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FAST CLASS: How to Plan Your Financial Future

Erin Lowry/Broke Millennial

FAST CLASS: How to Plan Your Financial Future

Erin Lowry/Broke Millennial

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Class Description


Try a Fast Class – now available to all CreativeLive subscribers! Fast Classes are shortened “highlight” versions of our most popular classes that let you consume 10+ hours in about 60 minutes. We’ve edited straight to the most popular moments, actionable techniques, and profound insights into bite-sized chunks– so you can easily find and focus on what matters most to you. (And of course, you can always go back to the full class for a deep dive into your favorite parts.)

Full-length class: How to Plan Your Financial Future with Erin Lowry

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According to the experts, millennials won’t be able to retire until they’re about 75 years old, and that’s if they’re lucky! And some data shows that three-quarters of Americans are not ready for retirement at all. No question about it, people of all ages and backgrounds are woefully unprepared for their golden years.

Most of us are too busy worrying about our current debts and daily costs of living to even think about retirement. But Erin Lowry shows you that putting just a small amount aside each month as early as possible will yield great results. She’ll give you solid advice about how to avoid excessive fees, costly financial instruments, and shady financial advisors.

Erin will also address how to talk about money with the important people in your life, especially those with whom you’ll be sharing your finances. It’s the best way to determine your financial compatibility and help you achieve your financial dreams.

In this class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Make compound interest work for you so you can retire at a reasonable age.
  • Find the right retirement account for your specific needs.
  • Figure out your level of risk tolerance and time horizon.
  • Choose an honest, helpful financial planner or advisor to help you reach your goals.
  • Navigate awkward conversations about money and feel less vulnerable.
  • Decide if you want to work as a team to achieve your financial goals.
  • Identify red flags about people’s financial habits and lives.

Class Materials

Free Bonus Material

Planning Checklist