Lettering, be it hand lettering, brush lettering, or digital, is enjoying a bit of a renaissance. This is good news for people who love working with their hands and find letterforms fascinating. If you’re trying to learn hand lettering, it can be easy to get lost while researching materials, techniques, and the minutiae of getting started.
We recommend building some regular time into your schedule for gathering inspiration from other hand lettering artists. Here’s a list (in no particular order) that’s by no means exhaustive but will help start your library of inspiration. Who are some of your favorites that you’d like us to add to the list?
Annica Lydenberg
Fun fact: Annica teaches Hand Lettering 101 on CreativeLive.
Jen Mussari
Jonathan Faust
Erik Marinovich
Be sure to watch Erik’s free project videos on 28 to Make.
Molly Jacques
Seb Lester
Laura Worthington
Laura specializes in creating digital fonts as well as brush lettering, which she teaches here at CreativeLive.
Ged Palmer
Sean McCabe
Mary Kate McDevitt
Bob Ewing
Chris Piascik
Dana Tanamachi
Martina Flor
Ken Barber
Neil Secretario
Jessica Hische