A New Kind of Self-Help – 6 Tips to Unfu*k Yourself

Life is bumpy. You may be having a mid-life crisis, feel like you can’t get ahead in your career or generally go through your days feeling angry, sad or frustrated.…

3 Ways Design Thinking Can Change Your Life

What if you thought about your life as a product? A product is designed to solve a problem, so a designer works within the constraints of this problem to build…

This Week’s On-Air Classes

Here's our top 5 picks for on-air classes this week (that means you can watch them for free!). These are just a few-for the full list of this week's on-air…

Create 3D Text in Photoshop

In this blog post, Jesus Ramirez walks you through how to create 3D text in Photoshop. Follow these simple step-by-step instructions to enhance the appearance of your text, all possible…