7 Ways To Double Down On Your Goals

As you kick off into a new year with fresh enthusiasm and high hopes for achieving your goals and projects, there are bound to be moments that make you feel overwhelmed and in need of a reality check. Not to worry–Sheri Riley is here to give you one. As founder of Exponential Living, Riley has made it her mission to help others find peace and clarity in their professional and personal lives.

If you find yourself confused or in a slump while working toward achieving your goals this week, Riley’s words of wisdom in this video will give you the boost that you need. Here’s a quick and practical dose of motivation from Riley…

  1. Stop making excuses

On the path to success, you will deal with difficult people and encounter obstacles that will make you want to tear your hair out. But you already know this. And you also know that if this goal is really worth it to you, you’ve got to pick yourself up, vent and whine to a friend if need be, but keep moving forward. Again and again.

  1. Stay laser-focused on your goal

How did swimmer Michael Phelps win the most medals in Olympic history? One secret: he kept his eyes on his own lane. One nanosecond glance at the guy in the next lane and you’ve lost. As an entrepreneur, you will always be surrounded by competition, and there will be things and people that can easily distract you from the finish line. But you’ve got to “focus on the race you’re running,” Riley says.

  1. Clarify your perspective

We all have our fears and insecurities. Which ones are getting in the way of your goal right now? Take some time to reflect on what’s been bothering you. For example, are you working to make your business a success for yourself, or do you need success to prove yourself to someone?

Check out Sheri Riley’s course on Exponential Living to get the most out of your everyday. Learn more.


  1. Remove the unessential

You face enough external challenges as it is, so make sure you’re not getting in your own way. Tidy up that mess of tangential goals and mini projects, and file them away for another time. Clear away your recent achievements–that’s all in the past. Having a clean and organized workspace can help with this. You’ve got to put all your energy into this one, current goal.

  1. Stop and release

Energy begets energy. All the effort you’ve been putting into reaching your goal has created a lot of energy over time, and you don’t always need all of it at once. It can overwhelm you. Take a moment to stop everything you’re doing, everything you’re thinking, and just breathe. Go out for a walk or a run, go out dancing! “Release that extra energy that is no longer serving you,” Riley says.

  1. Dream on

All of that strategizing and organizing keeps you structured, but for the entrepreneurial mind, it’s also very important to let the imagination roam free. A little daydreaming now and then is inspiring—it can help you view your goal from a different perspective and reignite your motivation.

  1. Be your own cheerleader

To start the day off right, get in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say what you know to be true: “I can do this!” Commit to yourself face to face, and really feel the power that you have inside you.

Half the battle is being aware that there will always be challenges as your work toward achieving your goal. But once you also realize and trust that there will always be a solution, there’s absolutely nothing holding you back from total success.

Check out Sheri Riley’s course on Exponential Living to get the most out of your everyday. Learn more.


Suchi Rudra

Suchi Rudra is a nomadic writer of articles, stories and songs, taking inspiration from her travels. Follow her wanderings at Tread Lightly, Travel Naturally.