Food for Thought: 10 Home-Cooked Holiday Presents

The holidays are all about eating until you're in a food coma (or at least until you've flopped on the floor in a pumpkin pie daze), which is why giving…

5 Things to Remember When Creating a Wordmark

Designing a wordmark* is part science and part feeling. As I learned in Michael Stinson’s Logo Design: Wordmarks class, the science of it has been lost in most modern design…

10 Gifts That Craft-Lovers Will Adore

It goes without saying that CreativeLive is home to tons of super talented crafting enthusiasts. We love watching community members put their creativity to good use –– especially when their…

The 5 People You Meet on Tour

It really isn’t that small a world. You can drive across America for weeks and weeks with new scenery every night. But no matter what direction you head, or what…

Why It’s Okay To Have A Slow Holiday Season

Call it a "lean month." Call it a time for personal reflection. Call it a perfect time to finally catch up on your DVR queue. Or just call it what…

Freelancers: Here’s How To Get Paid Before The End Of The Year

If the Freelancers Union's World's Longest Invoice is any indicator (and it is), late payment is an epidemic among freelance writers, designers, photographers, and other self-employed individuals. Whether it's just…