Create dozens of unique couples poses from these three basic prompts Google “couple photography ideas,” and you’ll churn up hundreds of different poses. But unless you have a memory that’s as photographic as the camera in your hand, under the…

7 New Wedding & Portrait Photography Trends for 2019

If there's a single physical place to go to uncover the year's portrait photography and wedding photography trends, it's WPPI. The Wedding and Portrait Photographers International Conference takes over Las Vegas at the end…

Five Lighting Tips for Shooting at High Noon

While shooting at high noon may not be most photographer's preferred time to work, beautifully lit images can still be created! It's all about how you use the light, where…

3 Wedding Posing Tips From Top Photographers

Wedding photographers have a big job ahead of them. Not only are they involved in multiple shoots with their subjects (engagement, save-the-date, actual wedding day...the list is long), they are…

6 Questions with Wedding Photographer Caroline Tran

Insight into wedding photographer Caroline Tran's creative process and her advice to aspiring photographers and Photoshop students. What became the hallmark of your work/style? Incorporating medium format film really honed in on…