What the 20 Most Popular TED Talks Tell Us About Ourselves

It's undeniable that the TED organization and its ultra-quotable, inspirational talks have taken over. Between the TED Radio Hour — which, despite being pretty new, has quickly become one of…

Should You Really ‘Write Drunk, Edit Sober’?

First, let's get one thing straight: Though he's often credited as the source of this quote, Ernest Hemingway probably did not give the advice of "write drunk, edit sober." Not…

46 Careers You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

As I travel through the internet (as I’ve been known to do on a regular basis), I sometimes come across a career, field or company that blows my mind with…

Why Creative People Love Analog Stuff

With the exception of those who work with hard media like wood, clay, or paint, a strange thing has happened to artists and makers in the digital era: We've stopped…

How Many Americans Are Freelancing? More Than You Think

Though the monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics (also known as the jobs report) woefully neglect the new class of freelancers, part-timers, and gig economists, plenty of other organizations have a…

8 Must-Hear Messages from Sue Bryce

Sue Bryce is an incredible portrait photographer -- but it's her advice that really makes her one of CreativeLive's most popular instructors. During her class, Pitch Your Work to Sell,…

5 Storytelling Rules Photographers Should Borrow From Pixar

When Pixar's Story Artist Emma Coats tweeted a list of the studio's rules for storytelling back in 2011, creative professionals from all disciplines latched on to them, because they apply to…