Why Every Photographer Needs Their Own Animoto Video

Every day during CreativeLive Photo Week 2014, we are highlighting the amazing deals and services provided by our sponsors. We’re big fans of Animoto here at CreativeLive. Not only because…

4 Steps to Getting Your Business Featured on Local TV

— Viewer from Market, Launch, and Sell Your Next Big Thing Whether you have ambitions to reach a massive audience on the TODAY show, Oprah or even CreativeLive, or you…

How to Market Your Photography Business on a Budget

There's a sort of financial cul-de-sac that small business owners find themselves in. They want to land more clients so that they can make more money, but in order to…

5 Steps for Launching a New Photography Offer

Photography businesses have a lot of opportunity for diversifying their revenue streams, creating new opportunities for their clients, and generally having fun with the work they’re creating. I love working…

How to Take Better Selfies

Often viewed as the height of narcissism, selfies can -- bear with us -- actually be a great exercise in branding, marketing, and generally being a social person. After all,…

How Do You Know When An Idea Is a Good One?

Apple has the iPhone, Oprah has O Magazine, Netflix has Orange is the New Black. Every business needs at least one Big Thing. It’s that product or service that’s the…

The One Test to Define Your Brand and How the World Sees You

When Porter Gale, author, speaker, and former VP of Marketing for Virgin America, taught Your Network is Your Net Worth, she asked students to one important question to guide their goal-setting and…