Work And Play: Your Creative Summer Reading List

Not sure which audio books to pick up before you head out on a long car ride to the coast? Browsing the airport bookstore with a hankering to learn but…

Stuck In A Creative Rut? Maybe You’re Too Alert

Caffeine, cigarettes, a quick run. These are just some of the stimulants that creative types can’t do without when they’re looking for their inventiveness to be operating at maximum efficiency.…

Cereal: Examining The Quirky, Shaped Food That Shapes Us

CreativeLive has 12 different types of cereal to choose from. It’s a food that brings people together, stirs up conversations, inspires delight. Crafted in a laboratory and designed for optimal…

Isaac Asimov: ‘Where Do People Get New Ideas?’

Where do good ideas come from? In his 2010 video on the subject, author Steven Johnson described the question as one that "all of us are intrinsically interested in." Johnson…

Pleasure Chemistry: How Our Brains Process Music

Why does music bring us pleasure? Well, the simple answer is that it changes our brain chemistry… literally. Music triggers the parts of our brain associated with reward, motivation, and…