Blogs like this strive to help creative types figure out better ways to be creative, but every time one of us writes an article we get a little more out of it than just some social media likes. We are also helping ourselves be better. As everyone knows, a better way to learn is to try and teach someone else, but oftentimes with the things we are most passionate about there aren’t necessarily people waiting around for our instructions. So it’s time to change that.
Imagine someone has recognized your expertise and needs to hear your insight. Here are four ways to share your knowledge:
List 10 Rules for Your Craft
A lot of creative types can fall into the trap where they recognize the problems with someone else’s work but not their own. So make a list of the 10 things that everyone should do or avoid to be a success. Then keep that list up somewhere to make sure you’re following your own advice.
Host a TED Talk in Your Shower
Have you never thought of what your TED Talk topic would be? Guaranteed you have that one thing you could talk about for a half hour while wearing a headset mic. So before you start shampooing your hair, address your imaginary captive audience about this one thing that you think is fundamental in your work and why you think it’s so important. By the time you’re drying off you will have helped convince yourself even more about the significance of your work.
Write a Graduation Speech
If you’ve seen any of the choice graduation speeches, you know that they’re usually a combination of humor, wisdom and inspiration. You don’t need to be that funny or wise when you sketch out your graduation speech, but you should aim to be inspiring. You are writing a pep talk for people who will be facing challenges in their future, and while you’ve passed some of these hurdles, there are others you should remind yourself you can overcome.
Interview Yourself
You’ve been asked by the New York Times to do a Q&A with… you, about your latest project. Whether it’s done or not, what are the things that are most interesting about what you’re doing and how the whole process started? What was your inspiration, what were the hardest parts? What is the most important thing you want an audience to take away from this? Go in-depth; ask yourself questions you’re not sure about and try to answer them. It’s a guarantee that if the interrogation goes deep enough you will be amazed by some of your answers.