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Product and Inventory Management

Lesson 8 from: Shopify Fundamentals: Set and Run an Online Store

Damiano Raveenthiran

Product and Inventory Management

Lesson 8 from: Shopify Fundamentals: Set and Run an Online Store

Damiano Raveenthiran

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8. Product and Inventory Management

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Lesson Info

Product and Inventory Management

in this lesson, we will cover how to edit and manage your product list. Now that you've learned what to keep in mind when setting up your products. By the end of this lesson you will be able to make any changes necessary to your product listing at any time. The Shopify admin has key features that make managing and editing products easier for merchants. This is where you'll find your gift cards, collections, discounts and more gift cards are listed under the product section of the store. You may want to offer gift cards online and in store which they can use as payment for future purchases or as incentive or as part as a reward program. Gift cards are listed under the product section of the store. You may want to offer gift cards in store and online which they can use as payment for future purchases or as incentives or as part of a rewards program. All gift cards are paid for in full up front. So you can get the benefits from what the gift card industry calls float or the time between w...

hen the gift card is purchased and when it is actually used. It also creates repeat purchases from your customers organizing products by collections intuitively makes it easier for customers to find what they need and contribute to higher conversion rates. Remember that the easier it is for the customers to find what they're looking for with the fewest clicks, the better your conversion rates will be. Products can be grouped into collections. So customers can shop by categories such as brand size season or sales. There are two types of collections. Manual and automated. The manual collections are where you add the products using the browse function in the collections page. The collections always contain the same products unless you add or remove them with automated collections, you can define conditions and the system will automatically include matching products as well as any new merchandise that meets the conditions. Once you save a manual collection or an automated one, this cannot be edited. If you decide to switch from one method to the other, you'll need to recreate the collection from scratch. Consider how you will organize your navigation when mapping collections, you can also request assistance from any of our Fiverr sellers. If you do need some e commerce management assistance, offering discounts is a powerful marketing strategy and should be used as part of a larger marketing plan. You can set up four main types of discounts from the admin monetary value discounts for example, $25 off a checkout percentage discounts like 10% off on your next order. Free shipping discounts over a certain threshold. Let's say free shipping over $99 for example. And by y get X free which means buy one get one free inventory tracking helps you avoid selling products that are out of stock. Once you enable inventory tracking on products and variants you will be able to perform management activities like transfer and receive inventory adjust counts, view inventory history and hide out of stock products using automated collections. We'll learn how to transfer and receive products later on in the course, if you're already using third party inventory management technology in the Shopify app store, you can find inventory apps that integrate with existing solutions. Now that we've gone through all of your settings, building your store and setting up your products, we will move into the next step of learning how to create, fulfill and refund orders. But first you'll have a short quiz, see you in our next lesson.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Exercise - Create an Engaging About Us Page
More Recourses Part 1
More Recourses Part 2
Build a Successful Business with Outsourcing
Shopify Resource Links
Shopify Glossary
Creating an Engaging About Us Page
Create your own Site - Final Project
Business Model Checklist

Ratings and Reviews

Kiera White

Outstanding course for shopify store fundamental

Shani Athalage



Amazing course for learning basic Fundamentals of shopify

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