. Take wax paper, put the burgers on the wax paper in a freezer proof bag and just lay them in the freezer. And you're good to go. Like you could just pop those into a toaster oven. You now have you know that was times or bring one to work in the next day. But like, frozen and without, naturally, you know, for a few hours before lunch. So definitely I'm a big freezer fan. And I think obviously fresh food is best. And if you're looking from, this is pretty freaking fresh. I mean, flash frozen. Definitely so I'm a big fan of freezing. So I think that the chili to all commonly if I don't use it within, you know, the week I will free some of it for later. And like using glass containers or Tupperware containers to freeze things is really key. Just make sure you label know what you have waited a marker next to the fridge and then we just right what? It is in the date because it's really easy. Like I got. What was this? And when was this? Definitely. And then what you just said about putting in the fridge for a couple days and then is you check it if you're not gonna get to it and freeze it, don't just just just assume I missed my window and toss it. You still have that window? Definitely Sure. That's looking pretty good. I'm, you know, on the spinach. Great job. That is my first double spoon mashing of all time. It looks like we're doing good. We're not creating too many burning fumes and flames here chopping so you can chop that. So now we're gonna chop some spinach because, believe or not, we're gonna get our greens in the burger, and, um, I like to chop it pretty fine. So yeah, you can kind of keep going because you don't want to get a huge chunk of leaf. I mean, you again. You could do less or more chopping, but for the burgers, I kind of like him to have this consistency where everything kind of sticks together and no huge chunk of finger either. Exactly what I'm working on. Next year, I'm gonna throw a little bit of coconut oil into the skillet because now we're gonna saute again, starting again to bring out flavor. We're gonna sautee onions, garlic, and then the tomatoes, which is another key part in my reach. Turn this down. We should do this all the time. What are you doing Saturday? Uh, it's a fun time, and I think that's the key thing. You know, for you, cooking can be fun. I mean, and you don't have to be a shot. My mother had this saying that you don't have to be a chef to cook great food, and, uh, you know, that's that's so true. You mean she might have been a home EC teacher, but you don't have to be an expert on That was her thing when she she did cooking shows, she actually had more experience cooking in front of the camera than I did. She used to work for the Minnesota Egg Council, says she was always cooking. She did radio shows, TV shows all over the place. So I don't really think about this is how, when you refer to your mother, when you write about your mother and you talk about your mother, like the impact that on him as a child to be in the kitchen and be part of this experience has benefited you for the whole of your life and everybody else who watches you and gets inspired by you. And, you know, like that's how impactful it is to say, Let's not just dump cooking. Let's let's recreate it And let's recreate that connection and pass along that love for real food and time together and definitely, yeah, e mean obviously if so much that you got from that, Yeah, and I think it's a mind shift to, I think, everybody in the audience. Everybody here, you know, could be a part of that to just pass that on that something that way have toe teach Children and young people because I have friends who, like, just never learned how to cook. And we've gotta start even if you're in your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties and just get back in the kitchen. So I just added a couple cloves of garlic and do you could use the flash frozen garlic? I don't, but you can. You can also get it jarred, you know, to simplify things. But, um, there's something I like. I like smash, smashing the clove and de skinning it. I mean, it's fun, but for people want to go easy or you could just throw the clove. They have all these crazy things now that take off the skin. You know, they have one of those things. You throw it in there and it just takes off the skin. So but you can get yet you get like Trader Joe's and places like that you can get them in a little and they're all close. You just pop it in popular. So what? I'm gonna dio you something at earlier a teaspoon of jerk seasoning to the beans when she was kind of mash them in I'm also gonna add some jerk seasoning in here of so these ones will be a little spicier. But I'll add, you know, half teaspoon in each. Or if you're someone like me who like spice, I'll go for a full teaspoon in each and that way it just cancels. Perfect. Awesome is perfect. Excellent. So how much total are you getting in there? It's gonna It's gonna have two teaspoons. We're gonna spicy ones. So everybody's gonna get spicy Wednesday. You know, you can really do smell like the nutmeg cinnamon that's coming out of here. Next we add the onions and about how many's debt this is. Um, Should be I think it's one cup. Sorry. On two different recipes it is. Oh, yeah. One cut, 1/4 actually to be specific. So and we have a clean We'll, uh, we'll make do. I think we should I think that's OK. We'll be like this paper. Okay, we got paper towels. Are this is gonna This is gonna go on the beans. Yeah, we're good. All right, Marco. And then next, Or adding the the mushrooms and then we'll throw in the spinach in a second. Thank you. just make sure that we had a quick question. Yeah. Um, so someone asked about the BP, a content and canned tomato products. Given any thought from that are alternatives are I would look for the brands that don't have. There are some now particularly natural grocery stores that don't have that you can find. Excuse me, jarred, but if you don't want to, it's perfectly fine to use fresh. In fact, if you wanted to use fresh tomatoes, you could use fresh tomatoes in the chilly beforehand and saute it and break it down. So all commonly do that, and then you can get jarred tomato paste. And I will commonly do that because it's a smaller jars. So you know, jarred tomatoes are really expensive because of the weight. Just expect you to find them come from Italy or specialty places where they it's like a special type of tomato. And I'll use, um, just that the pace that's been in a jar. So that's what I try to do. Some to avoid that. But definitely look for the brands that aren't using it. It's there are a few now that air getting away from that, but it's It's definitely concerned indefinitely, something people should look for. We just added the mushrooms, which was close to three cups of mushrooms. So we're thinking this sauteed and yeah, once again, just getting I'm small. I know they don't look like mushrooms, but in these burgers you unless you want big chunks and they're harder to stay together, it's better to like, mince things up. You can also throw in the spinach. It's a spinach will saute with that. Chile is coming along quite nicely here, just simmering. And then would you ever substitute a fresh frozen spinach, too? Chop it up, Put it in a way, you could. You just make sure it's not watery, so let it thaw. You could do that. I just make sure the water content cause it's key with these burgers if things are too watery. That's why we, in this case, did drain the beans. Actually in the back helped us up by draining the beans beforehand so you don't want extra water, cause then you're gonna have to add more breadcrumbs and then more of the flax seed meal, which I'm going to get rid of chicken based yeah, and to get it to bind. That's where, using as a binder instead of like, egg to bind. We're actually going to use it. And so I kind of show people that people haven't seen this before. You can pour a little bit on your hand or so, but we're gonna actually mix up the dry ingredients to the dry dry there. I think it is. Yeah, so we'll throw some. So, like the flax seed. You know, it's just this meal that's just ground flax seed, and you can grind it in a coffee grinder on your own. You can buy it ready to go, so it typically should be hopefully refrigerated or if it's got an expiration date. Flax seed does go bad. It turns into linseed oil, which they use for painting. So flax seed oil is that it has. It has, ah, taster scent of linseed oil. It's going rancid, so it's best I like to grind mine fresh. I you use like a vita mix, or you can use a coffee grinder is grind it up or make sure you buy it. It's been refrigerated or it has an expiration date that's really late. If you have a whole seeds and then grind and ready for use And do the whole seats last longer. They do call seeds. Whole seeds will be fine. You don't have to refrigerate them, but sometimes all grind a bunch of it and then put it in a glass jar and put in my freezer Yeah, ahead of time. And that way I have it for different recipes. And it's great to add It will thicken whatever you put in it into it. So be careful. So we're gonna need We're gonna mix these dry. Well, this Saturday is a little bit, um you can great bythe a lot of pressure. Like I'm tryingto like, manage several things here. One still lives and then be able to answer questions, which is good. I love the questions. Come from the audience is Well, how do you really feel? Feel good? Yeah, I feel awesome. Yeah, I'm getting hungry now. Uh, so the breadcrumbs and flax seed so flaccid we need half cups. If you can measure 1/2 cup, we're all gonna We're gonna put this in that bowl, mix it up. So half cup of the flat ground, flax seed, and then we need two cups of the breadcrumbs and I'll talk about bread crumbs as you're doing this because these are big ones, right? So bread comes, You can buy, um, you know, ready to go. I like to make my own, and this is where I actually use. We didn't have the food processor in the time, but it doesn't take long to make your own bread crumbs. I take Ezekiel for nine, just the regular bread. It's really grainy, so it's great for this rest because it soaks up any of the extra moisture in the burger. So between the flax seeds and the breadcrumbs, these air nice and fine. They're very dry, really crisp. But I just take the bread fresh whole. I don't even like toast. It dried out or anything like that. I just throw in a food processor and just let it let Tonto turned into that consistency. A food processor and blender or two things high powered blender like, I think, indispensable medication in a juicer. So, yeah, we need two cups of those, okay? And then we need on a 3/4 cup of the Brazil nuts. You know, the glad to be there because I know people who will avoid recipes that call for the use of some product they don't have. That could be really healthy. And but they just go. Well, I can't get that out. Have a Cuisinart around under governor. I mean, they're the best in you. Invest in your health. Exactly. I mean, those are two things you don't need a lot Doesn't extensive help. I mean, it pays for itself. I mean, you think about how much you spend to go out to eat. Yes, it's amazing. Like you convey drop, you know, 30 $40. You know, for a meal going out to eat, and you're like, That's 1/3 of, ah, nice proved brought processors have exactly You don't have to go crazy. And if you're looking Teoh, 3/4 a cup. Manage how many calories you get. We tend to eat 50% more calories out of every meal when we eat out. That's the statistics 50% more. And that's when you're doing normal like you're not celebrating its just that normal eating. So it was a lot of reasons you said 3/4 cap and we're doing Brazil nuts. I mentioned earlier that were kind of mixing it up. I use walnuts typically, and what we do is we chop these hand chopped, Um, ideally, if you just have a little food processor. Yeah, it's tough. Sometimes the heart and Brazil nuts or big. So we're gonna use Brazil nuts because it's it's kind of a nice exotic. It's a really high fat nut to, And that's where walnuts are nice because they helped bring everything together. Yeah, healthy. So in the recipe, it'll say walnuts. But we're making them Jamaican stop today. Okay, um, or Brazil, I guess. His illness. It's ethnic. So we've got the dry. And then, if you could add two tablespoons of nutritional yeast, and I know we're using Brewer's yeast, which is close, but the best is nutritional yeast. So we I think this is confusing because people see this. It still says it's not the same. So this is just a example of not that anybody bad, but it looks different. If you can see it's more brown. Nutritional yeast should be more yellow. It should have a yellow in it. It tastes. It'll work for this recipe. This says superb taste, though. Yeah, it'll taste. It'll taste fine, but court popcorn. You definitely get the yellow stuff with Rosemary. Yeah. Where is this? So we add I'm sorry. God talking here got off. We will add two tablespoons. Yes, two tablespoons. And then I needed a teaspoon of salt. Got it? He spent assault in there, and then you can just mix that all together. So what I did is we put all the dry ingredients in one and just simplify things is this is like sauteing, which were really close and ready if you just keep the temperature down low. And I'm working with a pretty, um, basic system here, what you could do with when you're out, even camping. So if you just turn it down low, it's fine. Just let this Saturday or just turn it off. And at this point, um, I'm gonna turn it off just because we can. You don't need to cook it to Caroline, but if you turn it down low, you can still do these things or put somebody else on the duty. So I'm mixing the dry ingredients. So your premiums now does it matter to you that you mix them separately as versus in the pan This I'd like to do separately because it just makes sure that they're all combined because it means more mixed. I'm trying to basically be more efficient cause it's easier to mix all the dry stuff. In fact, you could just do like if we had a bigger bully, just, like whip it around. It's done. The reason you do have so it's combined evenly. Whereas if you do in the pan, it just means more. Yeah, it just means more mixing that you have to do. So we're actually gonna do it. Uh, did that big bowl come back? Oh, here. This. Yeah, it happens. I wish I had that at my So, um, we're gonna throw the beans in there. Do you have a spatula? What? Have a spatula. Wait. I saw we've got way. And we are running out. Close way speed cooking. Okay, okay. We've got We put the dry ingredients in, like, a number of seconds. Pretty much. All right. Talking too much here. There you go. Through that in so that in. And then you use your hands in this Normally, you can after, but I would just mix it here we go, Here's another clean Just cause it's easier. I'd like Teoh. You'll get to where you're putting it together with your hands But beforehand I like to just mix it started Urinal, mix it up Good. I'm gonna go on a limb and say you're stronger and we'll get it to the consistency so they can kind of see and people don't realize kind of work you get look like you're getting an AB workout. You are your your least bicep medicine, Del. And I think you're right, guys. Physiologist here. You like cooking kinesiology? 11? Yeah, it's going to work out, guy, just okay. And then So, um, I like to basically put in the refrigerator for a little bit. Get a little cooler sometimes. Or you can just go right away when it's warm and it cooled off enough just in the matter. But in terms of making them, you can go really big and make them more of a traditional, and they're gonna soak in some of that liquid. We're doing it really quick. Here. You can see the breadcrumbs still a little bit, but it'll soak in the breadcrumbs and you want to be able to see them eventually. And it just kind of turns into this. You know, we'll do. Is we kick off after lunch will show what a cooked one looked like. You can kind of see, you know, and you e And then what I do is I just put out some wax paper, you know, make them all and one shot or if you don't want to. If you want to, just put the mix and the refrigerator. I usedto grill burgers where my college years in high school you can You can just have the mix ready to go in the fridge for a few days to so you could go either way. Whatever you have time for, but making them and then putting it in the freezer is great. And you've got a Jamaican jerk. I will be eating all these. I can't even express how good it smells in here. Hungry. Thank you so much for joining us. And can you please tell people again where they can find you online? So I'm online and you can see the chilly here. I'm online at scott Jurich dot com, and they can I got a Page J u r e K So s c o T T j u r u k dot com, and they can read more about the book. Catch the trailer there and book is available in all formats. E book and it's coming out in paperback April 1st.

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Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Love, love, love Tamara Lackey!! I have been a fan since I bought her book on photographing children years ago!! When Creative live sent out a survey at the end of 2012, asking what we wanted to learn and which instructors we wanted to learn more from....Tamara Lackey was my first choice :) So when I saw the series of classes she was going to be teaching, I signed up right away (wow! that is a huge run on sentence haha) Anyway, Balance between home, family and running my business is always something I have struggled with. So I am sooo happy to get to learn from these courses!!! Tamara is so down to earth and caring. I learned a ton of information to help me feel better and take care of my body. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Psoriatic Arthritis two years ago. It has been a very painful and trying two years or more. Trying to find the right medicine, one after the other. I finially found two medicines that take some of the pain away, but I still have days that are really tough. So I am willing to try anything. This course on Health has taught me so much that I can try to help my body to be healthier and happier, and finally get my energy back!! Thank you :) Also, creativeLive has enriched my life sooo much!!!!! I am sooooo grateful to the staff and instructors, really everyone at creativeLive!! You guys (and girls of course :)) work so hard to bring us quality education, that separates us from everyone else that buys a digital camera and decides to become a photographer :) Thank you for everything you do:) Smiles, Britta Rivera Mobile, AL


I have watched a few of Tamara's photography courses here on CL, which I loved. But this course really highlights Tamara's amazing energy, AWESOME personality, and fun teaching style. I'm watching the replay 2 1/2 years after it first broadcast, and I love this so much that I've watched it twice today!! Tamara is a wonderful example of living a healthy positive lifestyle....such an inspiration! I have added this course to my Wishlist and will be buying soon. THANK YOU TAMARA!!

a Creativelive Student

I am so glad that I took this class. For a while now, I have been contemplating a change in my lifestyle as far as my eating habits go. While I had changed some things, like cutting back on meat products, we were still going to restaurants 2-3 times per week. This course was really the kick in the pants I needed to take control of not only my eating habits, but my family's too. I've already started to journal our meals and am astonished to see how much sodium and fat I was putting in my body. Tamara and her guests were able to provide a wealth of information about food and exercise. I really liked the no-nonsense approach towards food. I liked that all types of lifestyles were presented, from vegan to paleo. It was great to see that simple exercises done every day can actually be easy, and something I'll enjoy doing with my kids. Thank you so much Tamara, her guests and the creativeLive crew for putting this on! It was an honour to be a part of the audience!

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