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Thanks + Credits

Lesson 24 from: Pet Photography

Arica Dorff

Thanks + Credits

Lesson 24 from: Pet Photography

Arica Dorff

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24. Thanks + Credits

Lesson Info

Thanks + Credits

So now is time for thank you's We love to thank everybody that is involved in making these workshops a success. So we want to thank the people that have helped us out during this workshop. The first person that were first company that we want to thank is an emoto we love. Anna Moto artist talked a lot about the slide shows that she uses with an Emoto and I just love them as well. So they're so great. We also want to thank White House custom color, great place to have all of your prints, all of your print needs taking care of. I love White House custom color Personally, you obviously do too. And also the backgrounds and flooring and backgrounds and flooring. Mike is a great guy. We just love this company also GMP frames. You have really used them a lot. Have a new there my framer framed you see from your studio all of that framework that you do. It's pretty amazing. Thank you so much to them. Also thank you to planet Jill, who you also use on a regular love. Love Love them. Great. So th...

ank you so much to everyone who has helped us out. And also a huge thank you to the creative live audience. Without you, we could not be doing this. So all of you people from around the world that are watching, no matter what time of the day or night it is, we so appreciate you. We appreciate you so much. Thank you. Thank you for watching. Thank you to all of our pet owners. All of these people that have brought their dogs and cats in here is a list of all their names. Don't think I'm gonna read them all off to you, but you can see them there. It has been It has been a great experience. So thank you so much for bring your pets into the studio and letting arc a photograph. All right. Thank you To the Creativelive crew. We have a lot of people here behind the scenes, and this is just a great amazing place. I love all of these people. Thank you to the creative like you guys are awesome. And last but not least, thank you, Arc Adore. I think we should give you a huge wrong. Theo, you have been an incredible instructor. I'm so glad that we that you came toe creativelive spotlight and one just me to do an amazing job then and you're doing it. Incredible job. Now, you basically have done exactly what you said you were going to do. So thank you. And we're glad to have you here.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Pet Photography Slides.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

I've watched A LOT of CreativeLIVE courses and Arica is by far the most effective and talented instructor I've seen. She's also got an extraordinary ability to photograph animals and their humans while remaining calm and in control. Even if you're not a pet photographer, this is a fabulous resource. Putting aside how amazing it is to watch her photograph in what seems like impossible situations and get the shot time after time, she also gives a lot of great information that applies to any professional photographer, whether they photograph pets or not. She's truly an amazing talent and I hope she does many more workshops -- I'm not a pet photographer but I'll watch all of them.


Arica's presentation was extraordinary. Such an incredible amount of valuable, practical information on everything from the basics of how to run a business profitably to how to attract and maintain value-oriented clientele to actually working with and photographing a variety of pets and their people. Arica demonstrated time and again during the live shoots that she was in mastery of both her techniques and her subjects, and in a way that felt simultaneously relaxed/casual and businesslike. That last session with the horse, duck, chicken, rabbits, dogs and people was a challenging balancing act and she pulled it off flawlessly. Finally, I appreciate all the detail she provided, such as names of vendors and how and why she uses each one. Absolutely no filler, all substance. I am in the process of taking my own pet photography from sideline business/ volunteer work to profit-making status and the timing of this program could not have been better for me. I'm a huge fan and look forward to more from her although it’s hard to imagine that there is anything left for her to cover about this topic because in this course, she did it all. A natural talent: smart, great on-screen presence, honest and a true teacher. Thank you, Arica!

a Creativelive Student

Hi I am an aspiring pet photographer. I own 6 dogs and 4 cats that have been rescued in some way. I have learned a lot just by practicing with them. Arica's course today and yesterday showed me what I was doing wrong and everything that I was doing right. I impressed myself that I actually was doing very well. lol. I do have a web site ,and if you can review it and give me some positive critism, it would just be terrific. There is a tab titled pets etc. My email address is under contact me. Thank you in advance. I tried to watch other courses but none of them would keep my attention. I had no problem with Arica AT ALL. I definitely will attend all and any other courses she offers. Her courses made me realize this dream of mine is just what I am suppose to do in life. I have a lot of the same qualities as Arica and my passion for animals. But...............I WILL NOT photograph snakes, no way. lol Arica, you TOTALLY ROCK. I look forward to the next one. xoxo

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